I am using groovys xml markupbuilder to generate my xml. I have attribute of a tag which has single quote (') as part of its value, and when I set it in the code and do a printout, I see the generated xml has the single quote changed to '
Is this automatically converted to single quote when I render this xml string in gsp?
if not how do I retain the single quote in the attribute value?
I tried to escape the single quote using \ but it stil shows &apos in output log
here is the markupbuilder code I have
the final attribute should be onclick="loadActivity('New York')"
you can configure the markup-builder to use double quotes:
complete example:
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder
def xml = new MarkupBuilder()
def res_row = [a:1, b:2]
def text= xml.map(id:"worldmap",name:"worldmap"){
println text
<map id="worldmap" name="worldmap">
<area shape="circle" alt="a" title="a" onclick="loadActivity('a')" />
<area shape="circle" alt="b" title="b" onclick="loadActivity('b')" />
I have and XML file as below
<sca:composite xmlns:sca="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0" xmlns:atleastonce="http://www.tibco.com/wrm/policy/atleastonce" xmlns:common="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/n2/models/common" xmlns:compositeext="http://schemas.tibco.com/amx/3.0/compositeext" xmlns:jdbc="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/amf/models/sharedresource/jdbc" xmlns:pbu="http://www.tibco.com/wrm/policy/pbu" xmlns:pfe="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/n2/models/pfe/1.0" xmlns:scact="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/amf/models/sca/componentType" xmlns:scaext="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/amf/models/sca/extensions" xmlns:service="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/bx/amx/model" xmlns:smtp="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/amf/models/sharedresource/smtp" xmlns:soapbt="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/amf/models/sca/binding/soap" xmlns:startservicefirst="http://www.tibco.com/wrm/policy/startservicefirst" xmlns:threading="http://www.tibco.com/wrm/policy/threading" xmlns:transactedoneway="http://www.tibco.com/wrm/policy/transactedoneway" xmlns:webapp="http://xsd.tns.tibco.com/amf/models/sca/implementationtype/webapp" xmlns:wrm="http://www.tibco.com/wrm" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" compositeext:formatVersion="2" compositeext:version="" name="za.co.rmb.dealamendmentsmaintenance" targetNamespace="http://www.example.com/za.co.rmb.dealamendmentsmaintenance" xmi:id="_4EfRQfeKEeeZRvktH3XIjg" xmi:version="2.0">
<sca:reference multiplicity="0..1" name="WorkListService_Consumer1" promote="dealAmendmentsMaintenanceProcessFlow/WorkListService_Consumer" wiredByImpl="false" xmi:id="_AR2UQPeLEeeZRvktH3XIjg">
<sca:interface.wsdl interface="http://services.brm.n2.tibco.com#wsdl.interface(WorkListService)" scaext:wsdlLocation=".processOut/process/dealAmendmentsMaintenance.xpdl/brm.wsdl" xmi:id="_AR2UQfeLEeeZRvktH3XIjg"/>
<sca:reference multiplicity="0..1" name="CreateDailyTasks_Consumer1" promote="dealAmendmentsMaintenanceProcessFlow/CreateDailyTasks_Consumer" wiredByImpl="false" xmi:id="_ATRQkPeLEeeZRvktH3XIjg">
<sca:interface.wsdl interface="http://www.tibco.com/bs3.0/_8uwIINbzEeWTpucOvGErRg#wsdl.interface(CreateDailyTasks)" scaext:wsdlLocation=".processOut/process/dealAmendmentsMaintenance.xpdl/dealAmendments_segregation.wsdl" xmi:id="_ATRQkfeLEeeZRvktH3XIjg"/>
With ant script i want to extract value in the "interface" attribute under sca:interface, by matching input value in "name" attribute in sca:refernce.
So lets say
if input will be : WorkListService_Consumer1
Expected Output : http://services.brm.n2.tibco.com#wsdl.interface(WorkListService)
Similarly, if
input will be : CreateDailyTasks_Consumer1
Expected Output : http://www.tibco.com/bs3.0/_8uwIINbzEeWTpucOvGErRg#wsdl.interface(CreateDailyTasks)
I tried using various xmltask commands but i am not getting succesfull.
