I am trying to create a LinkedIn bot with Google Sheets and Google Apps Script to posts automatically on my LinkedIn company page, like I managed to do with my Twitter account following this tutorial: https://javascript.plainenglish.io/build-your-own-twitter-bot-with-google-sheets-d9a8ef955fa1
The only tutorials I found for LinkedIn are with postman to make the LinkedIn API work but no way to schedule posts from a prepared list.
Thank you for your help.
I have enable Google ads api ,and I request for many times last month by google adwords api. Why it doesn't show in the develop console? i just can see several times request for youtube api. Is it because I use Google adwrods api? my project is developed by google adwords api,not google ads api..
develop console
Google Adwords API is not part of the Cloud Developer console. You can't configure it there (apart from setting up an OAuth2 client), and any requests to it won't be visible within the console.
The Google Ads API on the other hand is supported.
I have google oauth2 authorization. To work with google adwords, I need developer token. I can see it on the website in my account, but is there any way to find it programmatically through the api?
google support replied that now there is no such possibility https://groups.google.com/d/msg/adwords-api/RLpvEMFay4s/Wm75mEj9BAAJ
I have already using https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/pageid/relationship?access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN
API for following an Instagram page but now it is not working.
I know its required relationship level scope but on Instagram dev panel it says.
"We no longer offer additional permissions to new applications using the legacy API".
I searched for the API on https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/reference but not found any relationship API. I have attached my Instagram account with a Facebook page by following the steps in https://developers.facebook.com/docs/instagram-api/getting-started/.
Now how we can follow an Instagram page by using Facebook graph API.
In my application I want to fetch my gmail contacts.
In my app I have already integrated "Google+ API" So i just need to know that can i access my gmail contact by using the same API. Or I need to integrate Gmail API.
Please help me I am new to this
I wouldn't imagine how you would get the contacts from one service by using another? Not everyone in your gmail contacts is going to be on your google+ account, so how would it be possible to get them?
There are other ways and it is documented online how to integrate with gmail, I suggest you research links like the following to find something you need:
gmail integration in ios application
Gmail API for objective-c?
how to fetch my Gmail contacts into my iPhone App
It is possible, but only if you ask for the contacts scope alongside your Google+ scopes.
Where you integrate the Google+ API, you will also need to ask for scope https://www.google.com/m8/feeds.
See https://developers.google.com/google-apps/contacts/v3/ for more details.
I am trying to read Google Groups posts, but I don't understand how to do it.
I've tried with OAuth 2.0 Playground. Google Groups Provisioning is working fine, but my objective is to get all of the discussions of a specific group that the current user subscribed to.
There is no API for Google Groups posts.