MPMoviePlayerController is not responding to device volume controls - ios

I'm working on a game that during the title sequence plays a video in the background using MPMoviePlayerController. I overlay my game controls over this (just a few textured UIButtons).
The video itself has no audio, but I'm playing sounds when I press buttons via OpenAL.
The Audio Session is set to "Ambient" and whenever the MPMoviePlayerController is not around it responds correctly to device's mute button and volume. But as soon as the video starts playing it blares out the sounds with no regard to the mute or volume settings.
Can anyone help me? Is the MPMoviePlayerController interfering with the AudioSession state?
Is there a way to stop this from happening. My movie has no sound in it so it shouldn't need to do that.

The MPMoviePlayerController uses the AVAudioPlayer shared instance. So you can literally set the volume of the MPMoviePlayerController and it will turn down your background music. However, a better way is to tell MPMoviePlayerController to not use the shared instance.
NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"intro" ofType:#"m4v"]];
self.player = [[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:url];
self.player.movieSourceType = MPMovieSourceTypeFile;
**[self.player setUseApplicationAudioSession:FALSE];**


AVPlayer video preview issue iOS 14.0.1

I am trying to play local and remote videos using AVPlayer and AVPlayerViewController but I am facing an issue. The player is playing the audio for video but not showing the preview.
It is working fine on all the iOS versions less than iOS 14.0.1.
Please help me on this issue
Here is the sample code
movieUrl = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:filePath];
AVPlayer *player = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:movieUrl];
theMoviPlayer = [[AVPlayerViewController alloc] init];
theMoviPlayer.player = player;
[self addSubview:theMoviPlayer.view];
theMoviPlayer.view.frame = self.bounds;
[theMoviPlayer.player play];
Look at this image for better understanding
I have found the actual reason of this issue. It seems that for certain non-standard encoding or fps, AVPlayer is not able to play video. I have exported the same video in correct encoding using some tool i.e, QuickTimePayer, and the video is playable now.
This issue is only producing on iOS 14.0.1, may be it is a bug/feature in AVPlayer in this update.
Always check your video encoding if your video is not playing or you are just hearing only audio without any video frames.

How to sound iPhone's default shutter sound [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Need to access the default camera shutter sound used by the iPhone
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Currently, I use AVFoundation's AVCaptureVideoDataOutput to create a camera application.
It is a specification that I tap the shooting button and save the necessary frame as a still image on the camera roll.
(I do not save movies.)
About the shutter sound of the iPhone, I ask you a question.
What kind of coding should I do in order to sound the iPhone's default shutter sound?
At first, I created a camera application without shutter sound using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
Next, I would like to create a camera with shutter sound using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
I do not know how to sound the iPhone's default shutter sound while using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput.
Is there a way to forcibly sound the iPhone's default shutter sound?
Deployment Target:10.2
I'd like to implement AVCaptureVideoDataOutput because I want to implement both movie shooting and still shooting in the future.
use this:
You can check all full sounds here:
For a custom sound:
AVAudioPlayer *audioPlayer;
NSString *soundFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"Name of your audio file"
ofType:#"type of your audio file example: mp3"];
NSURL *soundFileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:soundFilePath];
audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:soundFileURL error:nil];
audioPlayer.numberOfLoops = -1;
[audioPlayer play];
Make sure you import

Objective-C: Making AVPlayer plays in all the app controllers (or in the background)

I'm making a news iOS app, i want to implement a live audio streaming in all the pages like the picture below:
The orange view is a UIView that says "Live Streaming" (in Arabic), it exists in all the viewControllers, i want to let the AVPlayer plays when the user clicks on it and still plays even if the user navigates to other viewControllers.
I can't seem to find a good solution or tutorial about this, sorry if this is a noob question cause i'm new to iOS.
So how can i do that ? and where(in which viewController) should i put the AVPlayer declaration ?
Thanks in advance.
If you are testing in the simulator, the change of views will not continue the audio in the background. If it is not working your device try this:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString: yourURLHere];
AVURLAsset *avAsset = [AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL:url options:nil];
AVPlayerItem *playerItem = [AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset:avAsset];
AVPlayer *audioPlayer = [AVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:playerItem];
//This enables background music playing
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];
[audioPlayer play];
Place this code in your viewDidLoad method, before [super viewDidLoad];
I found two links that exaplin some of the issues on this:
Play Music in Background
Play Audio from Internet
If this does not work, I would recommend placing a bounty on the question as it seems your issue's are a little more in depth than a simple solution.
I found the solution, i had to make a singleton class.
The singleton class allow only one object to be used in the entire iOS application by all the ViewControllers.
And i did put all the needed methods like play and pause in the singleton class and i accessed them from all the ViewControllers.
If anybody wants an example, please ask in the comments.

Streaming multiple music with AVPlayer

I have an app that I want to make which requires streaming audio files from web server. I use AVPlayer as the player. The problem is, some responses that I am receiving from the server has two audio files on it. And this makes the streaming hard. My audio player UI by the way is like this:
I have a slider for the streamed time ranges (the black one) and another slider for the AVPlayer.currentTime. I have two audio music streamed and their music durations are added together which is now 8:46. My first music has 6 minutes duration and my second music has 1:46. As you can see in the above photo, my streamed time ranges slider indicates that AVAsset has completely streamed the first music. My problem is, I can't continue streaming and playing the next music when the first one has reached it's end. It just stop and the slider value gets back to 0.
What I want to accomplish is that when the first item has reached its end, AVPlayer would load another player item and that would be the second music. Will continue to play and slider will continue to move.
Is this possible? What are your suggestions? Thanks experts.
To load audio files one after the other, you can use AVQueuePlayer.
NSURL *song1 = [NSURL URLWithString:#"audio url1"];
NSURL *song2 = [NSURL URLWithString:#"audio url2"];
AVPlayerItem *playerItem1 = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithURL:song1];
AVPlayerItem *playerItem2 = [[AVPlayerItem alloc] initWithURL:song2];
NSArray *songs = #[playerItem1, playerItem2];
self.queuePlayer = [[AVQueuePlayer alloc] initWithItems:songs];
[self.queuePlayer play];
Hope this might help you.

Resume Background Audio After Playing Sound With AVAudioPlayer

I am looking for a way to resume audio played by another application after my application plays its own sound with AVAudioPlayer. Right now, if I am listening to music and launch my application, it pauses the music, plays my sound, but doesn't resume the background music.
Here is what i'm doing to generate the sound playback:
myChime = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"chime" ofType:#"mp3"]] error:nil];
myChime.delegate = self;
[myChime play];
// Here I am looking to resume the audio that the system was playing before my application played its sound. I have seen many applications do this such as, GPS apps that speak a voice direction and then resume the music.
You need to properly implement the AVAudioSession delegate methods. If you set the audio session to inactive, then the system will know you are done playing your sound and will resume any other audio sessions. Refer to the Audio Session Programming Guide, especially the setActive:error: method.
