Websocket and Rails integration - ruby-on-rails

I am new to the web socket framework with Rails and generally I feel I should get my hands to start working with it. I have used Faye for my private message publishing and it works nicely. So I want to ask if there is a nice tutorial out there that can show me how to use web sockets with rails. Thank you.

Node.js + socket.io is probably your easiest option right now. Faye is set up to use Node.js, so you may have already have Node.js running alongside your rails app (depending on how you're using Faye). You'll just want to start using socket.io. The socket.io repo includes some very useful examples - I sugget looking at chat.
You can communicate between your rails app and Node.js server via http. Node.js lets you easily make an http server. You may also want to take a look at request.


NodeJS as an instant messaging server for a MVP chat service

I am working on a chat service with some unique features in it, and thinking about a server to dispatch messages and do all the IM-related stuff. First-priority client is going to be for iOS, built with Swift.
Is it feasible to create server, based on NodeJS Express, or may be Loopback? I have had a look at multiple choices, including ready solutions, like QuickBlox, Parse.
As for creating it from scratch, I think about NodeJS or Erlang.
At what stage should I make a decision so that not to waste too much time on reconfiguring everything for scaling and rapidity and convenience of development?
With technologies like Socket.io, Node.js, and Express, you could make a chat application fairly quickly.
Sockets are typically the best solution and the most common route to implementing a chat system, as they provide two way communication between the client and the server.
You could use practically any backend for a socket server, but it may end up being quicker to use Node.js and socket.io depending on your comfortability level with JavaScript.
All you would need is a socket compatible server and a client side library that connects to a socket server - there are plenty of JavaScript libs out there, including a socket.io-client.
Check out socket.io's chat demo on their site for a quick look at how it works:
They even provide a first party iOS Swift client:
Personally I recommend you to checkout SailsJS, a great framework for building API & chat server at the same time. It adopts socket.io internally so every route in a Sails app is compatible with socket.io (in other words, you can decide to call an API request via Socket anytime you wish!)
I've built a complete, working iOS App having chat feature. Its backend was completely developed using SailsJS. It saved me hundreds of hours. Sails documentation also mentions about scaling for production. Please have a look at http://sailsjs.org

How to use Rails as DDP server with Meteor.js client

We have a Rails app that acts HTTP API only. On the client side, Ember.js is currently used. We are not overly impressed by Ember and really like the approach Meteor.js takes. So we'd like to exchange the client side with Meteor.js and communicate with the Rails server via websockets that speak the Data Distribution Protocol (DDP), so we can keep using the models, mailers and controllers in Rails. Implementing server side of DDP should be easy.
However, we're unsure how to make Rails talk websockets. We found Reel, which seems to make it easy to accept websocket requests in a standalone environment. Reel seems great as we'd like to implement the DDP on top of the Celluloid stack anyway. But what about running Reel in the Rails environment? Would we need "rails runner" for that? And we'd like to keep using the existing controllers to dispatch incoming requests (like, to add/change/remove resources). Is that even possible without having the request coming through Rack?
Any input is appreciated.
It's a bit late, but I've implemented DDP in Ruby, you can check it out here:
It includes an implementation of EJSON as well. It's built on top of celluloid-websocket, and can be ran simply as a rack app.
I've made an integration with RethinkDB that can be used as a reference to build your own collections implementation.
I've also made a sample chat application that can be found here:
It's something that I have been longing to do as well, to integrate old "legacy" Rails code. Here is the best way I have found:
Since you would not be using any of Rails router/controller/views, but just the ability to read data and push it to the client, I recommend you use Rails to create JSON apis to the database, and deploy the code, then in Meteor you can consume the data via the http package, this would happen on the server at a regular interval and populate the MongoDB with the normalized data you need, then it would serve the browser client.
I am working on such an application that will keep a normalized version of the data in Mongo, and a relational version of the data in mySql (through Rails) this way I can preserve the legacy Rails functionality that I dont want to rewrite in JS, and get the benefit of Meteor for the one page that I need it most.

