Trouble with icon picture when uploading app to app store - ios

I have trouble uploading my application to app store. When I try to archive my project for validation i get an error:
warning: iPhone/iPod Touch: BMELogo.png: icon dimensions (0 x 0) don't
meet the size requirements. The icon file must be 57x57 pixels, in
.png format (-19014) Unable to validate your application. - (null)
I have checked and re-checked my icon for both size and type. My icon is 57x57 and a PNG.
Do any of you know what to do?
in advance thanks :)

This is a weird error, but it could be similar to what happens when apps on the phone don't match what you see in the simulator. Here's a few things to try:
As Damo mentioned, this is most likely a capitalization issue. Make sure that the filename as specified in the plist matches the case of what's on disk. Devices (and the app store) are case-sensitive, but your Mac is not. If it works in the simulator but not on device, you probably have a capitalization problem.
You might need to Clean (from the Build menu) the project and rebuild. Sometimes XCode just gets confused, especially if you've been moving or renaming images. Quitting & restarting XCode might help, too.
Nuke the site from orbit -- manually delete all of the project's output files. Sometimes XCode keeps old versions of image files around packaged somewhere hidden that cleaning doesn't get rid of.
Start over from scratch. Choose a different name, one where you're sure there's no legacy object file lingering about.

Also, you might want to make sure that you are using the latest version of the Application Loader, you can download the latest by logging into iTunes Connect and clicking on Manage Your Applications, the download is at the bottom of the page.
After you download the installer, close down Xcode, then run the Application Loader installer, then relaunch Xcode, load your project, do a clean on the project, and then archive and try the validation.

I had this error too. You need to reinstall Application Loader which you can get from here


Xamarin iOS - publish fails, started happening after iOS 13 update

had anyone see this issue, not able to publish to app store.
tried everything re-doing the icons, asset catalog, used mac machine, etc
any suggestions?
You are missing a required image on your iOS project. In order to verify this:
Open your iOS project in Visual Studio,
And most likely inside the Resources folder, you will see the Images.xcassets.
When you open that, you will see "AppIcon" on the top.
Open that and you will see several empty slots. If you hover over them, they will tell you what dimensions are needed.
Drag and drop two pictures in the empty location that is required and it should fill up as shown in the picture below:
Most likely, you are missing the iPhone Spotlight 3x or iPhone App 2x image.
issue raised here is the reason for my builds failing
installing this package breaks everything.

Storyboard won't update in simulator

I have a working app in Xcode, however when I try to build and run it the simulator displays an older version of the storyboard I was working on. I had changed some of the design on the storyboard but this does not reflect in the simulator, nothing is updated.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Delete the App on the simulator.
List item
Build & Run
Use NSLog(#"") in your controller to check code execution.
I just spent at least 6 hours on this. I have a solution, but I also submitted a technical support ticket to apple to try to get more info on the cause and proper solution.
Simply remove the references to your storyboard files and add them back in the same file group.
This seems to include the storyboard files back into the app bundle generated during build(which can be seen in the
From here I can see my changes reflected from the storyboards as expected.
PS - Are you using localization at all? I was.
I lost 2 hours to this.
Solution was braindead simple: delete app, turn OFF the iPhone 5S (iOS 7.1.1), and turn it bavk on.
When you turn on localization,
xcode moves storyboard file in localization folder (ex. Base.lproj/name.storyboard). When you build and run project on simulator, xcode copy name.storyboard into "derivedData"/Base.lproj/name.storyboard, but previous, created before localization "derivedData"/name.storyboard still exists. In this case simulator uses the file which can be found easier, i.e simulator uses old file "derivedData"/name.storyboard to operate.
Solution: Just rename the storyboard file, in navigator and in targets/general.
This error happened to me for the first time when I had multiple copies of a project on my computer. For whatever reason, the fact that there were multiple copies were making it look as if the storyboard had not been updated between copies and in some cases the code was not updated. I thought I had forgotten to throw the right copy on my flash drive before going home, but it turned out it's an XCode error.
Delete any multiple copies using the same name, restart XCode and open your most recent copy. Extremely bizarre, but I will probably use BitBucket or GitHub from now on instead of throwing it on a flash drive.
worked for me!
I just have the same problem after localizationMy solution is clicking Product, Clean build folder. Then it will be fine
The storyboard on the simulator was what it should have been. The storyboard on the device would not update. I had to delete the application from the iPhone and then re-run it on the device in order to get the Storyboard to update on the device. Fortunately for me it was only test data, but I was using Auto-Layout on one view and went back to manual. I think that's what caused the issue for me.
I find that removing and adding storyboard file back doesn't work in my case, also it has side effects like it will automatically add a main nib entry into App's plist file (which subsequently makes the App fails to launch in iPhone simulator).
I don't want to try to delete the application from the simulator since I have many files under the Document directory of the App.
At last I find another way that works well: simply delete the "/Users/$username/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/7.1/Applications/$app/$" file. The files under Documents directory are untouched.
(I have localized my storyboard as well.)
I found this same thing happened with Xcode 6.1.1 if I happened to have copied a project; the new project run in the simulator was actually still reflecting the old, original project.
In my case the problem was with how the default area was set up for derived data (essentially the location where the binary files go for a build). Mine was set to legacy and the simulator was using the wrong project, even after a clean. The solution was to go to Preferences->Locations, press Advanced, and change the location from Legacy to Unique.
I get this too when using localized storyboards - Run in Xcode just refuses to install the latest version of the compiled storyboard. I think it is something to do with the way Run copies changed resources across to the device - it does it differently than other forms of on device app installation.
The quickest way to get past this without deleting the app and losing any data is to:
Generate an Archive build in Xcode
Export this for Adhoc deployment
Double-click on the generated IPA to add it to iTunes
From the device page in iTunes force an update to that app
In order for iTunes to see that you have a new version your app build number will need to be incremented (if you don't do that already), before generating the archive.
I find this method means you don't have to delete an app off the device, you're just forcing it to install the entire install package rather than a diff which is what I think Run is doing.
I'm not sure what causes this, if it is a localized resources bug or what, but this is still a problem in Xcode 7 for me.

