Where can I find Umbraco free skins - umbraco

I am trying to compare Umbraco with Orchard, and though I could find free Orchard Skins (not many on the site) but couldn't find any for Umbraco.
And in general I looking for CMS system for my own site, what should I choose based on Professional support and ease of development (I am a .Net Developer too)

Update: I was wrong. There are lots of skins for Umbraco.
I think the two CMSes are very different, with Orchard focusing on the authors and Umbraco on the developers. In other words: As far as I know there aren't any skins for Umbraco, because you are expected to choose your own layout framework. If you need skins, then choose a framework that has some.

You can pretty much use any HTML template, but you would have to set it up yourself. This makes Umbraco pretty flexible.
Orchard is a little like DotNetNuke with its skinning capability because you can put things inside of styled "containers".


Are there any reporting tools that provide an MVC 3 ReportViewer for the Razor ViewEngine out of the box?

As stated in the title. Most of what I've seen involve workarounds to get their native Webforms report viewers into the MVC workspace and fewer innately support the Razor ViewEngine. Are there any, free or paid, that provide this?
I'm looking for ones similar to how the default Webforms ReportViewer handles things where you get a preview of what you're about to export.
Personally i use Perpetuum SharpShooter for web reporting. I work with standard ASP.NET WebForms, but I saw somewhere the documentation for Razor.
However Unfortunately, it doesn not have native web-based report designer. It's a pitty. I have to create huge workarounds to provide my users with their windows report editor.

Web UI Components for dashboard on MVC and IE6

As part of the next project I'm working on, the customer has asked for a user-customisable dashboard-style web page where they can place multiple different chart controls populated with various bits of data.
There are tons of libraries out there that allow you to do this kind of thing but most do not support IE6. (it's out of my hands, we have to target IE6. I know, pity me)
I've had great difficulty finding any appropriate 3rd party control libraries that will work on IE6 and are still supported so any recommendations would be welcome.
The rest of this app is ASP.NET (3.5) but we are wanting to make the dashboard section MVC so either native ASP.NET or MVC components would be fine but MVC would be preferable.
jqChart supports IE6. It has version for ASP.NET MVC - http://www.jqchart.com/SamplesAspNetMVC
By far the best IE6-compatible library for charts is Raphael and its sister library g.Raphael. The main library is a general graphics library; the sister lib is for graphs and charts.
Hope that helps.

asp.net mvc internationalization automation

Is any tools for automation in internationalization for mvc exist? I need to internationalize web solution now. it wasn't implemented any features for internationalization there. All content are hard coded mostly (I mean view texts, messages and so on). Maybe some one could advice something that will be helpful in this case.
I am not aware of any tools that might help you if everything is hardcoded. I would recommend you the following guide.
Unfortunately with MVC we don't have the benefit of Visual Studio's "Generate Local Resources" command (available in the Tools menu when a Web Form is open), which does just what you need. So unless someone wrote a tool for this, you are stuck with copying your text to resources manually.

Is Umbraco suitable for a LOB application?

I wonder if Umbraco 5, which is based on MVC, is appropriate for a Line of Business application, mainly to handle extensibility.
Would it be a good ideia to use Umbraco as a base, and create modules to be installed on it?
Does Umbraco use MEF for extensibility, or something similar?
Note: I don't have any experience with Umbraco.
as you properly know umbraco 5 is only in beta mode atm..
but umbraco 5 looks really promising, you can read some of umbraco thoughts about MEF here

Any experiences using SharpDevelop to build an ASP.NET MVC app?

I've always used VS for .NET development, but am just wondering about the alternatives around now. I'm especially interested in use for ASP.NET MVC development. I'm not bothered about any of the visual design aspects of vs, but of course love intellisense and the debugging features.
So, for anyone who has tried SharpDevelop when doing ASP.NET MVC:
How did you get on?
What are the main disadvantages and pain points?
By the looks of it, SharpDevelop won't have any problems compiling the project and editing the source...you just won't get any tooling support. From what I've read, that includes aspx files.
Having said that, there does seem to be some movement around an ASP.NET plug-in editor for SharpDevelop here.
Source: http://community.sharpdevelop.net/forums/t/7872.aspx
As an aside, it might to nice to update this question with your experiences if you go down that route... (:
I have used SharpDevelop to create an ASP.Net WebForms project - didn't have too many issues with it. The lack of a visual designer is certainly annoying, but it forces you to think about the source directly, which is a good thing...
I haven't done anything with MVC yet - though from the sounds of things the only thing that's stopping SD at the moment is the tooling. The core developers might have no plans for that, but it's an open source project, so there's nothing stopping an independent effort.
I've gone a very limited amount of work (bug investigation) with the SD code - it seems to me that once you understand their classes it's not bad code... Their failing as a project has been (as it is with most open source efforts) that everyone wants to code, so the documentation gets ignored. No-one likes writing documentation, but clear documentation might have led to far greater participation...
It's a great project, but their decision to ignore the web is madness.
As Kieron said, you'll be able to compile and you'll lack tooling. Unfortunately, #Develop's forum says that they don't plan to directly support it:
ASP.NET support is not planned for SharpDevelop.
The lack of tooling and knowing that it's not coming anytime soon would be the major pain point for me.
