I want to insert a user in the userlist only if the user object (#row) is not nil. How do I do the insert conditionally in an rjs template?
page.insert_html :bottom, :userlist,
render(:partial => "user", :locals =>
{ :user => #row, :myid => #row.id })
thanks much.
exactly how you would do it in regular ruby
if #row
page.insert_html(:bottom, :userlist, render(:partial => "user", :locals => { :user => #row, :myid => #row.id }))
or if you want it on one line
page.insert_html(:bottom, :userlist, render(:partial => "user", :locals => { :user => #row, :myid => #row.id })) if #row
page.insert_html :bottom, :userlist, render(:partial => "user", :locals => { :user => #row, :myid => #row.id }) unless #row.blank?
I want to update spree_products_taxons table, but it is showing the error above. What am I am doing wrong?
def import_update
require 'csv'
file = params[:file]
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
#prod = Spree::Product.find(row["id"])
#var = Spree::Variant.find_by(product_id: #prod.id)
Spree::Product.where(:id => row["id"]).update_all(:name => row["name"], :meta_description => row["meta_description"], :shipping_category_id => row["shipping_category_id"], :description => row["description"], :meta_keywords => row["meta_keywords"], :tax_category_id => row["tax_category_id"], :available_on => row["available_on"], :deleted_at => row["deleted_at"], :promotionable => row["promotionable"], :meta_title => row["meta_title"], :featured => row["featured"], :supplier_id => row["supplier_id"])
Spree::Variant.find_by(id: #var.id).update(:cost_price => row["cost_price"], :depth => row["depth"], :height => row["height"], :width => row["width"], :weight => row["weight"], :tax_category_id => row["tax_category_id"], :is_master => row["is_master"], :position => row["position"], :cost_currency => row["cost_currency"], :deleted_at => row["deleted_at"], :track_inventory => row["track_inventory"], :tax_category_id => row["tax_category_id"])
Spree::Price.find_by(variant_id: #var.id).update(:amount => row["master_price"], :currency => row["cost_currency"], :deleted_at => row["deleted_at"])
Spree::ProductTaxon.find_by(product_id: #prod.id).update(:taxon_id => row["taxon_id"])
#prop = Spree::ProductProperty.find_by(product_id: #prod.id)
Spree::Property.find_by(id: #prop.property_id).update(:name => row["name"], :presentation => row["presentation"])
Spree::ProductProperty.find_by(product_id: #prod.id).update(value => row["value"])
stock_loc = Spree::StockLocation.find_by(supplier_id: #prod.supplier_id)
Spree::StockItem.where(:variant_id => #variants.id, :stock_location_id => stock_loc.id).update_all(:count_on_hand => row["count_on_hand"], :backorderable => row["backorderable"])
redirect_to admin_products_path, notice: "Products Updated."
Although the table is called spree_products_taxons (see schema.rb) for some reason the model is Spree::Classification.
You table is spree_products_taxons so it's expecting Spree::ProductsTaxon (mind that its Products NOT Product) model class. Make sure your model should be named as Spree::ProductsTaxon
I can see you are using Spree::ProductTaxon in your code. Please update and try.
Hope it helps.
I'm trying to do something like this:
render :json => r.to_json(:methods => [:food_item => {:method => :price_value}])
but it's not working. Is something like this even possible?
edit 1
no association
def food_item
Is food_item an ActiveRecord association? If so, you could try
render :json => r.to_json(:include => { :food_item => { :only => :price_value } })
I'll refine my answer in response to "edit 1". First, remove your food_item method and add an actual association like this:
belongs_to :food_item, :class_name => "MenuItem", :foreign_key => "food_id"
and then do
render :json => r.to_json(:include => { :food_item => { :only => [:price_value] } })
I'm using the RABL gem to render JSON user data for users of comments which are children of annotations which are children of images. I'd like to do something similar to:
object #image
node :annotations do
#image.annotations.map { |a| {
:id => a.id,
:x1 => a.x1,
:x2 => a.x2,
:y1 => a.y1,
:y2 => a.y2,
node :comments do
#image.annotations.comments.map { |c| {
:body => c.body,
:user_id => c.user_id,
:name => User.find(c.user_id).name,
:user_icon => user_icon(User.find(c.user_id), 'square', 30)
I know this isn't valid in RABL, I also tried using child instead of node, but couldn't access the user data that way. How should I go about doing this and whats the proper syntax to make this happen?
