I have a function to generate doubles in a range:
let gen_doublein =
fun mx mn -> Arb.generate<float> |> Gen.suchThat ( (>) mx ) |> Gen.suchThat ( (<) mn )
and then a function to generate an array of 2 of these:
let gen_params:Gen<double array> =
gen { let! x = gen_doublein 0.0 20000.0
let! y = gen_doublein 0.0 2000.0
return [| x;y|] }
I put:
static member arb_params = Arb.fromGen gen_params
in the Generator class and register it. All seems OK. To test that this is all OK I have:
let f2 (xs:double array) :double= exp (-2.0*xs.[0]) + xs.[1]*exp (-2.0*xs.[0])
let fcheck fn xs = fn xs > 0.0
then using an array generator 'arrayOfLength':
Check.Quick (Prop.forAll (arrayOfLength 2) (fcheck f2))
works as expected, however:
Check.Quick (Prop.forAll (Generators.arb_params) (fcheck f2))
just starts doing some calculation and never comes back. f# gurus please help.
I did not try this, but I think the problem is that the generator creates float values randomly and then checks whether they match the predicate you specified (the range). This means that it has to generate a large number of floats before it (randomly) generates one that matches.
It would be easier to generate values in a specified range by generating float values in a range [0 .. 1]
and then re-scaling them to match the range you need.
I'm not familiar with FsCheck enough, so I don't know if there is a generator for [0 .. 1] floating-point range, but you could start by generating integers and transforming them to floats:
let gen_doublein mx mn = gen {
let! n = Arb.generate<int>
let f = float n / float Int32.MaxValue
return mx + (f * (mn - mx)) }
EDIT I see that you solved the problem already. I think the solution I posted might still be relevant for smaller ranges (where the random generator does not produce enough matching values soon enough).
The problem was the parameters were the wrong way round. Tomas's suggestion is a good one, and there are some helper functions to implement it.
// Another id function
let fd (d:double) = d
// Check that it is in bounds
let mn=1.0
let mx=5.0
let fdcheck d = (fd d <= mx) && (fd d >= mn)
// Run the check with the numbers generated within the bounds
Check.Quick (Prop.forAll (Arb.fromGen (Gen.map (fun x->
match x with
| _ when Double.IsNaN x -> (mn+mx)/2.0
| _ when x> 1e+17 ->mx
| _ when x< -1e17 ->mn
| _ -> mn + (mx-mn)*(sin x+1.0)/2.0
) Arb.generate<double>
) fdcheck
Here I have a function which passes the test if the parameter is generated correctly. I'm not sure Tomas's idea with integers works because I think that a lot of small integers are generated and so the doubles don't explore the domain much - but maybe somebody who knows FSCheck might enlighten us.
Rewritten a sample from #b1g3ar5 this way
let mapRangeNormal (min : float<_>, max : float<_>) x =
match x with
| _ when Double.IsNaN x -> (min + max) / 2.0
| _ when Double.IsPositiveInfinity x -> max
| _ when Double.IsNegativeInfinity x -> min
| _ -> min + (max - min) * (sin x + 1.0) / 2.0
let mapRangeUniform (min : float<_>, max : float<_>) x =
match x with
| _ when Double.IsNaN x -> (min + max) / 2.0
| _ when Double.IsPositiveInfinity x -> max
| _ when Double.IsNegativeInfinity x -> min
| _ when x < 0.0 ->
let newRange = max - min
min - x * (newRange / Double.MaxValue) - newRange / 2.0
| _ -> let newRange = max - min
min + x * (newRange / Double.MaxValue) + newRange / 2.0
I am currently trying to learn about blockchains and have understood the ground principles. So I am trying to implement a simple blockchain
The problem is that I cannot get a proof of work algorithm to function.
let sha256 = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256.Create()
let hash (n : int) =
sha256.ComputeHash (BitConverter.GetBytes n)
|> BitConverter.ToString
|> fun x -> x.Replace ("-", "")
let verify x = hash x |> fun p1 -> p1.EndsWith "0000"
let rec proofOfWork p0 x =
if verify (p0 + x) then
proofOfWork p0 (x + 1)
let main argv =
let s = proofOfWork 100 1
let s' = proofOfWork s 1
let s'' = proofOfWork s' 1
This returns a closed loop of "10312 -> 100 -> 10312" which seems to be fairly incorrect which makes sense if you think about it. So how would you actually go about creating one of these algorithms as I followed a guide in python which made an algorithm like this in exactly the same manner?
There is a problem with your proof of work algorithm. Your PoW algorithm should take some data X and find a number Y such that the hash of Y appended to X result in a number that in your case end with 4 trailing zeros.
A possible solution
let rec proofOfWork p0 x =
let pow' = (string x) + (string p0) |> int
if verify (pow') then
proofOfWork p0 (x + 1)
I am wondering if there is a way to write this line without piping h to calcVol function twice?
| h :: t when (h |> calcVol) > maxVol -> maxLoop t (h |> calcVol)
Where h is a tuple containing three dimensions, and calcVol returns a float value.
I know that I could explicitly define a vol value as:
| h :: t ->
let vol = calcVol h
if vol > maxVol then...
I am wondering if there is a way to do this nicely in one line?
