Encode FIRST and FOLLOW sets into a recursive descent parser - parsing

This is a follow up to a previous question I asked How to encode FIRST & FOLLOW sets inside a compiler, but this one is more about the design of my program.
I am implementing the Syntax Analysis phase of my compiler by writing a recursive descent parser. I need to be able to take advantage of the FIRST and FOLLOW sets so I can handle errors in the syntax of the source program more efficiently. I have already calculated the FIRST and FOLLOW for all of my non-terminals, but am have trouble deciding where to logically place them in my program and what the best data-structure would be to do so.
Note: all code will be pseudo code
Option 1) Use a map, and map all non-terminals by their name to two Sets that contains their FIRST and FOLLOW sets:
class ParseConstants
Map firstAndFollowMap = #create a map .....
firstAndFollowMap.put("<program>", FIRST_SET, FOLLOW_SET)
This seems like a viable option, but inside of my parser I would then need sorta ugly code like this to retrieve the FIRST and FOLLOW and pass to error function:
#processes the <program> non-terminal
def program
List list = firstAndFollowMap.get("<program>")
Set FIRST = list.get(0)
Set FOLLOW = list.get(1)
error(current_symbol, FOLLOW)
Option 2) Create a class for each non-terminal and have a FIRST and FOLLOW property:
class Program
FIRST = .....
FOLLOW = ....
this leads to code that looks a little nicer:
#processes the <program> non-terminal
def program
error(current_symbol, Program.FOLLOW)
These are the two options I thought up, I would love to hear any other suggestions for ways to encode these two sets, and also any critiques and additions to the two ways I posted would be helpful.
I have also posted this question here: http://www.coderanch.com/t/570697/java/java/Encode-FIRST-FOLLOW-sets-recursive

You don't really need the FIRST and FOLLOW sets. You need to compute those to get the parse table. That is a table of {<non-terminal, token> -> <action, rule>} if LL(k) (which means seeing a non-terminal in stack and token in input, which action to take and if applies, which rule to apply), or a table of {<state, token> -> <action, state>} if (C|LA|)LR(k) (which means given state in stack and token in input, which action to take and go to which state.
After you get this table, you don't need the FIRST and FOLLOWS any more.
If you are writing a semantic analyzer, you must assume the parser is working correctly. Phrase level error handling (which means handling parse errors), is totally orthogonal to semantic analysis.
This means that in case of parse error, the phrase level error handler (PLEH) would try to fix the error. If it couldn't, parsing stops. If it could, the semantic analyzer shouldn't know if there was an error which was fixed, or there wasn't any error at all!
You can take a look at my compiler library for examples.
About phrase level error handling, you again don't need FIRST and FOLLOW. Let's talk about LL(k) for now (simply because about LR(k) I haven't thought about much yet). After you build the grammar table, you have many entries, like I said like this:
<non-terminal, token> -> <action, rule>
Now, when you parse, you take whatever is on the stack, if it was a terminal, then you must match it with the input. If it didn't match, the phrase level error handler kicks in:
Role one: handle missing terminals - simply generate a fake terminal of the type you need in your lexer and have the parser retry. You can do other stuff as well (for example check ahead in the input, if you have the token you want, drop one token from lexer)
If what you get is a non-terminal (T) from the stack instead, you must look at your lexer, get the lookahead and look at your table. If the entry <T, lookahead> existed, then you're good to go. Follow the action and push to/pop from the stack. If, however, no such entry existed, again, the phrase level error handler kicks in:
Role two: handle unexpected terminals - you can do many things to get passed this. What you do depends on what T and lookahead are and your expert knowledge of your grammar.
Examples of the things you can do are:
Fail! You can do nothing
Ignore this terminal. This means that you push lookahead to the stack (after pushing T back again) and have the parser continue. The parser would first match lookahead, throw it away and continues. Example: if you have an expression like this: *1+2/0.5, you can drop the unexpected * this way.
Change lookahead to something acceptable, push T back and retry. For example, an expression like this: 5id = 10; could be illegal because you don't accept ids that start with numbers. You can replace it with _5id for example to continue


