Rails hosting advice - EngineYard, Heroku, EC2 - ruby-on-rails

I'm developing a very sensitive application for a client that needs to have 99.9999999999% uptime guarantee.
It's a Rails application with MySQL database. I am thinking of hosting it on EngineYard due the low maintenance requirements and easiness to run.
Heroku does not seems to be the perfect solution due to uptime problems.
EC2 can also be a good solution but maybe it requires too much work to install and maintain.
My question is: how to make a redundant system using EngineYard, Heroku, EC2 or any other Rails hosting that you propose? Do I need to have 2 instances in different places of the world being replicated? Please advise the best way.

Everyone wants 100% uptime, but achieving it is pretty much impossible. Since down-time can be caused by any of the links in the chain, and there usually are dozens, to achieve such a high standard you will need to buy gold-plated everything. Essentially, you'll have to spend a fortune. The difference between 99% uptime, which means your site is unavailable for around 88 hours a year, and 99.9% uptime, where it's less than ten hours is considerable, and from there to 99.99% is even higher, where the tolerance is under an hour for a full year.
Going beyond 99.99% is simply impractical. Nobody will sign a guarantee like this unless they're being dishonest, the agreement so loaded down with caveats as to be unenforcable, or don't mind dishing out heavy credits all the time. Amazon EC2's SLA is 99.99% for instance.
The metrics I've seen collected on a provider like Linode shows uptimes of about 99.97% to 99.99%. Occasionally you will see datacenters with 100% uptime, but this is the network level only and doesn't take into account intermittent internal glitches that may knock your server offline.
Choosing a managed hosting provider like Engine Yard might be the solution for you, because it can minimize your exposure to random events, but it won't get you such a high uptime in and of itself. They're very good at maintaining the system layer, but their ability to fix or work-around bugs in your application is very limited, and they are subject to the same intermittent networking issues with EC2 as anyone else.
There are two kinds of reliability you should be concerning yourself with. One is availability, which is purely a measure of how likely a client is to be able to use the application. The other is data integrity, which is a measure of how likely data is to be retained given any number of disaster scenarios.
Most people will accept that an application might be down every so often for brief periods of time, but people refuse to accept that data may go missing every now and then.
It isn't hard to get a "99.9999999999%" data retention rate, but you will need to plan out your backup, replication, and recovery strategy in detail and will have to exercise your systems regularly to ensure they are working as designed.
Where you have almost no control over the often patchy routing on the internet in general, the defect rate in the hardware of your server, the power in your data center and so on, you do have a huge amount of control over your backup strategy.

EY uses a company called TerraMark for their hosting, which is some pretty serious hosting infrastructure. Out of the 3 you listed, I would go with them.
For up time, you want to look at master/slave replication of your data, automatic failover, and you want to build redundancy wherever you can. High availability is a fairly involved topic, and has more to do with IT then dev, I would recommend asking where to start over at serverfault.com.


