SaaS in Ruby on Rails App - ruby-on-rails

I want to build a RoR web application in SaaS architecture. Should I have a single database for every clients or multiple databases for each client. And also I wonder that each client should use the own separated application on sub domain or not. Although it depends on business logic but I want to learn how I can choose the correct way and what the best practice is.

There is no correct answer here. The first solution would be to have each client completely independent: their own application space and database.
However, you may want to design a framework which is common to all clients, and just change the branding for each client. The downside of this is the effort you need to keep them separated - for instance cross-contamination and security.


Does it make sense to separate Rails API and Rails app?

I have a project that involves both mobile and web clients. The mobile clients will mainly get content and post user updates, while the web client is mainly for creating content. As such, the web client and API share a lot of the same models and validation.
I am trying to decide the best approach in this case:
JSON-only Rails API + separate Rails web client that calls API.
Single Rails app with separation of API and client side (somehow).
The pro for me in terms of option N°1 is the separation of concerns, as I can work on the API while someone else do the web client. The con seems to be lots of duplicated code in terms of validation.
N°2 could make more sense in terms of reducing code duplication but it would get messy if more than one person is working on the same code base and setting up a process to resolve code conflicts is not something I want to do at this point since we're an early stage startup and want to get out something quickly.
Is there anything I'm missing?
The best practice is use ONE rails application for API and Web Interface
To separate those parts, just create a namespace for API like it's described there
Do it in one.
The con seems to be lots of duplicated code in terms of validation.
No, you would not have duplication the validation happens in the model, which is shared by your API <=> web controllers. Of course, you will have separate implementations for the actual authorization/session handling (if you have those), but these will not likely be duplicate but a bit different for your two access layers.

creating a web application with different server side languages

I been practicing developing an application in .NET and with other languages and server, and now I want to start sketching out an architecture I want to implement.
The reason why I want to separate the two is because I cannot focus on a specific thing when everything is Jumbled into one server. I would like to be able to have the freedom to offer features that would otherwise bottleneck one server and not another(ex. notification, chatting)
What brought me here to ask this question is because I am totally confused on why everything on the UI is always called MVC. When searching for solutions to a distributed architecture that I can implement I keep running across frameworks that use an MVC pattern.
How does this actually work when you already have your API models? Isn't an MVC pattern just going to duplicate all of the models on the API (ex django, mvc or ruby on the rails)?
One scenario that threw me off and brought me to research a whole lot more, is when I wanted to create a registration form that has steps, validating the username uniqueness was on one step and zip code was on another. I found myself wanting the tweak the API based on how I wanted to present my view and thought about having to do that for different types of clients(mobile, different user agents) and quickly backed off that idea. The problem is those fields need some sort of call to the back end and every view wont have that way of registering.
The main question is how do I implement a UI layer that I can customize toward certain views, without changing the way my API is structured?
You might be interested in this article from LinkedIn dev team.

Are multiple sub-domains ever relevant in an MVC project?

VS2013 update 4, MVC5
Still relatively new to MVC. To divide functional domains within an MVC project the use of Areas seems clear from these posts (olderSOlink, newerMVC5link).
Is there ever a reason that sub-domains would be integrated as part of a solution involving different functional domains of a given MVC project? I don't have a reason to want to make use of sub-domains, I'm just asking because I don't know if there is some advantage I should know about.
Is it even possible without great difficulty? For example, can logons transfer across sub-domains? Would there be other difficult issues to address?
At present the project I am building is 'relatively' small and will have around 5 major domains so I'm assuming Areas is the best architecture to isolate these domains, but I wanted to ask for guidance before I go too far and make decisions that would make the use of sub-domains difficult in the event there is a compelling reason to use them in a single MVC project.
I generally use subdomains to separate major application functionality or if I have multiple servers that I want to be on the same domain name.
To answer your login question, if you are using the same application you will remain logged in on the whole domain (depending on your method of using sessions, the cookie will be accessible to the domain as a whole).
If you are questioning using subdomains, they are really just a naming scheme so you could categorize your 5 major applications into one domain with different paths (eg. /portal, /store, /etc..) then later you could point -> So it's pretty flexible in the end.

