How i can display progress/indicator dialog in Blackberry? - blackberry

i am developing app in 5.0 version.
in my app there is database so when data is coming from db it is taking time so i have to put progress dialog in between. i want to open dialog when data is coming when it fill in all fields then it would be dismiss. does any body have idea for this please send me.
Thanx in advance.

Check this article
This article is intended provide a fully functioning "Please Wait" sample Popup Screen. It consist of 3 Parts, each part with its own sample code. The most relevant sample to you is which is located in the part 3 (last parT) since it contains progress bar sample code.
When running it, make sure you change the address of the file to be downloaded in the "Test that gives percentage updates" to a valid one since the existing one is invalid (you can use this one for example

Use a GaugeField as described here:


Why does images in Google spreadsheet often change their place?

I am currently working with Google Script which accepts the user input and store in the other spreadsheet. This logic works ok but to facilitate this, I have created a form like provision on my worksheet and placed some images which look like buttons. When I (and other collaborators) open this spreadsheet, we often observe that images are not on their place as shown below,
Note: See above, buttons (images) 'Get Case Details' & 'Deletegate Tasks' are not on their original positions. Ideally, they should appear as below,
As a workaround, I just go to some other tab/worksheet and come back to mine which shows the image location correctly.
I checked this discussion on Google Doc forum but looks like a known issue, no answer yet.
Does anyone have any idea? Has anyone come across this problem?
Besides the discussion that you linked, there a lot of other similar reports over the years on the Google Docs Help Forum and other places on the web.
One alternative is to increase the whitespace around the buttons. Another alternative is to use another UI element like custom menus, a side panel or dialogs.

Dynamically adding data from server to auto complete TextField in iphone

I want to implement Google type searching in my iPhone application using Auto Complete Text field, like when user enters some characters it should give hints of related data coming from server using Soap web services.this service return whole data but i want it search as per character. I have searched lot. I am new one in iPhone development. Please any one help me and provide some useful links or tutorials. I got stuck in it.

Formatting of #HtmlTextBoxFor MVC Visual Basic Webpage

This is my first post here although I use this forum all the time and it usually provides me with a solution, however I've searched all over the web for an answer to this and I can't find anything.
I'm developing a website which provides software support. Users log on to it and add a "support call" which a member of a support team will answer.
The problem I am facing is that when users describe their problem (inside the TextBoxFor shown below), they can type out their problem, and format the text as they please, however when the call is submitted, sometimes (it appears randomly) the formatting just disappears, e.g. some spacing and paragraph use just disappears, here is an example:
Correct formatting:
Hi I'm having difficulty with x, and y and I need some assistance.
Could somebody help me out?
How it appears sometimes:
Hi I'm having difficulty with x,and y and I need some assistance.Could somebody help me out?"
This, of course is highly simplified, and some people have to write many paragraphs and text lines.
Here is the code for the textbox (in the view):
#Html.TextBoxFor(Function(model) model.SupportCall.Subject, New With {.maxLength = "254", .style = "width:500px;"})
It is worth mentioning that when a support call is submitted, it goes to a folder which is picked up by another internal piece of software, which then creates a database record for the call, meaning that an email notification can be sent to the support team, then the list of calls to be answered is updated from that database model, therefore I'm pretty sure it's possible that this process could be what is changing the text formatting.
A reason why this is happening is just as useful as a solution to me so any input is welcome.
prepend and append it.

Gem for creating a left/right scrollable notification viewer for web app?

I'm new to Ruby on Rails so please bear with me.
I'm creating a web app for users to trade cards and would like to include in the user's home page a notification section that shows relevant alerts for the user based on possible trade matches and other things like new messages. The functionality would require alerts to be generated based on certain triggers (userB accepts trade, trade is proposed to userA, userB messages userA, and possibly even incorporate sponsored posts). This will basically function like the "notification center" on iOS.
I've made a quick mockup: (or if that's too big --> -- wouldn't let me embed image because I'm new :(
So the idea is the view will probably have 5-15 alerts at any given time (give or take) and can scroll through them using those left/right arrows. The alerts will be a basic message with a link to the relevant page, or for something like a trade rating have the message "open" to fill the viewer and show the necessary functionality.
Hopefully I explained this okay. Anyone know anything out there that might make building this easier? Please let me know if there is any info I missed in asking this?
Not sure I get exactly what your wanting to do but if I understand correctly this may help. I have used swipe.js it is easy to use, should get you started on a swipeable/scrollable interface.

iPhone Messages App-like recipient list view

I'm trying to create a message composer view on iOS which includes a recipient list just like that in iPhone built-in Messages App:
It looks just like a UITextView, but while you were entering names or numbers, it tries to match data from address book, and once matched the entered text will change into the name in address book and have a light-blue round-rectangular background.
I've checked weiSMS but I'm afraid the source codes are too old to build for iOS 4/5, just wondering if there's any framework/components I can re-use, or any other resources that I can learn how to do it from scratch. Please kindly show me some pointers and thanks in advance!
Of course! Why, just earlier today, I found this control up on It's crude, yes, but I'm sure with a little tweaking, you can get rid of that nasty light blue default background for the tokens.
