iOS accessibility hint not being spoken on an Text Field - ios

We have created a very simple app using storyboards which contains a single screen with a Text Field. I have set the Accessibility Label and Hint on the Text Field however when I deploy the app to my iPhone, Voiceover only reads out the Label not the Hint.
I am assuming this must be a bug, has anyone seen similar behaviour?
Note we were developing using Xcode 4.2 under Lion and deploying to an iPhone running 5.0.1.

without looking at your code, that's kind of hard; this article is quite in depth and explains Voiceover, Labels, and Hints very well:

I am seeing this behavior on iOS 5.0 and 5.1, but it appears to be fixed in iOS 6.0.


Justified or Natural text alignment before iOS 7 Warning

I have an iOS App that is targeted to iOS 6 and above (I know, I know. But a disturbing number of our users are still on iPhones that have never been updated) and I'm seeing a warning when I compile my app:
Justified or Natural text alignment before iOS 7.0
This is seen for each place I've chosen "natural" text alignment for a control in my xib files. This is confusing to me, because the docs clearly state that NSTextAlignmentNatural is "Available in iOS 6.0 and later."
NSString Documentation
No warnings are presented when I set the alignment in the code, only from the xib.
Unfortunately, I am unable to test this myself because I don't have an iOS 6 device. Is this a warning that I just need to ignore, or could issues still arise in the older devices?
I just made a test project and got the same result with a UILabel set to justified. I repeated with a UITextArea and didn't get the error, so it seems to only relate to setting justified on UILabels.
I ran the same code on an iOS 6 device I have here and didn't get a crash, it just stayed left aligned, so you can probably ignore it, but it is very odd.
Perhaps you could try setting attributed text on the UILabels instead and see if the same thing happens.
UILabel set to Left-justif,like this

iPhone Development : Magnifying glass of a UITextField is empty

The Magnifying glass shows up, but is empty (white)!
On iOS simulator, it is working fine.
Any clue ?
Sorry for having asked, but after a LOT of research, I found this question already :
In iOS7 Text Magnifier isn't working app wide
For me, the problem was also that for historical reason, another UIWindow object was instanciated.
Maybe it's due to the frames not being with the right size in the UI editor at Xcode.
Check for warnings of compilation time and see if you have problems in your storyboards or xib files.
Also, are you running iOS simulator of the same type of your device? If not, you might be missing to test it there also!

iOS - iPad layout top/botton spacing doesn't seem to do what I tell it to do

I am creating this screen:
But when I run things, I get it to look like this.
If you notice, the space below/above some elements looks off. Would anyone know why thing happens and how to fix this?
Thank you!
If you're asking about why the buttons look the way they do, that is because your storyboard is set to be viewed as "iOS 6.1 and Earlier", so you're seeing the interface elements as the appear under iOS 6.1 -. Then when you run the application on your iOS 7 simulator, these same elements appear as they do in iOS 7 +, which you can see is quite different.
Then as far as the alignment problems go, I suggest you read through the 80 iPad storyboard related warnings that Xcode is generating and fix your constraints.

UIButton Differences between iOS 5.1 and 6.1

I placed 3 buttons into my view, set up background image and sometimes I need to disable one of them. I find out that they appear different in iOS 5.1 and 6.1. I like the 6.1 version. What should I do to make the design in 5.1 will be the same as in 6.1?
1) look at the white strip at the bottom of picture
2) third button is disabled and is quite lighter than in 6.1
<-- iOS5.1
<-- iOS6.1
PS: thank you for reputation points :)
The white artifact seems to be a default white rounded rect frame. Did you set button type to UIButtonTypeCustom?
Usually when there's a UI difference between two major versions of an OS, the right thing to do is to go with the flow and use the appearance that comes with each version. Having newer UI elements show up in an older version of the OS looks odd -- like your app doesn't quite fit in. Also, it's a lot of work to try to mimic the new look in the old OS.
Try to design your app so that it looks great with either variety of button, and your app will fit right in with the other apps on the user's device no matter what version they're using.

iOS XCode Storyboard controls moved and now look strange in simulator

I am following the course on iOS through iTunes university and working on the calculator project. I moved the controls on the storyboard to make room for another control at the top. Everything looks fine on the storyboard but when run in the simulator, controls are bunch up, on top of each other, and some are clearly off the top of the simulator screen. This leads to the following very related questions.
How does one move controls around on the storyboard? I went to the size inspector of each control (buttons in my case) and changed the 'Y' value (increased it by 10). I did this for each control. I didn't think about it as I was doing it because as I said, all looks fine on the storyboard. Is there a better way to move controls around? I could not figure out how to grab more than one control at a time and move them. Grabbing all and moving or all but one and moving would have been ideal.
I anticipate someone is going to say, "We need more info. " How do I show the storyboard? Is there a xml file somewhere? How is the storyboard saved? How should I show the results of the simulator?
In general, what the heck is going on? Why would things look so different in the simulator?
Is there a better forum/group to ask newbie questions about iOS programming?
My specs are these:
XCode 4.5.2
Ios simulator versions set to 6.0 and iPhone
Any other info needed? Thanks in advance,
Try setting your simulated device size to 'freeform' instead of 'inferred'. This screen is a bit smaller so the controls are no longer overlapping. The latest xcode sets it by default to ios6 (screen size of iPhone 5)
edit For a better insight in xcode IDE, please refer to the documentation provided by apple (includes screenshots for clarity)
