Where should my images go in Rails? What does precompile do exactly? - ruby-on-rails

I'm using Rails 3 with assets pipeline enabled.
And I know images such as icons or logos should go in app/assets/images.
But where should I put images that may be a lot and big? For example images uploaded by the users, such as photos
I don't want them to be duplicated by precompile (not sure if it does that, I don't know how it works). And I want them to be ready to use as soon as they get uploaded.
Any ideas?

The image_tag wasn't working as expected. In the documentation it says 'By default, files are loaded from public/images', but that wasn't working.
The solution was to add /images to the path (with leading backslash, or it won't work)
<%= image_tag '/images/some_dir/some_image.jpeg' %>

Amazon S3 is a great, inexpensive way to store images that your users upload. I recommend using the Paperclip gem which integrates with s3. There's a section in the paperclip documentation with instructions on how to use s3. No clue what precompiling images means or how it applies to uploaded image files, but they will be available as soon the upload is complete. Using this also has some additional benefits such as acting as a backup system.


Serving images in rails

For every version of my app, I upload my assets to the cloud CDN, and the images on the website are loaded as something like imagename-somehash.
I have static images that are large, i.e like carousel images, which don't change often or at all. So even when the app changes, they can remain cached by clients who previously visited the website.
How would one do that? Any images I have under app/assets folder gets upload to CDN with the imagename-somehash format, so the image changes with every version of the app.
I'm using rails 4.2. Is this possible?
In rails guides there is an article What is Fingerprinting and Why Should I Care? which gives some insights about that hash on the end of a file and how it works.
Check your environments files. In production you may want config.assets.digest to be true.
You can put these images in public folder and can mention full url in views for these images
OR You can also put it on
but in that case you would have to disabled precompile path
If you want to serve only some assets from your CDN, you can use custom :host option your asset helper, which overwrites value set in config.action_controller.asset_host.
<%= asset_path 'image.png', host: 'mycdnsubdomain.fictional-cdn.com' %>

Configuring a Heroku Rails app for CKEditor to work on Cloudfront

I'm using this gem to integrate CKEditor into my Rails app, with paperclip to handle image uploading.
I no longer want Heroku to serve my CKEditor-uploaded images anymore, so I'm switching to Cloudfront and found this tutorial.
As I understood (from the tutorial), I can use Cloudfront without using an S3 bucket, as Cloudfront will automatically fetch my precompiled static assets stored on Heroku. But I'm so confused:
Will image uploaded via CKEditor be included in the asset pipeline? So that when precompiled, will be served by Cloudfront?
The tutorial said I need to change all image links to <%= image_tag('...') %> so that it'll point to Cloudfront and work. But this is only possible when I hard-coded the image, not the case when a user uploaded one in his text and stored in the database. Am I wrong and how to solve it?
Will this method (not using S3 bucket) work for other "dynamic" images such as User's avatars, post's cover images, etc...?
I don't want to use S3 bucket as it will involve the use of asset_sync. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Hotlinking to my Rails 4 app's assets from a static site

I have a rails 4 app on heroku, and I want to embed some of my image assets in a static website that I'm making.
The problem is that rails adds a digest to the asset path.
<img src="http://myapp.herokuapp.com/assets/tools/my-image-43b65377b7644fae3f34d288f3235b80.png"/>
This makes it very hard for me to hotlink to my assets, because their digests may change over time.
Is there anyway to embed my images without having to insert this digest? I know that rails 3.1 allowed you to do so.
In rails-4, non digested assets are not generated anymore.
If you want to hotlink assets, place a copy of image you'll use in public/. To avoid duplication, you can use a symlink pointing to the proper location in app/assets/images/.
It's worth noting that rails does a very good job at caching images in browser, and it is usually recommended to add far future timeout for assets caching in front server. So you should probably avoid to hotlink images that are prone to change often.

Carrierwave/fog are uploading files to S3, but the app is still trying to use the local path to access images

I know this is a broad question, and I'm biting off a little more than I can chew for a first stab at a rails app, but here I am.
I tried to add an image upload/crop to a basic status app. It was working just fine uploading the images and cropping them with carrierwave, but as soon as I started using Fog to upload to S3, I ran into issues.
The image, and it's different sizes, appear to be ending up on S3 just fine, but the app is still trying to access the image as "/assets/uploads/entry/image/65/large_IMG_0035.jpg"
Locally, it just shows a broken image, but on Heroku it breaks the whole thing because
ActionView::Template::Error (uploads/entry/image/1/large_IMG_0035.jpg isn't precompiled
The heroku error makes sense to me because it shouldn't be there. I've combed through the app but don't know what's forcing this. I'll post any code anybody thinks will work? Thanks in advance!
Just to clarify, the images are uploading to S3 fine, the problem is how the app is trying to display the image_url
The app is using a local path in the asset pipeline, not the S3 path that it's actually uploading to.
I was having the same issue. In my Carrierwave Initializer I was setting host to s3.amazonaws.com but when I removed that line altogether urls started working.
I hope this helps you resolve your issue, I fought this for several hours!
I believe this issue is related to how you are accessing your image in your view.
If you have mounted an uploader on the field avatar in the following manner:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :avatar, AvatarUploader
You would access it in your ERB as follows:
<%= image_tag(#user.avatar_url) %>
I would also suggest watching the following Railscast on the topic.
Re-reading issue, I bet it has to do with Carrierwave using Herkou.
Give this a glance and see if it helps.
I am not clear what exactly do you want to achieve.
But for now I have 2 ideas:
For assets host in CDN, you can take a look at this:
If you want the images to be part of a model-relation, here's my rough idea:
Put the images path in a table column.
For further information about this you can browse carrierwave github site.(It has many docs and tutorial)

Taking images out of SVN

I have a bunch of images in SVN I would like to move out and put on S3. How have you dealt with keeping images out of your ruby on rails apps and out of SVN?
You don't have to put your images into your repository. You could still have them on your server, but it doesn't really matter where they're linked from. If you don't use any plugins to manage your assets then you can just remove them from your repository, upload all of them to S3 and update all links pointing to them.
If you do use some kind of plugin like paperclip or attachment_fu then you'll have to tell it where to find your files.
