Error while configuring FLOW3 - typo3-flow

While configuring FLOW3, I get the following error
#1315561483: It seems like the PHP binary "C:\php/php" cannot be executed by
FLOW3. Set the correct path to the PHP executable in Configuration/Settings.yaml,
setting FLOW3.core.phpBinaryPathAndFilename.
Any help please

In the configuration directory, I modified the setting file Settings.yaml.example to Settings.yaml by ist keeping the original and then have uncommented and set the following code at the end of the file
# core:
# phpBinaryPathAndFilename: 'C:/path/to/php.exe'
as per the path of php exe file.

By the way, you should also care about the indentation.
--> Don't use Tab but Space
--> Add 2 more spaces for each line as such:
phpBinaryPathAndFilename: 'C:/map2/php.exe'


Lua require does not work but file is in the trace

I'm trying to require files in Lua, in one case it is working, but when I want to simplify the requirements in updating the LUA PATH the file is not found, but it is in the trace!
To reproduce my require problem I did the test with the package.searchpath function, which takes the required key and the Lua path in arguments.
So the code :
print('MY LUA PATH')
local myLuaPath = "?;?.lua;D:\\Projets\\wow-addon\\HeyThere\\?;D:\\Projets\\wow-addon\\HeyThere\\src\\HeyThere\\?;D:\\Projets\\wow-addon\\HeyThere\\test\\HeyThere\\?"
print('package search core.add-test')
print(package.searchpath('core.add-test', myLuaPath))
print('package search test.HeyThere.core.add-test')
print(package.searchpath('test.HeyThere.core.add-test', myLuaPath))
The result :
package search core.add-test
nil no file 'core\add-test'
no file 'core\add-test.lua'
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\core\add-test'
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\src\HeyThere\core\add-test'
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\test\HeyThere\core\add-test'
package search test.HeyThere.core.add-test
So the first try with 'core.add-test' should work with the 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\test\HeyThere\?' value in the path but fails...
In the trace, there is the file I want!
no file 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\test\HeyThere\core\add-test'
But with the same LUA PATH but starting in a parent folder the file is found... Second test with 'test.HeyThere.core.add-test' found from the 'D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\?'
-> test\HeyThere\core\add-test.lua
Can someone explains to me why it doesn't work the first time?
My current directory is D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere
My lua.exe is in D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\bin\lua but is added to my PATH variable (I'm on Windows)
I set the LUA_PATH environment variable and execute
lua "test\test-suite.lua" -v
The code inside test-suite.lua is the test code described above
As #EgorSkriptunoff suggested, adding file extansion in the path resolve the problem...
Wrong path D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\?
Good path D:\Projets\wow-addon\HeyThere\?.lua
The extension should be in the path variable because in the require the dot is replace and used as a folder separator.

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/#ngtools/webpack/src/index.js):

I have created an application on angular 7 and ionic 4.
I tried to edit app.routing.ts file, setting path and component. From then on I am getting this error below:
ERROR in ./src/app/department/department.module.ts
[ng] Module build failed (from ./node_modules/#ngtools/webpack/src/index.js):
[ng] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\x\department\department.module.ts'
[ng] at Object.openSync (fs.js:436:3)
[ng] at Object.readFileSync (fs.js:341:35)
[ng] at Storage.provideSync (C:\Users\x\node_modules\enhanced-resolve\lib\CachedInputFileSystem.js:98:13)
Make sure department component exist, check the templateUrl that corresponds to the file name you are referencing. You may have also modified the path unknowingly during modification of app.routing.ts file.
This error occurs when your component can't be found with your app.module settings.
Follow these steps to solve your problem:
Check if the module.ts file exists.
Check the relative path.
The path is case sensitive (maybe the .ts file is Department).
Both answer are useful from #trustidkid and #vinay sharma. If there is someone has been facing the same problem;
1-Go to to the file that the error has occurred in. (To go directly to the file, click the error line shortly [CTRL+Click] (CMD+Click on MacOS):
ERROR in ./src/app/department/department.module.ts
Then check the path address if it is exactly true pointing the file. Most of these problems are having similar solutions. Just be sure about the path address of the file you want to point and the address mentioned in the other file which the error occurred.
This problem happens when you delete a component but forgot to delete its import from module.ts.
For example: TestComponent is deleted so you have to also delete:
import { TestComponent } from './test.component'
If you have a folder mapping on a windows machine like me, do not try to build it from a mapped folder, go to the original folder and build it from there.
Mapped Folder has a small icon like this:
In my case I had prime ng version that did not support a particular module, I simply commented it out and it worked.