Ruby on Rails hosting - Engineyard vs Enterprise-Rails

I've been running a Rails app on 1 big dedicated server. Now for scaling I want to switch to a cloud service hoster and serve the app on 3 instances - App, DB and Redis.
I have really bad experience with Heroku performance wise and hence cost efficiency. So for me 2 Alternatives remain: Engineyard and Enterprise-Rails.
What I find important is that Engineyard doesn't offer an autoscaling option to handle peaks. On the other hand Enterprise-Rails doesn't have too much of documentation, most of it is handled by a support crew which is setting up everything.
What are other differences and what should I use for my website? I don't need much of administration work and I am not experienced with it. Basically I just want my Site to run optimally safe, stable and cost efficient without much personal work involved.
I am running a massive Rails app off AWS at this time and I'm really happy with it. Previously I had a number of dedicated boxes that were always causing problems - sooner or later one of them would crash for some reason, Raid failures, database problems whatnot.
At AWS I use RDS for database, elastic cache for caching, I keep all my code on a fat instance that acts as staging server and get a variable number of reserved instances to load the code via NFS.
I also use autoscaling - we've prepaid for a number of reserved instances and autoscaling helps starting up nodes when CPU usage goes above 60%, then removing them when it goes below 25%. autoscaling rules are based on cloudwatch alerts that can be set to monitor a particular group of instances, memcache servers, and so on, you even get e-mails and SMS notifications via SNS when certain scaling activities take place, say when more than 100 instances are spammed in less than 1 hour (massive traffic spike). The instances also get added right up to the load balancers by the way and you don't need to mess with the session store as you can use the sticky session feature which is quite nice.
Recently I also started using a 2nd launch group with spot instances, this complicated things a bit in terms of cloudwatch rules but I'm able to save a lot every month as spot prices are much lower. When the spot price (minimum) I bid is not enough, the set-up I have switches back to reserved instances.
Even more recently I've also started using CloudFront which got my app's page assets to load real fast (about 2 megs of CSS, JS, some icon sprites). Previously I was serving directly from instances via the load balancers.
This took about 20 hours to deploy, test and tune for maximum performance and availability.
One of the problems I have with AWS is that there's no support unless you're prepared to foot a bill. They claim some support is offered without a subscription but the only option in the support area is Billing. Ha. Fortunately it's all stable enough not to put me in a position where I'd have to pay for it.
Overall Rails fits in quite nice with AWS. I spend less than 2 hours per month doing maintenance, where I was spending over 30 previously. Most important for me is that I know that I can GTFO on a vacation for X months knowing nothing will cause any trouble - haven't had a monitoring alert more than a year.
Later edit: the app is a sports site with white labeling feature, lots of users, lots of administrators working on content in the back-end, database intensive as we show market pricing data that should update every few seconds. I had an average load time of about 3 seconds per page with dedicated servers that were doing about the same thing - database, memcache, storage, load balancing, web app. Now my average is under 1 second. Monthly bill is about 8 times lower now.
While Engine Yard doesn't offer auto-scaling (it is in the pipeline), we do have a fairly easy to use scaling feature that allows you to spin up multiple instances at once in times of need.
The advantages over something like Enterprise-Rails is the full documentation, the choice to deploy from the CLI or the dashboard,and our amazing support team. It's also easier to use Engine Yard and move from a personal machine or from another cloud setup than it is using a service such as AWS directly.

Scaling to support a massive amount of traffic in a short period of time

Until now, our site has had a modest amount of traffic. None of our developers are big ops guys, but we've stayed ahead of it and keep the site up and running pretty quick. That said, our dev team is stretched, we've accumulated some technical debt, and there's plenty of opportunity to optimize.
Without getting into specifics, we just found out that we'll be expecting a massive amount of traffic in the near future in a very short period time. On the order of several million hits in a few hours. Scaling is one thing, but this is several orders of magnitude greater than what we're seeing now.
We're a Rails app hosted on S3 using ELB, and Postgresql.
I wanted to field some recommendations for broad starting points for scaling and load testing given this situation.
Update: Sorry, EC2, late night :)
Pretty interesting question, let me answer you in detail, I hope you are talking about some e-commerce applications, enterprise or B2B apps doenst see spikes as such. Since you already mentioned that you are hosted your rails app on s3. Let me make couple of things clear.
1)You cant host an rails app on s3. S3 is simple storage service. Where you can only store files.
2) I guess you have hosted your rails app on AWS ec2 with a elastic load balancer attached above the ec2 instances which is pretty good.
3)You have a self managed Postgresql deployed on a ec2 instance.
If you are running on AWS you are half way safe and you can easily scale up and scale down.
I can see one problem in your present model, that your db. AWS has got db as a service. Thats called Relation database service.Which supports Mysql Oracle and MS SQL server.
RDS comes with lot of features like auto back up of your database, high IOPS etc.
But it doesnt support your Postgresql. You need to have or manage a self managed ec2 instance and run postgresql database, but make sure its fail safe and you do have proper back and restore system at place.
AWS provides auto scaling api and command line tools, pretty easy.
You dont have worry about the bandwidth issue etc, but I admit Angelo's answer too.
You can use elastic mem cache for caching your app. Use CDN if need to speed your app. RDS can manage upto 30000 IOPS, its a monster to it will do lot of work for you.
Feel free to ask me if you need any kind of help.
(Disclaimer: I am a senior devOps engineer working for an e-commerce company, use ruby on rails)
Congratulations and I hope your expectation pans out!!
This is such a difficult question to comprehensively answer given the available information. For example, is your site heavy on db reads, writes or both (and is your sharding/replication strategy in line with your db strain)? Is bandwidth an issue, etc? Obvious points would focus on making sure you have access to the appropriate hardware and that your recipies for whatever you use to provision/deploy your hardware is up to date and good to go. You can often throw hardware at a sudden spike in traffic until you can get to the root of whatever bottlenecks you discover (and yes, you will discover them at inconvenient times!)
Regarding scaling your app, you should at least:
1) Cache whatever you can. Pay attention to cache expiration, etc.
2) Be sure your DB has appropriate indexes set up (essentially, you should have an index on any field you're searching on.)
3) Watch your logs closely to identify potential long queries, N+1 queries, long view renders, etc.
4) Do things like what Shopify outlines in this post: http://www.shopify.com/technology/7535298-what-does-your-webserver-do-when-a-user-hits-refresh#axzz2O0gJDotV
5) Set up a good monitoring system (Monit, God, etc) for each layer of your stack - sudden spikes in traffic can quickly bottleneck your application in unexpected places and lead to more issues. The cascade can happen quickly.
6) Set up cron to automate all those little tasks you currently do manually...that you will probably forget about doing once you're dealing with traffic spikes.
7) Google scaling rails and you'll see tons of good info.
8) etc, etc, etc...
You can use some profiling tools (rubyperf, or something like NewRelic, etc) Whatever response you get from them is probably best to be considered as a rough baseline at best. Simple reason being that your profiling is dependent on your hardware stack which will certainly change depending on actual traffic patterns. Pretty easy to do if you have a site with one page of static content...incredibly difficult to do if you have a CMS site with a growing db and growing traffic.
Good luck!!!

