NSOperationQueue cancel specific operations - ios

The problem is that I manage scrollView with lots of tiles in it.
Each visible tile display image loaded from URL or (after first URL load) cached file in background. Invisible tiles recycles (set new frame and redraw).
Image load depends on tile position.
With long range scroll there is multiple redraw called for each tile: each tile loads (and display) different image several times before display the correct one.
So problem is to cancel all previously added operations for tile before add new.
I subclass NSInvocationOperation just to contain context object to detect operation attached to and before add new operation I canceling all operation for same tile:
-(void)loadWithColler:(TileView *)coller {
if (queue == nil) {
queue = [NSOperationQueue new];
NSInvocationOperationWithContext *loadImageOp = [NSInvocationOperationWithContext alloc];
[loadImageOp initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(loadImage:) object:loadImageOp];
[loadImageOp setContext:coller];
[queue setSuspended:YES];
NSArray *opers = [queue operations];
for (NSInvocationOperationWithContext *nextOperation in opers) {
if ([nextOperation context] == coller) {
[nextOperation cancel];
[queue addOperation:loadImageOp];
[queue setSuspended:NO];
[loadImageOp release];
And in operation itself I check isCancelled:
-(void)loadImage:(NSInvocationOperationWithContext *)operation {
if (operation.isCancelled) return;
TileView *coller = [operation context];
if (operation.isCancelled) return;
if (data) {
} else {
if (operation.isCancelled) return;
NSInvocationOperation *setImageOp = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:coller selector:#selector(setImage:) object:cachedImage];
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperation:setImageOp];
[setImageOp release];
But it is do nothing. Some times early returns works but tiles still load many images before the correct one.
So how could I success? And could this lots of unneeded operations cause delays on main thread when scrolling? (Because delays are exists and I do not know why...all load in background..)
With NSLog:
isCancelled while executing:
cancel loadImage method for:
So canceling work.
Now I save reference to last operation in TileView object and perform setImage operation only if invoked operation is equal to TileView operation.
Doesn't make any difference...
Looks like there IS number of operations to load different images to one tile invoked one after another.
Any another suggestions?
For clearance:
There is singleton DataLoader (all code from it). And all tiles has call to it in drowRect:
[[DataLoader sharedDataLoader] loadWithColler:self];
NSInvocationOperation subclass:
#interface NSInvocationOperationWithContext : NSInvocationOperation {
id context;
#property (nonatomic,retain,readwrite) id context;
#implementation NSInvocationOperationWithContext
#synthesize context;
- (void)dealloc
[context release];
[super dealloc];
Thanks a lot for any help!
From answer below: need to subclass from NSOperation
As I subclass NSOperation and put all loadImage: code into it "main" method (just move all code here and nothing else) and all work just perfect!
As about scroll delaying: it occurs cause loading images to UIImageView (it takes long time because of decompress and rasterize (as I understood).
So better way is to use CATiledLayer. It loads data in background and do it much faster.

The delays on main thread is due to a the mode of the runloop while you scroll. I suggest you to watch the WWDC2011 networking app sessions. I don't know if it is fine to subclass an NSInvocationOperation that is a concrete subclass of NSOperation. I will subclass NSOperation instead. For my experience if you like to avoid sluggish scrolling, you should create NSOperation subclasses that load their main on a specific thread for networking operation (you must create it). There is a wonderful sample code from apple https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#samplecode/MVCNetworking/Introduction/Intro.html

The way that NSOperationQueue works with respect to "setSuspended" is that it won't start to run newly added NSOperations added to it after that point, and won't start to run any that are currently in it that haven't started running yet. Are you sure your operations you're trying to cancel haven't already started yet?
Also - does your NSOperation subclass correctly deal with Key Value Observing? Concurrent Queue subclassed NSOperations have to call willChangeValueForKey and didChangeValueForKey for some properties here - but doesn't look like that's the issue as your queue doesn't set isConcurrent. Just FYI if you go that route.


