Multiple servers or everything in a single server? - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails app that uses MySQL, MongoDB, NodeJS (and SocketIO). Right now, the app (everything) is hosted inside 1 box. I would like to know what I should do when the number of users grow. What factors should I take into account to determine whether I need to host a separate element in another box (like MySQL, Node, Mongo in each of its separate box). Should I just make that one single box bigger? Is there a best-practice method that I can go with?
If you guys can provide me with reference, guides, research regarding this topic. Please do. I am super noob at deployment and server configuration.

We faced this dilemma at work a short while ago and found that simply upgrading to a more powerful single box sufficed and would give us room to grow further by up to 3-4 times.
The most important thing would be to identify your potential bottlenecks.
In our case there were 2 bottlenecks. Disk I/O and the database's ability to utilise memory.
On our new server we had the hard drive array configured in such a way as to maximise the disk I/O and we upgraded the database software to allow it to use more memory. In fact the DBMS now keeps the entire database in memory and only performs write operations to the disk as needed. This significantly improved performance.

The short answer is move everything to its own box. The longer answer is: it depends on your app's usage.
I recommend you use Nagios or similar to monitor your app's resource utilization -- that is, how much CPU and RAM each of your services use. When one starts to each up too much resources (and your page load speed is negatively affected), move that to its own box.
Then continue to monitor that box, beef up when necessary or shard out.
The high scalability blog is good for reading on what other people have done.


Is it advisable to restart informatica application monthly to improve performance?

We have around 32 datamarts loading around 200+ tables out of which 50% of tables are on 11g Oracle database and 30% on 10g and rest 20 are flat files.
Lately we are facing performance issues while loading the datamarts.
Database parameters as well are network parameters are looking and as throughput is decreasing drastically we are of the opinion now that it is informatica which has problem.
Recently when through put had gone down and server was utilized to its 90% informatica application was restarted and the performance there after was little better than previous performance.
So my question is should we have Informatica restart as a scheduled activity ? Does restart actually improves the performance of the application or there are some other things which can play a role in the same?
What you have here is a systemic problem, but you have not established which component(s) of the system are the cause.
Are all jobs showing exactly the same degradation in performance? If not, what is the common characteristic of those that are? Not all jobs will have the same reliance on the Informatica server -- some will be dependent more on the performance of their target system(s), some on their source system(s), so I would be amazed if all showed exactly the same level of degradation.
What you have here is an exercise in data gathering, and then turning that data into useful information.
If you can isolate the problem to only certain jobs then I would take a log file from a time when the system is performing well, and from a time when it is not, and compare them directly, looking for differences in the performance of their components. You can also look at any database monitoring tools for changes in execution plan.
Rebooting servers? Maybe, but that is not necessarily the solution -- the real problem is the lack of data you have to diagnose your system.
Yes, It is good to do a restart every quarter.
It will refresh the Integration service cache.
Delete files from Cache and storage before you restart.
Since you said you have recently seen some reduced performance recently it might be due various reasons.
Some tips that may help:
Ensure all Indexes are in valid and compiled state.
If you are calling a procedure via worflow check the EXPLAIN plan and Cost ensure it is not doing a full table scan(cost should be less).
3.Gather stats on the source or target tables (especially which have deletes )) - This will help in de fragmentation - deleting the un allocated space. DBMS_STATS
Always good to have an house keeping scheduled weekly to do the above checks on indexes,remove temp/unnecessary files and gather stats (analyze indexes and tables).
Some best practices here performance tips

Erlang OTP based application - architecture ideas

I'm trying to write an Erlang application (OTP) that would parse a list of users and then launch workers that will work 24X7 to collect user-data (using three different APIs) from remote servers and store it in ets.
What would be the ideal architecture for this kind of application. Do I launch a bunch of workers - one for each user (assuming small number users)? What will happen if number of users increases very rapidly?
Also, to call different APIs I need to put up a Timer mechanism in the worker process.
Any hint will be really appreciated.
Spawning new process for each user is not a such bad idea. There are http servers that do this for each connection, and they doing quite fine.
First of all cost of creating new process is minimal. And cost of maintaining processes is even smaller. If one of the has nothing to do, it won't do anything; there is none (almost) runtime overhead from inactive processes, which in the end means that you are doing only the work you have to do (this is in fact the source of Erlang systems reactivity).
Some issue might be memory usage. Each process has it's own memory stack, and in use-case when they actually do not need to store any internal data, you might be allocating some unnecessary memory. But this also could be modified (even during runtime), and in most cases such memory will be garbage collected.
Actually I would not worry about such things too soon. Issues you might encounter might depend on many things, mostly amount of outside data or user activity, and you can not really design this. Most probably you won't encounter any of them for quite some time. There's no need for premature optimization, especially if you could bind yourself to design that would slow down rest of your development process. In Erlang, with processes being main source of abstraction you can easily swap this process-per-user with pool-of-workers, and ets with external service. But only if you really need it.
What's most important is fact that representing "user" as process would be closest to problem domain. "Users" are independent entities, and deserve separate processes (they have their own state, and they can act or react independent to each other). It is quite similar to using Objects and Classes in other languages (it is over-simplification, but it should get you going).
If you were writing this in Python or C++ would you worry about how many objects you were creating? Only in extreme cases. In Erlang the same general rule applies for processes. Don't worry about how many you are creating.
As for architecture, the only element that is an architectural issue in your question is whether you should design a fixed worker pool or a 1-for-1 worker pool. The shape of the supervision tree would be an outcome of whichever way you choose.
If you are scraping data your real bottleneck isn't going to be how many processes you have, it will be how many network requests you are able to make per second on each API you are trying to access. You will almost certainly get throttled.
(A few months ago I wrote a test demonstration of a very similar system to what you are describing. The limiting factor was API request limits from providers like fb, YouTube, g+, Yahoo, not number of processes.)
As always with Erlang, write some system first, and then benchmark it for real before worrying about performance. You will usually find that performance isn't an issue, and the times that it is you will discover that it is much easier to optimize one small part of an existing system than to design an optimized system from scratch. So just go for it and write something that basically does what you want right now, and worry about optimization tweaks after you have something that basically does what you want. After getting some concrete performance data (memory, request latency, etc.) is the time to start thinking about performance.
Your problem will almost certainly be on the API providers' side or your network latency, not congestion within the Erlang VM.

