possible to nest method calls on to_json - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to do something like this:
render :json => r.to_json(:methods => [:food_item => {:method => :price_value}])
but it's not working. Is something like this even possible?
edit 1
no association
def food_item

Is food_item an ActiveRecord association? If so, you could try
render :json => r.to_json(:include => { :food_item => { :only => :price_value } })
I'll refine my answer in response to "edit 1". First, remove your food_item method and add an actual association like this:
belongs_to :food_item, :class_name => "MenuItem", :foreign_key => "food_id"
and then do
render :json => r.to_json(:include => { :food_item => { :only => [:price_value] } })


Ruby on Rails render array of objects plus number of elements

I have a rails method with this render:
render :json => #boats, :include => { :mainPhoto => {:only => [:id, :mime]},
:boat_model => { :only => :name, :include => {:boat_type => { :only => :name}}}}
Can I include a numTotal variable in this response?
You'll need to use the as_json method to serialize #boats in separated JSON key:
render :json => { numTotal: boats.size, boats: #boats.as_json(:include => { :mainPhoto => {:only => [:id, :mime]},
:boat_model => { :only => :name, :include => {:boat_type => { :only => :name}}}})

Rails 3.1 deep nesting with RABL

I'm using the RABL gem to render JSON user data for users of comments which are children of annotations which are children of images. I'd like to do something similar to:
object #image
node :annotations do
#image.annotations.map { |a| {
:id => a.id,
:x1 => a.x1,
:x2 => a.x2,
:y1 => a.y1,
:y2 => a.y2,
node :comments do
#image.annotations.comments.map { |c| {
:body => c.body,
:user_id => c.user_id,
:name => User.find(c.user_id).name,
:user_icon => user_icon(User.find(c.user_id), 'square', 30)
I know this isn't valid in RABL, I also tried using child instead of node, but couldn't access the user data that way. How should I go about doing this and whats the proper syntax to make this happen?
I got this answer from #calvin-l. The trick was to just map the a.comments then grab the data from each comment that way:
node :annotations do
#image.annotations.map { |a| {
:id => a.id,
:x1 => a.x1,
:x2 => a.x2,
:y1 => a.y1,
:y2 => a.y2,
:comments => a.comments.map { |c| {
:body => c.body,
:created_at => c.created_at,
:user => {
:id => c.user.id,
:facebook_id => c.user.facebook_id,
:name => c.user.name,
:username => c.user.username

include 2nd level in to_json

I'm using this code to convert a model to json. If i try to use an include 2nd level like this:
p = Product.includes({ :variants => { :stocks => :size } }).where(:id => params[:id]).first
render :json => p.variants.to_json(:include => { :stocks => { :include => :size } })
I receive this error:
undefined method `macro' for nil:NilClass
How I can solve that?
Try this:
render :json => p.variants.map { |v| v.as_json(:include => {:stocks => {:include => :size}}) }
Info about Object#as_json/to_json here.

Adding an rails activerecord association within a loop

I want to add a has_many through association to a activerecord model class for each symbol in an array. for example
PeopleOrganisation::ROLES.each do |role|
has_many role.to_s.pluralize.to_sym, :through => :people_organisations, :source => :person,
:conditions => "people_organisations.role = '#{role.to_s}'" do
def << (object)
PeopleOrganisation.send(:with_scope, :create => {:role => **role**}) { self.concat object }
everything works fine except for the reference to the role variable inside the method def. This is because the method def is not a closure. Is there a way of achieving what I want?
Try this:
PeopleOrganisation::ROLES.each do |role|
:through => :people_organisations, :source => :person,
:conditions => ["people_organisations.role = ?", role]
) do
define_method("<<") do |object|
PeopleOrganisation.send(:with_scope, :create => {:role => role}) {
self.concat object
Instead of defining method using def you can try define_method method:
PeopleOrganisation::ROLES.each do |role|
has_many role.to_s.pluralize.to_sym, :through => :people_organisations, :source => :person,
:conditions => "people_organisations.role = '#{role.to_s}'" do
define_method(:<<) do |object|
PeopleOrganisation.send(:with_scope, :create => {:role => role}) { self.concat object }

Ruby 'if' condition in rjs

I want to insert a user in the userlist only if the user object (#row) is not nil. How do I do the insert conditionally in an rjs template?
page.insert_html :bottom, :userlist,
render(:partial => "user", :locals =>
{ :user => #row, :myid => #row.id })
thanks much.
exactly how you would do it in regular ruby
if #row
page.insert_html(:bottom, :userlist, render(:partial => "user", :locals => { :user => #row, :myid => #row.id }))
or if you want it on one line
page.insert_html(:bottom, :userlist, render(:partial => "user", :locals => { :user => #row, :myid => #row.id })) if #row
page.insert_html :bottom, :userlist, render(:partial => "user", :locals => { :user => #row, :myid => #row.id }) unless #row.blank?
