Rails View: Accessing text field elements - ruby-on-rails

I am a newbie to Ruby on Rails. And I am working on a project. In my view, I am asking the user to input some data using text_field_tag. I know you can access the data entered in the controller using params[]. But how do I access the value the user has entered in a different part of the same view? I tried searching but I was not able to obtain an answer.

You can call params system all of your view like in your controller so you can use it.
<%= params[:my_params] %>


Can I have Rails ActiveRecord Magic in an Angular View with ElasticSearch thrown in?

I think I already know the answer to this, but I'm going to ask it anyway.
I've got a rails app, and integrating angular into one of the areas of the app to get some of that magic. To add to the mix I'm integrating the Chewy gem to use ElasticSearch.
So, using this example:
I have a Presentation model with the following fields:
venue id
presentation id
I have a Presentations view with loops through a Presentation partial and I'm doing essentially the same thing with Angular and I'm looping through a Presentation directive.
Now, with normal ERB when I pull a list of presentations in the ERB view I could just have: <%= presentation.venue.name %> to show the venue's name.
What I'm wondering is, and like I said I think I already know the answer to this, going the angular route through this when I'm looping through my Presentation directive, even though it's an _presentation.html.erb file I can't use the active record relation because javascript get's rendered after the html.
So, in my angular directive template, where instead I would have presentation.venue.name I would need to have an angular function that would pull that in, right?
Is there some way, when I'm pulling the data in through ElasticSearch/Chewy I could pull this data in as well? That's my only other option I believe?

How to edit a model instance's text field (storing HTML) using markup/down editor?

(app is built on Rails 4.0.3/postgres)
I have a model defined where one of the attributes is a text field containing the entire HTML of a webpage- I store it as text, which I then set as an instance variable (#html) in the controller and then render it through a view using <%=raw #html %>. This allows me to store and render entire pages easily.
My question is, I need to allow users to edit the HTML in-browser using some kind of markup language/editor, so how would I go about doing so? The workflow would be that the user clicks on an instance of the model through a dashboard, and then is able to edit the name of model instance (easy), and under that is able to edit the html attribute and save it via some kind of markup editor like Github's gist editor. I feel like this should be easy but can't figure it out- can anyone point me in the right direction?

Rails - Reload action with new value in params

I have the following relation in my model:
A user can have several consumers
According to that, I call several actions from different controllers that depend on that consumer_id in the URL. So, I do stuff like:
I want to be able to given that I am in a particular view, let's say /3/products/all, be able to refresh, redirect or whatever is the best to /4/products/all, with a form that shows the different consumers attached to that user.
I know how to display the form, but I fail to see which action should I put given that I want to load the current controller, current action and the current params, except that I want to change the params[:consumer_id] and the session[:consumer_id] to the one chosen by the user in the form of the view.
What's the best or appropriate way of doing so?
This is a link to the same page with the same parameters and one additional parameter:
<%= link_to "Show more results", url_for(params.merge(:per => 100)) %>
If you want to modify a parameter rather than add a new one, you can modify the params hash just as you would modify any hash, and use url_for again.
Inside the view you can access both the current controller using controller_name and the current action using action_name
Your question is not clear. You want to choose consumer_id from your form, then use that consumer id inside the same page or for links to other pages?
If you want to use the consumer id for the current page, you need to use javascript or JQuery to update all attributes of the current page.
If you want to use that consumer id for links,
you may also use JQuery to update all links on your page
Or, you can submit the form to the server with new consumer_id.

Rails validation

I am suffering a issue with rails server side validation. Can some one help me out from this?
situation is :
I am creating dynamic for and its elements also dynamic.My application will generate the some HTMl code. Which can we use in any form or blog..
I applying the server side validation. But due to dynamic elements .I am not able to store the last entered value in to the elements. AS we normally does in PHP if user input something wrong we don't put the field empty. So I need to find a mechanism which fills the older values into the elements,If something went wrong.
This is the code into controller which is I'm using to show the form :
render :layout => false,:template=>'buildders/rander_form'
and view of rander_form.html.erb has
<%= render :file=>RAILS_ROOT+'/public/forms/form_'+#form_name+'.html.erb' %>
where #form_name is a dynamic form name(which have HTML code).
Can some one help me?
don't put erb files in public, people can download them by entering the file path in the url
also why not move that code out of the erb template into the controller?

How to create one form with many possible actions in Rails?

I want to create one form with 2 buttons in rails. Both forms operate on the same data in different ways, and I would prefer to keep the associated functionality in two different methods. Previously I've redirected to the appropriate method after doing a string comparision on params[:commit], but my gut says there's a better approach. Suggestions?
Two different submit buttons that send the form to two different actions:
<%= submit_tag('Insert', :onclick=>"document.myForm.action = 'insert';") %>
<%= submit_tag('Update', :onclick=>"document.myForm.action = 'update';") %>
Instead of "myForm" you need to put whatever is in the "name" property of your tag.
You can set that property in your default form:for tag like this:
<%= form_for(#something, :html => {:name => "myForm"}) do |f| %>
Without using JavaScript, your only solution is what you mention: checking which button was clicked by looking at the POST data in the controller. This is simply due to the nature of the HTML form element. It cannot have more than one value for its action attribute.
If you're not worried about what will happen when JavaScript isn't available, then you can write some script to change the action attribute when one of the submit buttons is clicked, prior to actually submitting the form. In the case of an ajax request, it could simply submit to the correct URL directly without altering attributes on the form.
I also used the params[:commit] method on a form already. Using the I18n helpers makes this a bit less fragile as you can use the same lookup in the view and controller, so you don't encounter the problem that the string changes a bit.
Besides that I can only think of using JavaScript to handle the clicks on the buttons and then send the form data to different Rails actions (Maybe you can change the HTML action attribute of the form with JavaScript before you submit the form).
If you're using prototype.js, you can use Form.serialize() to grab your data from your form and from there use the different buttons to post to different actions.
