View the file system of iPad/iPhone to verify saved files - ios

I would like to be able to view the file system of my actual iPad/iPhone to verify that files are being written correctly. I can do this using the simulator by navigating to Users/me/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Applications/specific app/Documents. Here I can see all of the files and data I have written from within my app.
I would be really helpful if anyone knows of an app or some way of viewing the file system of my apps WITHOUT JAIL BREAKING
Thanks in advance

Take a look at iExplorer:
Also, look at this question:

Strongly recommend iFunbox, take a look at LifeHacker review here. Easy to use and you can even access your iPhone over WiFi. No jailbroken required too.

You should try DiskAid: which is way better than iExplorer. You can connect to your iPhone or iPad via Wi-Fi and USB and browse your iOS file system, app sandboxes and it supports multiple device and simultaneous file transfers.

I am almost 100% sure this is not possible without a jailbreak (at least not on the device itself). If it works on the simulator, then it should be saving correctly on the actual device. If you need to verify it, just read the file from your app, and turn it into an NString, and NSLog it.
Then you will know if it is working.
Of course, as others have mentioned, there is iExplorer, but you have to view the files on a Mac. And it won't show system files.


Adobe AIR - My Mobile Services Don't Work

I am really close to being done with my app. The layout is finally correct and scaling properly. The only problem I have now is with my services. When I click on the button that is supposed to load data from my database, nothing happens. I set the endpoints of the services to point to my database on my website. The app works in the simulator, but on my iPad, I get nothing. So I have a couple of questions. Does the .ipa file that you upload to an iPad contain all the folder structure for your services? Is there a descriptor setting that needs to be set to make sure that you have internet access on the device?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. The desktop version works, and it works in the mobile simulator, but not on the iPad??? I don't even know where to start with the debugging so any thoughts at all are greatly appreciated.
See this answer about NSTransportSecurity

iOS File Retrieval - NSDocumentDirectory

I am working on a library with a very verbose logger module that, on iOS, writes xml logs to NSDocumentDirectory in a consistent file tree. I want to come up with a way for the user of this library to easily access these logs.
I know it is simple to programatically retrieve files from this directory, but is it possible to access this directory on an iOS physical device in any way from outside Xcode to retrieve these logs? I feel like I have seen it somewhere before, something in the manner of extracting the .ipa file and going into the package contents, but I could be wrong.
This (Browse the files created on a device by the IOS application I'm developing, on workstation?) is how to do it with Xcode on a device, but I have to assume that there is some way we can create that gets the logs off of a device for a user.
is it possible to access this directory on an iOS physical device in any way from outside Xcode to retrieve these logs?
It is possible to expose the Documents directory by enabling iTunes file sharing. When file sharing is enabled through this method, the contents of Documents directory would be visible to the user in iTunes, which can also be exported. The documents would also be visible for export through some third party desktop apps like iExplorer.
Here is the link to Apple documentation. You may also refer this thread to understand how this is done.
If you're using a simulator (apparently your task doesn't seem to need te real device) you are in luck.
You should go to a folder similar to this one:
Once there, with finder, you'll get the "documents" folder of the simulator and the app you're trying to retrieve your logs from.
You might say: I don't know which 2 RANDOM_HASHES should I go to.
Yes, you're right. If you have MANY simulators installed and or being used, it might be tricky to discover which one is the one you're trying to debug.
The same thing with your APP, your app will live in another RANDOM_HASH folder, and you should browse them, one by one, and then discover your documents folder.
Someone needed to solve this "mess" and created a Xcode Alcatraz Extension that leads you to the exact live simulator and APP you're debugging in any given moment, and then you don't need to guess which 2 random_hash paths you need to navigate to.
If Xcode + Alcartaz plugin extension manager is somewhat out of your reach, you might need to google it. It's not a difficult process.
PS: That magical Alcatraz Extension is named "XCodeWay" (in case you are brave enough to install Alcatraz onto your copy of XCode).
EDIT: Useful link to get Alcatraz: Follow its easy instructions and you're done.
EDIT2: If Xcode cannot be used, then the last question in this other thread might come in handy: Browse the files created on a device by the IOS application I'm developing, on workstation?
(Still, an external application in your users machine will be needed )

accessing iphone file system and copy file

I'd like to know way to access iphones file system and copy files to app's documents programmatically on windows platform. I know there are several programs accoplish this goal here . Also it shouldn't be against the apple licence.
As the very article you link to states:
First of all you need have a jailbroken device.
With a device that is not jailbroken, you can not access the filesystem directly.
Any form of jailbreaking breaks Apple's EULA. Thus what you request can't be done.

What is the best way to access iOS filesystem from an app?

I'll be working on a cryptographic app for iPad soon. Along to some other features, I'd like to be able to get documents within the iPad's file system to work with them.
So far, I haven't experimented with that, but I've seen apps such as pdf readers that don't share their files with other apps and can't reach files belonging to other apps. Is it possible -and legal- to reach all the files in the iPad from an app?
Thank you very much!
No. This is not possible unless you Jailbreak your device. All applications are sandboxed and can only access files they are in the their individual sandbox.

Inspect iOS user's documents folder remotely

Recently a user of one of my apps reported that all her data was lost when she updated the app. I think this is a long shot, but is there anyway for me to inspect her 'documents' folder within the app on her iPad? Or a way for her to send me her document folder so I can see what's going on and hopefully salvage the data?
If she is a fairly technically capable user, you could have her use PhoneDisk to mount your app's sandbox and inspect the Documents folder.
If it is a jailbroken device you could ask her to download teamviewer, then ssh into the iPad.
Never tried it though! But that was an idea I got when I saw your question.