ANTLR4 - Parse subset of a language (e.g. just query statements)

I'm trying to figure out how I can best parse just a subset of a given language with ANTLR. For example, say I'm looking to parse U-SQL. Really, I'm only interested in parsing certain parts of the language, such as query statements. I couldn't be bothered with parsing the many other features of the language. My current approach has been to design my lexer / parser grammar as follows:
// ...
: queryStatement
| undefinedStatement
// ...
: (.)+?
// ...
: (.)+?
The gist is, I add a fall-back parser rule and lexer rule for undefined structures and tokens. I imagine later, when I go to walk the parse tree, I can simply ignore the undefined statements in the tree, and focus on the statements I'm interested in.
This seems like it would work, but is this an optimal strategy? Are there more elegant options available? Thanks in advance!
Parsing a subpart of a grammar is super easy. Usually you have a top level rule which you call to parse the full input with the entire grammar.
For the subpart use the function that parses only a subrule like:
const expression = parser.statement();
I use this approach frequently when I want to parse stored procedures or data types only.
Keep in mind however, that subrules usually are not termined with the EOF token (as the top level rule should be). This will cause no syntax error if more than the subelement is in the token stream (the parser just stops when the subrule has matched completely). If that's a problem for you then add a copy of the subrule you wanna parse, give it a dedicated name and end it with EOF, like this:
dataTypeDefinition: // For external use only. Don't reference this in the normal grammar.
dataType EOF
dataType: // type in sql_yacc.yy
type = (
Check the MySQL grammar for more details.
This general idea -- to parse the interesting bits of an input and ignore the sea of surrounding tokens -- is usually called "island parsing". There's an example of an island parser in the ANTLR reference book, although I don't know if it is directly applicable.
The tricky part of island parsing is getting the island boundaries right. If you miss a boundary, or recognise as a boundary something which isn't, then your parse will fail disastrously. So you need to understand the input at least well enough to be able to detect where the islands are. In your example, that might mean recognising a SELECT statement, for example. However, you cannot blindly recognise the string of letters SELECT because that string might appear inside a string constant or a comment or some other context in which it was never intended to be recognised as a token at all.
I suspect that if you are going to parse queries, you'll basically need to be able to recognise any token. So it's not going to be sea of uninspected input characters. You can view it as a sea of recognised but unparsed tokens. In that case, it should be reasonably safe to parse a non-query statement as a keyword followed by arbitrary tokens other than ; and ending with a ;. (But you might need to recognise nested blocks; I don't really know what the possibilities are.)

