Xcode: Deleting project from project navigator - ios

I imported another project into my own project, but instead of putting it inside my own project is is on same level as my project. That means i can't delete it from the project navigator, or at least i do not know how to do it ?
Anyone with same problem and maybe a solution ?

Try to locate your project file, option-click -> Show Package Content. Do the same for project.xcworkspace file. Open contents.xcworkspacedata file with a text editor, there might be two FileRef entries, remove the one you don't want to have, save and reopen the project, perform clean. I believe xcuserdata folders might be also removed to avoid interface state issues.


iOS My application.xcodeproj causes and display red text, Then I unable to open project?

I have facing this issue when I was changing project name and copying my project from one mac to another. There are some red texts indicate the missing files from the project source codes(But I have all files in Project folder) I have used cocoapods in this project. How to avoid these?
Here I have shown my project screen shot.
As per your description... you must be having some issue in your project.pbxproj file. Please check that file. Common issue happens in that file when you try to merge different branches having conflicts in project structure.
There could be different reasons of this:
It may happen because the xcode is open and the source folder is not available.
It may happen when source path is not found in your system and xcode shows that.
For resolving this, quiet xcode and reopen your source from .xcodeproj again, will resolve the problem.
Click on the file, then on the far top right of Xcode look under Identity and Type Check and see if the path to the file is correct. In my case is was not so I had to click on the small folder icon (not the arrow icon) and select the folder in finder.

Xcode file missing from the editors

Hello guys I am jumping into a really weird problem that most of my files are missing from the Xcode editor. I can still compile and run the app, also all the files are still there in my project folder, but I just cannot see them in the Xcode editor anymore. I can have them back to editor by open each file one by one, however when I close xcode and reopen everything is gone again. Can anyone help me please, this is the picture.Only few files left
Please disable the recent view button at bottom of xcode.
Go to your project folder from Finder and search for the missing file. Just drag and drop the files in yor xcode.
If files are missing from the project directory then you need to create the new files with same name.
Make sure you're not adding those files just by reference. You must copy it with correct target.

Bad references of files in a XCode project

I'm trying to copy/paste my XCode project in an other folder of my Mac but when I open it in the new folder, all the files are in red like there was not in the project.
But the files are in the good arborescence of the project.
I already try to delete them and add them but it still doesn't work :/
You have only the reference now! delete those files and drag them to the project again, while doing so, please select the "copy items to destination folder" option

renaming classes in iOS

I am working on Xcode 4.3.2 i wanted to rename my classes so i used refactor>rename, but after that i changed my mind and decided to go back to the older name. But when i do the same thing i've done before again, a warning dialog appears saying:
yourclass.h is not part of the build phase of any targets in this workspace and so can't be refactored. add the file to the build phase of a target in this workspace, or make a selection in another file.
what's the build phase? how can i solve this problem?
Thank you very much
It may be worthwhile to delete the projects derived data
Organizer --> Projects --> hit the delete derived data button for the project in question
Quit XCode
Open XCode
Build project. This will re-index your project and has been known to fix various environment issues such as
code sense
auto complete and
copmpiler targets
In Xcode, select your project at the top of the file tree on the left hand side.
From there, select your target, and click the "Build Phases" tab. Make sure the .m file of the class you're wanting to rename is listed under "Compile Sources"
You could check if you have the file here:
Targets => Select the target which is the select target your scheme is trying to run => Tab Build Phases => Compile Sources
Check if there is something wrong there (like file in red).
xCode usually takes snapshots when you rename the classes through the re-factor option .. you can go to File > restore SnapShote .. and choose the snapshot you want retrieve to and you will get back all the changed names.
In my case the .m file was under the compile sources. I did clear the project derived data and restarted xcode but to no avail.
I figured out though, that attempting to refactor the specific property in the .m file worked and renamed the property both in the header and the rest of the project references.

move xcode project causes red text (missing files from project)