Most appropriate web framework for multi-tenant / multi-template SAAS application

I'm building a new SAAS application and was looking for some advice on the most appropriate framework to use. I realize that no single framework will likely be able to do all this, but I thought I'd ask the community and try to find one that solves the hardest problems.
Single code source. (each customer will have either a subdomain, or a distinct domain, but everyone should be running off the same code base and same servers)
Should be able to update the programming source once and have all the tenants pick it up
Session information should either be kept in a cached store, or just in cookies (no shared state)
Multi-tenant database functionality built in. (Based on the domain used to reach the application, the framework should automatically use the database connection information assigned to that domain)
Each customer/domain may have their own template for the web pages. Templates need to be assignable on a per-customer basis and kept outside the application code
Security and rapid prototyping is more important than speed
There will be a lot of CRUD type screens, so simple built in functionality for this is desired
I have pretty lengthy Java and PHP experience, but would only consider PHP as a last resort for this. My Scala, Python and Ruby experience is a bit rustier, but I would not mind coming up to speed if they offer a significant advantage. I've looked at the Play! Framework and like it (fulfills #1, #2,#6 very well), but the multi-tenant aspects are not very strong. I've done several projects using Grails and it handles everything except #3 and #5, and can be hacked to do the rest.
I would say that the third point is rather independent of grails/play/whatever in general. If you need a shared cache there is a multitude of providers for this and there are plugins for most of them in Grails.
The multi-tenancy in grails is pretty mature and much less intrusive than the solution from the blogpost in Sebastiens answer. Whether or not you use single tenancy (multiple databases) or multi tenancy is more or less transparent to your code and most of the headaches are abstracted away. Do be aware that you need to do some smart indexing (like including the tenant id in a multi column index etc) to not get very sad speeds when your data starts to grow.
As for externalized views, you can either slap them in the database or symlink them into your webapp and just keep them in separate numbered folders. Then from the tenant plugin, you can use TenantUtils.getCurrentTenant() and simply render from the appropiate folder "/" + (tenantID ?: "default") + "/whatever/view/path". This way, layouts etc can be shared across tenants if you so please and you simply put tenant specific stuff in the tenant specific folders.
You can probably do this in play too, or , but I don't see anything hindering you from doing this just fine in Grails.
My $0.02 on this question.
Actually Play! fits well to what you'r looking for.
Read this post:
It works great. You can even make this filter work so that you can expose the crud module to customers and they'll only get their own data...
For very large applications, sharding seems not supported yet (no hibernate shards handled yet i think).
There's a multidb plugin to work with multiple db, but it seems not working very well yet...
I've heard that Grails' Multi-Tenant plugin offers some good tooling for several different methods of multi-tenancy.
"Each customer/domain may have their own template for the web pages.
Templates need to be assignable on a per-customer basis and kept
outside the application code"
I assume you mean they each have their own layout/skin. There are several techniques to execute this:
You could manually assign layouts based on tenant. <meta name="layout" content="${tenantName}/main" />
Write your own tenancy aware LayoutDecoratorMapper and override the default GrailsLayoutDecoratorMapper in sitemesh.xml
Figure out how to override and enhance Some internal tools dynamically resolve views(per tenant) or resources (GrailsViewResolver, GrailsConventionGroovyPageLocator, GrailsResourceLoader, etc.)
In PHP you can use Innomatic Platform for building multi-tenant (isolated databases) applications:

Which framework offers similar functionalities to ADO.NET Data services

I am new to both Django and Rails. I am thinking of developing an Web 2.0 style application and is planning to expose Restful services, which my UI tier would call to make CRUD operations (Something similar to ADO.NET Data services)
I am yet to decide on the platforms and is looking for some advice on which one to side develop on?
I am currently thinking of Ruby on Rails or Django.
The benefit of using DJango / Python is that I can move to google AppEngine in future with some code changes, but on the down side I hear DJango is not RESTful.
I am also new to both Ruby and Python. So, what would be your advice on which platform to use?
Well if you want to couple the view and controller with REST then you are right that django is not RESTful, because with django you would have to (de)serialize django objects and manipulate that by yourself in the front end using your favourite javascript framework. Saying that, if your only concern is to send and receive data RESTfully without caring how to do it, then django should be sufficient for you since you've already got your heart for it.
Django is fine for REST applications. Rails claims to provide some functionality to that makes REST easier, but it is largely inaccurate - things like human-readable URIs don't really matter to REST. Rails auto-generates POST/GET/DELETE/PUT stuff for you, but it's just as easy to do in Django too - and it really doesn't have much to do with REST, either, it's just proper HTTP usage.
REST is a general type of architecture, it has very clear constraints, but there is no one, single way to do a REST application. This is a good discussion by the architect of REST, Roy Fielding, on some common misconceptions:
I recommend Python and Django, but not for REST-related reasons. (Better documentation, a saner API with Django, less nasty monkey patching and black magic, less coupling, etc)
A RESTful interface is used for building distributed applications. Does your UI tier and services tier really need to be physically separated? Seems overkill to me.