Push data from rails app to clients

I'm working on a rails app that will primarily be exposed by an api to various mobile clients (iOS, android etc). The application involves users submitting data to the server (via api calls), but what I want to include is the ability to push this data down to other clients. The general concept is similar to a messaging app, where I submit a message to the server from me client and the receiver is pushed the message from the server.
The only method I know of at the moment is to constantly poll the server, but there must be better tech solutions than this. Any ideas?
I would look at using a websocket within the page to push the updates.
You could implement this using Faye, which falls back to long polling and other work-arounds for browsers without websocket support. Faye has a pure-ruby implementation, so you could probably work out access to your model layer.
Also, this is a project that combines Faye with Rails. It is fairly new, but might do what you want. Faye-Rails
You should check out http://www.pusher.com
Pusher is a hosted API for quickly, easily and securely adding scalable realtime functionality to web and mobile apps.
If you need self-hosted solution, then you should check out slanger gem https://github.com/stevegraham/slanger which is server implementation for pusher client libraries. When you feel you need hosted solution, you just change URL's.
Slanger is an open source server implementation of the Pusher protocol written in Ruby. It is designed to scale horizontally across N nodes and to be agnostic as to which Slanger node a subscriber is connected to, i.e subscribers to the same channel are NOT required to be connected to the same Slanger node. Multiple Slanger nodes can sit behind a load balancer with no special configuration. In essence it was designed to be very easy to scale.
Ruby has it's own event-processing library, implemented like a gem:
Maybe it helps you
I prefer event machine over any other solution. It is somewhat more complicated that faye but you can write way more sophisticated code using event machine.
You might wanna check this peepcode screencast on event machine

WebSockets and Heroku: pushing data to the user

I am build a real time web application using Ruby on Rails and Heroku seems to be the best option for hosting it.
I would prefer pushing new data to the user, when it becomes available, instead of pulling it by sending AJAX requests every few seconds.
Pusher seems to be suggested by Heroku for a such kind of job, but it has some limitations, brings additional costs, and makes you dependent on an external API.
Is there any other option to use WebSockets on Heroku?
If you wanna do websockets you need to use a different server besides rails. And since your on heroku you don't have the flexibility.
Optionally you can host a websockets enabled node server on an ec2 micro instance. Then in your rails app when you want to push -- do a request to the node server and the it will go to the clients.
If you only need one way communication try using Server Side events.
There are two options that you can use with Heroku aside from Pusher:
1) Like Eric Fode mentioned above, you could use SSE given you don't need two-way communication. There is a Heroku add-on which you could leverage for this: https://addons.heroku.com/eshq
2) There is another lesser known library called Faye which you could look into. It supports both Node.js and Ruby servers and it's based on the Bayeux Protocol
Heroku now has support for WebSockets: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-labs-websockets
While WebSockets isn't currently supported, apparently you can use Socket.io on Heroku, configuring it for long-polling.

Ruby on rails and Node.js

I am wondering how to integrate node.js on a rails app (for learning purpose).
Based on Michael Hartl tutorial (http://railstutorial.org/) I realized a basic twitter clone with rails and want to get user microposts in real-time without the use of comet or juggernaut. (the application is hosted on heroku)
For the moment, I only see example with node.js frameworks (http://howtonode.org/grasshopper-shoutbox) but nothing merged with a ruby on rails app.
I would be very thankful if someone knows a good tutorial or give me some points to start in order to accomplish this.
As Shripad said, I'd consider trying to build your app with Node by itself. Geddy will feel familiar (getting started anyway) if you have experience with Rails. Note: I do not have experience on a real world app with Geddy, but it is the best Rails-like framework I've seen so far. For persistence you can use SQLite, PostgreSQL or CouchDB, just like you would with Rails. I thought about how to communicate between a Rails app and Node without any intermediary. In our work project we're using Redis as an intermediary between Rails and Node. Rails publishes messages to Redis, Node pulls messages from Redis. I could not find a good way or example projects to avoid the middle communication layer on a personal project, so I went with the same setup. The good news is Node Redis modules are written and once you get everything installed, it is easy to test out pushing messages back and forth.
If you are looking at creating real-time apps then go with node.js (high concurrency) alone. You really cannot integrate node.js into a rails app. You can however have a node server setup on another port with an api and websockets configured and then have your rails app communicate with that server. It is PITA to do that kind of setup. You rather build the entire web app in node itself. However, if you want anything rails specific that does not use juggernaut then i would suggest http://www.pusherapp.com.
Its extremely easy to setup server push using Pusher.
It already did. Not really NodeJs but a framework built on top if it. Yada, yada, yada... check this out: https://github.com/1602/express-on-railway
**Run node along side your rails server**
If you want to intergrate your Rails app with Node you could use the node-rails gem
Node Rails will enable you to run a Node server along side your Rails application and have the two share authentication NodeRails assumes you are using Devise for your authentication. Node-Rails uses [redis gem][2] , so you will need to have that installed.
Learn more about using npm packages on Rails.