Xcode Build and Archive for Enterprise Distribution builds old archive

I'm working on creating an app for in house distribution enterprise level. I've created the app and tested hosting it on my own server and even getting the click to install working. Now though I have some updates to the app, I make the edits and I even see them in the simulator. When I build and archive the app things seem fine, then I go to the archived project in the organizer window, click the share button and distribute for enterprise, I enter details such as the ipa final url and the app title and then ok & save. Then I upload the app to my server and update any links to point to this new app. The click to install still works properly, but it installs the old version of the app. I've even tried this on a new device. Is there some step I'm mission that tells Xcode some version to build? If so, I don't get is how the simulator shows the update fine, but the archive that is built is not showing the latest code. The app I can find in the simulator dirs is 9.4MB in file size, but the one that is saved after build and archive is only 1.4MB (the update involves a lot of added images), so is the build for archive is not even getting the new files?
if a clean won't work, try completely removing the derived data folder.
the default location is in /Users/you/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData . if you haven't played with the DerivedData location in preferences, this is likely where you'll find the sub-folder containing the cache.
when i encounter a situation similar to the original question (retaining items i've deleted, or similarly missing items i've added or holding onto project icons i've changed), i perform a clean on my project, close it, hit Deleteā€¦ in the organizer, possibly even remove it from the organizer, possibly even remove from disk and then re-checkout from git if you have it under version control in this way, then re-open the project from scratch.
I figured it out and thought I should post it in case it helped someone else.
I cleaned the project.
Build > Clean - not 100% on what "Clean" is supposed to mean/do, but it allowed the project to build from the current files rather than the old files somehow.

iOS Simulator App not launching

I am trying to run an app that someone developed and wanted me to test. The app was working fine for a long time by me placing the folder with long string of number and letters (e.g. 75E3C879-F608-45C6-A8AD-253A37FF92B8) into ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications. The simulator stopped working when I was trying to copy some new files into the same folder name without deleting the previous folder so OS X automatically appended "-1" to the end of the folder name (e.g. 75E3C879-F608-45C6-A8AD-253A37FF92B8 & 75E3C879-F608-45C6-A8AD-253A37FF92B8-1). When I launched the simulator with both those folders in ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/5.0/Applications the simulator starts up and I see the app but when I click on it the screen flashes and then it does nothing. I have a feeling that because I had two folders with the same app it is causing some kind of error.
I am running xcode 4.2.1 on lion and have actually uninstalled and reinstalled xcode several times hoping it would clear out anything cached but have no luck so far. I don't have the actual source code so I can't create a new build myself. I've looked into all the different files that can possibly contain any reference to the app (e.g. ~/Library/Preferences/, ~/Library/Caches/comapple.iphonesimulator, ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator, ~/Library/Save Application State/ and manually deleted them and still no luck.
I created a new user in OS X and ran the the app in the simulator without any issues so I can rule out that the build is bad. I really believe that the issue is some cache or preference tied to my user. Thanks for any help in advance.
What you are doing is a security violation, you are trying to modify the sandbox of an application from outside the application. Even if you get it to work, it should be considered a bug, because this kind of behavior doesn't make sense to allow. Can you imagine the fun time black hats would have modifying the sandbox files of an existing app to include malicious code, or modify databases? Only the app itself is allowed to modify those files.

What to do when an app works fine debugging, but doesn't work in the App Store

I'm in version 2.3 of an app I've had in the App Store for about a year and a half. Suddenly, I submit an update to the app store with a few small changes, and now when loaded from the app store, some images won't load on all devices. It is a consistent set of images on a scrollview- it all appears black instead, but there are other pages with fewer images that consistently still work and are implemented exactly the same. No memory warnings. No SDK/XCode/OS X upgrades since last updating the app.
There are a few messages logged to the console, and those print correctly and don't indicate any problems. No errors are logged.
I'm completely at a loss for how to debug this. I'm already getting angry emails about it. I don't have time to keep resubmitting and waiting a week for it to be approved. Any suggestions?
Check the case of your image names.
Do a full rebuild of your app (ie Build->Clean).
Do a fuller rebuild - delete the "build" and simulator folders
Test on several real devices, of different generations and OS versions.
Build an Ad Hoc distribution and test that.
Generally, image problems are caused by the OS not finding the image in the app's bundle.
This can be because the device is case-sensitive whereas the simulator is not, so something that works for the simulator might not work on devices.
Also the IDE can be a bit flaky (hence the full rebuild). For some reason, I've seen resources compiled into the app never get removed, even if I clean the build. The only way to fix this is to delete the build folders, and/or the simulator folders. Simulator folders are at ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/4.3.2/Applications/ (or whatever your build version was). You can trash the build folders without worry, but don't delete too much in Application Support or else you might need to re-install XCode; just find the GUID (ABCDEF01-2345-6789-ABCD-EF0123456789) that matches your app.
An Ad Hoc build, especially if you base it off of your Release configuration, will probably be the closest thing to a real build that you can get. There are tricks to using the command-line codesign utility to take a release build and change its signature so that you can run it as an ad-hoc but that's definitely not low-hanging fruit.
Make sure that all your image files are in your test app bundle and submitted app bundle, and not in subdirectories in your test app bundle, and that the upper/lower case and spelling of all file names is identical within all usages inside and outside the app.
