Can someone tell me a fast function to find the gaussian blur of an image using a 5x5 mask. I need it for iOS app dev. I am working directly on the memory of the image defined as
unsigned char *image_sqr_Baseaaddr = (unsigned char *) malloc(noOfPixels);
for (row = 2; row < H-2; row++)
for (col = 2; col < W-2; col++)
newPixel = 0;
for (rowOffset=-2; rowOffset<=2; rowOffset++)
for (colOffset=-2; colOffset<=2; colOffset++)
rowTotal = row + rowOffset;
colTotal = col + colOffset;
iOffset = (unsigned long)(rowTotal*W + colTotal);
newPixel += (*(imgData + iOffset)) * gaussianMask[2 + rowOffset][2 + colOffset];
i = (unsigned long)(row*W + col);
*(imgData + i) = newPixel / 159;
This is obviously the slowest function possible. I heard that ARM Neon intrinsics on the iOS can be used to make several operations in 1 cycle. Maybe that's the way to go ?
The problem is that I am not very familiar and don't have enough time to learn assembly language at the moment. So it would be great if anyone can post a Neon intrinsics code for the problem mentioned above or any other fast implementation in C/C++.
Before you get into SIMD optimisation with NEON you should first improve your scalar implementation. The biggest problem with your code as it stands is that it has been implemented as if it were a non-separable filter, whereas a Gaussian kernel is separable. By switching to a separable implementation you reduce the number of operations form N^2 to 2N, which in your case of a 5x5 kernel would be a reduction from 25 multiply-adds to 10, i.e. a 2.5x speed up for very little effort.
It may be that a sufficiently optimised scalar implementation will meet your needs without the need to resort to SIMD. If not then you can at least carry these scalar optimisations over into a vectorized implementation.
Separate your kernel, as described by Paul R.
Don't re-invent the wheel. Use vImage, which is part of the Accelerate framework, and implements a vectorized, multi-threaded convolution for you. Specifically, it seems like you want the function vImageConvolve_Planar8.
I want to measure the similarity degree between two grayscale same sized images using mean square error. I can't use any framework which is not a part of macOS SDK(e.g. OpenCV, Eigen). Simple realization of this algorithm without vectorization looks like this:
vImage_Buffer imgA;
vImage_Buffer imgB;
NSUInteger mse = 0;
unsigned char *pxlsA = (unsigned char *);
unsigned char *pxlsB = (unsigned char *);
for (size_t i = 0; i < imgA.height * imgA.width; ++i) {
NSUInteger d = pxlsA[i] - pxlsB[i]);
mse += d * d;
Is there some way to do this without loop, in more vectorized way? Maybe something like:
mse = ((imgA - imgB) ^ 2).sum();
The answer to this question is stored in vDSP library, which is part of macOS SDK.
vDSP - Perform basic arithmetic operations and common digital signal processing routines on large vectors.
In my situation I have not really big vectors, but still.
Firstly, you need to convert unsigned char * to float *, and btw it is a significant moment, I don't know how to do this not in loop. Then you need two vDSP function: vDSP_vsbsbm and vDSP_sve.
vDSP_vsbsm - Multiplies the difference of two single-precision vectors by a second difference of two single-precision vectors.
vDSP_sve - Calculates the sum of values in a single-precision vector.
So the final code looks like that:
float *fpxlsA = (float *)malloc(imgA.height * imgA.width * sizeof(float));
float *fpxlsB = (float *)malloc(imgB.height * imgB.width * sizeof(float));
float *output = (float *)malloc(imgB.height * imgB.width * sizeof(float));
for (size_t i = 0; i < imgA.height * imgA.width; ++i) {
fpxlsA[i] = (float)(pxlsA[i]);
fpxlsB[i] = (float)(pxlsB[i]);
vDSP_vsbsbm(fpxlsA, 1, fpxlsB, 1, fpxlsA, 1, fpxlsB, 1, output, 1, imgA.height * imgB.width);
float sum;
vDSP_sve(output, 1, &sum, imgA.height * imgB.width);
So, this code did exactly what I wanted and in a more vectorized form. But the result isn't good enough. Comparing performances of the loop approach and vDSP approach, vDSP is two times faster if there isn't any additional memory allocation. But in reality, where additional memory allocation takes place, loop approach is slightly faster.
This appears to be part of Mac OS:
Nice and fast using pointer arithmetic way to loop that would be as follows ...
int d;
size_t i = imgA.height * imgA.width;
while ( i -- )
d = ( int )(*pxlsA++) - ( int )(*pxlsB++);
mse += d * d;
Ooops since those are unsigned char's and since we calculate the difference we need to use signed integers to do so.
