XML based image gallery in ios development help needed - ios

I searched every where and tried to do learn from the Apple document, but did not success. Actually I learned to fetch XML, learned to Load Image, but not in the combined form.
Please suggest me some example if it does exist.

I came here by asking the same question, After some struggle I've found an interesting article by IBM:
This should help you ( and me) to build the gallery.
If not just add it as a "Guide" on how to achieve that.
If I learn how to do it properly I'll let you know how.


how to call Square App on IOS using their code?

Sorry but newbie is here. And, I may have not googled hard enough but as I went on searching no one has asked this newbie question yet. I'm really confused how to call Square App.
In this document: https://docs.connect.squareup.com/payments/pos/setup-web#step-1-install-the-square-point-of-sale-app
At the part that say "Initiate a mobile web transaction: iOS"
They tell me to put this line below in a URL format
square-commerce-v1://payment/create?data={REPLACE ME}
But do not say where and what is REPLACE ME suppose to be.
Can some one kindly enough to help me understand this please?

Implementing Google Play Games Services in Swift

Hello fellow developers :)
I have been trying to implement Google Play Games Services in my newest app project, but find myself being completely lost. I find GMS to be quite complicated and therefore need some sort of tutorial to stand a chance.
Unfortunately the official guide on Googles websites (https://developers.google.com/games/services/ios/quickstart) only describes the setup process for Objective-C.
My question is therefore, as ambiguous as is, if anyone knows anything that could help me implement GMS. This includes links to tutorials, code-snippets, personal tips, or anything else that could come in handy.
And yes, I am aware that questions like these are often frowned upon due to their ambiguous nature. What must be understood is that this question is a desperate last attempt before giving up and going with GameCenter instead. I simply have not found the information needed anywhere else.
Thank you! :)
You may need to use a bridging header for this. Check out the following link by gguuss in GitHub: http://github.com/gguuss/gplus-ios-swift.

How to create a image browser with wxpython

i looking for a way to design a gui with wxpython that browse pictures.i'm able to display images individually like this
but just want to have the ability to see the images as thumbnails by the side. kinda like this.
hope you guys can provide some tips and help on this. thanks in advance.
You might be thinking of the ThumbNailCtrl widget. You can read more about it at the following:
It's also in the wxPython demo package.
I wrote a simple image viewer too, although it doesn't do thumbnails at this time. You can read about that here:

Create a Diagram from Database Information

I've been trying to look around lots of libraries but wasnt able to find one that could help me, I already looked at diagramo and gojs and lots of canvas libraries that let you draw your diagram from the browser.
Im developing an application that creates a Cause and Effect Diagram from information that the users type, this information is saved on a database and I need to create a diagram like that from the database its something like this
Any good libraries you might know that could help me? Im using ROR as development
What's wrong with either of these?
I'm doing exactly this with GoJS and it's great - unfortunately the price of that library is high, though.

What is the starting point for simple image indexing for search tool

I'm bulding a small photo gallery website and I need a function that detect duplicate images (don't need to be be 100% accurate, just like Google Image Search).
I'm using a very new language (Golang) so I don't think there is any available library for this out there.
So what is the starting point for me? Please give me some keyword about this. Or if you have any material that is simple and easy to understand, please share me.
I think this blog post is simple and easy to understand.
