Fitnesse - runner process not starting - fitnesse

I have a test in fitnesse which used to work, but when I got into work today the test did not start at all. As soon as I press test I get the "0 errors 0 warrings..." text on the top of the test. Looking in the source control software, I can not find any changes to the test, or to anything related to it. I have noticed that the runner process does not start when I run the test. Other tests seem to work fine, and I can copy the tables from the test which is not working into an other test and everything is fine. Any ideas on what could be wrong?

My standard answer in this situation is, "have you checked your classpath?"
I say this, as typically when this sort of thing happens, it is that the !path doesn't point to the stuff you need, whether it be FitNesse.jar or your own custom code.
Also, do you get an output page where you can check the classpath? i doubt it, but that can help diagnose classpath issues.


Fitnesse: is it possible to disable Test and Suite buttons?

I am running Fitnesse on several dispathers and then copy Fitnesse history and logs from all dispatchers to a separate machine. Some other project members need access to test results on this machine but I don't want them to be able to click Test or Suite there. Is it somehow possible to disable Test and Suite buttons?
I would be glad for any options: either somehow configure it in Fitnesse, or get a patched fitnesse.jar, or any other options.
On the main Fitnesse site (, there is the following note: "Note, the Test and Suite buttons on this site have been disabled because search engines tend to invoke them and put my server under stress. This site is actually created with FitNesse.". So I need something like that, if possible.
Is it possible? Not sure I can find a corresponding place in source code to patch and re-build it. My hope is whether someone already did it or find it easy to help. I raised an issue in GitHub where Fitnesse source code is located but I didn't get any feedback yet.
Thank you!
It is indeed possible, that is indeed what is done for
I'm not 100% sure how its done but I suspect it is done by disabling 'responders', see
In that page a description is given to disable creating new pages:
You can probably also use this to disable SuiteResponder and TestResponder, by using:
The full list of responders is in fitnesse.responders.ResponderFactory
On a side note: why do need a full FitNesse installation to show test results? I recommend you look into generating tests results in html format, and just publish that html somewhere. I usually use the jUnit runner to run the tests on a build server (it also creates html output) and then publish the html files generated as build artefact which people can open/view.
Sample, from FitNesse project, generating html in build/fitnesse-results:
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
public class FitNesseRunnerTest {

Intellij is not running individual Spock tests in Grails any more

My company switched from idea-131 to idea-171 a few months back (which I've been keeping updated ever since). One thing I've noticed is that I can no longer run Spock unit tests individually anymore. Instead, when I right click on a test, it only offers me the ability to run the whole file. That's kind of annoying if a page has 40 tests! Is there a config somewhere that I need to tick?
Nevermind, I answered that question as soon as i asked it! they've moved the option to a little play button headed beside each test method. I'm not a fan of iconicizing little commands but ... there you go.

Rails Runner hanging with specific job

I have a Rails project and I am trying to run a script using Rails runner. This script runs fine on my local machine, but I am trying to run it on a new EC2 instance that I just set up.
When I run the script, it exhibits some very odd behavior. The first line in the script is a debug statement "Starting". When I say "hang" I mean that "Starting" is never printed.
rails runner //hangs forever
It is worth mentioning that the purpose of this script is to make several HTTP requests. So, in debugging it, I commented out various lines until I had the maximal program that would actually run.
The only line I needed to comment out is the one that actually called Net::HTTP.request. Then, the script would run, and print all of the debug statements that it was supposed to, but it wouldn't actually function as intended (obviously).
What seems odd to me is that the script will not even print "Starting" when the line that makes the HTTP request is present. The error would make some sense if it got to the HTTP request itself and then hung forever, or at least got some part of the way into the program.
What can cause Rails to behave this way? Any suggestions are appreciated.
I actually made a dumb mistake, but I am going to answer my question for anyone who makes the same mistake in the future.
I forgot to add "$stdout.sync = true" to the config file, so Rails just appeared to be hanging because it was not writing to stdout. When the HTTP request was disabled, it ran fast enough so that I didn't notice the writing was delayed.

Running Geb + spock tests headless

I have a number of geb functional tests for a grails application.
The tests are working as expected when executed from terminal or IDE.
Although the tests need to be executed by hudson, so they are run in headless mode using Xvfb.
The problem is that the tests keep failing, or behaving unexpectedly, returning errors like RequiredPageContentNotPresent and Stale Element Reference Exception in places that doesn't make sense.
For example:
(at LicencePage is verified above, and page isn't changed)
sometimes throws
Failure: Add Actual Licence (HomePageSpec)
| geb.error.RequiredPageContentNotPresent: The required page content 'addDocument - SimplePageContent (owner: LicencePage, args: [Functional Test Doc, /var/lib/hudson/jobs/KB-Functional_Tests/workspace/app/../manual_test_data/so_v3/os_test_1], value: null)' is not present
at geb.content.TemplateDerivedPageContent.require(TemplateDerivedPageContent.groovy:61)
at geb.content.PageContentTemplate.create_closure1(PageContentTemplate.groovy:63)
at geb.content.PageContentTemplate.create(PageContentTemplate.groovy:82)
at geb.content.PageContentTemplate.get(PageContentTemplate.groovy:54)
at geb.content.NavigableSupport.getContent(NavigableSupport.groovy:45)
at geb.content.NavigableSupport.methodMissing(NavigableSupport.groovy:121)
at geb.Browser.methodMissing(Browser.groovy:194)
at geb.spock.GebSpec.methodMissing(GebSpec.groovy:51)
at HomePageSpec.Add Actual Licence (HomePageSpec.groovy:228)
The method addDocument() is defined on an 'abstract' page, which LicencePage is extending. In most cases like this, if I copy the method code directly into my Spec, it is going to work, although its ruining all the structure I have on my test pages.
Anyone has experience running geb tests with Xvfb? Have you faced these issues?
All tests are passing when executed locally, and this not a data issue as the DB is always cleared
Also, without making any changes, the tests are behaving non-deterministic (on hudson) so the above exception is not always thrown. Without any changes at all, tests are sometimes successful and sometimes fail.
The description you gave seems to be the symptom of a flackey test-suite. we were facing this problem as well some time ago. A good starting point for this is this presentation (around min. 35) and the documentation about the wait stuff in geb.
If you think, it could have something to do with xvfb (where i have no experiences with), you could try to use phantomjs as the test-runner and check if it works correctly.

Why is my functional test getting the meta tag http-equiv='refresh' and then quitting?

When I run a simple functional test to get (for example) the users/signIn page, I'm getting this:
<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=https://localhost/index.php/users/signIn"/></head></html>
and then the functional test just stops. It happens in other functional tests too, but not on every request. Other tests will run fine, then when it gets to a certain request in the test, it will get that response (with the requested URL in the content attribute), and stop.
Any ideas on why this might be happening?
These functional tests used to work, but I just got this project back from another development company and I don't have an idea of where to start looking for the changes. Of course I can do diffs on the files with the version control, but I don't know where to start. Thanks for any leads!
Argh, found it quicker than I thought.
The SSL filter was turned on, and needs to be disabled for the test environment. They had removed the test environment from app.yml.
disable_sslfilter: true