How do you display errors by editing the php.ini file in HHVM?

I am using CentOS 7 and I have tried to edit the php.ini file located /etc/hhvm/php.ini.
I added the line
The only two other lines in php.ini are
hhvm.dynamic_extension_path = /usr/local/lib64/hhvm/extensions
When I try to run a page it shows a blank page (because of fatal error). But when I run the same file from the command line with
$ hhvm filename.php
Then the fatal error is displayed. How can I make errors show up while I develop? In regular PHP I can edit this in php.ini, or even just add lines like these
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
I have no idea how to do this in HHVM.
display_errors may or may not work in HHVM. There have been some issues with it, and I'm not sure what the current status is. You should check your log file.
Make sure you use a numeric value for error_reporting if you set it in the INI file. (Setting it with a constant in code is fine.) This bug prevents constants from working in INI files.

How to prevent vim from setting current directory

Recently my vim will change current directory no matter what I do. I'm using spf13 distribution and when I am in a rails app root directory and did vi, my pwd will be correctly in app root directory. But once I open some file, any file, it will change the pwd to abosolute/path/to/myrailsapp/app/assets/stylesheets,
When I don't have let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1 in my .vimrc, vim will change the pwd to current file directory; When I do, it will change to the stylesheet directory whenever I open a file.
I'm also using rails.vim installed. Here is the related code inside my .vimrc
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir')
autocmd BufEnter * if bufname("") !~ "^\[A-Za-z0-9\]*://" | lcd %:p:h | endif
" Always switch to the current file directory
What I want: the pwd always stay in absolute/path/to/myrailsapp/, no changing to the stylesheet directory automatically whenever I open a file.
Actually I just found and had a look at the plugin. I assume this is it:
Around line 75 you can see:
" Most prefer to automatically switch to the current file directory when
" a new buffer is opened; to prevent this behavior, add the following to
" your .vimrc.before.local file:
" let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1
So just add that last line (without the comment-marker quote) to your .vimrc and you'll get rid of the automated directory change.
I note that neither method in my other answer would have worked, because the plugin author for whatever reason decided not to use the built-in option, and also not to put their autocmd in a group. Naughty, naughty!
I solved this according to Ben's second answer.
spf13 loads configuration files in order as follows.
.vimrc.before - spf13-vim before configuration
.vimrc.before.fork - fork before configuration
.vimrc.before.local - before user configuration
.vimrc.bundles - spf13-vim bundle configuration
.vimrc.bundles.fork - fork bundle configuration
.vimrc.bundles.local - local user bundle configuration
.vimrc - spf13-vim vim configuration
.vimrc.fork - fork vim configuration
.vimrc.local - local user configuration
if !exists('g:spf13_no_autochdir') check is done at (7), so let g:spf13_no_autochdir = 1 should be loaded before that.
I put it in .vimrc.before.local, and it works as expected.
There are two ways this could be happening.
The most likely, is that this "spf13" configuration includes set autochdir. To find out whether this is the case, start up Vim normally, and type :verbose set autochdir? and press Enter. This should tell you IF autochdir is set and WHICH FILE set it to that value.
If autochdir is set, then you only need to set up a VimEnter autocmd, or stick a file in ~/.vim/after/plugin, to turn it off again after spf13 loads.
If autochdir is NOT set, then probably an autocmd is setting your directory for you. If there is a plugin option in SPF13 to turn it off, then do that. If not, you'll need to find where in the plugin the directory is getting changed. If you're lucky, the autocmd will be in an augroup by itself, and you can then remove that autocmd with :au! GroupName. This command can be in the same places; a VimEnter autocmd, or a file in ~/.vim/after/plugin.