Best web/app server to host multiple low hit rails/sinatra apps

I need to host a lot of simple rails/sinatra/padrino applications of different ruby versions each with 0..low hits per day. They belong to different owners and should be well isolated from each other.
When an app is hit it should respond in reasonably short time, but I expect several simultaneous visitors are hitting the same site to be a rare case.
I'm going to create separate os user for each application. Surely I'd like to put them as many per server as it's possible. Thus I need to choose the web server with the lowest memory footprint, which can run applications on behalf of different users with different ruby versions and gemsets.
I consider webrick,nginx+passenger,thin,apache+passenger. I suppose the reliability of all choices is sufficient for such a job, and while performance isn't an issue, the memory consumption is.
I found many posts regarding performance issues, but most of them discuss the performance tuning and issues. I couldn't find a comparison of web servers memory usage when idle.
Is "in process" webrick the best choice? Which one would you choose for that job?
And I couldn't figure out how to resolve subdomains to application ports with webrick. Shall I use nginx or apache for that?
I don't have much experience with hosting myself, but using Webrick for production is not a good idea I think. You can also check out mongrel which I saw used in production. In most cases though you will probably want to choose between thin and unicorn. Check out this http://cmelbye.github.com/2009/10/04/thin-vs-unicorn.html or google around. Good luck :-)
Why not use Heroku? Its free and gets you out of the hassle of server configuration and maintenance.

Multiple servers or everything in a single server?

I have a Rails app that uses MySQL, MongoDB, NodeJS (and SocketIO). Right now, the app (everything) is hosted inside 1 box. I would like to know what I should do when the number of users grow. What factors should I take into account to determine whether I need to host a separate element in another box (like MySQL, Node, Mongo in each of its separate box). Should I just make that one single box bigger? Is there a best-practice method that I can go with?
If you guys can provide me with reference, guides, research regarding this topic. Please do. I am super noob at deployment and server configuration.
We faced this dilemma at work a short while ago and found that simply upgrading to a more powerful single box sufficed and would give us room to grow further by up to 3-4 times.
The most important thing would be to identify your potential bottlenecks.
In our case there were 2 bottlenecks. Disk I/O and the database's ability to utilise memory.
On our new server we had the hard drive array configured in such a way as to maximise the disk I/O and we upgraded the database software to allow it to use more memory. In fact the DBMS now keeps the entire database in memory and only performs write operations to the disk as needed. This significantly improved performance.
The short answer is move everything to its own box. The longer answer is: it depends on your app's usage.
I recommend you use Nagios or similar to monitor your app's resource utilization -- that is, how much CPU and RAM each of your services use. When one starts to each up too much resources (and your page load speed is negatively affected), move that to its own box.
Then continue to monitor that box, beef up when necessary or shard out.
The high scalability blog is good for reading on what other people have done.

Should I choose cloud?