I got this answer from #calvin-l. The trick was to just map the a.comments then grab the data from each comment that way:
node :annotations do
#image.annotations.map { |a| {
:id => a.id,
:x1 => a.x1,
:x2 => a.x2,
:y1 => a.y1,
:y2 => a.y2,
:comments => a.comments.map { |c| {
:body => c.body,
:created_at => c.created_at,
:user => {
:id => c.user.id,
:facebook_id => c.user.facebook_id,
:name => c.user.name,
:username => c.user.username
My current working environment is Rails 2.3.8 (various reasons why my company hasn't moved to Rails 3).
I'm trying to update elements of a multi-model form via AJAX calls - the idea being to replace certain dropdowns depending on how the user selects or fills in other fields.
I have previously managed to get this working by using non-form based partials - the problem I have now is to reproduce the AJAX updating of the select dropdowns when the partials are based around form_for and fields_for.
Sorry for the following wall of text - i've tried to cut it down as much as possible (the code itself does work on my test site).
How do I generate the form builder elements in the Outbreak controller and then pass this to the category partial to take the place of incident_form?
Any pointers would be great :D
class Outbreak < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :incidents, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :locations, :through => :incidents
accepts_nested_attributes_for :locations, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => :all_blank
accepts_nested_attributes_for :incidents, :allow_destroy => true, :reject_if => :all_blank
class Incident < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :outbreak
belongs_to :location
belongs_to :category
belongs_to :subcategory
belongs_to :subtype
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :incidents, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :outbreaks, :thorugh => incidents
<% form_for(#outbreak, :html => {:multipart => true}) do |form| %>
<%= render :partial => 'outbreak_type_select', :locals => {:outbreak_types => #outbreak_types, :f => form } %>
<% form.fields_for :incidents do |incident_form| %>
<%= render :partial => 'category_select', :locals => {:categories => #categories, :incident_form => incident_form} %>
<%= render :partial => 'subcategory_select', :locals => { :subcategories => #subcategories, :incident_form => incident_form } %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% with_str = "'outbreak_type=' + value " %>
<% if #outbreak.id %>
<% with_str << "+ '&id=' + #{outbreak.id}" %>
<% end %>
<%= f.collection_select(:outbreak_type, #outbreak_types, :property_value, :property_value, {}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => { :action => "update_select_menus"}, :with => with_str)}"} ) %>
After calling update_select_menus how to generate the incident_form
<%= incident_form.collection_select( :category_id, #categories, :id, :name, {:prompt => "Select a category"}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => { :action => "update_subcategory"}, :with => "'category_id='+value")}"}) %>
page.replace_html 'outbreak_transmission_div', :partial => 'outbreaks/transmission_mode_select', :locals => {:transmission_modes => #transmission_modes }
page.insert_html :bottom, 'ajax_error', '<p>Error :: transmission modes update select</p>'
page.show 'ajax_error'
page.replace_html 'incident_category_select', :partial => 'outbreaks/category_select', :locals => { :categories => #categories }
page.insert_html :bottom, 'ajax_error', '<p>Error :: incident category update select</p>'
page.show 'ajax_error'
def new
#outbreak = Outbreak.new
#just the contents for the dropdowns
#categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => {:outbreak_type => "FOODBORNE"}, :order => "outbreak_type ASC")
#subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :order => "category_id ASC")
def update_select_menus
#outbreak_type = params[:outbreak_type].strip
if params[:id]
#outbreak = Outbreak.find(params[:id])
#outbreak = Outbreak.new
if #outbreak_type == "FOODBORNE"
ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << #outbreak_type
#transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << #outbreak_type
#sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
#categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "FOODBORNE"})
#subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => #categories.first.id})
#subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => #subcategories.first.id})
elsif #outbreak_type == "NON-FOODBORNE"
ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << #outbreak_type
#transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << #outbreak_type
#sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
#categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "NON-FOODBORNE"})
#subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => #categories.first.id})
#subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => #subcategories.first.id})