And another edit - must use pxls... here, don't know what img... is.
I have a task - to multiply big row vector (10 000 elements) via big column-major matrix (10 000 rows, 400 columns). I decided to go with ARM NEON since I'm curious about this technology and would like to learn more about it.
Here's a working example of vector matrix multiplication I wrote:
//float* vec_ptr - a pointer to vector
//float* mat_ptr - a pointer to matrix
//float* out_ptr - a pointer to output vector
//int matCols - matrix columns
//int vecRows - vector rows, the same as matrix
for (int i = 0, max_i = matCols; i < max_i; i++) {
for (int j = 0, max_j = vecRows - 3; j < max_j; j+=4, mat_ptr+=4, vec_ptr+=4) {
float32x4_t mat_val = vld1q_f32(mat_ptr); //get 4 elements from matrix
float32x4_t vec_val = vld1q_f32(vec_ptr); //get 4 elements from vector
float32x4_t out_val = vmulq_f32(mat_val, vec_val); //multiply vectors
float32_t total_sum = vaddvq_f32(out_val); //sum elements of vector together
out_ptr[i] += total_sum;
vec_ptr = &myVec[0]; //switch ptr back again to zero element
The problem is that it's taking very long time to compute - 30 ms on iPhone 7+ when my goal is 1 ms or even less if it's possible. Current execution time is understandable since I launch multiplication iteration 400 * (10000 / 4) = 1 000 000 times.
Also, I tried to process 8 elements instead of 4. It seems to help, but numbers still very far from my goal.
I understand that I might make some horrible mistakes since I'm newbie with ARM NEON. And I would be happy if someone can give me some tip how I can optimize my code.
Also - is it worth doing big vector-matrix multiplication via ARM NEON? Does this technology fit well for such purpose?
Your code is completely flawed: it iterates 16 times assuming both matCols and vecRows are 4. What's the point of SIMD then?
And the major performance problem lies in float32_t total_sum = vaddvq_f32(out_val);:
You should never convert a vector to a scalar inside a loop since it causes a pipeline hazard that costs around 15 cycles everytime.
The solution:
float32x4x4_t myMat;
float32x2_t myVecLow, myVecHigh;
myVecLow = vld1_f32(&pVec[0]);
myVecHigh = vld1_f32(&pVec[2]);
myMat = vld4q_f32(pMat);
myMat.val[0] = vmulq_lane_f32(myMat.val[0], myVecLow, 0);
myMat.val[0] = vmlaq_lane_f32(myMat.val[0], myMat.val[1], myVecLow, 1);
myMat.val[0] = vmlaq_lane_f32(myMat.val[0], myMat.val[2], myVecHigh, 0);
myMat.val[0] = vmlaq_lane_f32(myMat.val[0], myMat.val[3], myVecHigh, 1);
vst1q_f32(pDst, myMat.val[0]);
Compute all the four rows in a single pass
Do a matrix transpose (rotation) on-the-fly by vld4
Do vector-scalar multiply-accumulate instead of vector-vector multiply and horizontal add that causes the pipeline hazards.
You were asking if SIMD is suitable for matrix operations? A simple "yes" would be a monumental understatement. You don't even need a loop for this.
I'm currently using FFT code from here:
Here's the code from the 2 relevant methods:
-(void)createFFTWithBufferSize:(float)bufferSize withAudioData:(float*)data {
// Setup the length
_log2n = log2f(bufferSize);
// Calculate the weights array. This is a one-off operation.
