I am trying to deploy my Refinery blog CMS to a staging server.
The app works fine on my development but annoyingly it does not online. I get the following error from passenger:
No such file to load -- /path/to/app/releases/20120217232643/webapp/app/mailers/refinery/blog/comment_mailer
I am totally baffled, being new to Rails, I though it would work out the box. Especially as it works somewhat fine on my development machine.
I would appreciate a pointer or two.
Ok, I have found the answer ... which is in the error itself!
head over to the refinery blog git and locate that missing file:
Git Hub Refinery Blog/comment_mailer.rb
Download that to: app/mailers/refinery/blog
And presto, no more issues with passenger (not sure why the error popped up in the first place if the refinery blog has it within their app!?!)
Try running it with Rails 3.0 you can install it with gem install rails -v 3.0. According to the "Getting Started Guide" (see http://refinerycms.com/guides/getting-started-with-refinery) Refinery runs on Rails 3.0.
I wanted to install Ruby on Rails to learn more about how to programming with Ruby on Rails as I know there is a demand for this web application framework.
So, I downloaded the latest ruby and the dev kit for 64 bit which is present on the website.
I also installed sqlite3.
Then I was trying to create new blog.
I did:
cd blog/bin
rails server
I got this error:
[Error Log][1]
[1]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-bBG8G__J_CN3JPTERZRTF5RDQ/view?usp=sharing
I have also had similar issues with sqlite3 and played with the Gem file,
Did I miss something with the installation?
I am completely novice on this issue, at least until now :-)
I've been following Mike Hartl's excellent Ruby on Rails Tutorial`.
I had to make some decisions earlier about versions for gem files and ruby. I decided (after some problems getting Heroku to work that I'd directly mimic the tutorial and versions of ruby described - leading me to go with rvm use 2.0.0 to set my version of ruby.
All was great on chapter one but now I'm getting an error message when i try to create a new rails project:
$ rails new demo_app
/home/huw/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:in require': cannot load such file -- rails/cli (LoadError)
from /home/huw/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p481/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.0.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:55:inrequire'
from /usr/bin/rails:9:in `'
I have no idea what that means... but as its referencing my ruby version I'm guessing that my rails and ruby versions are out of sync...
Could someone advise on possible courses of action?
I imagine possible options would be:
Reset my ruby version to the latest (but I don't know what clashes
that would create with gems!)
Downgrade from rails 4.1 to rails 4 (I believe that's Mike Hardl's version)
Force things through somehow
I'm a complete rails Noob however, and have no idea where to begin on any of those options - or if that error code even backs up my assumptions!
Forgive the "answer" but I don't have the rep to post a mere comment :-(
Have you tried looking at the RVM site? It has a troubleshooting page that may help you.
If not, have you tried get rvm stable and then typing in the rails new app_name command?
Other useful RVM commands are rvm list rubies and rvm gemset list. It may be the case that the ruby version you're using doesn't have rails for some reason.
As per zwippie's answer in the comment section, the solution was achieved as follows.
rails -v produced a very similar looking output to the error message above.
gem install rails after hanging for a second installed rails successfully. I am now able to add a new project.
I'm unsure why this has happened as I've been successfully making new rails projects both on this laptop and in this directory for the last two weeks, even up until this morning. However as zwippie notes perhaps this is an RVM setup issue. I'll go away and read up but if anyone had any additional pointers from documentation that might shed light on the issue I'm appreciate any links in the comment.
Many thanks all.
check for the rails is installed on your machine by the command bundle show rails.
If you get the version of rails and are still getting the above error, to resolve it you may have to use the command bundle exec before every rails command as in bundle exec rails s.
I am facing issue when I am trying to work with rails 3.0.11. I initially worked with rails 3.2.6. Build a prototype application in Rails 3.2.6, Ruby 1.9.2 and gem 1.8.7. But then found, server on which we need to host is a shared server which can only support Rails 3.0.11, Ruby 1.8.7 and gem 1.7.2.
Hence I want to keep my dev environment exactly same before I ran into further issues. As I found there was some discrepancy in routes.rb of both the versions.