Shrijeet Sinha
You almost had the solution, however text() is used to reference the inner text of an XML element, such as <element>This text here</element>. Here is the syntax for referencing an attribute's value:
<xmltask source="xmlfile.xml">
<copy path="sca:composite/sca:reference[#name='${input}']/sca:interface.wsdl/#interface" property="testproperty"/>
I want to render the HTML predefined tag (between h2 to h6) based on what is set in my model. Below is the snippet. I am facing issue in my closing tag. closing tag is not processed and it is considered as text and it is truncated in the page view source.
string subArticleLevel = "h2";
subArticleLevel = subarticle.SubTitleLevel;
You can use Html.Raw method with explicit code block notation.
Simply use #: prefix to denote it is a start of an html block, if you are already in a code block. The below should work fine.
string subArticleLevel = "h2";
string subarticleSubTitle = "test";
I'm not sure what version of MVC you are on but if you have c# 6 you might just use c# string interpolation.
I haven't tried it but if you are getting html encoding you could try.
If you don't have c# 6 available you can try .
#Html.Raw(string.Format("<{0}>{1}</{0}>", subArticleLevel, subarticle.SubTitle))
I wanted to insert the records I had extracted from website to DB, but the extraction text contained the symbol apostrophe, and had caused me syntax error during sql insertion. May I know how to replace apostrophe with "’" instead in WebHarvest?
Thanks in advance!
I normally use the script element to work on strings, and then output to a new webharvest variable. For example:
<var-def name="r_output">
A long string with lots of funny characters
new lines and & and ' single and " double quotes
<var-def name="r_output2">
<script return="r_output2">
String r_output2 = "\n" + r_output.toString().replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("\\t","").replaceAll("\\n","").replaceAll("\\r","");
<var name="r_output2"/>
as a side note, instead of quoting your apostrophes in quotes it is much better to quote the whole chunk of data eg: "a string with a ' single quote" instead of a string with a "'" single quote
The MSDN page about XML documentation shows that you can write simple things like:
/// <summary>Builds a new string whose characters are the results of applying the function <c>mapping</c>
/// to each of the characters of the input string and concatenating the resulting
/// strings.</summary>
/// <param name="mapping">The function to produce a string from each character of the input string.</param>
///<param name="str">The input string.</param>
///<returns>The concatenated string.</returns>
///<exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the input string is null.</exception>
val collect : (char -> string) -> string -> string
But can you embed images in your XML documentation?
You can include <img ... /> and other HTML tags in the XML documentation. I just tried this and Visual Studio simply skips over the image (so you will not see it in the IntelliSense) but the fshtmldoc tool in F# Power Pack simply copies the HTML tags to the output HTML document including images.
/// <summary>Hi <img src="http://tomasp.net/img/fpman.jpg" /> there!</summary>
type IMultiKey =
// (...)
Gives me the following generated documentation:
I think the C# compiler does some additional validation of the XML tags, but I do not think this is done in the F# compiler. As an aside, I find writing the XML documents a annoyingly long, so I was playing with using F# Formatting to write them in Markdown instead (but I do not have anything ready yet).
On this dynamic website,
The url looks something like this : departments/CHEM.html
CHEM is a parameter.
<xsl:param name="dep" select="'CHEM'" />
a piece of the xml is below
<course acad_year="2012" cat_num="5085" offered="Y">
<term term_pattern_code="1" fall_term="Y" spring_term="N">fall term</term>
<department code="CHEM">
<dept_long_name>Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology</dept_long_name>
<dept_short_name>Chemistry and Chemical Biology</dept_short_name>
</course> ....
I am trying to get the dept_short_name to use on my H1 tag, but I have not been successful.So far I tried
<h2><xsl:value-of select="course/department/[code={#$dep}]"/></h2>
Any suggestions??? Thanks!
Just use:
<xsl:value-of select="course/department[#code eq $dep]/dept_short_name"/>
In XPath 2.0 (XSLT 2.0) use the eq operator for value comparissons -- it is more efficient than the general comparisson operator = which really, only, needs to be used when at least one of its operands is a sequence.
I would try this:
<xsl:value-of select="course/department[#code=$dep]/dept_short_name/text()"/>
That says: find the department element (inside a course element) whose code attribute is the value of parameter "dep", then find the dept_short_name child element, then get the text inside that element.
You have to use the # to say that "code" is an attribute, but "dep" should not have it. I think the {} notation is for use inside attributes of the non-XSLT elements of your stylesheet, so I wouldn't use it inside a value-of expression.