Is it acceptable to store the previous state as a global variable? - flex-lexer

One of the biggest problems with designing a lexical analyzer/parser combination is overzealousness in designing the analyzer. (f)lex isn't designed to have parser logic, which can sometimes interfere with the design of mini-parsers (by means of yy_push_state(), yy_pop_state(), and yy_top_state().
My goal is to parse a document of the form:
CODE1 this is the text that might appear for a 'CODE' entry
SUBCODE1 the CODE group will have several subcodes, which
may extend onto subsequent lines.
SUBCODE2 however, not all SUBCODEs span multiple lines
SUBCODE3 still, however, there are some SUBCODES that span
not only one or two lines, but any number of lines.
this makes it a challenge to use something like \r\n
as a record delimiter.
CODE2 Moreover, it's not guaranteed that a SUBCODE is the
only way to exit another SUBCODE's scope. There may
be CODE blocks that accomplish this.
In the end, I've decided that this section of the project is better left to the lexical analyzer, since I don't want to create a pattern that matches each line (and identifies continuation records). Part of the reason is that I want the lexical parser to have knowledge of the contents of each line, without incorporating its own tokenizing logic. That is to say, if I match ^SUBCODE[ ][ ].{71}\r\n (all records are blocked in 80-character records) I would not be able to harness the power of flex to tokenize the structured data residing in .{71}.
Given these constraints, I'm thinking about doing the following:
Entering a CODE1 state from the <INITIAL> start condition results
in calls to:
(do something with the contents of the CODE1 state identifier, if such contents exist)
yy_push_state(SUBCODE_STATE) (to tell the analyzer to expect SUBCODE states belonging to the CODE_CODE1_STATE. This is where the analyzer begins to masquerade as a parser.
The <SUBCODE1_STATE> start condition is nested as follows: <CODE_STATE>{ <CODE_CODE1_STATE> { <SUBCODE_STATE>{ <SUBCODE1_STATE> { (perform actions based on the matching patterns) } } }. It also sets the global previous_state variable to yy_top_state(), to wit SUBCODE1_STATE.
Within <SUBCODE1_STATE>'s scope, \r\n will call yy_pop_state(). If a continuation record is present (which is a pattern at the highest scope against which all text is matched), yy_push_state(continuation_record_states[previous_state]) is called, bringing us back to the scope in 2. continuation_record_states[] maps each state with its continuation record state, which is used by the parser.
As you can see, this is quite complicated, which leads me to conclude that I'm massively over-complicating the task.
For states lacking an extremely clear token signifying the end of its scope, is my proposed solution acceptable?
Given that I want to tokenize the input using flex, is there any way to do so without start conditions?
The biggest problem I'm having is that each record (beginning with the (SUB)CODE prefix) is unique, but the information appearing after the (SUB)CODE prefix is not. Therefore, it almost appears mandatory to have multiple states like this, and the abstract CODE_STATE and SUBCODE_STATE states would act as groupings for each of the concrete SUBCODE[0-9]+_STATE and CODE[0-9]+_STATE states.

I would look at how the OMeta parser handles these things.


Why would I use a lexer and not directly parse code?