Steps I followed:
Uninstalled rails
Uninstalled ruby
Installed ruby from here.
This installed ruby version 1.8.7-p370 and gem 1.8.7
After this I installed rails by specifying version as 3.0.11
But still when I run command rails -v, it throws an error to me saying 'missing gem rails 3.2.6. Run bundle install to resolve the issue'
When I ran bundle install, it again completely installed rails 3.2.6 and problem remained unresolved.
Please suggest the clean way how shall I start my development on rails 3.0.11 without running into any issues?? Am I need to delete some registry or mapping in my system through which it is detecting rails 3.2.6 and creating issues??
Its urgent as I need to complete my dev by 7th September.
As I am new to stackexchange, please guide is it appropriate to ask question on the same related thread or shall I open new discussion for my problem?
#Gun - please note in response to one of your comments posted above - you DO need to change your Gemfile - if you are running rails -v from withing your project's directory, it will read the Gemfile.
There is a script located at script/rails - this is what runs when you run the rails command from the project directory. NOTE that this rails script requires your config/application.rb file - which in turn reads the Gemfile and bundles the referenced gems. Thus is your Gemfile still references 3.2.6, and it is not installed, rails -v will not work
Glad to hear the problem is fixed :)
As for the asset pipeline - if you are using rails 3.2.6 (or were using it) then you may have been using the asset pipeline to serve your assets (javascript files, CSS files, images, etc). If you were, and you downgrade to anything pre rails version 3.1, then anything being served through the asset pipeline will no longer work.
Here is a pretty good description of the asset pipeline: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html
You should check also remove your Gemfile.lock or manually 'bundle update rails' when you change your rails dependency.
I suggest to use rbenv or rvm to create a virtual environment/sandbox where you can install your preferred ruby versions (e.g. 1.8.7) and keep tracking of your dependencies separately. This would save you a lot of effort.
Keep in mind that rails 3.0 has no asset pipeline support (it has been included in rails 3.1)! This is a very important difference and if you depend on it you will have big issues to solve for the downgrade.
Thanks a lot everyone for help.
I believe it was weird issue. I had heroku on the system. I was initially deploying my app on the same and then changed to another hosting server.
After uninstalling the heroku, it works perfectly fine. Probably, that was interfering somewhere. Although, not sure but problem is resolved.
Thanks a lot again for a great great help!!!
Meanwhile, I would request alup to throw some more light on asset pipeline support. Wots that? Could you please explain more??
Need to delete C:\Users\.ror folder and C:\Users\.gemfile and C:\Users\.gemfile.lock from your desktop..
I just installed a new rails 3 application on ruby 1.9.2 for the first time using Refinery CMS.
Everything went well using refinerycms to install the application, but passenger is having issues with the application.
Passenger says Rack can not start gives me error:
"No such middleware to insert after: ActionDispatch::Static"
I am running several other rails applications on my server using passenger without trouble; although none of those applications are using refinerycms.
Help much appreciated as this is a project in a class I'm taking and have very limited time to complete the scope of this project, would be awesome to get started.
In your config/environments/production.rb file you have to specify:
config.serve_static_assets = true
This enables ActionDispatch::Static and is a requirement of Refinery CMS.
I have just started to learn Ruby on Rails and in going through a tutorial I am not able to launch the rails project because of the following error.
-e:4:in `load': no such file to load -- script/server (LoadError)
from -e:4:in `<main>'
I have installed Ruby 1.9.2 and using RadRails as the IDE for creating and executing the Rails project. Any suggestions?
Most likely your tutorial refers to Rails 2 (for which given command works), while you're using Rails 3.
I'm not sure how exactly you start server in Rails 3 (edit see answer by jdl), but take my adice: find another tutorial. Otherwise, you'll have to create such questions here several times a day :)
If you just installed the latest Rails the the command has changed (as of Rails 3) to:
$ ./script/rails server
I think the best way to start a server in Rails 3 is to run this command from the root of the project:
rails server
You should have the rails executable in your path if you've installed the Rails 3 gem.