How to kill multiple threads in objective-c

I have created a UIButton and on click event, I am showing an image in the web view. Also, I am refreshing the image in every 30 sec. But when I click on button multiple times, refresh method get called multiple time as well.
I want it to work like, It saves last click time and refreshes as per that time instead of multiple times.
What can I do for it?
I tried to kill all previous thread instead of the current thread but that's not working.
Please help if anyone already know the answer.
Below is my image refresh code:
- (void)refreshBanner:(id)obj {
[[NSOperationQueue mainQueue] addOperationWithBlock:^{
if (![SNRunTimeConfiguration sharedInstance].isInternetConnected) {
[self removeBannerAdWithAdState:kADViewStateNotConnectedToInternet];
if ([UIApplication sharedApplication].applicationState == UIApplicationStateBackground) {
self.bannerPaused = YES;
self.adView.hidden = YES;
UIViewController *topController = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow.rootViewController;
topController = [SNADBannerView topViewControllerWithRootViewController:topController];
if ([self checkInViewHierarchy:self parentView:topController.view]) {
// NSLog(#"Visible View Is: %#", self.adId);
SNADMeta *meta = [[SNADDataBaseManager singletonInstance] adToShowWithBanner:YES excludeTyrooAd:YES audio:NO zoneId:self.adSoptZoneId fixedView:NO condition:nil contextualKeyword:nil onlyFromAJ:NO];
SNADAdLocationType type = SNADAdLocationTypeHeader;
if (self.bannerType == SmallViewTypeFooter) {
type = SNADAdLocationTypeFooter;
if (self.isFromCustomEvent) {
type = SNADAdLocationTypeAdMobBanner;
NSString *message = meta ? nil : kSNADOppMissReason_NoAdToShow;
[SNRunTimeConfiguration fireOpportunityForAdLocation:type zoneId:self.adSoptZoneId reason:message];
NSLog(#"******************* Opportuninty fired for refresh banner ***************************");
if (meta) {
self.meta = meta;
[self updateContentForWebAd:nil];
[self updateStatsForAd];
[SNADBannerView fireImpression:self.meta];
if ([meta.adSource isEqualToString:kSNADParameter_APC]) {
self.sdkMediation = [[SdkMediation alloc] init];
[self.sdkMediation fireTrackingAdType:self.meta.type isFill:YES];
// Ad Height Delegate.
if ([self.meta.displayType isEqualToString:kSNADDisplayType_web]) {
self.adHeightDelegateCalled = YES;
NSInteger height = self.meta.height.integerValue;
self.bannerCH.constant = height;
if ([self.callBackDelegate respondsToSelector:#selector(adWillPresentWithHeight:adId:adType:)]) {
[self.callBackDelegate adWillPresentWithHeight:height adId:self.adId adType:SeventynineAdTypeMainStream];
} else {
[self removeBannerAdWithAdState:kADViewStateNoAdToShow];
if ([meta.adSource isEqualToString:kSNADParameter_APC]) {
[self.sdkMediation fireTrackingAdType:self.meta.type isFill:NO];
} else {
// NSLog(#"View Which Is Not Visible Now: %#", self.adId);
SNAdConfiguration *configuration = [SNAdConfiguration sharedInstance];
[self.timer invalidate];
self.timer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:configuration.autoRefRate target:self selector:#selector(refreshBanner:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO];
Use GCD, and not NSOperationQueue.
Then you step away from your immediate task. You do lots and lots of complicated things inside refreshBanner. And you will do more complicated things to make it work when the user taps multiple times.
Think about what exactly you need. Abstract the "refresh automatically, and when the button is clicked, but not too often" into a class. Then you create a class that takes a dispatch_block_t as an action, where a caller can trigger a refresh anytime they want, and the class takes care of doing it not too often. Then you create an instance of the class, set all the needed refresh actions as its action block, refreshBanner just triggers a refresh, and that class takes care of the details.
You do that once. When you've done it, you actually learned stuff and are a better programmer than before, and you can reuse it everywhere in your application, and in new applications that are coming.
NSOperationQueue have cancelAllOperations method. But for the main queue it's not a good decision to use this method, cause main queue is shared between different application components. You can accidentally cancel some iOS/other library operation together with your own.
So you can create NSOperation instances and store them in an array. Then you can call cancel for all scheduled operations by iterating trough this array, and it will only affect your operations.
Note that block operations doesn't support cancellation. You will need to create your own NSOperation subclass, extract code from your execution block into that subclass main method. Also, you'll need to add [self isCancelled] checks that will abort your logic execution at some points.
I forgot to mention that currently your execution block is fully performed on the main queue. So, you'll need to move any heavy-lifting to background thread if you want to cancel your operation in the middle of processing from main thread.
I need to add that I agree with #gnasher729 - this doesn't look like an optimal solution for the problem.
I have resolved the issue.
Multiple threads created because a new view is created every time I call the API to display image. So now I am removing views if any available before displaying image, then only last object remains and refresh is called as per last called time.
Every View has it's own object that's why multiple threads has created.
By removing views my issue has been resolved.
Thanks everyone for replying.

How do I wait for a method to finish before calling it again?

