Split a string with '\n', insert it into UITableViewCell and get height - ios

I'm developing an iOS 4 application with latest SDK and XCode 4.2.
I use a web service to retrieve some text data. I don't know its length so I will need to split that strings to fit inside a custom UITableViewCell.
This custom UITableViewCell will have an UILabel. And this label will be filled up with the text retrieved from web service.
The text will be country names: Spain, France, USA, Italy, etc. I will process this names to append them to a unique string. I will do it this way: "Spain - France - USA - ...".
One of my problems was that this line could be so long, and I need to split it into lines to fits UILabel width. I have solve this problem, checking every time I add a ' - ' if the string will get bigger than UILabel width. So, I will have a string like this: "Spain - France\nUSA - ...".
Ok. Now, I have a string with \n that will fit inside UILabel. So, I will need to modify UITableViewCell height to fits with UILabel height.
But, when I use [NSString sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:kFontSize]]; I'm not getting the real height, I'm always getting 21.0f.
I've found this tutorial about UITableView Dynamic Height, but I don't know how to use it with my code.
In a nutshell, I need to append ' - ' character to country names, but it there is a return carried (because the string will be rendered in another line by UILabel), I don't have to append ' - '. And, when I get this string, I will have to resize custom UITableViewCell to UILabel height.
Any clue?

Is that something you are looking for?
//create a CGFloat variable
CGFloat _height = 0;
//find out the size for your text. Instead of 255 insert the width of your label
CGSize _textSize = [yourString sizeWithFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:kFontSize] constrainedToSize:(CGSize) { 255, 9999 }];
//add the height of that CGSize variable to your height in case you will need to add more values
_height += _textSize.height;
//eventually some other calculations
Hope it helps


Get truncated text from UILabel in Swift [duplicate]

I have a single line UILabel. It has width = screen width and the content now is (the content of UILabel can change)
You have 30 seconds to make an impression during an interview
Currently, my UILabel is truncated tail and the word "duration" is not complete
self.nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail;
What I want is I want my UILabel still truncating tail and only display complete word.
Like the image below
Any help or suggestion would be great appreciated.
You can do something like this:
let labelWidth = CGRectGetWidth(label.bounds)
let str = "You will have 30 seconds till you give us a good impression" as NSString
let words = str.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var newStr = "" as NSString
for word in words{
let statement = "\(newStr) \(word) ..." as NSString
let size = statement.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName:label.font])
if size.width < labelWidth {
newStr = "\(newStr) \(word)"
newStr = newStr.stringByAppendingString(" ...")
self.label.text = newStr as String
Idea is: we split words and try check the width while appending from the beginning + the string "..." till we found the a word that will exceed the size, in the case we stop and use this new string
Ideally this is not possible,with default UILabel, when you set lineBreakMode to TruncatingTail, depending on the space required by the letter/word the OS will truncate it, one solution to fix the issue you can use following properties depending on your match.
Minimum Font Scale -- Use this property to specify the smallest multiplier for the current font size that yields an acceptable font size to use when displaying the label’s text. If you specify a value of 0 for this property, the current font size is used as the smallest font size.
Minimum Font Size -- When drawing text that might not fit within the bounding rectangle of the label, you can use this property to prevent the receiver from reducing the font size to the point where it is no longer legible.
i am not sure but try it:
nameLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO;
nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
If you are using storyboard follow these steps i tried this and it working fine
Open Attribute Inspector
Change Line Breaks to Truncate Tail then
Change AutoShrink to Minimum Font Size
here are my screenshots of label after and before applying these properties
new output

UILabel truncate tail and skip not complete word

I have a single line UILabel. It has width = screen width and the content now is (the content of UILabel can change)
You have 30 seconds to make an impression during an interview
Currently, my UILabel is truncated tail and the word "duration" is not complete
self.nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByTruncatingTail;
What I want is I want my UILabel still truncating tail and only display complete word.
Like the image below
Any help or suggestion would be great appreciated.
You can do something like this:
let labelWidth = CGRectGetWidth(label.bounds)
let str = "You will have 30 seconds till you give us a good impression" as NSString
let words = str.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
var newStr = "" as NSString
for word in words{
let statement = "\(newStr) \(word) ..." as NSString
let size = statement.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName:label.font])
if size.width < labelWidth {
newStr = "\(newStr) \(word)"
newStr = newStr.stringByAppendingString(" ...")
self.label.text = newStr as String
Idea is: we split words and try check the width while appending from the beginning + the string "..." till we found the a word that will exceed the size, in the case we stop and use this new string
Ideally this is not possible,with default UILabel, when you set lineBreakMode to TruncatingTail, depending on the space required by the letter/word the OS will truncate it, one solution to fix the issue you can use following properties depending on your match.
Minimum Font Scale -- Use this property to specify the smallest multiplier for the current font size that yields an acceptable font size to use when displaying the label’s text. If you specify a value of 0 for this property, the current font size is used as the smallest font size.
Minimum Font Size -- When drawing text that might not fit within the bounding rectangle of the label, you can use this property to prevent the receiver from reducing the font size to the point where it is no longer legible.
i am not sure but try it:
nameLabel.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = NO;
nameLabel.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByWordWrapping;
If you are using storyboard follow these steps i tried this and it working fine
Open Attribute Inspector
Change Line Breaks to Truncate Tail then
Change AutoShrink to Minimum Font Size
here are my screenshots of label after and before applying these properties
new output

How can I check out-of-sight characters in UITextField?

I have a UITextField that shrinks and expands when user input text. If the textfield's width reach the screen width, I want it to be right-aligned so user can see the last input characters. In other circumstance, I want it to be left-aligned.
Because the textfield's maximum width is not exactly the same with screen, I need to find a way to check if it has characters out of visible area.
Is there anyway to achieve this?
You could try checking the width of the string that is in the field and comparing it to the width of the field itself. It would look something like this -
CGSize textSize = [self.field.text sizeWithAttributes:#{NSFontAttributeName:self.field.font}];
// If the text is larger than the field
if (textSize.width > self.field.bounds.size.width) {
// There is text that is not visible in the field.
This is fairly rough, but should get you close.

how to make add see more featues in UILable if length of string is more than the number of line display in lable?

i count the require lable size using below code
CGSize expectedLabelSize = [text sizeWithFont:instructions.font
i count the number ofline of lable using below code
int numberofline = ceil(lable.frame.size.height / font.lineHeight);
in my case i require only 3 line on the button click the hole text display in tableview...due to modifing the cell height...
//please help me to check how to get number of characters for given font family....
![this is demo image][1]
see image on following link
[click to view image demo][1]
set property of UILable noOfLines = 0 which is by default 1. this will automatically increase your number of line .

dynamically displaying table cells height with boundRectWIthSize

Right now, I'm using the following code to display my table cell. It is displaying text properly. However, there are some texts which are too long, so I want to display the first 5 lines of the text and then if the user expands the cell, it will display the whole text. I'm stuck because I am not so familiar with the new method in ios 7, boundRectWithSize.
CGSize size = CGSizeMake(self.reviewComments.width,999);
CGSize textRect =[self.reviewComments.text boundingRectWithSize: size options: NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin
attributes: #{NSFontAttributeName:self.reviewComments.font} context: nil].size ;
float height = textRect.height;
self.reviewComments.height = height;
I tried:
if (height > 150) {
height = 150;
But this way just cuts off the text, even after when I expand it.
I want my cell so that it only displays maybe the first 5 lines of the text if it exceeds 5 lines. The entire text will appear if the cell is expanded.
Try this:
float height = ceilf(textRect.height);