How to handle assignment and variable syntax in an interpreter

Most interpreters let you type the following at their console:
>> a = 2
>> a+3
My question is what mechanisms are usually used to handle this syntax? Somehow the parser is able to distinguish between an assignment and an expression even though they could both start with a digit or letter. It's only when we retrieve the second token that you know if you have an assignment or not. In the past, I've looked ahead two tokens and if the second token isn't an equals I push the tokens back into the lexical stream and assume it's an expression. I suppose one could treat the assignment as an expression which I think some languages do. I thought of using left-factoring but I can't see it working.
assignment = variable A
A = '=' expression | empty
Update I found this question on StackOverflow which address the same question: How to modify parsing grammar to allow assignment and non-assignment statements?
From how you're describing your approach - doing a few tokens of lookahead to decide how to handle things - it sounds like you're trying to write some sort of top-down parser along the lines of an LL(1) or an LL(2) parser, and you're trying to immediately decide whether the expression you're parsing is a variable assignment or an arithmetical expression. There are several ways that you could parse expressions like these quite naturally, and they essentially involve weakening one of those two assumptions.
The first way we could do this would be to switch from using a top-down parser like an LL(1) or LL(2) parser to something else like an LR(0) or SLR(1) parser. Those parsers work bottom-up by reading larger prefixes of the input string before deciding what they're looking at. In your case, a bottom-up parser might work by seeing the variable and thinking "okay, I'm either going to be reading an expression to print or an assignment statement, but with what I've seen so far I can't commit to either," then scanning more tokens to see what comes next. If they see an equals sign, great! It's an assignment statement. If they see something else, great! It's not. The nice part about this is that if you're using a standard bottom-up parsing algorithm like LR(0), SLR(1), LALR(1), or LR(1), you should probably find that the parser generally handles these sorts of issues quite well and no special-casing logic is necessary.
The other option would be to parse the entire expression assuming that = is a legitimate binary operator like any other operation, and then check afterwards whether what you parsed is a legal assignment statement or not. For example, if you use Dijkstra's shunting-yard algorithm to do the parsing, you can recover a parse tree for the overall expression, regardless of whether it's an arithmetical expression or an assignment. You could then walk the parse tree to ask questions like
if the top-level operation is an assignment, is the left-hand side a single variable?
if the top-level operation isn't an assignment, are there nested assignment statements buried in here that we need to get rid of?
In other words, you'd parse a broader class of statements than just the ones that are legal, and then do a postprocessing step to toss out anything that isn't valid.

LL-1 Parsers: Is the FOLLOW-Set really necessary?

as far as I understand the FOLLOW-Set is there to tell me at the first possible moment if there is an error in the input stream. Is that right?
Because otherwise I'm wondering what you actually need it for. Consider you're parser has a non-terminal on top of the stack (in our class we used a stack as abstraction for LL-Parsers)
The X - let it be a non-terminal - is to be replaced in the next step since it is at the top of the stack. Therefore the parser asks the parsing table what derivation to use for X. Consider the input is
+ b
Where + and b are both terminals.
Suppose X has "" i.e. empty string in its FIRST set. And it has NO + in his FIRST set.
As far as I see it in this situation, the parser could simply check that there is no + in the FIRST set of X and then use the derivation which lets X dissolve into an "" i.e. empty string since it is the only way how the parser possibly can continue parsing the input without throwing an error. If the input stream is invalid the parser will recognize it anyway at some moment later in time. I understand that the FOLLOW set can help here to right away identify whether parsing can continue without an error or not.
My question is - is that really the only role that the FOLLOW set plays?
I hope my question belongs here - I'm sorry if not. Also feel free to request clarification in case something is unclear.
Thank you in advance
You are right about that. The parser could eventually just continue parsing and would eventually find a conflict in another way.
Besides that, the FOLLOW set can be very convenient in reasoning about a grammar. Not by the parser, but by the people that constructs the grammar. For instance, if you discover, that any FIRST/FIRST or FIRST/FOLLOW conflict exists, you have made an ambiguous grammar, and may want to revise it.

Is it possible to call one yacc parser from another to parse specific token substream?

Suppose I already have a complete YACC grammar. Let that be C grammar for example. Now I want to create a separate parser for domain-specific language, with simple grammar, except that it still needs to parse complete C type declarations. I wouldn't like to duplicate long rules from the original grammar with associated handling code, but instead would like to call out to the original parser to handle exactly one rule (let's call it "declarator").
If it was a recursive descent parser, there would be a function for each rule, easy to call in. But what about YACC with its implicit stack automaton?
Basically, no. Composing LR grammars is not easy, and bison doesn't offer much help.
But all is not lost. Nothing stops you from including the entire grammar (except the %start declaration), and just using part of it, except for one little detail: bison will complain about useless productions.
If that's a show-stopper for you, then you can use a trick to make it possible to create a grammar with multiple start rules. In fact, you can create a grammar which lets you specify the start symbol every time you call the parser; it doesn't even have to be baked in. Then you can tuck that into a library and use whichever parser you want.
Of course, this also comes at a cost: the cost is that the parser is bigger than it would otherwise need to be. However, it shouldn't be any slower, or at least not much -- there might be some cache effects -- and the extra size is probably insignificant compared to the rest of your compiler.
The hack is described in the bison FAQ in quite a lot of detail, so I'll just do an outline here: for each start production you want to support, you create one extra production which starts with a pseudo-token (that is, a lexical code which will never be generated by the lexer). For example, you might do the following:
%start meta_start
meta_start: START_C c_start | START_DSL dsl_start;
Now you just have to arrange for the lexer to produce the appropriate START token when it first starts up. There are various ways to do that; the FAQ suggests using a global variable, but if you use a re-entrant flex scanner, you can just put the desired start token in the scanner state (along with a flag which is set when the start token has been sent).

