jquery mobile alerting an image? - jquery-mobile

I'm building an app with jquery mobile on phonegap. Right now, an alert only alerts text . Is it possible for me to alert in the same way and instead have an image in the alert box?


Back button physical

I work on jquery mobile with phonegap
I would like to detect a click on the physical back button to close my popup.
Currently when I click on that button on a mobile support, it returns me to the page visited previously, I think it only uses the history.
If this is not possible in pure js, then maybe just block this physical button.

iOS Smart app banner with jquery mobile

I am trying to use the iOS smart app banner on my website. I am currently using jquery mobile 1.3.1 for development. The problem I'm having is jquery mobile automatically hides the address bar on page load. Since the smart app banner appears to be a part of the address bar, the user cannot see the smart app banner unless they scroll up. Is there anyway around this problem? Ideally the page would load and show the smart app banner and not the address bar. However, at this point I would be fine showing both on page load. I know the folks over at HTML5 Boilerplate have solved this issue. See:
Hiding address bar without hiding the smart app banner on iOS 6
The problem with this solution for me is turning off the hide address bar feature in jquery mobile. I can't seem to figure out how to accomplish without altering the jquery mobile core code. I don't really want to alter the jquery mobile code. Mainly because I don't like changing code that I have to update when a new version comes out. Plus I am pulling the jquery mobile file from jquery's CDN. I would like to find another way to solve this problem. Any ideas? Thank.
window.oldScroll = window.scrollTo;
window.scrollTo = function(){return false;};
before you load jquery mobile. This will override Jquery mobile hiding. then you can use the helper.js by reassigning scrollTo after jquery mobile script.

How do you get the "Add my app to the springboard" notification to pop-up in Mobile Safari?

For some websites/webapps, using Mobile Safari on the website causes a pop-up to come up advising the user that they can add the site/app to their home screen. I tried to replicate it but I can't figure it out.
Is there a JS library to do this or is there a meta tag to add to my html?
Most of them use add to home screen from cubiq

How can I modify the browser control for phonegap in iOS to have menu buttons?

I have a PhoneGap application in iOS to display a web app. I want to modify the browser control that is displaying the web app to have a few buttons at the bottom that function as "back" "forward" "refresh" etc. is this possible? Do I need to use a plugin?
I suggest using html to implement those buttons, which is pretty easy with javascript. Since it's not performance-critical, doing this with native code is unnecessary.
I don't know any plugins for what exactly you want, but I have used the android version of this iOS ChildBrowser plugin which provides a pop-up browser with "back", "forward" and "refresh" buttons. It's quite convenient for browsing external web pages.

ctrl+c(copy text) not working in jquery modal dialog box

I am using jquery modal dialog box in my application. it works fine in across the browsers.
but i am not able to use ctrl+c(copy text) basic browser keyboard functionality.
please tell me how i can make it working for me.
demo of problem can be seen on http://jsbin.com/anuso