Scaling to support a massive amount of traffic in a short period of time

Until now, our site has had a modest amount of traffic. None of our developers are big ops guys, but we've stayed ahead of it and keep the site up and running pretty quick. That said, our dev team is stretched, we've accumulated some technical debt, and there's plenty of opportunity to optimize.
Without getting into specifics, we just found out that we'll be expecting a massive amount of traffic in the near future in a very short period time. On the order of several million hits in a few hours. Scaling is one thing, but this is several orders of magnitude greater than what we're seeing now.
We're a Rails app hosted on S3 using ELB, and Postgresql.
I wanted to field some recommendations for broad starting points for scaling and load testing given this situation.
Update: Sorry, EC2, late night :)
Pretty interesting question, let me answer you in detail, I hope you are talking about some e-commerce applications, enterprise or B2B apps doenst see spikes as such. Since you already mentioned that you are hosted your rails app on s3. Let me make couple of things clear.
1)You cant host an rails app on s3. S3 is simple storage service. Where you can only store files.
2) I guess you have hosted your rails app on AWS ec2 with a elastic load balancer attached above the ec2 instances which is pretty good.
3)You have a self managed Postgresql deployed on a ec2 instance.
If you are running on AWS you are half way safe and you can easily scale up and scale down.
I can see one problem in your present model, that your db. AWS has got db as a service. Thats called Relation database service.Which supports Mysql Oracle and MS SQL server.
RDS comes with lot of features like auto back up of your database, high IOPS etc.
But it doesnt support your Postgresql. You need to have or manage a self managed ec2 instance and run postgresql database, but make sure its fail safe and you do have proper back and restore system at place.
AWS provides auto scaling api and command line tools, pretty easy.
You dont have worry about the bandwidth issue etc, but I admit Angelo's answer too.
You can use elastic mem cache for caching your app. Use CDN if need to speed your app. RDS can manage upto 30000 IOPS, its a monster to it will do lot of work for you.
Feel free to ask me if you need any kind of help.
(Disclaimer: I am a senior devOps engineer working for an e-commerce company, use ruby on rails)
Congratulations and I hope your expectation pans out!!
This is such a difficult question to comprehensively answer given the available information. For example, is your site heavy on db reads, writes or both (and is your sharding/replication strategy in line with your db strain)? Is bandwidth an issue, etc? Obvious points would focus on making sure you have access to the appropriate hardware and that your recipies for whatever you use to provision/deploy your hardware is up to date and good to go. You can often throw hardware at a sudden spike in traffic until you can get to the root of whatever bottlenecks you discover (and yes, you will discover them at inconvenient times!)
Regarding scaling your app, you should at least:
1) Cache whatever you can. Pay attention to cache expiration, etc.
2) Be sure your DB has appropriate indexes set up (essentially, you should have an index on any field you're searching on.)
3) Watch your logs closely to identify potential long queries, N+1 queries, long view renders, etc.
4) Do things like what Shopify outlines in this post:
5) Set up a good monitoring system (Monit, God, etc) for each layer of your stack - sudden spikes in traffic can quickly bottleneck your application in unexpected places and lead to more issues. The cascade can happen quickly.
6) Set up cron to automate all those little tasks you currently do manually...that you will probably forget about doing once you're dealing with traffic spikes.
7) Google scaling rails and you'll see tons of good info.
8) etc, etc, etc...
You can use some profiling tools (rubyperf, or something like NewRelic, etc) Whatever response you get from them is probably best to be considered as a rough baseline at best. Simple reason being that your profiling is dependent on your hardware stack which will certainly change depending on actual traffic patterns. Pretty easy to do if you have a site with one page of static content...incredibly difficult to do if you have a CMS site with a growing db and growing traffic.
Good luck!!!