_FFTSetup = vDSP_create_fftsetup(_log2n, FFT_RADIX2);
// For an FFT, numSamples must be a power of 2, i.e. is always even
int nOver2 = bufferSize/2;
// Populate *window with the values for a hamming window function
float *window = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*bufferSize);
vDSP_hamm_window(window, bufferSize, 0);
// Window the samples
vDSP_vmul(data, 1, window, 1, data, 1, bufferSize);
// Define complex buffer
_A.realp = (float *) malloc(nOver2*sizeof(float));
_A.imagp = (float *) malloc(nOver2*sizeof(float));
-(void)updateFFTWithBufferSize:(float)bufferSize withAudioData:(float*)data {
// For an FFT, numSamples must be a power of 2, i.e. is always even
int nOver2 = bufferSize/2;
// Pack samples:
// C(re) -> A[n], C(im) -> A[n+1]
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX*)data, 2, &_A, 1, nOver2);
// Perform a forward FFT using fftSetup and A
// Results are returned in A
vDSP_fft_zrip(_FFTSetup, &_A, 1, _log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
// Convert COMPLEX_SPLIT A result to magnitudes
float amp[nOver2];
float maxMag = 0;
for(int i=0; i<nOver2; i++) {
// Calculate the magnitude
float mag = _A.realp[i]*_A.realp[i]+_A.imagp[i]*_A.imagp[i];
maxMag = mag > maxMag ? mag : maxMag;
for(int i=0; i<nOver2; i++) {
// Calculate the magnitude
float mag = _A.realp[i]*_A.realp[i]+_A.imagp[i]*_A.imagp[i];
// Bind the value to be less than 1.0 to fit in the graph
amp[i] = [EZAudio MAP:mag leftMin:0.0 leftMax:maxMag rightMin:0.0 rightMax:1.0];
I've modified the updateFFTWithBufferSize method above so that I could get the frequency in Hz like this:
for(int i=0; i<nOver2; i++) {
// Calculate the magnitude
float mag = _A.realp[i]*_A.realp[i]+_A.imagp[i]*_A.imagp[i];
if(maxMag < mag) {
_i_max = i;
maxMag = mag > maxMag ? mag : maxMag;
float frequency = _i_max / bufferSize * 44100;
NSLog(#"FREQUENCY: %f", frequency);
I've generated a few pure sine tones with Audacity at different frequencies to test with. The issue I'm seeing is that the code is returning the same frequency for two different sine tones that are relatively close in value.
For example:
A sine tone generated at 19255Hz will show up from FFT as 19293.750000Hz. So will a sine tone generated at 19330Hz. Something must be off in the calculations.
Any assistance in how I can modify the above code to get a more precise FFT frequency reading for pure sine tones is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
You can get a rough frequency estimate by fitting a parabolic curve to the 3 FFT bin magnitudes around the peak magnitude bin, and then finding the extrema of that parabola.
A better estimate can be created by using the transform of your FFT window as an interpolation kernel, and doing successive approximation to refine an estimate of the maxima of the interpolated points. (Zero padding and using a much longer FFT will give you a similar type of interpolated estimate.)
The easy way for a stationary signal is, if possible, to just use a longer FFT with more samples that span a longer time interval.
You've got a number of problems going on here:
1) Your frequency axis spacing is fmax/N, or about 80Hz, so you're not going to get a resolution much better than that.
2) You're signal is very close to the Nyquist frequency (ie, 20KHz/44.1KHz is almost 0.5), and when you're this close to the Nyquist limit you need to be very careful if you want accurate results. (That is, at 20KHz, you're only recording about two data points for each full oscillation cycle.)
3) Since 20KHz is at the edge of human hearing (and higher for most people), many microphones don't really worry about it. Here's a measurement for the iPhone.
Perhaps your sampling frequency isn't high enough?
The FFT is a very good method to get a spectrum if you don't know anything about the input. If you know that the input is a pure sine wave, you can do much better. Start off by calculating the FFT to get a rough idea where the sine is. Get the minimum and maximum to estimate the amplitude [or get that from the FFT - square all inputs, add them, take square root] , get the phase at the begin and end given the estimated frequency and amplitude.
In general, you'll find that the phase does not match. That's because the phase at the end is off by 2*Δf * N. f - Δf is a better estimate of the frequency. Keep in mind that such a method is super noise sensitive. The method works because the input is a pure sine wave, and noise is everything but that. Using this method iteratively blows up quickly; you even hit rounding errors (not sinusoidal either)
Another similar trick is subtracting the estimated wave. The difference between two sines is the product of two sines, one with the frequencies added (in your case, ±38.5 kHz) and one with the frequencies subtracted (Δ_f_, less than 100 Hz). See also Heterodyne detection
I am working on some CUDA program and I wanted to speed up computation using constant memory but it turned that using constant memory makes my code ~30% slower.
I know that constant memory is good at broadcasting reads to whole warps and I thought that my program could take an advantage of it.
