iPhone AIR app integration with a native Objective-C iPhone app - ios

I am beginning to port an existing Flash project to an iPhone AIR app for a client. The client already has an iPhone app created by an Objective-C developer. My client would like me to be able to incorporate my Flash elements into the Objective-C developer's existing iPhone app.
I'm not sure if this can be accomplished in some way, and if so, how. I'm guessing that giving the Objective-C developer my .ipa file would be useless. I'm also guessing that they would be unable to use my .swf files, but I'm not sure.
Does anyone have an idea as to how I might proceed? If you are able to point me in the right direction, I will gladly declare that your kung fu is the best!

You cannot do that with regular tools. I would go the other way around: try to reuse some of the Objective-C code inside your Air app, incorporating it into a Native Extension. Of course, depending on what the Objective-C code does, and on what your Air code does, it may or may not make sense.


iOS/Swift: Making the source code of an app visible?

Is it possible/do you know any possibility to visualize the source code of an app? Because I'm working on something and I have got an app that does exactly what I want mine to do, just in a completely different way. Basically, every app on the AppStore has to be written in Xcode, right? So how do I visualize the code?
Thanks in advance!
The developer needs to share the code with you if you want to get the full code.
You can't extract the code from the .ipa itself (which is essentially the app)
Moreover, not every iOS app is written in Xcode - you have other SDK to write Swift and Objective-C with and more apps that you can write cross platform app with that eventually produced the .ipa file.

Old app with no Xib and storyboard. Make ios9 compatible

Iam new to developer forum and in need of help. So thought why not get help from fellow developers. I have a app (Photo Sharing App) that was bought from a developer and now I want to make it ios9 compatible and want to have a app with more effects and features like ; masking, layers, crop, resize, stickers etc....
Had a developer look at it and he told me this about the app.
"— App Code is Static. (no xibs and no storyboard used). All code written programatically. >> if to make compatible to iOS9 have to re-structure re-code all the structure to match with latest app requirement storyboard,auto layout etc… (current code is static for each devices need to make dynamic).
— App not working for new xcode 7.
— Application working in older version of Xcode 6.4. When tried to run on Xcode 7 it shows error not compiling at all. with changes managed to apply fix and run on new Xcode. But it still hangs on iOS 9
— facebook invite friend not working >> current code has older implementation of Facebook to show just friend with invite list which is now not allow by Facebook. Have to now check for this invite feature how it is working now and what are the steps needed to implement if working. "
The question: Is it any easy solution to make it work or do we need to make the app from scratch. Any one who can guide me to right direction. Where should I start and what can be done. Is it much work related to getting it IOS9 compatible? Any script/codes available on the net/github? iam just a amateur and on starting level so please consider it.
Have heard that can make a launch screen with storyboard so no need to make the app from scratch and just let the lauchscreen be dynamic to work with the app for flexible layout. How is that possible?
Thanks a lot
There is no need to remake all views with storyboard or xibs. You just need to add Default images for 3.5 and 4 inches iPhones. Also, you need to fix all errors, update frameworks and libs, recode deprecated methods, make the app compile for 64 bit architecture.

How to programatically determine whether iOS app is from app store or has been copied to device during development?

I have some debugging code that I want to run when my app is either running in the simulator, or running on a development device (with or without debugger attached). I don't want this debugging code to run when the app is running on a device after being downloaded from the app store.
Is there any easy way to achieve this?
Note: The above-mentioned code will be in a library that will be used by other developers, so I would prefer to use some code that I can embed in this library, without requiring any further action from the developers using the library.
Although my library is a C# library (Xamarin.iOS), any Objective-C, Swift, or Xamarin.iOS answers would all be useful.
When you're running it on the simulator or in Xcode, you can set the Scheme to debug and just put if-statments in. When it runs from the store it won't be in debug mode unless you've hard coded that somewhere.
To answer your question directly: No you're not able to detect the apps source (App Store Vs Xcode deployment) as far as I know.
You can use DEBUG macro, it's defined in Objective-C projects for debug builds. But better way is to use your own macro to enable additional logging. Add information about this macro to docs and developer will decide to enable logging or not by defining it in his project. Also how to set preprocessor macros I described in this answer.

Can I do code injection into apps without jailbreaking my device?

Been reading about the FLEX Library for iOS, and I use it in my existing app. In the section "learning from other apps" it says the code injection exercise is left to the reader. Is it possible to go about doing this without jailbreaking the device?
To add to the other ways discussed in #joseph Duffy's answer/comments, you can also use a secondary device which is jailbroken to decrypt an app, package it back into an IPA, and then patch it by linking a libary to the IPA with your own code, finally re-signing it for your other device. Its a bit of a pain as a regular workflow, but works.
Check this out: https://medium.com/#kennethpoon/how-to-perform-ios-code-injection-on-ipa-files-1ba91d9438db
It won't be possible to use FLEX with an app that you are not compiling yourself. There is FLEXLoader, but that will require your device to be jailbroken.

View the file system of iPad/iPhone to verify saved files

I would like to be able to view the file system of my actual iPad/iPhone to verify that files are being written correctly. I can do this using the simulator by navigating to Users/me/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/specific app/Documents. Here I can see all of the files and data I have written from within my app.
I would be really helpful if anyone knows of an app or some way of viewing the file system of my apps WITHOUT JAIL BREAKING
Thanks in advance
Take a look at iExplorer:
Also, look at this question:
Strongly recommend iFunbox, take a look at LifeHacker review here. Easy to use and you can even access your iPhone over WiFi. No jailbroken required too.
You should try DiskAid: http://www.digidna.net/diskaid which is way better than iExplorer. You can connect to your iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi and USB and browse your iOS file system, app sandboxes and it supports multiple device and simultaneous file transfers.
I am almost 100% sure this is not possible without a jailbreak (at least not on the device itself). If it works on the simulator, then it should be saving correctly on the actual device. If you need to verify it, just read the file from your app, and turn it into an NString, and NSLog it.
Then you will know if it is working.
Of course, as others have mentioned, there is iExplorer, but you have to view the files on a Mac. And it won't show system files.