I am building a simple messaging app using Parse's framework. I have a method called displayMessages. This is called each time the phone receives a push.
However, as this message is doing work in the Parse database I don't want to call it again if it's already running. I want to wait until it is finished and then call it.
I am using the following code:
[self displayMessages];
//code here
If received push is called I want it to wait until displayMessages is finished before calling it. Could someone please point me in the right direction with this?
I tried using the NSOperationQueue method and realised that although this does work for waiting for displayMessages it doesn't result in the required behavior.
In displayMessages I have: [PFObject deleteAllInBackground:toDelete]; it's actually this I need to wait for completion before calling displayMessages again.
Create a NSOperationQueue and set the maxConcurrentOperationCount to 1. Implement your data access method as an operation (possibly block-type operation) and submit it to the queue. (I like this better than gcd since you can do cancellation or test the number of items already in the queue.)
Note that if the method actually displays things, you'll need to dispatch back to the main queue for UI work.
You could use a NSOperationQueue with maxConcurrentOperationCount set to 1.
Declare the NSOperationQueue as an iVar of your class, initialize it in the init method and set
[_opQueue setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:1];
and then when you receive the push:
- (void)receivedPush {
NSInvocationOperation *op = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(displayMessages) object:nil];
[_opQueue addOperation:op];
Shortest and simples would be creating BOOL isExecuting and checking if you can call method based on that (changing values before execution but after check and after execution)
How about this for a fairly lightweight solution:
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL needsToDisplayMessages;
#property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL displayingMessages;
if (!self.displayingMessages) {
[self displayMessages];
} else {
self.needsToDisplayMessages = YES;
self.needsToDisplayMessages = NO;
self.displayingMessages = YES;
//long-running code here
self.displayingMessages = NO;
if (self.needsToDisplayMessages) {
[self displayMessages]
(ignoring concurrency issues ... for which you could use GCD in displayMessages or NSOperationQueue as per a couple of the other answers)
With your new updated requirement, you can use deleteAllInBackground:block:. According to document:
"Deletes a collection of objects all at once asynchronously and executes the block when done."
Why not schedule each message handling using:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
/* Show the update on the display */
NSLog(#"Handling new messages");
NSArray *newMessages=<populate with new messages>;
[handler displayMessages:newMessages];
This will queue up your handling of each set as they come in. Only one displayMessages will run at a time.

retain sent to deallocated instance with KVO (EXC_BREAKPOINT)

