YQL query to get country dialing code? - yql

Is there a way using YQL to query for a country's dialing code (ie, the USA and Canada have +1)?


Yahoo Finance API get list of all mutual funds and ETFs tickers

I'm looking for a way to get list of all mutual funds and ETFs tickers from Yahoo Finance. I've found few solutions like for example:
But unfortunantely after checking dozens of random tickers most of them didn't belong to mutual funds category. Having list of this tickers seems useful as long I could find a way to check ticker's category.
On Yahoo Finance website using search box, popup show ticker's category. How to replicate this functionality programmatically or using for example YQL?
After following Daniel's advise I've successfully filtered tickers and
updated them on my GitHub:
It's possible to tell wether ticker is mutual fund or ETF but it's hard to distinct between mutual fund and ETF.
As an example let's take mututal fund with ticker TIBIX. From what I know only mutual funds and ETFs have category "Fund Family" in their profile tab. So you need YQL that checks whether ticker contains HTML span containing "Fund Family" inside.
Raw YQL query
select * from htmlstring where url='https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/TIBIX/profile?p=TIBIX' and xpath='//span/*[contains(.,"Fund Family")]//text()'
Endpoint for the query
If you ticker is mutual fund or ETF, query should return such response:
{"query":{"count":1,"created":"2017-09-25T07:07:10Z","lang":"en-US","results":{"result":"Fund Family"}}}
Either way result will be empty.

Geolocation: How to derive the Country using an address/city/place?

I have a .csv file with Twitter profiles including information such as username, name, description etc. One column is geolocation. In this text the user may have a country (i.e., UK), a city or town (i.e., Cambridge), an actual address (5 Tyrian Place, WR5 TY1), a state (i.e, California, CA) or something silly (i.e., West of Hell).
Is there an API/library/automatic way of taking this information and deriving the country? For example, if the location is Cambridge the output should be UK, if the address is in the UK, the output should be UK, etc.
Google has a reverse geocoding service which you can access through their Maps API:
They let you make 2500 free requests per day. One nice feature is it will give you correct latitude, longitude, state, country, etc for things like "Golden Gate Bridge" and "The Big Apple." Twitter users enter all sorts of (sarcastic) phrases for their location -- like "West of Hell," "Mars," etc -- and Google will reverse geocode that as well. Though, that may not be very useful.
As another level of checking, you can compare the user's timezone ("utc_offset"), if it is present, to the place that Google returns. It's a bit involved and requires that you compare the timezone's latitude boundaries to the latitude and longitude in Google's response.

Get ISO 3166-1 country code as a GMSPlace result

I need to implement a city search dialogue field in my app and use
the ISO 3166-1 country code of the search result.
The country in the result is as a string in the current locale (e.g. "United Kingdom", "Vereinigtes Königreich", ...) instead of just "uk", which is a problem. I could do a string search for all 248 countries in all languages google maps supports but that is very error prone.
Is there a way to include the country code in the search result?
My work around for now is to reverse lookup the reported coordinate afterwards but that's an additional request, resulting in wait time for the user.

How to get only city names from autocomplete using GoogleAPI for iOS

I wish to get only city names from autocomplete api for iOS. For example if i search like Avadi then it should return city name as Chennai. I used google places api. It returns many strings separated by comma from which i couldn't get exact city name if user give any area name of city.

how to get results from Yahoo Ireland or Yahoo India search, using YQL

I just want to use YQL to get the top 10 results for a particular query, and a region, eg Yahoo India, or Yahoo Ireland.
How do i do this?
You can use a region value when querying against the search.web table, like
select * from search.web where query="pizza" and region="in"
(Try this query the YQL console.)
Available region values are listed in the Supported Regions and Languages for Web and News Search page for the Yahoo! BOSS API, which the search.web data table uses.
Following changes with the Yahoo Pipes V2 'upgrade' some YQL tables have been dropped.
Thankfully some new ones have appeared but are not widely known about yet.
SELECT * FROM microsoft.bing.web WHERE query="pizza india"