Rails hosting advice - EngineYard, Heroku, EC2

I'm developing a very sensitive application for a client that needs to have 99.9999999999% uptime guarantee.
It's a Rails application with MySQL database. I am thinking of hosting it on EngineYard due the low maintenance requirements and easiness to run.
Heroku does not seems to be the perfect solution due to uptime problems.
EC2 can also be a good solution but maybe it requires too much work to install and maintain.
My question is: how to make a redundant system using EngineYard, Heroku, EC2 or any other Rails hosting that you propose? Do I need to have 2 instances in different places of the world being replicated? Please advise the best way.
Everyone wants 100% uptime, but achieving it is pretty much impossible. Since down-time can be caused by any of the links in the chain, and there usually are dozens, to achieve such a high standard you will need to buy gold-plated everything. Essentially, you'll have to spend a fortune. The difference between 99% uptime, which means your site is unavailable for around 88 hours a year, and 99.9% uptime, where it's less than ten hours is considerable, and from there to 99.99% is even higher, where the tolerance is under an hour for a full year.
Going beyond 99.99% is simply impractical. Nobody will sign a guarantee like this unless they're being dishonest, the agreement so loaded down with caveats as to be unenforcable, or don't mind dishing out heavy credits all the time. Amazon EC2's SLA is 99.99% for instance.
The metrics I've seen collected on a provider like Linode shows uptimes of about 99.97% to 99.99%. Occasionally you will see datacenters with 100% uptime, but this is the network level only and doesn't take into account intermittent internal glitches that may knock your server offline.
Choosing a managed hosting provider like Engine Yard might be the solution for you, because it can minimize your exposure to random events, but it won't get you such a high uptime in and of itself. They're very good at maintaining the system layer, but their ability to fix or work-around bugs in your application is very limited, and they are subject to the same intermittent networking issues with EC2 as anyone else.
There are two kinds of reliability you should be concerning yourself with. One is availability, which is purely a measure of how likely a client is to be able to use the application. The other is data integrity, which is a measure of how likely data is to be retained given any number of disaster scenarios.
Most people will accept that an application might be down every so often for brief periods of time, but people refuse to accept that data may go missing every now and then.
It isn't hard to get a "99.9999999999%" data retention rate, but you will need to plan out your backup, replication, and recovery strategy in detail and will have to exercise your systems regularly to ensure they are working as designed.
Where you have almost no control over the often patchy routing on the internet in general, the defect rate in the hardware of your server, the power in your data center and so on, you do have a huge amount of control over your backup strategy.
EY uses a company called TerraMark for their hosting, which is some pretty serious hosting infrastructure. Out of the 3 you listed, I would go with them.
For up time, you want to look at master/slave replication of your data, automatic failover, and you want to build redundancy wherever you can. High availability is a fairly involved topic, and has more to do with IT then dev, I would recommend asking where to start over at

Is no horizontal scalability when it comes to writing a RDBMS defect? or does it happen to all DBMS'?

When you hit a roof on reading from a database, you have two choices, scale vertically by putting more hardware in the server, or scale horizontally by putting a second server to help offload the reads.
Offloading reads to a second server, means that all writes will hit both servers, while read only hits one.
Problem is when you hit a roof with writing, since writing has to happen to all servers, it means that all servers will be overloaded with write requests, and the server comes unusable. Adding more servers to the problem doesn't help, since it only adds more servers that will be overloaded. So you have to scale vertically.
Is this something that is specific to RDBMS'? or is it something that happens with all DBMS'?
I know you can do things on software side, and split the database in two, eg. all entries starting with 0-m in one db while n-z in another, but IMHO it is more of a workaround than a solution to the problem.
I can't see that this would be specific to the relational model. All databases that have to read and write (and that's most of them) will have a similar problem.
For what it's worth, most databases are read far more than written so the write roof occurs less frequently than you might think. In addition, load balancing databases as per your method tends to be an immediate write to the primary with queued writes to all secondaries (at least in my experience).
In that case, you're not actually waiting around for multiple writes as a user, you just wait for the first. The DBMS itself manages the synchronisation between instances. This of course means that secondary databases might not be totally up-to-date but this can be controlled. Technically, this breaks the ACID properties of the system as a whole but this can be architected around.
I think this is the case with any DBMS, although some handle it better than others. Like you mention, partitioning the database in software seems to be the most common solution to this.
In many applications though, partitioning the database like that makes sense anyways if you are at such a huge scale that it becomes necessary. For example, if you had a social networking app, it would probably make sense to partition your database by country or other geographical regions. This would allow you to have your servers located geographically close to the regions they serve. It would also help mitigate any problems with a cross-database "social graph" since peoples friends tend to live nearby.
You're hardly going to "hit a roof with writing, since writing has to happen to all server" because in most of RDBMS installations:
1) Reads are overwhelming more frequent than writes
2) Modern RDBMs have Multi-Version Concurrency Control able to reduce blocking when reading/writing