When I move iphone project directory to a new path.
There are some red texts indicate the missing files from the project source codes.
How to avoid these?
Here is how to locate the missing (red) files using the Xcode 4 interface:
Select the file or files in the left hand Project Navigator (the folder icon)
In the right sidebar click on "File Inspector" which is the leftmost icon resembling a page
In the "Identity and Type" section, there is a grey box labeled "Location".
Click on the small icon to the lower left that resembles a file browser - this will come up with a file browser to locate the file.
Voila, you are done.
Xcode 7
1.) Right click on the red (missing) file.
2.) Select "Show File Inspector"
3.) Look at the right hand side of the screen under "Identity and Type" between "Location" and "Full Path"
4.) Click on the folder icon to the right of the file name.
5.) Navigate to the file's new location in the pop-up window and select the file.
I encountered this issue when copying my project from one mac to another.
The solution for me:
assuming your files are grouped (in folder)
from xcode open the group in file inspector
The group will probably be missing the absolute path.
press the little icon nearby to pick the folder to associate the group with.
restart xcode to see the changes.
I had the same problem, when I changed the permission on the files/folders to everyone read/write they then appeared in Xcode.
This worked on a Pod project. Quit XCode.
rm -rf project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/*
Restart XCode and reopen project.
In Finder, create a duplicate of the project directory just in case all goes squiffy.
In Finder, open the project directory that contains all the files with red references
For all the red files you see in XCode, except the info.plist file (see step 5 below), highlight them in Finder and drag them from Finder to XCode's project navigator. i.e. import them.
In XCode's "Choose options for adding these files" window: a) Select Copy items into Destination's group folder (if needed)
b) Select Create groups for any added folder
c) Select Add to Targets, and press Finish
Highlight and drag the info.plist file from Finder to Project Navigator and repeat step 4 WITHOUT selecting Add to Targets
If you had groups in Project Navigator (e.g. Supporting Files), reorder the files to be in the right places.
Delete the original bad red references in Project Navigator, and Cmd-Shift-K to clean for good measure.
Build and run on a device to remove the bad reference to the .app file
you just have to locate the missing file press in file icon in the identity and type you will find the full path just locate your file where do you move it click the file icon
When you create these files be sure to save in your app directory. Or if you import classes from other project be sure to check the copy option.
I dont know if this is the main reason but when you are importing files to the application, do you mary the "Copy items in to destination group's folder (if needed)" ?
this make sure the file is not only referenced but added to your project folder and ir will move any where you move your project.
Did you move files in to folders directly in your project folder and not in xcode?
This worked on a Pod project.
go into finder and project.
right click on your project .xcworkspace and click show package contents
right click on contents.xcworkspacedata and open with textEdit then make sure file path is correct. If project has been moved this can change
I also did this below but now sure if you need it
Quit XCode.
rm -rf project.xcworkspace/xcuserdata/*
Restart XCode and reopen project.
If you create an Xcode project, then move the .xcodeproj file or the newly created project folder to a different folder using Finder, subsequent builds may show many missing files which still reference the original folder locations (which no longer exist because you moved them). These missing files can appear as red text or as issues in the Issue Navigator.
This can happen when Xcode is configured to automatically add or remove files to/from source control (under Xcode > Preferences > Source Control). When configured this way, simply creating a project in Xcode causes new project folders and files to be marked for addition to source control. When you later move the project folder or .xcodeproj file these pending adds now point to missing files.
To resolve this issue when Subversion is the source control program, revert the pending adds for the phantom items from your local working copy folder. In my case this requires dropping into a Terminal window, navigating to the parent of the phantom project folder, then reverting the automatic add, e.g.
cd /my-working-copy-folder
svn status --depth infinity
svn status --depth infinity existing-parent-folder/phantom-project-folder/
svn revert --depth infinity existing-parent-folder/phantom-project-folder/
Note that the first svn status command will list both missing files as well as properly added, modified or deleted files which you must take care to avoid reverting. The second status command is "practice" for the final revert command, to ensure you've specified the proper path to revert.
I do not know git but I assume it offers corresponding commands.
It's too simple to do :
Close the project that includes the missed files and open the Xcode, go to "Organizer">"Projects" and remove the project from the list there. Open your project from Finder and that's it.
hope this help.