I am trying to create a simple programming language from scratch (interpreter) but I wonder why I should use a lexer.
For me, it looks like it would be easier to create a parser that directly parses the code. what am I overlooking?
I think you'll agree that most languages (likely including the one you are implementing) have conceptual tokens:
operators, e.g * (usually multiply), '(', ')', ;
keywords, e.g., "IF", "GOTO"
identifiers, e.g. FOO, count, ...
numbers, e.g. 0, -527.23E-41
comments, e.g., /* this text is ignored in your file */
whitespace, e.g., sequences of blanks, tabs and newlines, that are ignored
As a practical matter, it takes a specific chunk of code to scan for/collect the characters that make each individual token. You'll need such a code chunk for each type of token your language has.
If you write a parser without a lexer, at each point where your parser is trying to decide what comes next, you'll have to have ALL the code that recognize the tokens that might occur at that point in the parse. At the next parser point, you'll need all the code to recognize the tokens that are possible there. This gives you an immense amount of code duplication; how many times do you want the code for blanks to occur in your parser?
If you think that's not a good way, the obvious cure to is remove all the duplication: place the code for each token in a subroutine for that token, and at each parser place, call the subroutines for the tokens. At this point, in some sense, you already have a lexer: an isolated collection of code to recognize tokens. You can code perfectly fine recursive descent parsers this way.
The next thing you'll discover is that you call the token subroutines for many of the tokens at each parser point. Even that seems like a lot of work and duplication. So, replace all the calls with a single "GetNextToken" call, that itself invokes the token recognizing code for all tokens, and returns a enum that identifies the specific token encountered. Now your parser starts to look reasonable: at each parser point, it makes one call on GetNextToken, and then branches on enum returned. This is basically the interface that people have standardized on as a "lexer".
One thing you will discover is the token-lexers sometimes have trouble with overlaps; keywords and identifiers usually have this trouble. It is actually easier to merge all the token recognizers into a single finite state machine, which can then distinguish the tokens more easily. This also turns out to be spectacularly fast when processing the programming language source text. Your toy language may never parse more than 100 lines, but real compilers process millions of lines of code a day, and most of that time is spent doing token recognition ("lexing") esp. white space suppression.
You can code this state machine by hand. This isn't hard, but it is rather tedious. Or, you can use a tool like FLEX to do it for you, that's just a matter of convenience. As the number of different kinds of tokens in your language grows, the FLEX solution gets more and more attractive.
TLDR: Your parser is easier to write, and less bulky, if you use a lexer. In addition, if you compile the individual lexemes into a state machine (by hand or using a "lexer generator"), it will run faster and that's important.
Well, for intelligently simplified programing language you can get away without either lexer or parser :-) Not kidding. Look up Forth. You can start with tags here on SO (gforth is GNU's) and then go to the Standard's site which has pointers to a few interpreters, sites and its Glossary.
Then you can check out Win32Forth and that should keep you busy for quite a while :-)
Interpreter also compiles (when you invoke words that switch system to compilation context). All without a distinct parser. Lookahead is actually lookbehind :-) - not kidding. It rarely absorbs one following word (== lookahead is max 1). The "words" (aka tokens) are at the same time keywords and variable names and they all live in a Dictionary. There's a whole online book at that site (plus pdf).
Control structures are also just words (they compile a few addresses and jumps on the fly).
You can find old Journals there as well, covering a wide spectrum from machine code generation to object oriented extensions. Yes still without parser - believe it or not.
There used to be more sophisticated (commercial) Forth systems which were reducing words to machine call instructions with immediate addressing (makes the engine run 2-4 times faster) but even plain interpreters were always considered to be fast. One is apparently still active - SwiftForth, but don't expect any freebies there.
There's one Forth on GitHub CiForth which is quite spartanic but has builds and releases for Win, Linux and Mac, 32 and 64 so you can just download and run. Claims to have a 16-bit build as well :-) For embedded systems I suppose.

Writing a lexer for a context sensitive markup language, that has recursive structures such as nested lists

