MVC - send an AJAX ContentResult to print -

Using MVC2 I have an AJAX form which is posting to a bound model. The ActionResult is returned as Content and is inserted into an element on the page by the magic of AJAX forms. All is well.
Now I need a button that will print the returned Content. I've tried returning the result wrapped in a full HTML doc with javascript along the lines of window.print(), but of course this won't execute and even if it did I don't want the whole window.
What is the best way to have my ContentResult printed instead of updated in an element?

I've used jqPrint for this same scenario. It basically either copies the content into an iframe and calls print() on that.

I tried using jqPrint which works for the most part but it was causing problems in IE, I was printing a model dialog.
I ended up using a print style sheet:
I basically hided all the content of the page except for my dialog, div or whatever it is you are trying to hide.
This was the solution with the most consistent results across browsers.


Print web page with original look

I want to achieve print functionality such that user can print out the web form and use it as paper form for the same purpose. Of course I do not need all the web page header and footer to be printed, just content of a div which take most of the page. I did play around with media print css and menage print result to look almost as original page. But the I tried to print it in another browser(Chrome) and it is all messed. (before I tried Mozilla).
For the web form I user css framework Twitter Bootstrap and I had to override its css (in print media) for almost each element individually to get some normal look in the print result.
My question is is there some way (framework/plugin) to print just what you see on the page, maybe as an image or something?
Any other suggestions are welcome.
If you are familiar with PHP you can try the PHP class files of TCPDF or those of FPDF.
Or there is also dompdf which renders HTML to PDF, but this will include more than just the information of one div.
And for further info here is a post on Stack where users are discussing which they think is best.

Render large portion of page using jQuery & AJAX

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with a page that displays a large table of rows & columns of information.
I have a textbox at the top of the page allowing a user to filter the results in the table. I want the user to be able to start typing a word in the textbox and with each keypress, the results in the table to be updated based on the users filter text.
I've done similar things where I simply return a JsonResult response from my Controller, with a couple of small bits of data, but am not sure of the recommended approach if I want to essentially re-render my whole table (with the new data within it) upon each keypress?
I should also mention that the ViewModel I intend to use when the page is first loaded (prior to any ajax stuff happening) contains an IPagedList, as the table data needs to be paginated and sortable.
What I would do is to work with JQuery ajax API and also with partial views.
Have a look at following article. It displays how you can be able to manipulate your html seamlessly on ASP.NET MVC :
Working With JQuery Ajax API on ASP.NET MVC 3.0 - Power of JSON, JQuery and ASP.NET MVC Partial Views
Also, following question might help :
How to pass an array through in JQuery Ajax and how to concieve it in server side?
You can use the templates to render the html.
i.e Parametrized html + json = to be rendered html
Have a look at it could be a very good fit for you
Take a look at the DataTables plug-in for jQuery. It may match your requirements and provide exactly what you need.

way to reinitialize a page each time it is shown

I have some pages which are filled dynamically by content loaded with Ajax. My problem is that each time I go to this page, the old content is still there if it hasn't been replaced by new content...
I've thought about 2 home solutions like:
Creating a "template" page. By calling "pagebeforeshow", I'll copy the code from the template in the target page, and add there the dynamic content...
Each DOM where dynamic content must be put into, I had a class "clearcache" and by calling "pagebeforeshow" I do a $(".clearcache").empty();
I don't know how to deal with that. Have you ever got the same issue?
I bind the "tap" event to store the block-id into localstorage, to load dynamic content in the #PageBlock
Everything works very well (tap event, localstorage for the var, ajax loading). The issue comes really when I go from block to other blocks. The new content overwrite old content instead of beginning from a new "blank" page.
For example I have a list where I append datas I get from Ajax. If I switch to another block, the list is completed and not refreshed..
I could do something like empty the list, and then appending content, but I'd like something better because I have several pages/lists/dom like that...
Thanks for your help ;)
I faced a similar problem where the new contents where not shown on the page when i tried to append it.There is a simple solution where you can just replace append with prepend.
$("#divid") .prepend(content)

Html.TextAreaFor not writing the value...? (ASP.NET MVC 2.0)

basically, im calling Html.TextAreaFor to display a form, which is great/not a problem...
people enter text in it, and it gets submitted, and if it is successful, i want to return an empty Html.TextAreaFor... but after it's submitted, in the action method i am clear to set the Comment that people are making in the TextArea to an empty string "", however, when it's loaded, it always has the text from the previous load.
i am loading everything in ajax by just updating a Div... and to make sure everything is normal, i have (as a text) a normal Html.TextArea where i specify the name and value. the Html.TextArea is right under the Html.TextAreaFor and acts exactly as it should, but the Html.TextAreaFor for some reason is not!
this is strange because i am reloading the entire DIV which the form is contained in, from a PartialView, at evey submission!!
im also making sure the div is loading with a typical string returned with everything, and the mentioned Html.TextArea working as it should, it's driving me insane... am i missing something guys? are there any perculiar properties about ...For's that i should be aware of?
Try clearing the ModelState object, which is the HTML helpers read the value from.
Also see What am I misunderstanding about how Html.TextBoxFor works?.

MVC - How to structure views for a search form with results on same page

I have MVC 1.0 app on VS2008.
I have webpage that has a search form fields and then when search button clicked uses
Ajax.BeginForm to load results in a div. Works great!
But the results have a pager that just uses an anchor with href passing in page index to controller action.
Of course the same action that is used when the search button is clicked.
So what happens is the results are displayed in new page by themselves. Because the links
are not called using Ajax.
So how can I structure my views and actions so that when a link is clicked in the pager
that the form is submitted to the action as well as the page index for the results??
Do you understand me??
I think I understand what you are saying.
Currently, you're using Ajax to dynamically update your results to a div. Kewl.
The trick here is to make sure each 'page' in the pager has a similar javascript function defined on the onclick event. This way, the pager doesn't do a 'postback' to the server, but the javascript method is ran ... which calls some ajax.
here's some sample html...
<a href="#" onclick="DoPagedSearch(1)>1</a> |
<a href="#" onclick="DoPagedSearch(2)>2</a> .. etc
does this make sence? make sure the pager is NOT inside a form AND notice the '#' characters? that makes sure that when u click on the text, it doesn't try and goto another HTML page, elsewhere.
Do you know how to wire up any javascript to an html element? How do u create the html code for the pager?
try that and keep us posted.
Use jquery to have the page anchors make an ajax call to the controller. Return the results as JSON or xhtml or whatever format makes you feel happy and use that to replace the content of the div, or build up and replace the contents if JSON.
If you haven't dug into jquery, I highly recommend it. The documentation is rather excellent. Let me provide you a few useful links for this: serializer
jQuery Documentation
fair example of using jquery for paging
The example uses an rss feed (xml) as the source, but It should get you going.
