How to connect my Windows phone to TV? [closed] - windows-phone-7.1

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Thanks in advance..
I have a windows phone application. In that I am showing some images in an Image control. I need to connect my phone to a tv and show the image on tv screen. How can I connect my phone to tv and display the image in television?

There isn't a current option for sharing WP7 screen in the OS itself. So you would have to write a relatively big peace of software to do that. And you have to verify that you TV has capabilities of accessing device and services on the network.

What you need is a cable for your computer to your tv conect a hdrm cable from asda tobtour laptop thwnnloadbrhe pictures to your laptop from your fone then fo into your tv settings and go into av channels that can display windows on your tv screen click devices and printers then click on the windows fone to display files or will spear on your tv in secconds


Can I create an app with swift to controle a go pro camera from the phone? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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It is posible to create an app with swift that can make the same that "capture" do?
Capture is the app that use go pro for connect the GoPro cameras to the phone. And see on real time the media on the device.
For this I know I have to get the wifi of the phone by the code because this cameras are conected by wifi.
Is swift capable to do that or do I need any framework?
If someone has any example woul be great!
To allow 3d party developers to develop apps for product they release their API to use. So if a device provide an API you can develop an app for it. As i searched API for go cameras i saw this website go pro latest api . So i think yes you can develop your own application to use with go pro cameras

how to prevent mirroring of ios app in iphone via quicktime player in Phonegap or Cordova [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am making an app in which video is streamed online via MarlinDRM . Is there a plugin or swift or objective c code to prevent screen mirroring / getting an event / blacking out the video via quicktime player and camtasia.
Netflix is avoiding screen mirroring in quicktime player and camtasia.
I have found a plugin cordova plugin presentation which replaces external screen with other web pages when iPhone is connected to mac via airplay.
I am searching for similar plugin which works for quicktime player (wired connection).
It's an operating system feature so you cannot disable it programmatically within your app.
Netflix streams are not mirrored because they are encrypted live streams. Those media will not be mirrored in general.

How to share files with all other devices from my iOS device through application? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to share files/data from my iOS app to other devices (ios and android), which have the application installed, through wireless communication. Is it possible? Please help me.
iBeacon is not for file sharing, for more information check this link
And about file sharing between Android and iOS via Bluetooth it has asked before here
But you can write an App that enables file sharing between iOS devices quite simple. Check MultiPeer Connectivity Framework
Also there are new technologies but I don't have enough information about them.

iPhone Or iPad for testing mobile website [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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i want to buy a device for testing my mobile website in iOS.
And i don't know what is better, getting and old iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 or iPad 3 or iPad mini.
I only want to teste mobile websites and maybe in future training in iOS developpement.
I used online emulator but there's some difference sometime between real device and emulated that's what i want to buy one.
thank's in advance for help
I'll say you should prioritise the iPhone purchase. From experience, website not mobile optimised tend to be easily usable on an iPad when compared with an iPhone.
Also, the behaviour of a webpage in iOS may differ from the Android. Keep that in mind.
Also, a page that looks good on an iPhone may not look good on an iPad. Take that into account as well.
And don't forget that safari isn't the only browser for iOS, there's Opera and Chrome as well (plus a few other not widely used).
Hope it helps...

itunes could not connect to the ipad [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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my friend used my ipad device now he gave the locked ipad with saying error
itunes could not connect to the ipad "TEMP" because it is locked with a must enter your passcode on the ipad before it can be used with itunes. (From itunes)
iPad is disabled Connect to itunes (from ipad device).
Try to get some solutions for this
The problem is that the iPad is passcode protected and the wrong passcode has been entered too many times, so the iPad is now disabled. You can unlock the iPad by connecting it to iTunes on the computer you last synced with.
Otherwise, you can restore your iPad in recovery mode. This will delete all the data on the iPad. Follow these steps:
Thanks For all
i have reboot the device using the Recboot and i have restored was working perfect