I'm working on a reStructuredText transpiler in Rust, and am in need of some advice concerning how lexing should be structured in languages that have recursive structures. For example lists within lists are possible in rST:
* This is a list item
* This is a sub list item
* And here we are at the preceding indentation level again.
The default docutils.parsers.rst took the approach of scanning the input one line at a time:
The reStructuredText parser is implemented as a state machine, examining its
input one line at a time.
The state machine mentioned basically operates on a set of states of the form (regex, match_method, next_state). It tries to match the current line to the regex based on the current state and runs match_method while transitioning to the next_state if a match succeeds, doing this until it runs out of lines to scan.
My question then is, is this the best approach to scanning a language such as rST? My approach thus far has been to create a Chars iterator of the source and eat away at the source while trying to match against structures at the current Unicode scalar. This works to some extent when all I'm doing is scanning inline content, but I've now run into the realization that handling recursive body level structures like nested lists is going to be a pain in the butt. It feels like I'm going to need a whole bunch of states with duplicate regexes and related methods in many states for matching against indentations before new lines and such.
Would it be better to simply have and iterator of the lines of the source and match on a per-line basis, and if a line such as
* this is an indented list item
is encountered in State::Body, simply transition to a state such as State::BulletList and start lexing lines based on the rules specified there? The above line could be lexed for example as a sequence
TokenType::Indent, TokenType::Bullet, TokenType::BodyText
Any thoughts on this?
I don't know much about rST. But you say it has "recursive" structures. If that's that case, you can't fully lex it as a recursive structure using just state machines or regexes or even lexer generators.
But this the wrong way to think about it. The lexer's job is to identify the atoms of the language. A parser's job is to recognize structure, especially if it is recursive (yes, parsers often build trees recording the recursive structures they found).
So build the lexer ignoring context if you can, and use a parser to pick up the recursive structures if you need them. You can read more about the distinction in my SO answer about Parsers Vs. Lexers
If you insist on doing all of this in the lexer, you'll need to augment it with a pushdown stack to track the recursive structures. Then what are you building is a sloppy parser disguised as lexer. (You will probably still want a real parser to process the output of this "lexer").
Having a pushdown stack actually useful if the language has different atoms in different contexts especially if the contexts nest; in this case what you want is mode stack that you change as the lexer encounters tokens that indicate a switch from one mode to another. A really useful extension of this idea is to have mode changes select what amounts to different lexers, each of which produces lexemes unique to that mode.
As an example you might do this to lex a language that contains embedded SQL. We build parsers for JavaScript; our lexer uses a pushdown stack to process the content of regexp literals and track nesting of { ... } [...] and (... ). (This has arguably a downside: it rejects versions of JQuery.js that contain malformed regexes [yes, they exist]. Javascript doesn't care if you define a bad regex literal and never use it, but that seems pretty pointless.)
A special case of the stack occurs if you only have track single "(" ... ")" pairs or the equivalent. In this case you can use a counter to record how many "pushes" or "pop" you might have done on a real stack. If you have two or more pairs of tokens like this, counters don't work.

Antlr: lookahead and lookbehind examples

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to recognize some text only if it is preceded and followed by certain things. The task is to recognize AND, OR, and NOT, but not if they're part of a word:
They should be recognized here:
x AND y
but not here:
AND gets recognized if it is surrounded by spaces or parentheses. NOT gets recognized if it is at the beginning of the input, preceded by a space, and followed by a space or parenthesis.
The trouble is that if I include parentheses as part of the definition of AND or NOT, they get consumed, and I need them to be separate tokens.
Is there some kind of lookahead/lookbehind syntax I can use?
Per the comments, here's some context. The problem is related to this problem: Antlr: how to match everything between the other recognized tokens? My working solution there is just to recognize AND, OR, etc. and skip everything else. Then, in a second pass over the text, I manually grab the characters not otherwise covered, and run a totally different tokenizer on it. The reason is that I need a custom, human-language-specific tokenizer for this content, which means that I can't, in advance, describe what is an ID. Each human language is different. I want to combine, in stages, a single query-language tokenizer, and then apply a human-language tokenizer to what's left.
ANTLR is not the right tool for this task. A normal parser is designed for a specific language, that is, a set of sentences consisting of elements that are known at parser creation time. There are ways to make this more flexible, e.g. by using a runtime function in a predicate to recognize words not defined in the grammar, but this has other (negative) implications.
What you should consider is NLP for a different approach to process natural language. It's more than just skipping things between two known tokens.

Ragel - how to return one token at a time

I want to build a one-token-per-call ragel grammar / thing.
I'm relatively new to Ragel (but not new to compilers, etc).
I've written a grammar for a json-like notation (three levels deep). It emits C code.
My input comes in complete strings (no need to cross buffer boundaries).
I want to call my grammar with the input string, have the grammar return one token. Then call it again and have it return the next token and so on. Until end of string. Then, call again with a new string.
One would think that a state machine would be perfectly suited to this kind of behaviour, but I haven't yet been able to figure how to accomplish this in Ragel.
Your best bet is probably to call fbreak after each token, then call the machine again without re-initializing p or cs.
From the (Ragel 6.9) manual:
fbreak; – Advance p, save the target state to cs and immediately break out of the execute loop. This statement is useful in conjunction with the noend write option. Rather than process input until pe is arrived at, the fbreak statement can be used to stop processing from an action. After an fbreak statement the p variable will point to the next character in the input. The current state will be the target of the current transition. Note that fbreak causes the target state’s to-state actions to be skipped.
Note that you don't actually need the noend option. That option is for ignoring pe, which is probably not what you want to do in this case, since you want the parser to be able to detect the end of the string it's parsing.