I have this very strange error happening when I'm changing view controllers in my iOs app.
First some background info.
I am retrieving an image from the web in a background NSOperation. This operation is started from another (background) operation that is instantiated in an collection view cell. The way this works is that the cell creates an object , then sets itself as an observer for that object, then creates an NSOperation with that object as a parameter. This first level operation will start the second operation that will get the image from the web and another NSOperation that will try to get the data from a file (if possible) and report it via delegation to the first operation. That first level operation will change a property on the observed object thus triggering the KVO. The collection/tableView cell will update from the - observeValueChange method.
Here is the problem:
Sometime the cell disappears (reused or deallocated) and when the background thread tries to set the value on the observed object it triggers an EXC_BREAKPOINT exception ([collectionViewCell message retain sent to deallocated instance]).
In order to prevent this I tried implementing -prepareForReuse and -dealloc on the cells. But the error keeps happening.
The flow seem like this:
-User loads VC that has collectionViewWithCells
-cell creates object and NSOperation 1
NSoperation 1 creates NSOperation2 (this is of two types get from web or get from file)
NSOpeartion 2 get image from internet or from a local file
NSoperation 2 sends data to NSOperation1
User has left this screen
NSOperation 1 tries to set data on observed object
Here is the code inside the cell:
#interface CustomCollectionViewCell ()
#property (strong, nonatomic) NSOperationQueue *imagesOperationQueue;
#property (strong, nonatomic) ImageObject *imgObj;
#implementation CustomCollectionViewCell
- (id)initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame
self = [super initWithFrame:frame];
if (self) {
// Initialization code
return self;
- (void)prepareForReuse{
[self clearDelegatesAndObservers];
[super prepareForReuse];
// Only override drawRect: if you perform custom drawing.
// An empty implementation adversely affects performance during animation.
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect
// Drawing code
- (void) getImage {
self.imgObj = [ImageObject newRefrenceWithId:obj_ref];
[self.imgObj addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"data" options:(NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionOld) context:NULL];
TaskImageReqCache *imgReq = [[TaskImageReqCache alloc] initWithUrl:imgUrl andImageObject:self.imgObj];
[self.imagesOperationQueue addOperation:imgReq];
#pragma mark - KVO
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
if (object == self.imgObj) {
UIImage *img = [UIImage imageWithData:self.imgObj.data];
self.thumbnailImage.image = img;
- (void)dealloc
[self clearDelegatesAndObservers];
- (void)clearDelegatesAndObservers
[self.imagesOperationQueue cancelAllOperations];
self.thumbnailImage.image = nil;
[self.imgObj removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"data"];
[self.pageListAdapter removeDelegateAtIndex:self.myIndexInCollection];
self.imgObj = nil;
In the first Level NSOperation this is where the exception breakpoint shows the crash happening:
- (void)didLoadDataFromFile:(NSData *)data
if (self.isCancelled) {
[self.opQueue cancelAllOperations];
[self completeOperation];
if (!fileDownloadedFromWeb) {
self.observedObject.data = data; // CRASH
dataFromDisk = data;
fileReadDone = YES;
if (debugLog) {
NSLog(#"image loaded from local cache (%#)",self.sUrl);
Any suggestion on how to prevent this crash?
Edited to add:
what I am trying to achieve is: When a tableView cell is displayed a nsoperation is activated to get an image from the net. If the user scrolls quickly and the operation has not finished I need to end it and deallocate any data, and when the cell is reused start a new operation to get the appropriate image from the internet...
Based on comments below, we know that:
- (void)didLoadDataFromFile:(NSData *)data
is called on a different thread to dealloc, so there is a race condition. You need to access self.observedObject on the same thread as the thread it is deallocated on. I'm presuming "observedObject" is a weak reference?
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (!fileDownloadedFromWeb) {
// Get a strong reference. This will retain observedObject - we must do this
// on the same thread as observedObject:dealloc is called, to prevent retaining
// an object during (or after) dealloc.
ObservedObject *strongRef = self.observedObject;
// This will do nothing if strongRef is nil.
strongRef.data = data;
A more structured approach would be to have the cell fetch all its images from a singleton cache (it looks as though at the moment there is no caching). The cell would obviously need to register itself as an observer for a particular URL in the cache, and the cache would notify the cell when the URL had downloaded. The cache should post that notification on the main thread.
The cache itself would manage all downloads, and there would be no background deallocation problem because it would be a singleton.
If you don't want to cache, that's fine. Use the same architecture, but call the cache an image fetcher instead. You can always add caching later if you want to.
EDIT - if your objects may be reused, rather than deallocated, as is the case for UITableViewCells, then the cell needs to be careful to ignore notifications about images that relate to a previous fetch. Either of these models will work
a) The cell retains a reference to the NSOperation until the NSOperation calls it back, or until prepareForReuse is called. Any callback from an unrecognised NSOperation must be a previous fetch (that we tried to cancel), and should be ignored. I don't really recommend this model, having the cell know about the operation AND vice versa seems silly.
b) The NSOperation sends a notification when it completes (on the main thread), and in the user info specifies the url/path that was requested. The UITableViewCell remembers what url/path it was trying to fetch, and ignores notifications that relate to other images. It unobserved that path in dealloc/prepareForReuse.
This was getting to long to be a comment so I'll make it an answer.
The reason why it's crashing has to do with the fact that UICollectionViewCells get recycled and deallocated. ARC is has put a [cvcell retain] in the wrong place. So, there are a few options:
One way to fix this is to just not create a NSOperation from a UICollectionViewCell.
Force the users to stay on the UICollectionViewController / UICollectionView so that it stays in memory.
Keep a property / pointer to the UICollectionViewController / UICollectionView so that it stays in memory even when the user has left it. (Make sure you retain it as strong or retain).
NOTE: All of these solutions do the same thing, force ARC to put the retain call somewhere else or to remove it entirely.
Cells get reused and reassigned frequently without your control so you should avoid assigning pending requests or operations to them.
Instead handle operations in your collection view data source (the view controller), and keep track of the operations not per cell but per indexPath's in a dictionary.
Even better keep this as a good experience and use something trusted and tested such as SDwebImage.

