Embed mobile friendly website as iPhone app - ios

Let's say we have a mobile-friendly website www.mywebsite.com that I want to quickly turn into an iPhone app. Would I just create an empty iPhone app with a full screen web browser control and point it to www.mywebsite.com? Or is there something more to it...
FYI I have no iPhone development experience.

Yes, you can do that with UIWebView. However Apple take a dim view of applications like this and you could well find your application rejected. The App Store Review Guidelines state:
Apps that are not very useful, are simply web sites bundled as apps, or do not provide any lasting entertainment value may be rejected


Is it possible to publish an app containing only a WebView on Appstore?

I want to make an app that will basically load an e-commerce site(Made by me). Is there any possibility to get rejected from the apple review team?
I've seen countless webview apps get published on the App Store. If you provide enough value to your potential users and customers, your app has high changes of getting on the App Store. (But your store should have a top mobile-optimized UI!)
If you want to increase your chances, you use a service like Gonative.io to add even more custom native features (tab bar, side bar, Biometrics etc.)
As stated in App Store review guidelines
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website.
So answer is yes.

Webviews on iOS

The company, that I work for, wants to develop mobile apps using react native. The idea is to reuse the content on the websites instead of creating native views.
The current decision is to implement the apps like follows:
Create a react native app with bottom navigation and webviews as the
Each time the user clicks on a different section of the
navigation, the webview loads a different page of the website into the web
For example the login functionality will be the login page from the website in a webview.
Is this sort of apps allowed to be published in the appStore? My thinking is that the app will not be allowed because the content of the pages can be changed!
No, you are not allowed to wrap a web app in a WebView and release it apple app store (btw: Google Play may reject your app too eventually).
you can make this if the web app is a small part of your whole app (for example: some food delivery apps use a WebView for chat with support, which is totally acceptable)
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn’t provide some sort of lasting entertainment value or adequate utility, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the Apple Books Store.
you may get this rejection letter:
If you develop such an app you will get the following feedback from apple:
We found that the experience your app provides is not sufficiently different from a web browsing experience, as it would be by incorporating native iOS functionality.
While your app content may differ from your web site or other existing sites, the experience it provides does not differ significantly from the general experience of using Safari, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
You may wish to provide convenient access to a web property for a select or niche group of users - and may enhance that experience with features such as Push Notifications. However, such apps do not include enough native iOS functionality to be appropriate for the App Store. As an alternative, you may wish to provide instructions to your users on how to create a Safari web clip to add to their iOS device Home Screen. Or, if you would like to share the app with a select group of users, we recommend the Ad Hoc distribution method. See the iOS Provisioning Portal for details on Ad Hoc Distribution.
We encourage you to review your app concept and evaluate whether you can incorporate additional features to enhance the user experience.
As apple guidelines says that:
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store. If your App doesn't provide some sort of lasting entertainment value, or is just plain creepy, it may not be accepted. Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes Store. Apps that are simply a book or game guide should be submitted to the iBooks Store.

Universal app or not

I developed my first iphone app recently and would like to port it to an ipad. I've got a couple of related questions.
1) from what i've read, it sounds like creating a universal app will increase the size of the app that the user will download onto their iphone/ipad. is that right? my app is not small right now and i'd like to add some functions to the ipad version. Its something of a disincentive to package a universal app if it means a larger app for iphone users who won't benefit from the added functions added to the ipad app.
2) is it possible to have separate apps for the ipad and iphone but only make users pay for one version of them, if i don't go for a universal app? That is, if someone pays for the iphone version right now, i'd like them to have the ipad version for free when i finish it in about a month. is that possible outside of a universal app?
1) Yes, a universal app has everything for both versions so it is bigger. For a user that wants the app on both types of devices this isn't really a problem.
2) No, there is no way to have two separate apps such that the user can have both while only paying for one. At least it's not possible through standard means. If you make both apps free with IAP, then you could have your apps generate some sort of code that could be entered into the other to grant full functionality. Such a scheme is a lot of extra work.
Try to do a universal app and see how big it gets. All of the code is shared and as long as you don't have too many iPad-only full screen images or iPhone-only full screen images, the universal app isn't much bigger than a non-universal app.

Submitting webapp launcher to Apple Store

I have never developed for iPhone, but I have developed an HTML5 web application.
I would like to submit to the Apple store a free app whose job would be to just open up the HTML5 webapp in the mobile browser.
Do you think it will be likely that such an app can be accepted? Can you please provide links or evidence?
Is it possible to ask this question to the Apple team so that I am not going to waste $99? If so, how?
If your app has native web views pulling internal HTML5 information, you might be able to sneak it by some of the app reviewers, but a good portion will say that there is not enough native Apple code in the app. They are sticklers for that.
I have, on a few occasions, gotten away with adding push notification, saying it HAS to be an app, and can't rely on users going to the website since they need push (even though I never intended on pushing anything out), but Apple has caught on to this.
Ultimately, you need to use Apple code in xCode, and you need to use a lot of it.

Launcher IOS app

Can I submit to App Store an app that only launch Safari with one specific url?
If the answer is "yes": Can I hide default image, that is, can I launch Safari inmediatly from Main without show deafault image? (I can do it in BlackBerry and Windows Mobile)
I know.. is a horrible app but is what I have to do..
See section 2.12 of the App Store Review Guidelines:
Apps that are not very useful, are
simply web sites bundled as apps, or
do not provide any lasting
entertainment value may be rejected
And section 12.3:
Apps that are simply web clippings,
content aggregators, or a collection
of links, may be rejected
In short, the answer is: Yes, you can submit whatever you like. My guess based on the guidelines above, though, is that such an app is unlikely to pass the review process.