I'm about to start development on a project with very uncertain load/traffic specifics. When it will be released there will certainly be very low load that can easily be handled by a single desktop quad code machine.
The problem is that there will be (after some invite-only period) a strong publicity for the product so I expect considerable traffic/load peaks.
I haven't read enough about cloud providers and I'm mostly leaning toward Amazon or Azure for the credibility these two companies have without checking them out as I should with others (ie. Rackspace that I suppose is also a cloud service provider).
What I want
I would like to create a normal Asp.net MVC web application that can be run on in-house single machine low-cost server. It would run web server along with database (relational and maybe also document) and fulltext search (not SQL FTS but rather high speed separate product like Lucene or Sphinx). But after initial invite-only period I'd like to move this app to the cloud to make it more traffic/load demand-friendly.
As much as I know Amazon offers a sort of virtual machine hosting which I understand you setup as a normal server but has possible flexible resources in terms of load power. I'm not sure if that can be accomplished on Azure as well.
What is your experience with application transition to cloud and which one did you choose and why?
What would you recommend I should think about when designing/developing the solution to make the transition as painless as possible.
Based on your experience is it better to move to the cloud (financial wise) or is it better to buy your own servers and load balance application yourself and maybe save money on the long run?
"Cloud" is such a vague term. Still, I think this is a very good question.
Basically, IaaS cloud hosting does not magically make your application scale. It's really a virtual private server with very short contract / cancellation periods.
For scalability, the magic lies not so much in the hosting, but in the horizontal scalability of the application code itself. This is related to all the distributed computing challenges. For example, adding more application servers is not always easy: you must be sure that you don't persist any user state in the server application (but rather in a database, static can be evil), caching can be problematic because local caches can make the situation worse if you're using a round-robin strategy, etc.
What is your experience with application transition to cloud and which one did you choose and why?
What would you recommend I should think about when designing/developing the solution to make the transition as painless as possible.
You don't really have to do anything different just to host on EC2 or Azure -- basically. But of course, it's not that easy when things grow.
For instance, EC2 instance storage is rather limited. Additional storage on EBS, however, does not provide comparable performance characteristics and can be a bit more laggy than a disk. The point here is that EBS does magically scale, and it's probably more PaaS than IaaS; but it's not a simple hard disk and it does, consequently, not behave like a hard drive. I don't know about Azure block storage. In general, expect additional abstraction layers to introduce problems of their own, no matter what they do.
Based on your experience is it better to move to the cloud (financial wise) or is it better to buy your own servers and load balance application yourself and maybe save money on the long run?
Typical cloud providers are more expensive than the usual 'round-the-corner VPS providers, but they are, to my experience, also much more reliable and professional. EC2 has a free tier (but it's quite small), Azure gives you a small instance for free for 3 months.
Doing the calculation right is rather tricky; for example, if you have to shut down your service for whatever reason, it's nice to be able to cancel now rather than pay another year - you might want to put this risk into your calculation. On the other hand, both EC2 and Azure will be considerably cheaper if you sign up for 6 or 12 months, rather than paying by the hour.
You might want to check out the free Azure plan, because it's nice to start fiddling around without any cost. A big advantage of cloud providers is that you can scale vertically very easily: buying a 16 core, 64GB RAM server machine is really expensive, but if there's so much traffic on your site, upgrading your plan won't be such a big issue.
As someone hasn't mention it yet...
AppHarbor has been amazing. You can push stuff in a matter of minutes. Deployment is a breeze. And setting up your project for it is easier as well. And it doesn't even require any major changes in your solution to fit in.
For the full-text search, you might consider something like Websolr.
A lot of this depends on what your app is doing (e.g., are there separable components that might benefit from running on different instances, vs. a simple CRUD application with a front end). One thing to consider is that in a cloud application you normally don't have a traditional relational database. As such, you have to choose either cloud or traditional hosting, or plan on coding your access layer twice. Azure does have relational databases (SQL Azure), although they're not identical to SQL Server 2008R2. You're going to have to research the pros/cons of a cloud setup for your specific situation.
As far as financial concerns, it's usually a lot cheaper to just get an account with a hosting company instead of a cloud service, since you pay by the month, instead of the hour (last time I checked an account with Azure running 24/7 for a month would cost about $40-$50, while you can get hosting for $15 a month). The savings with the cloud come in when you have to run several servers, and the cost of maintaining them surpasses the cost of the instance on the cloud platform.
So, sorry, there's no silver bullet answer for you. Read up on the different services available. Consider what your application needs, what prices will be, and go from there.
I have just migrated an MVC-based application from a dedicated server to Azure. When migrating the MSSQl-database, I first tried importing .bacpak files but some of the tables failed because of their size. I then used the SQL Database migratio wizard which worked fine for small tables but failed for tables with BLOB-fields. For these tables I had to use temporary intermediate tables. Then after a while after all the data was transferred setting up the Webapp was a breeze and we went in production. At first, everything seemed to work just fine, but after a couple of hours when the load got heavier, all kind of errors occurred. I went into the Azure portal and it was really easy to see the
