How to create a image browser with wxpython - image-processing

i looking for a way to design a gui with wxpython that browse pictures.i'm able to display images individually like this
but just want to have the ability to see the images as thumbnails by the side. kinda like this.
hope you guys can provide some tips and help on this. thanks in advance.

You might be thinking of the ThumbNailCtrl widget. You can read more about it at the following:
It's also in the wxPython demo package.
I wrote a simple image viewer too, although it doesn't do thumbnails at this time. You can read about that here:


Upload file of huge size to server and track progress of uploading in iOS

I have a requirement in my application, to upload a file (pdf,audio,video, etc) to server with huge sizes. I need to upload the file in background and also indicate the user with a progress bar.
I tried to Google and found few stack overflow pointers to use NSUrlconnection and implement delegate methods.some pointed to ASHTTPClient. I am looking for best solution or readymade solution, if it is available. I am posting here, hoping someone might have come across a similar requirement and whose pointers would help me a lot.
Any pointers and if possible with code snippets is highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.

What is the starting point for simple image indexing for search tool

I'm bulding a small photo gallery website and I need a function that detect duplicate images (don't need to be be 100% accurate, just like Google Image Search).
I'm using a very new language (Golang) so I don't think there is any available library for this out there.
So what is the starting point for me? Please give me some keyword about this. Or if you have any material that is simple and easy to understand, please share me.
I think this blog post is simple and easy to understand.

slicing photoshop template for iPhone

I am fairly new to building iPhone applications. I have a psd file with a template which I would like to use. How do people normally take the template and get images from it easily? Is there an easier way to do so? Another tool or some function in Photoshop?
Please let me know if there is another discussion on this, as I could not find any such information.
There're a few tutorials on this online. But you can do all of it in Photoshop:

XML based image gallery in ios development help needed

I searched every where and tried to do learn from the Apple document, but did not success. Actually I learned to fetch XML, learned to Load Image, but not in the combined form.
Please suggest me some example if it does exist.
I came here by asking the same question, After some struggle I've found an interesting article by IBM:
This should help you ( and me) to build the gallery.
If not just add it as a "Guide" on how to achieve that.
If I learn how to do it properly I'll let you know how.

Easy Example Flash Builder Actionscript 3 Programming

I really need help with this! I have looked high and low for an easy example I can learn from and can't find anything. I am turning to here as a last resort. I know there are plenty of examples of coverflow with images so there must be a way.
I am creating an online store with Flash Builder 4 and need to load product images into an TileGroup Container for display to whoever visits the app web page. The images will be stored in a directory so the app will need to read the directory to get the file image names and load them into the Tile Group Container. I do not want to hard code the image names and I do not want to use Adobe Air.
Can anyone help give me a lucid example that might be simple enough for me to learn from and understand as a newbie?
Thanks for any help with this!
It is possible to do this by using a combination of PHP and AS3.
I don't think it's possible to read the content of a directory with AS3 without using Air, but it's possible to do it with PHP.
This would mean calling a PHP function from AS3 when you initialize your application. Get the PHP function to return XML or JSON. Parse the returned data and load the files, then display them. has a few examples about communication between AS3 & PHP as well as carrousel/coverflow examples.
If you're not familiar with PHP, I'm sure you can find some help here with regard to the exact function you would need to return the directory content, but in any case , it shouldn't be too difficult to come up with your own.
Hope this helps!