If all the uses of vol were before the arrow, you could do this:
| h :: t when let vol = (h |> calcVol) in vol > maxVol -> // Something
But let assignments in the when clause left of the arrow do not carry over to the right-hand side. Demonstration:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> "Six"
| _ -> "Other"
This works, and returns "Six". But:
let f x = x + 5
let l = [1; 2]
match l with
| a :: b when let y = f a in y = 6 -> sprintf "Six = %d" y
| _ -> "Other"
This does not work, producing the error:
error FS0039: The value or constructor 'y' is not defined.
So unfortunately, you can't have the one-line version you want and you'll have to go with the longer approach (with a let followed by an if, as you demonstrate in the second half of your answer).
Using active patterns a solution could look like this:
let calcVol v = v
let (|MaxVol|) maxVol = function
| [] -> (maxVol, [])
| h :: t -> ((max (calcVol h) maxVol), t)
let rec maxLoop list m =
match list with
| [] -> m
| MaxVol m (c, t) -> maxLoop t c
let vs = [ -1; 42; 3 ]
maxLoop vs System.Int32.MinValue // 42
Another possibility with better readability might be to first calculate the volumes (e.g. by mapping) and then find the maximum. Difficult to tell without the complete code...
I'm trying to write Taylor series in F#.
Have a look at my code
let rec iter a b f i =
if a > b then i;
else f a (iter (a+1) b f i)
let sum a b = iter a b (+) 0 // from 0
// e^x = 1 + x + (x^2)/2 + ... (x^n)/n! + ...
let fact n = iter 1 n (*) 1 // factorial
let pow x n = iter 1 n (fun n acc -> acc * x) 1
let exp x =
iter 0 x
(fun n acc ->
acc + (pow x n) / float (fact n)) 0
In the last row I am trying cast int fact n to float, but seems like I'm wrong because this code isn't compileable :(
Am I doing the right algorithm?
Can I call my code functional-first?
The code doesn't compile, because:
You're trying to divide an integer pow x n by a float. Division has to have operands of the same type.
You're specifying the terminal case of the wrong type. Literal 0 is integer. If you want float zero, use 0.0 or abbreviated 0.
Try this:
let exp x =
iter 0 x
(fun n acc ->
acc + float (pow x n) / float (fact n)) 0.
P.S. In the future, please provide the exact error messages and/or unexpected results that you're getting. Simply saying "doesn't work" is not a good description of a problem.
Let's say I have following equation . My goal is to create sequence which returns next elements of this. Here's my solution and it works:
let rec factorial(n:float) =
match n with
|0.0 -> 1.0
|n -> n * factorial(n-1.0)
let seq1 = Seq.initInfinite( fun i -> factorial(float(i)) / sqrt(float(i)+1.0) ))
Now, analogically, I would like to create sequence which return elements according to equation:
I've got some code, but it's wrong so how to make it work?
let seq2(x:float) = Seq.initInfinite(fun a -> let i = float(a)
(1.0/factorial(0.0)) + System.Math.Pow(x,i)/factorial(i) )
Can't you skip the (1.0/factorial(0.0)) part of the equation (or maybe I misunderstood the question).
edit: i.e
let seq2(x:float) =
Seq.initInfinite(fun a ->
let i = float(a) in
edit: to truncate a seq you can use 'take' and to sum you can use 'sum'. As in
let seq2sum nbelems =
seq2 >> Seq.take nbelems >> Seq.sum
then you get seq2sum 12 3.0 equal to approx 20 :-)
The great thing about functional languages is that you can have your solution be as close an expression of the original definition as possible.
You can avoid explicit type declarations for most functions:
let rec factorial = function
| 0 -> 1
| n -> n * (factorial (n-1))
let e x n =
seq { 0 .. n }
|> Seq.map(fun i -> x ** (float i) / float (factorial i))
|> Seq.sum
In the infinite series, you will have to take the first n entries before you sum, as an infinite series will never finish evaluating:
let e' x n =
Seq.initInfinite(fun i -> x ** (float i) / float (factorial i))
|> Seq.take n
|> Seq.sum
e 1.0 10 //2.718281801
e' 1.0 10 //2.718281801
Originated from this question, I have this little F# code (github) to generate random values according to a normal distribution:
// val nextSingle : (unit -> float32)
let nextSingle =
let r = System.Random()
r.NextDouble >> float32
// val gauss : (float32 -> float32 -> seq<float32>)
let gauss mean stdDev =
let rec gauss ready = seq {
match ready with
| Some spare ->
yield spare * stdDev + mean
yield! gauss None
| _ ->
let rec loop () =
let u = nextSingle() * 2.f - 1.f
let v = nextSingle() * 2.f - 1.f
let s = pown u 2 + pown v 2
if s >= 1.f || s = 0.f then loop() else
u, v, s
let u, v, s = loop()
let mul = (*)(sqrt(-2.f * log s / s))
yield mul u * stdDev + mean
yield! mul v |> Some |> gauss
gauss None
To me it seems that this should only call itself in tail call position, ergo never cause a StackOverflowException when TCO is enabled. But it does when running 64-bit. It does not when running 32-bit (i.e. “Prefer 32-bit” checkbox in project settings).
I'm using .NET Framework 4.5.2 and F#
Can somebody explain what is causing the problem?
Looks like a bug in the compiler's sequence expression compilation mechanism. Here's a simplified repro:
let rec loop r = seq {
if r > 0 then
let rec unused() = unused()
yield r
yield! loop r
printfn "%i" (Seq.nth 10000000 (loop 1))
Obviously the presence of the unused recursive definition shouldn't affect whether this generates a stack overflow, but it does.