Here is constant memory code:
__constant__ float4 constPlanes[MAX_PLANES_COUNT];
__global__ void faultsKernelConstantMem(const float3* vertices, unsigned int vertsCount, int* displacements, unsigned int planesCount) {
unsigned int blockId = __mul24(blockIdx.y, gridDim.x) + blockIdx.x;
unsigned int vertexIndex = __mul24(blockId, blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
if (vertexIndex >= vertsCount) {
float3 v = vertices[vertexIndex];
int displacementSteps = displacements[vertexIndex];
for (unsigned int planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < planesCount; ++planeIndex) {
float4 plane = constPlanes[planeIndex];
if (v.x * plane.x + v.y * plane.y + v.z * plane.z + plane.w > 0) {
else {
displacements[vertexIndex] = displacementSteps;
Global memory code is the same but it have one parameter more (with pointer to array of planes) and uses it instead of global array.
I thought that those first global memory reads
float3 v = vertices[vertexIndex];
int displacementSteps = displacements[vertexIndex];
may cause "desynchronization" of threads and then they will not take an advantage of broadcasting of constant memory reads so I've tried to call __syncthreads(); before reading constant memory but it did not changed anything.
What is wrong? Thanks in advance!
CUDA Driver Version: 5.0
CUDA Capability: 2.0
number of vertices: ~2.5 millions
number of planes: 1024
constant mem version: 46 ms
global mem version: 35 ms
So I've tried many things how to make the constant memory faster, such as:
1) Comment out the two global memory reads to see if they have any impact and they do not. Global memory was still faster.
2) Process more vertices per thread (from 8 to 64) to take advantage of CM caches. This was even slower then one vertex per thread.
2b) Use shared memory to store displacements and vertices - load all of them at beginning, process and save all displacements. Again, slower than shown CM example.
After this experience I really do not understand how the CM read broadcasting works and how can be "used" correctly in my code. This code probably can not be optimized with CM.
Another day of tweaking, I've tried:
3) Process more vertices (8 to 64) per thread with memory coalescing (every thread goes with increment equal to total number of threads in system) -- this gives better results than increment equal to 1 but still no speedup
4) Replace this if statement
if (v.x * plane.x + v.y * plane.y + v.z * plane.z + plane.w > 0) {
else {
which is giving 'unpredictable' results with little bit of math to avoid branching using this code:
float dist = v.x * plane.x + v.y * plane.y + v.z * plane.z + plane.w;
int distInt = (int)(dist * (1 << 29)); // distance is in range (0 - 2), stretch it to int range
int sign = 1 | (distInt >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - 1)); // compute sign without using ifs
displacementSteps += sign;
Unfortunately this is a lot of slower (~30%) than using the if so ifs are not that big evil as I thought.
I am concluding this question that this problem probably can not be improved by using constant memory, those are my results*:
*Times reported as median from 15 independent measurements. When constant memory was not large enough for saving all planes (4096 and 8192), kernel was invoked multiple times.
Although a compute capability 2.0 chip has 64k of constant memory, each of the multi-processors has only 8k of constant-memory cache. Your code has each thread requiring access to all 16k of the constant memory, so you are losing performance through cache misses. To effectively use constant memory for the plane data, you will need to restructure your implementation.
I am writing a CUDA kernel for Histogram on a picture, but I had no idea how to return a array from the kernel, and the array will change when other thread read it. Any possible solution for it?
__global__ void Hist(
TColor *dst, //input image
int imageW,
int imageH,
const int ix = blockDim.x * blockIdx.x + threadIdx.x;
const int iy = blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y;
if(ix < imageW && iy < imageH)
int pixel = get_red(dst[imageW * (iy) + (ix)]);
//this assign specific RED value of image to pixel
data[pixel] ++; // ?? problem statement ...
#para d_dst: input image TColor is equals to float4.
#para data: the array for histogram size [255]
extern "C" void
cuda_Hist(TColor *d_dst, int imageW, int imageH,int* data)
dim3 threads(BLOCKDIM_X, BLOCKDIM_Y);
dim3 grid(iDivUp(imageW, BLOCKDIM_X), iDivUp(imageH, BLOCKDIM_Y));
Hist<<<grid, threads>>>(d_dst, imageW, imageH, data);
Have you looked at the SDK sample? The "histogram" sample is available in the CUDA SDK (currently version 3.0 on the NVIDIA developer site, version 3.1 beta available for registered developers).
The documentation with the sample explains nicely how to handle your summation, either using global memory atomics on the GPU or by collecting the results for each block separately and then doing a separate reduction (either on the host or the GPU).
Histogramming is not particularly efficient when implemented with CUDA (or with GPGPU in general) - typically you need to generate lots of partial histograms in shared memory and then sum them. You might want to consider keeping this particular task on the CPU.
You will have to either use atomic function to block other thread from using he same memory, or use the partial histogram. Either way it not that efficient unless the input image is very very large.