I am almost ready to submit my app to Apple but I have a question re: private data storage.
The app is similar to 100's that are out there where you can rate a restaurant, add photo etc. At some point there will be a 'web' component to this where you can view all of them but for now it is not ready. However I would like to 'save' the info so when the web is ready, there will be data to populate.
I am only saving the photos and the data points that users are entering PLUS a unique id for each device that I can later match up to the users device. Do I need an OPT OUT in my app for this?
I don't think so.
But if the user from the app get information about storing the UDID of the device on your space could be a risky move. It's not that bad, but there are enough paranoid people in the Internet ;)
I want to make an IOS app that has information like a task list for a user that syncs across all of their devices - but I hate apps that make you login to something - I'm looking for some id that connects the user - I know you can get the device ID, but hoping more for something like reading the current app store id or something.
Bottom line what I'm trying to achieve is that if someone adds some data on their iphone, it's available on their ipad. Any idea how to do that?
Bottom line what I'm trying to achieve is that if someone adds some data on their iphone, it's available on their ipad. Any idea how to do that?
Yes, it's called iCloud. You just make an app that syncs up into iCloud. No login within the app is required; the user has to be signed into iCloud on their device, but most users are. If you look at Apple's own apps, that is what they are doing; look, for example, at how a Reminders list or a change in Contacts is reflected automatically onto all the user's devices. That's iCloud in action.
I'm trying to find a way of letting a user store their photos/documents online for my app. They can upload these to the app after registering an email and they remain on the phone even when the user logs out and then in again. However if the user deletes the app, downloads it again (the developers are using TestFlight at the moment), and logs in, any photo or document that the user saved before deleting has vanished.
I've been told that the data hasn't been stored on the Kinvey SDK service that we have been using as it takes a while to upload the data and then was told the app would be better suited on Kinvey REST API as the SDK version doesn't support background mode which supposedly would help store the data quicker (but this still wouldn't be 100% sure the photos/documents would be stored)
I'm not a developer/coder so I'm afraid I don't know much technically but my app needs to be able to have access across devices for the user's photos and documents, if these are 'lost' it would be catastrophic.
Please could someone help me if there a way of doing this?
Thank you.
Well If you want to save pictures or data that do not get deleted here are few options.
Save them iPhone,iPad gallery if not the use REST API
"Kinvey" can be used for that.
The alternative of "Kinvey", Kindly look into this.
and may be you can try this. It provides chat feature too.
I want to give to the user of my app the ability to share a photograph without having an internet connection. It is quite hard to explain but I'll do my best. Basically in my app a user can press on a plus button to take a shot using their iPhone. This image is then uploaded on the Internet (Dropbox) in a common folder that can be accessed by all app users. When other users open the app, the image that has been uploaded is downloaded on their device. Since there might be more than one image, the app refreshes itself once in a while, and downloads the new photographs. I want to do the same thing using the bluetooth (or airdrop). When one device takes a picture, this is saved on the device, and sent to all app users nearby. These users can edit it, send it back to the original device where it can be accessed by everyone. basically the original device acts as a server, and all other devices stream the information from that device. The whole purpose of this is to have, say 15 different iOS devices all in the same room in sync which display the same exact thing. When someone edits, all the other people will see it, as if they where in sync with "the cloud" (which now is Dropbox).
I understood that this might be possible with MultipeerConnectivity.framework as it permits more than one device to be connected at the same time. I also found an example app called beam it: http://arctouch.com/beamit/
What I'm asking here is not really for some code, rather some indications on how I could approach the problem.
I have an app that is uniquely branded for each customer (think restaurants, etc.) I need to have the user be able to click on a link to my server that contains a unique code, stores that temporarily on the iOS device (cookie, etc.) and then directs them to the app store to download the app. Then when it is downloaded, the app grabs that cookie or temp. data on launch and brands the app for that customer. I know this is possible on Android, but is it on iOS?
Downloading the app first and then selecting the brand (or restaurant) is not feasible in this case, as the url wil be shared with other customers of the same business and we want to create a fluid experience, where they won't be able to "see behind the scenes" and choose a different branding.
Thank you for all the replies. We've reevaluated and are considering having the url be opened on the device and grabbing the IP address or another unique id, and saving that along with the correct brand to a database. The app will then connect to the database on launch, and if the IP's match, will brand accordingly. We're looking for a more reliable identifier than IP, however. Now that UDID is deprecated, are there any other identifiers we can use?
I think the design you propose of a webserver link creating the code that needs to be read by the iOS app later is the issue. You should have a solution that is entirely app based. Perhaps you can have the same services on the website be available as one app which then sets up the code in pasteboard. The user then launches the actual app that looks at the pasteboard and skins itself accordingly.
That being said, data can be shared between apps from the same app seed ID by using UIPasteboard in addition to a few other ways.
I use the pasteboard to share info between apps quickly and easily using this class.
You can use identifierForVendor (UDID replacement) to identify individual devices. Are you planning on harvesting those identifiers prior to the end user "registering" the device at the final location? If not you'll never be able to determine which device belongs where.
What about having the end-user logging into your server as that restaurant? It can be a somewhat generic login per restaurant like "Wendys/Wendys5?" and "McDonalds/McDonalds7!" to determine their App Store URL. As long as the password is easy and non-programmatic to guess it would be unlikely they figure out how to register as a different restaurant. You could also do a simple restaurant selection screen coupled with a password specific to each chain but this would expose the user to which other restaurants are using the app. This way you won't have to continually add IPs if they expand locations and can revoke credentials if the login is compromised.
One question, though: Do all of your clients understand that they'll have to have an AppleID tied to each device? You can only shared a single AppleID across 20 devices.
What I would like to know is whether there is anything wrong (in terms of the law, and App Store guidelines) with storing information about your application, and broadcasting it to an online location for gathering.
Specifically, an application which would normally not connect to the internet, connecting when it starts up and storing usage information like time of day, the device ID, and how long the person uses it for.
I'm guessing this sort of behavior is fine so long as you get the users consent first?
It’s fine if you ask the user first and give him an option to turn this feature off. We were once spanked out of the App Store simply for uploading a new game high-score record without a cancel button. It’s quite a long time and the rules might have changed, but better safe then sorry and your users will like the confirmation screen, too.