Is it acceptable to store the previous state as a global variable?

One of the biggest problems with designing a lexical analyzer/parser combination is overzealousness in designing the analyzer. (f)lex isn't designed to have parser logic, which can sometimes interfere with the design of mini-parsers (by means of yy_push_state(), yy_pop_state(), and yy_top_state().
My goal is to parse a document of the form:
CODE1 this is the text that might appear for a 'CODE' entry
SUBCODE1 the CODE group will have several subcodes, which
may extend onto subsequent lines.
SUBCODE2 however, not all SUBCODEs span multiple lines
SUBCODE3 still, however, there are some SUBCODES that span
not only one or two lines, but any number of lines.
this makes it a challenge to use something like \r\n
as a record delimiter.
CODE2 Moreover, it's not guaranteed that a SUBCODE is the
only way to exit another SUBCODE's scope. There may
be CODE blocks that accomplish this.
In the end, I've decided that this section of the project is better left to the lexical analyzer, since I don't want to create a pattern that matches each line (and identifies continuation records). Part of the reason is that I want the lexical parser to have knowledge of the contents of each line, without incorporating its own tokenizing logic. That is to say, if I match ^SUBCODE[ ][ ].{71}\r\n (all records are blocked in 80-character records) I would not be able to harness the power of flex to tokenize the structured data residing in .{71}.
Given these constraints, I'm thinking about doing the following:
Entering a CODE1 state from the <INITIAL> start condition results
in calls to:
(do something with the contents of the CODE1 state identifier, if such contents exist)
yy_push_state(SUBCODE_STATE) (to tell the analyzer to expect SUBCODE states belonging to the CODE_CODE1_STATE. This is where the analyzer begins to masquerade as a parser.
The <SUBCODE1_STATE> start condition is nested as follows: <CODE_STATE>{ <CODE_CODE1_STATE> { <SUBCODE_STATE>{ <SUBCODE1_STATE> { (perform actions based on the matching patterns) } } }. It also sets the global previous_state variable to yy_top_state(), to wit SUBCODE1_STATE.
Within <SUBCODE1_STATE>'s scope, \r\n will call yy_pop_state(). If a continuation record is present (which is a pattern at the highest scope against which all text is matched), yy_push_state(continuation_record_states[previous_state]) is called, bringing us back to the scope in 2. continuation_record_states[] maps each state with its continuation record state, which is used by the parser.
As you can see, this is quite complicated, which leads me to conclude that I'm massively over-complicating the task.
For states lacking an extremely clear token signifying the end of its scope, is my proposed solution acceptable?
Given that I want to tokenize the input using flex, is there any way to do so without start conditions?
The biggest problem I'm having is that each record (beginning with the (SUB)CODE prefix) is unique, but the information appearing after the (SUB)CODE prefix is not. Therefore, it almost appears mandatory to have multiple states like this, and the abstract CODE_STATE and SUBCODE_STATE states would act as groupings for each of the concrete SUBCODE[0-9]+_STATE and CODE[0-9]+_STATE states.
I would look at how the OMeta parser handles these things.
