change POST url on the fly during HTTP request in Firefox - firefox-addon

I would like to change url the HTTP POST to during the request in firefox. Currently I have tried "Tamper Data" firefox addon which allows me change POST parameters but not the POST request url during the request.
I don't want to mimic the post by curl etc as I have to manually setup the cookie and parameters all that.
Is there such thing available in firefox?

Have a look at Live HTTP Headers addon.
There is a "Replay" button where you can alter URL and data of a previously recorded request.


JMeter unable to fetch redirect url

my URL( has parameters
response_type,client_id,redirect_uri:, scope
When I paste my URL with params in chrome, I get the redirect URL as
But in Jmeter I am unable to get this code parameter
Enabled debug post processor
capturing regular expression from URL (.*)
trying to post the redirect url in next http request
I dont see redirect url in any of the sub samples.
kindly help
Instead of using a 3rd-party website you can use a local address like http://localhost:8081/foo/bar as the redirect_uri so the request will go to your local JMeter instance instead of the remote website.
You can extract the code from the request's Location header using Regular Expression Extractor
If you don't want the sampler to fail you can use i.e. HTTP Mirror Server in order to "catch" the request.

Sending parameter with POST requests ,when content-type is multipart/form-data

I am new to JMeter. I am trying to create a test plan ,one of the requests is a POST request containing some parameter, the content type in the request header is Multipart/Form-data.
I am copying the headers/parameters from fiddler because the HTTP proxy recorder is not working.
Please see the image for the current settings I have.I am not able to get the required response using it.
As per HTTP Request Sampler Documentation
Use multipart/form-data for HTTP POST
Use a multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded post request
So all you need to do is:
Tick "Use multipart/form-data for POST" box
Remove all `Content-Disposition" lines
In regards to "proxy recorder not working", I have never experienced any problems with it so it might be misconfiguration or something like this. Some people find JMeter Chrome Extension easier to use.
Instead of copying the content-disposition etc, just send the parameters with name and you should be good. You are expected to send form data and it's value.
ideally it should look like, name should be just 'form' and it's value as 'buy-now'.
I would suggest you compare the requests that you are sending using developer tools and the request you are sending using JMeter, it will help you debug this quicker.
I hope it helps.

Redirect a http post request with modified http header to another server

I'm using Ruby on Rails. Here is the requirement: the client (a native mobile app developed by me) will send a http post request to my Ruby code, my code will add some extra http headers (based on some business logic), then I need to "forward" or "redirect" this post request to another backend server (which has a REST service) and return its response back to the client.
I have been able to write a rack middleware to intercept the post request and add the extra headers. Originally I thought I could just use http redirect (status code: 307 for post request). But the problem is that the extra headers could NOT be submitted, which is the whole point of my code. So this isn't http redirect or forwarding per se, it's more like transforming a request.
I'm able to make a separate post request from my code using net http. This works. But I have to COPY data from the incoming request to my outgoing request (eg form data, http headers). This copying seems a bit tedious.
I would prefer some kind of simple "repackaging" (which is akin to http redirect or forwarding), that is I copy the whole incoming request to the outgoing request, slap on the extra headers and send it to the destination URL and be done with. I am not sure how to do this, and if doing it this way is even a good idea. For example, HTTP_USER_AGENT shows the OS, browser type of the client, when I'm making a new request, I probably don't need to send this on.
Alternatively, I can copy only the application specific data, because they're all the backend server (the destination of this "redirect") cares about. But I'm averse to hardcoding attributes in my code, causing close-coupling with the client (our native mobile app). Ideally I only copy application-specific data without hardcoding their attribute names. Is this possible? If so, how?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
HTTP does not allow redirects for anything other than GET request.
(This is not technically correct but using HTTP 307 is kind of sketchy - see
If you need too send a POST request to another server for processing then using a proxy as you already seem to be doing is the correct solution.
Recreating the request in the proxy may seem tedious but it actually serves as a guarantee that you are calling the other servers "API" correctly.
While you can simply loop through the request headers:
uri = URI('')
req =
request.headers.each do |key, value|
req[key] = value
And pass the request form data:
req.set_form_data = request.request_parameters
You should ask yourself if it really is prudent to proxy everything.

HttpWebRequest simulating the request from firebug always failed

I got an eccentric problem. I am trying to automate visiting a web site by using WebRequest and WebClient. I have observed all the post request header key-value pairs and posted data string in Firebug(request Header and Post tab). Then I simulated such request with WebRequest and put all the header parameter and posted data there. However when I do GetResponse() from this request instance, I always got an error page back that says some sessionID is short of.
Actually I have taken care to put previously(first step to open the Logon page) responded session cookie in the Header's cookie field for the request. And I can get the correct response back by simulating requesting the logon page(the 1st page), but cannot get through this authentication page. My post data is like userid=John&password=123456789&domain=highmark.And the authentication page request that carried out by browser succeeds every time.
Am I missing something in the request that may not be shown by firebug.If yes, can you give me some recommendation for the tools that may examine the entire request sent by browser.
I have solved this issue. The problem is I set the httpWebRequest instance's AllowAutoRedirect=true. Thus the effect is when I got the first response from the server, the httpWebRequest would continually to make another request asking for a different url that is replied in the response header's Location field.
The defect of HttpWebRequest class is when it is getting redirected, it does not include the Set-Cookies(Response's Header Field)'s cookies in the next request header, thus the server would deny such page request and may redirect again to another different page.
And the httpWebRequest.GetResponse() method only return the last responsed page back under the setting AllowAutoRedirect=true. And I got the totally different response than I expected.
Also in this solving process, I need to thank to a distinguish Http Traffic examining tool:IEInspector Http Analyzer( The great feature of this tool is it can examine not only the http traffic from browser but also what your process's httpWebRequest made. And also it can display in text format the raw stream of those request and response. Although it is a commercial software, you can try it for 15 days. I am quite happy with what it tells me(in well-formed details) and I like to buy it as well.

Web Application for testing post requests

Is there a web application for testing post requests? What I imagine it'd be like is you would visit the site and then it would redirect you to a unique URL. You could then send a post request to the URL which would display the request after it was received.
Alternative from Microsoft: WFetch
POST request instruction
This looks like it would be more along the lines of what you're looking for:
Rest Client is a Firefox Add On that I have used in the past as an Http Post/Get testing tool.
The "net" tab in the Firebug plugin for Firefox will show you the contents of all requests including POSTs. You can also intercept and modify them with TamperData.
Fiddler will do the same for Internet Explorer and other windows programs. Wireshark will also show this information.
There are multiple approaches. If you want to do automated browser-based testing, you could use Selenium/Java or Windmill/Python. Alternatively, if you want to perform white-box testing, you can write scripts that make a http post request to the web application (e.g. using httplib if you are using Python), obtains the response and verifies that the response is as expected.
RequestBin allows you to create a temporary URL and view the last twenty requests.
With PutsReq you can test requests and simulate responses using JavaScript.