Encode FIRST and FOLLOW sets into a recursive descent parser

This is a follow up to a previous question I asked How to encode FIRST & FOLLOW sets inside a compiler, but this one is more about the design of my program.
I am implementing the Syntax Analysis phase of my compiler by writing a recursive descent parser. I need to be able to take advantage of the FIRST and FOLLOW sets so I can handle errors in the syntax of the source program more efficiently. I have already calculated the FIRST and FOLLOW for all of my non-terminals, but am have trouble deciding where to logically place them in my program and what the best data-structure would be to do so.
Note: all code will be pseudo code
Option 1) Use a map, and map all non-terminals by their name to two Sets that contains their FIRST and FOLLOW sets:
class ParseConstants
Map firstAndFollowMap = #create a map .....
firstAndFollowMap.put("<program>", FIRST_SET, FOLLOW_SET)
This seems like a viable option, but inside of my parser I would then need sorta ugly code like this to retrieve the FIRST and FOLLOW and pass to error function:
#processes the <program> non-terminal
def program
List list = firstAndFollowMap.get("<program>")
Set FIRST = list.get(0)
Set FOLLOW = list.get(1)
error(current_symbol, FOLLOW)
Option 2) Create a class for each non-terminal and have a FIRST and FOLLOW property:
class Program
FIRST = .....
FOLLOW = ....
this leads to code that looks a little nicer:
#processes the <program> non-terminal
def program
error(current_symbol, Program.FOLLOW)
These are the two options I thought up, I would love to hear any other suggestions for ways to encode these two sets, and also any critiques and additions to the two ways I posted would be helpful.
I have also posted this question here:
You don't really need the FIRST and FOLLOW sets. You need to compute those to get the parse table. That is a table of {<non-terminal, token> -> <action, rule>} if LL(k) (which means seeing a non-terminal in stack and token in input, which action to take and if applies, which rule to apply), or a table of {<state, token> -> <action, state>} if (C|LA|)LR(k) (which means given state in stack and token in input, which action to take and go to which state.
After you get this table, you don't need the FIRST and FOLLOWS any more.
If you are writing a semantic analyzer, you must assume the parser is working correctly. Phrase level error handling (which means handling parse errors), is totally orthogonal to semantic analysis.
This means that in case of parse error, the phrase level error handler (PLEH) would try to fix the error. If it couldn't, parsing stops. If it could, the semantic analyzer shouldn't know if there was an error which was fixed, or there wasn't any error at all!
You can take a look at my compiler library for examples.
About phrase level error handling, you again don't need FIRST and FOLLOW. Let's talk about LL(k) for now (simply because about LR(k) I haven't thought about much yet). After you build the grammar table, you have many entries, like I said like this:
<non-terminal, token> -> <action, rule>
Now, when you parse, you take whatever is on the stack, if it was a terminal, then you must match it with the input. If it didn't match, the phrase level error handler kicks in:
Role one: handle missing terminals - simply generate a fake terminal of the type you need in your lexer and have the parser retry. You can do other stuff as well (for example check ahead in the input, if you have the token you want, drop one token from lexer)
If what you get is a non-terminal (T) from the stack instead, you must look at your lexer, get the lookahead and look at your table. If the entry <T, lookahead> existed, then you're good to go. Follow the action and push to/pop from the stack. If, however, no such entry existed, again, the phrase level error handler kicks in:
Role two: handle unexpected terminals - you can do many things to get passed this. What you do depends on what T and lookahead are and your expert knowledge of your grammar.
Examples of the things you can do are:
Fail! You can do nothing
Ignore this terminal. This means that you push lookahead to the stack (after pushing T back again) and have the parser continue. The parser would first match lookahead, throw it away and continues. Example: if you have an expression like this: *1+2/0.5, you can drop the unexpected * this way.
Change lookahead to something acceptable, push T back and retry. For example, an expression like this: 5id = 10; could be illegal because you don't accept ids that start with numbers. You can replace it with _5id for example to continue