Grails - Jasper Plugin - Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence error with .jasper file

I am using Grails 1.3.5, SQL Server 2005, iReports 3.7.6, Jasper Plugin 1.1.3. In my GSP page I have given the jasperReprt tag as:
<g:jasperReport jasper="report1" format="PDF">
<input type="hidden" name="test_id" id="test_id"/>
<input type="hidden" name="order_no" id="order_no" />
For development, in Config.groovy I have specified the
jasper.dir.reports = './reports'
There are two files created in the reports folder when a new report is created and saved, i.e. report.jrxml and report.jasper.
When clicked on the PDF icon in IE or Firefox, an 500 server error is thrown and below is stack trace.
[2010-11-27 01:13:14.998] ERROR groovy.grails.web.errors.GrailsExceptionResolver Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence. Invalid byte 1 of 1-byte UTF-8 sequence.
But if I delete the report1.jasper, the error is no longer thrown when PDF icon is clicked and the PDF report is shown fine.
Is this the correct way to do it?
My second issue is with using Sub Reports. Sub report is in the same folder as the main report. But When the report is executed from the application, below error is thrown:
[2010-11-27 01:30:27.556] ERROR groovy.grails.web.errors.GrailsExceptionResolver Could not load object from location : ./reports\report1sub_report.jasper
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Could not load object from location : ./reports\urine_routinepatient_details_sub_report.jasper
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRLoader.loadObjectFromLocation(
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillSubreport.evaluateReport(
at net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill.JRFillSubreport.evaluateSubreport(
It does not find the sub report. How can I fix it?
Thank you.
Jay Chandran.
I have been searching during this whole time, but still could not find a proper solution. So I did some trial and error. I figured out that, deleting report1.jasper and just leaving jasper.jrxml in the report directory works just fine as I said earlier.
For the sub-report issue: It was giving error Could not load object from location : ./reports\report1sub_report.jasper For some strange reason, the main report name report was getting appended to the name sub_report.jasper and was looking for a file named report1sub_report.jasper
So I created a sub-folder under reports folder and named it report1 and updated report1.jrxml file
<subreportExpression class="java.lang.String"><![CDATA[$P{SUBREPORT_DIR} + "\\sub_report.jasper"]]></subreportExpression>
I had to add the extra \\ slash even though the "SUBREPORT_DIR" parameter had \\ the slashes at the end of the path as shown below.
<parameter name="SUBREPORT_DIR" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false">
Notice the \\ at the end. I don't know why it was not getting appended!
Another way would have been to just change the sub-report name from sub_report.jasper
to report1sub_report.jasper!!! :)
I have tested this in production mode and it works fine. I am not sure if this is the way to do it, but all other possible solutions did not work for me.
Feedback will be very helpful.
I assume you have a version conflict here. iReport stores JRXML files and seems to compile them automatically to .jasper. The Grails Jasper plugin picks up the compile variant and gets into trouble with it. So try to disable compiled output in ireport.
The Grails Jasper plugin 1.1.3 uses internally Jasper 3.7.4, the used ireport is 3.7.6.
Regarding the sub reports: no idea.
The MalformedByteSequenceException is caused by a character encoding conflict. I'd suggest to use UTF-8 instead of Windows' Win-1252 (similar to ISO-8859-1) everywhere.
In Jasper's etc/ireport.conf file, change the default_options to:
default_options="-J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -J-Xms24m -J-Xmx64m"
(Where Xms and Xmx are unrelated memory settings. If there are default settings with that config entry, you can overtake them, else, just leave them out.)
See this forum thread for alternative configurations.
As for the error with subreports, take a look at the backslash \ that's probably wrong.
EDIT : There is some information about two issues which maybe could help in
i hope i can help with one of the issues: which one related with subreports dir.
The problem is the plugin code sets SUBREPORT_DIR to the complete file path of main report, including its name. However the code honour the user provided param with the same name, so if you fill this param with whatever value except null the plugin will use it.
For example if you chain directly the jasper controller you can do:
def renderAs(data,format) {
def reportParams=params.clone()
In your scenario an (ugly) option would be create an hidden input with name SUBREPORT_DIR and value the desired one. I would fill the paremeter in other way.
Another annoying problem is where do we have to put the main reports and compiled subreports:
When you run the app with run-app they work if you put them all in a folder with the same name as CH.config.jasper.dir.reports(reportDir) in the root of the grails app.
But if you want to deploy a war you have to put the main reports in a folder reportDir in the root of war file and compiled subreports in WEB-INF/classes/reportDir.
I've opted to keep all files in grailsApp/reports and copy the resources in the appropiate folders in the war grails task. In my BuildConfig.groovy i've added (reportDir is "reports"):
grails.war.resources = { stagingDir,args ->
def classpathDir="${stagingDir}/WEB-INF/classes"
copy(toDir:"${stagingDir}/reports") {
copy(toDir:"${classpathDir}/reports") {
Hope it helps.
