iOS 7 or 8 - combining iAd with MapKit - ios

When you open a map with MapKit, it displays a small "Legal" link near the bottom which you can access for a lot of legal stuff. According to the guidelines, this link must not be interfered with to prevent it from functioning. I don't even know if it can be moved.
At the same time, the recommended placement of ads from iAd is at the bottom of the screen. Makes sense because that's where the fingers are. But placing the ad there will overlap the link and prevent it from being accessed.
I was wondering if anyone has set up iAds so that instead of overlaying the main screen, it reduces the size of the main screen, and positions itself "next" to it?
I'm thinking if I do this with other controls at the bottom, then would that inconvenience users who are trying to access the controls, only to have an ad slip underneath?
Would it be better to go against recommendation and put the ad at the top?

I suggest the simplest solution possible: set the canDisplayBannerAds property of your view controller to true; this should handle pushing display ads up from the bottom and resizing the existing views.


Firebase Screen name issue with modal views in iOS 13 and above

In our app we are tracking screen views manually by adding relevant codes in viewWillAppear functions. With iOS 13, with the non fullscreen modals, the viewWillAppear of the parent screen won't get called when the modal is dismissed and hence wrong screen names are reported there after, for events originating from the parent screen.
I have checked the Detecting sheet was dismissed on iOS 13 , but the solution to implement  UIAdaptivePresentationControllerDelegate helps when you manually swipes down.
I then turned off manual tracking and turned on Automatic tracking and surprisingly the screen classes are determined right. Question is how Firebase is figuring that out?
Of-course I can't use auto tracking as we need custom screen names.
I believe this could be a generic issue for whoever using manual screen name tracking and have non full screen modals. Just wanted to check what's the best way to solve this.
Couple of ideas I had was
Make all modals full screen. Not nice for our app
Implement extra delegates in those modals to let the parent know its dismissed. Not sure its a nice way
Setting screen names on each event? Could that be even possible?
If there are any other nicer/ cleaner option let me know.

How can I know when the split-window drag handle is present on iPad?

When an app is running in a third of an iPad screen, there is a small drag handle at the top of its window. In iOS 10, dragging on that handle lets you switch what app is open there. In iOS 11, you can use it to change the app from taking up a third of the screen to floating over the rest of the screen.
My question: how do I know when this handle is present, or at least know that there's something taking up that space? I need to lay out my UI content around it without conflicting with it. It doesn't appear to work with iOS 11's Safe Area APIs.
See here for a sample project trying to put a label at the top of a window without overlaying the drag handle. Run it in a third of an iPad screen.
Start by duplicating the radar. This is definitely something that should be handled by the safe area magic.
The issue here is that the handle is rendered by SpringBoard, so you can only apply tricks to guess whether it is currently visible. You can determine whether the window is at the right size and whether it is at the correct location on screen, and then add some extra safe area insets. This is normally ill-advised for several reasons, such as not knowing all cases where the handle appears, having to take into account left-to-right systems, etc., but in this case, the problem seems so egregious, I'm not sure I'd recommend leaving as is.
One more option is to see if UIWindow.safeAreaInsets returns a correct value. UINavigationController is able to deduce the safe area correctly, so it is hiding there somewhere.

Take screenshots programmatically of entire scrollable area of another app in iOS

Currently it is cumbersome for the user to repeatedly scroll and take a screenshot if they want to capture more than what can fit on the screen at a time.
I would like to implement functionality such that at the request of a user (e.g. via tapping a special button on a custom keyboard), screenshots of the entire scrollable area of the currently opened app are automatically taken and stitched together.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
To clarify, the application containing the scrollable area is a third party application over which I have no control, e.g. iMessage or Facebook.
Edit: I am aware of answers like this one and this one that are about taking screenshots within an app that I control. As far as I can tell, these are not applicable in my situation. Please correct me if I am wrong about this.
This is not possible. Each app is contained in a protected sandbox that no other apps have access to.
You could make a custom keyboard, but you still wouldn't have access to any of the views in the app that you don't control.

How to increase tappable area of top navbar buttons in iOS PhoneGap/Corova Apps

I have been developing hybrid apps on iOS and the most glaring problem I am having is the back button that emulates the native back button on the top navbar has a much smaller area.
This may be due to the button being on the edge of the top edge of the screen and the webview doesn't interpret taps on the edge to be intended for the webview, maybe the status bar.
I have even enlarged the padding on the button element to the point where it takes up the whole top left corner of the screen and wont register a tap unless you aiming for 3.5mm beneath the top of the webview. On a native app you can aim 0mm away from the edge and it registers.
This may not seem that bad, however when you allow a long term iOS user that 3.5mm is very apparent, and their mental model of where a touch should register makes them immediately think the app is broken, instead of them tapping the wrong area.
I am interested in any other information regarding ways to minimize this discrepancy between native and hybrid, or proposed solutions/information leading to a better understanding on why this occurs.
Using Cordova / PhoneGap and Kendo Mobile to implement the app

iOS home screen swipe functionality

On the home screen of an iOS device, let's say you have 3 "pages" of icons.
When you swipe, you are forced to land on a one of these "pages" (always a nearest neighbor).
I want to use this type of functionality in an app, but I don't want to recreate the code when something like this likely already exists in one of the many iOS frameworks. What are the classes/IFB elements I should be looking at?
this is for an iOS 5 iPad project
UIScrollview has a pagingEnabled property that when set to YES forces it to stop on exact multiples of the view width when scrolled.
That's how the home screen works, and that's what you should use.