NSOperationQueue's threads just don't die

Sorry, it's a bit wordy, but I wanted to make sure I was clear! ;-)
I have an iOS app that uses FFMPEG for streaming RTSP. I've multi-threaded FFMPEG using NSOperationQueue such that most its work, other than painting the image to the screen, of course, happens in background threads.
Works great! ...except for the fact that threads the NSOperationQueue creates never die!
I init the Queue in the class' init method with:
self->opQ = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init];
[self->opQ setMaxConcurrentOperationCount:1];
I add methods to the Queue using blocks:
[self->opQ addOperationWithBlock:^{
[self haveConnectedSuccessfullyOperation];
[self->opQ addOperationWithBlock:^{
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(DO_SOME_CRAP) withObject:nil waitUntilDone:NO];
Later, when I need to tear down the RTSP stream, in addition to telling FFMPEG to shut down, I call:
[self->opQ cancelAllOperations];
Which does indeed stop the threads from doing any work , but never actually destroys them. Below, you'll see a screen shot of threads that are doing nothing at all. This is what my threads look like after starting/stoping FFMPEG several times.
I seem to remember reading in Apple's documentation that NSOperations and the threads they are run on are destroyed once they are done executing, unless otherwise referenced. This doesn't appear to be the case.
Do I just need to destroy the NSOperationQueue, then re-init it when I need to start up FFMPEG again (I just realized I haven't tried this)? Anyone know how I need to kill these extra threads?
I solved it by creating NSBlockOperations so that I could monitor the isCancelled state, while also making the new NSBlockOperations' content more intelligent, such that I simplified the routine that would add the operations to the queue.
... Plus, I made an NSOperationQueue n00b mistake: I was adding operations to the queue on a looping basis, which fired up to 30 times per second (matching the video's frame rate). Now, however, the operation is added to the queue only once and the looping behavior is contained within the operation instead of having the loop add the operation to the queue.
Previously, I had something like this (pseudo code, since I don't have the project with me):
NSTimer *frameRateTimeout = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1/DESIRED_FRAMES_PER_SECOND target:self selector:#selector(ADD_OPERATION_TO_QUEUE_METHOD:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
[opQ addOperation:displayFrame];
Which worked well, as the OS would correctly manage the queue, but it was not very efficient, and kept those threads alive forever.
Now, it's more like:
-(id)init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// alloc/init operation queue
// alloc/init 'displayFrame'
displayFrame = [NSBlockOperation blockOperationWithBlock:^{
while (SOME_CONDITION && ![displayFrame isCancelled]) {
if (playVideo) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:FRAME_RATE];
else { // teardown stream
return self;
- (void)Some_method_called_after_getting_video_ready_to_play {
[opQ addOperation:displayFrame];
Thanks, Jacob Relkin, for responding to my post.
If anyone needs further clarification, let me know, and I'll post better code once I have the project in my hands again.

iOS Multithreading Issue

I am quite new to iOS development and I'm facing a multithreading issue.
I'm using KTPhotobrowser with SDWebImage to create a photo and video gallery.
I have to load some external data on each picture, and I don't want to affect the smoothness of the gallery's scroll view.
So, I'm trying to do that using NSOperation and NSOperationQueue, but I'm not sure I'm doing right.
What I want is to stop the loading process if the user doesn't stay on the picture and keep scrolling.
My current code:
//setCurrentIndex is called when the scrollView is scrolled
- (void)setCurrentIndex:(NSInteger)newIndex {
currentIndex_ = newIndex;
[self loadPhoto:currentIndex_];
NSInvocationOperation *InvocationOp = [[NSInvocationOperation alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:#selector(loadInfosAtIndex:) object:newIndex];
[loadingQueue_ addOperation:InvocationOp];
[InvocationOp release];
[selfloadPhoto:currentIndex_ + 1];
[selfloadPhoto:currentIndex_ - 1];
[selfunloadPhoto:currentIndex_ + 2];
[selfunloadPhoto:currentIndex_ - 2];
-(void) loadInfosAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {
if (index < 0 || index >= photoCount_) {
KTPhotoView* photoView = [photoViews_ objectAtIndex:index];
if([photoView infosAlreadyLoaded]){
NSLog(#"%d Already Loaded", index);
//Get the extra information by calling a web service
photoView.infosAlreadyLoaded = YES;
I don't think this is the proper way to do this... has anyone got any advice?
Instead of relying on a scheduling-based cancel, which can leave you in an uncertain state, have a cancelling instance variable that has atomic access (either via an atomic property or a BOOL ivar with a mutex).
Then, instead of [loadingQueue_cancelAllOperations], you simply set the canceling flag to YES and check it in loadInfosAtIndex periodically. This is essentially polling for the cancel, and if the code is involved, it can be a pain. But it has the advantage of letting you be able to handle the cancel gracefully by reading the flag. As a part of handling, you can set an isRunning flag (also needs to be atomic/mutexed) to NO and exit the thread by returning.
In the main thread, after setting the cancelling flag to YES, you can wait till the isRunning flag is NO before opening up a new thread.
[loadingQueue_ cancelAllOperations], simply doesn't cancel the operations immediately, it only cancels the operations in the queue that has not yet started executing.
If the operation in the queue has already started then it is removed only after the operation is completed. More about cancelAllOperations
I think you might want to use GCD async for that where you might remove the currently executing block.
