Best method to scroll a ScrollPane by mouse hover location in actionscript? - actionscript

When mouse nears top edge of scrollpane, it scrolls up until it reaches the top only interrupted if the mouse leaves the top edge area.
Same for bottom edge.

You need to make a symbol that you can write AS code on that is invisible (set alpha to 0) and lies in the area you want to have the desired behavior to occur.
make sure its a button symbol
on the mouseover for your hidden symbol you tell your pane to scroll.
on the mouseout for your hidden symbol you tell your pane to stop scrolling.
Keep your hidden symbols on a higher layer than your scroll pane.


Strange empty grey box appears when touching View near top of my screen

A button near the top of my View is no longer clickable when I have Views with lots of padding or spacers on my page. When I reduce the padding, I am able to click the button, but only the bottom half of its image (80p tall). The top half still gives me the weird box that shows up.
It seems that the more padding / spacing I have, the further up my button goes on the screen (which is desirable), however, the button cannot be clicked above a certain y coordinate of my screen.
Has anyone seen this before? What does this empty box mean? My only guess is that its the NavigationView interfering with getting the touch, as a similar grey box occurs if I hold the back button down without releasing it.

Click/drag panning with TDBChart/ TChart

is there any way to implement a draggable TChart which pans/ moves on click and drag? At the moment it is zooming to the area selected; can this be changed to work like you'd expect on a touch screen? Thanks, Toby
By default, zooming is active and set to be used drawing a zooming rectangle with the left mouse button. And the scroll is set to be used dragging the chart with the right mouse button.
To change this behaviour, you can disable the zooming and change the scroll button:

wxLua splitter window on resize

In the image snippet below, there is a splitter-sash between the tan Output window and the blue Command Line Args window. The user can change the width of the blue window (by dragging the splitter sash) if desired, but I want the blue window to maintain its width if the app is resized, that is, the tan window does all the horizontal shrinking and growing.
In my XRC file for the app, I have a BoxSizerH containing a vertical splitter. The splitter holds two panels. Each panel contains a StaticBoxSizerV holding a multi-line text control.
What must I do to allow the user to fix the width of the right-most window?
Do I need to trap resizes and set the sash position to maintain the last trapped splitter drag, or is there an easier way just using initial settings?
Checkout wxSplitterWindow::SetSashGravity in the docs:

Borders misaligned after expanding a JQueryUI toggle on Chrome only

I have a bunch of controls that start off hidden. When the Options button is clicked, the controls are displayed in a drop down box with a border. On Chrome, when the box is expanded, it looks like the left hand border is pushing the right hand border out of alignment with the button.
The drop down look like this:
See for the code for this example.
If I remove the left hand border, the right hand border falls into place
See for the example without the left hand border.
I am not able to reproduce this problem in Firefox or IE.
Has anyone else ever seen anything like this before?
Is this acceptable? The CSS I added is in #controls-title and .options-dropdown-expanded. I basically set a left padding on the title bar that gets removed when the dropdown is expanded so that the left border doesn't shift the title bar to the right when it appears. I also set a -2px right margin when the dropdown is expanded so that the right border pops in rather than jutting out.

How to attach a scroll bar from tool box to a panel so that it expands in relation to the form/panel?

I have dragged a scroll bar on a panel on my form. Now i want to bind that scroll bar with the form. such that whenever i expand my form the scorll bar expands and remains at the right (incase of vertical scroll bar) and at bottom(in case of horizontal scroll bar).
What is happening right now is that the scroll bar remains at the place where i had positioned it even if i resize or maximize the form. Help!
You have to handle the Size events of the form.
When the form size changes, you move your scrollbar so it stays flush right, and change the length of the scrollbar so it's always correct.