respond_to do |format|
Found a work around based on http://www.treibstofff.de/2009/07/12/ruby-on-rails-23-nested-attributes-with-ajax-support/
This should probably go in Outbreak helper (in Outbreak controller atm)
def update_select_menus
#outbreak_type = params[:outbreak_type].strip
#next_child_index will only be used if
#next_child_index ? params[:next_child_index] : 0
if params[:id]
#outbreak = Outbreak.find(params[:id])
#outbreak = Outbreak.new
if #outbreak_type == "FOODBORNE"
ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << #outbreak_type
#transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << #outbreak_type
#sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
#categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "FOODBORNE"})
#subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => #categories.first.id})
#subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => #subcategories.first.id})
elsif #outbreak_type == "NON-FOODBORNE"
ob_type_query = "OUTBREAKS:TRANSMISSION_MODE:" << #outbreak_type
#transmission_modes = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
ob_type_query = "INVESTIGATIONS:CATEGORY:" << #outbreak_type
#sample_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => ob_type_query})
#categories = Category.find(:all, :conditions => { :outbreak_type => "NON-FOODBORNE"})
#subcategories = Subcategory.find(:all, :conditions => { :category_id => #categories.first.id})
#subtypes = Subtype.find(:all, :conditions => { :subcategory_id => #subcategories.first.id})
#pathogen_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => "PATHOGENS:CATEGORY"})
#outbreak_types = Property.find(:all, :conditions => {:field => "OUTBREAKS:OUTBREAK_TYPE"} )
render :update do |page|
page.replace 'outbreak_transmission_div', :partial => 'transmission_mode_select_update'
page.replace 'incident_category_select', :partial => 'incident_category_select_update'
page.replace 'incident_subcategory_select', :partial => 'incident_subcategory_select_update'
page.replace 'incident_subtype_select', :partial => 'incident_subtype_select_update'
In the Outbreak view (although since this partial is related to Incident it should probably go in that view instead)
<% ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder.new(:outbreak, #outbreak, #template, {}, proc{}).fields_for :incidents,{:child_index => #next_child_index} do |this_form| %>
<div id="incident_category_select">
<%= render :partial => 'category_select', :locals => {:incident_form => this_form } %>
<% end %>
The ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder is used to produce the required fields_for form - The website article goes through this in more detail.
The resulting index is set by the #next_child_index variable which can be passed to the controller by the original AJAX call (for example #next_child_index = 1, then the resulting form element name will be outbreak [incidents_attributes] [1] [category_id] ) - I haven't used this in this example because although in future I want the form to support more than one location per Outbreak for this initial run-through it will just accept a single Location - Incident per Outbreak.
_category_select.erb partial (in Outbreak view atm)
<% with_str = "'category_id=' + value " %>
<% if #outbreak.id %>
<% with_str << "+ '&id=' + #{#outbreak.id}" %>
<% end %>
<%= incident_form.collection_select( :category_id, #categories, :id, :name, {:prompt => "Select a category"}, {:onchange => "#{remote_function(:url => { :action => "update_subcategory"}, :with => with_str)}"}) %>
The with_str is just to optionally pass the Outbreak id if it exists to the controller to find the Outbreak record to produce the form and if not to build a new Outbreak and associated nested attributes like Incidents and Locations.
The must be neater ways of doing this - especially the FormHelper and passing the Outbreak id via the optional with string.
I'm using link_to_remote to update a div asynchronously, but it does not work. I have to refresh the page in order to see the change.
I use this to generate the links.
"padding-left:30px", :display => "table-row" ) do %>
{ :success => 'entry_' + entry.id.to_s},
:url =>{ :controller => :entries, :action => :increment ,:id => entry.id},
:with => "'amount=' +prompt('Amount')")%>
{ :success => 'entry_' + entry.id.to_s},
:url =>{ :controller => :entries, :action => :decrement ,:id => entry.id},
:with => "'amount=' +prompt('Amount')")%>
{ :success => 'entry_' + entry.id.to_s},
:url =>{ :controller => :entries, :action => :update ,:id => entry.id},
:with => "'amount=' +prompt('Amount')")%>
The corresponding actions all look like this:
def increment
#entry = Entry.find(params[:id])
#entry.amount += params[:amount].to_i
render :partial=>"entry", :object=>#entry
Remove the :success tag in your update clause and test:
:update => 'entry_' + entry.id.to_s
I have found it helpful to specify the div to be updated in an :update in the controller action.