I need to read Google Groups Posts through Google Oauth - oauth

I am trying to read Google Groups posts, but I don't understand how to do it.
I've tried with OAuth 2.0 Playground. Google Groups Provisioning is working fine, but my objective is to get all of the discussions of a specific group that the current user subscribed to.

There is no API for Google Groups posts.


Make own LinkedIn Bot With Google Sheets and Google Apps Script

I am trying to create a LinkedIn bot with Google Sheets and Google Apps Script to posts automatically on my LinkedIn company page, like I managed to do with my Twitter account following this tutorial: https://javascript.plainenglish.io/build-your-own-twitter-bot-with-google-sheets-d9a8ef955fa1
The only tutorials I found for LinkedIn are with postman to make the LinkedIn API work but no way to schedule posts from a prepared list.
Thank you for your help.

LinkedIn company feed/updates in v2 API

I would like to show a company's feed/updates/post on a website. I am the owner/admin of the LinkedIn page. Most of the related questions are old and uses V1. This similar questions also seems unanswered (LinkedIn Company Feed in API v2?). LinkedIn support are of no help and they instruct me to ask questions on Stackoverflow.
I created an App on LinkedIn and they assigned default permissions (r_emailaddress, r_liteprofile, w_member_social). But these permissions are of no use to me since I just want to show the company feeds on the website. Neither I want any user to login to LinkedIn nor I want to read the users/visitors email addresses or profile. Already went through a lot of their documentation but there is no clear mentioning of how to do this.
I read that company updates can be retrieved using the /ugcPosts API. GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/ugcPosts?q=authors&authors=List(url-encoded organization Urn). But in order to do that I need r_organization_social permission. How to get this permission?
Also in this scenario, since I just want to retrieve company posts, I can use 2 legged oauth: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/shared/authentication/client-credentials-flow?context=linkedin/context instead of 3 legged oauth. But when I try to generate access token I get error "access_denied: This application is not allowed to create application tokens"
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
You need to apply for the LinkedIn Marketing Partner Program. You can do so by adding this product to the app you have created.
Once you have access, you can read the company feed using the following API endpoint:
Hope this helps.

Adwords api to fetch keywords associated with a google adwords account who can authoritize my app to get his google tracking id etc

I am a telephony based company. I would like my users to authenticate me using OAuth method to fetch their google adwords campaign details related to the google account. Which google adwords api should be used to achieve this requirement.
What do you mean by campaign details? There are many kinds of campaign-level report API that gives information about campaign like this performance report, for example: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/campaign-performance-report

AWS Cognito get User Group in Swift

So I've implemented Amazon Cognito login on an iOS app in Swift and it all works great. However I'm now trying to find out the groups that a logged in user belongs to. I can't seem to find a good way of doing this from within the app. The SDK doesn't seem to provide a way of doing so from what I can see. Any help would be much appreciated!
Currently the groups are exposed in the ID token issued to the user.
It is populated in claim "cognito:groups".
More details here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-user-pools-user-groups.html

Facebook user follow through graph api in ios

I want to do follow facebook user in ios using graph api or using some custom api. I prefer this link for php and second one who has no ans or last but not least follower button.
Please help me to follow a user in ios.
Check my answer here: facebook graph api to get follower count of different account
This is no longer possible via the Graph API >= v2.0.
