iOS 5: Twitter composer view appears slowly - twitter

I have a question about presenting the TWTweetComposerViewController as a modal view in iOS 5.
I use the apple sample code as below to implement a tweet method in my app.
//Using tweeting example code.
//Setup the build-in twitter composer view controller
TWTweetComposeViewController *tweetViewController = [[TWTweetComposeViewController alloc]init];
//Add url
[tweetViewController addURL:[self URL]];
[tweetViewController setInitialText:#""];
//Present Composer
[self presentModalViewController:tweetViewController animated:YES];
//Creat the completion handler
[tweetViewController setCompletionHandler:^(TWTweetComposeViewControllerResult result)
//Do something here.
[self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
[tweetViewController release];
This works fine, when I call the tweet method, the tweet controller does appear as a modal view.
However, the problem is: the composer shows up very slowly. It usually takes 3-5 seconds to show the composer. Of course, this is when the app calls this method for the first time. After the first time, it shows up a little bit quicker, but still take about 1~2 seconds.
I wonder if is there something I didn't do right to make the composer view appear slowly? Is there any way to speed up the process?
Btw. the testing device is the iPhone 4.

Yes, there is. You can preload the class by initializing it in the background sometime before you'll ever need it. Move tweetViewController into an instance or static variable, initialize and set all of its properties. Then just show it in the tweet method.


multiple pictures with UIImagePickerController

i've been searching around the web but couldn't find an answer.
basically i wanna take two photos one right after the other.
i'm using UIImagePickerController to show a picker and implementing didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo.
when it gets called i'm checking my count so that if its one, i implement a block and pass it to dismissViewControllerAnimated like this:
if(1 == count) {
void (^simpleBlock)(void);
simpleBlock = ^{
[self useCamera];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:NO completion:simpleBlock];
it all seems to work fine, and even the useCamera method is called.
the problem is that the second time the picker shows i see all of its controls but i don't see on the screen the image from the camera.
any help would be appriciated.
i managed to work it out with replacing the call to useCamera with:
[self performSelector:#selector(useCamera) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.3];
i think my question has some relation to: iOS 7 UIImagePickerController has black preview
since the delay fixed the problem.
For you to save time. You can use available library out there. These are my good choices. CTAssetsPickerController ELCImagePickerController
UIImagePickerController helps to access the default camera app in iOS.
It will allow only limited functionalities like take picture/video, photo album.

Flurry ads integration using SDK 6.0 creates performance issue app crashes

Hi I am using latest flurry SDK 6.0 in app. I need to show ads almost every where in my app. App is UINavigationControllerBased contains more viewControllers. I am using code given in flurry documentation.
I am using below code in each and every ViewController but some times I move fast just like push and pop before add received,so in that case callbacks are continuously receiving but that viewcontroller is not available in stack at that time app crash or recieve memory. I tried to set adDelegate to nil in viewWillDisappear but flurry documentation says don't set it as nil.
Anyone has any ideas regarading this?
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
if(self.adBanner == nil){
self.adBanner = [[FlurryAdBanner alloc] initWithSpace:#"Flurry Banner"] ;
self.adBanner.adDelegate = self;
[self.adBanner fetchAndDisplayAdInView:self.view viewControllerForPresentation:self];
Perhaps you should split the code in two?
Fetch the Ad using fetchAdForFrame. This prevents Flurry from using the view you passed.
Then inside the delegate, use displayAdInView. Only call this if you know the view is visible. So in viewWillAppear set a flag to say visible, in viewWillDisappear set a flag to say not visible. This should let you cut off the rendering part.
Seems odd an API like this would have no cancelFetchAd method!

MFMessageComposeViewController - how can I find out when this has been fully presented?

The Problem - Preparing and showing an MFMessageComposeViewController is trivial as per the Apple docs. What I need to know is when this has been fully presented.
Explanation - Showing the MFMessageViewComposeController with a completion block is easy, but doesn't solve my problem:
[self presentViewController:messageController animated:YES completion:^(void){
//Controller has been shown. But not really....
The problem is more obvious for messages to larger groups of recipients (say 50 people). The completion block gets called, but the phone's screen remains black. Several seconds later, the messaging window appears. Several seconds later, the recipient list becomes active with a flashing cursor. Basically, there's a lot of loading and processing that goes on after the controller has supposedly been presented.
What I'd like - To figure out when the interface has been fully loaded. I don't expect a simple answer, and I've already spent quite a bit of time on it - definitely bounty worthy. If you can post a working answer with code I'll award maximum bounty for it.
Just check MFMailComposeViewController view's frame. Once it achieves top of the screen handle the appearance.
[self presentViewController:messageController animated:YES completion:^
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0), ^
while(messageController.view.frame.origin.y > 0)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^
// Handle appearance of MFMailComposeViewController
The other way is to wait 0.3 seconds using dispatch_after() method. But this time interval could be changed next versions of iOS.

Laggy presentation of SLServiceTypeFacebook

so I'm making a post to Facebook and want the user to select an image before doing that.
Once the image is picked and I show Facebook. Problem is, when I show Facebook straight away, without the image picking part, it looks fine. When I show it after picking the image, Facebook sharing appears animated, but laggy. As if the action has a very low framerate or something.
Here's my code:
self.portraitPicker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
self.portraitPicker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeCamera;
[self.portraitPicker setDelegate:self];
self.portraitPicker.allowsEditing = YES;
[self presentViewController:self.portraitPicker animated:YES completion:nil];
Now when this is complete, I show the Facebook posting modally:
[picker dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
if ([SLComposeViewController isAvailableForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook])
self.facebookController = [SLComposeViewController composeViewControllerForServiceType:SLServiceTypeFacebook];
[self.facebookController setInitialText:#"Some text"];
[facebookController addImage:pickedImage];
[self presentViewController:self.facebookController animated:NO completion:nil];
I can do this in the didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo or the imagePickerControllerDidCancel, doesn't matter, the problem still comes up.
Being desperate, I tried:
Showing it on the main thread delayed
Showing it async
Showing it outside the dismiss-block
Showing it from the AppDelegate's rootviewcontroller instead
This is not Facebook-related as it happens with SLServiceTypeTwitter as well as with MFMessageComposeViewController.
Can't seem to do away with the laggy animation that ONLY happens showing the image picker. Does anyone know what's causing this?
Given the lack of response and similar issues, I figured the cause was my own architecture.
It turns out that one of my viewcontrollers' ViewDidAppear was called after the camera picker was displayed (as it became the active viewcontroller and consequently the inactive one, giving control back to the original viewcontroller).
Blocking the background calls and animation that happened in this viewDidAppear resolved the issue. I still don't know why calling it delayed (i.e. 10 seconds, or even 100 seconds into the future, when nothing was going on) still had the laggy appearence show up, but there it is.

calling a second view in iPad app

I am trying to adapt an existing application to an iPad app. The application has a main view that calls View2 that is in "View2.xib". Everything has been working well, until I entered the following:
view2Controller = [[View2Controller alloc] initWithWindowNibName:#"View2"];
[view2Controller showWindow:self];
This works in my original Cocoa program, but in the iPad application it is currently returning a warning: "Thread1: Program received signal "SIGBRT" While working with it, I've also received a message Method -initWithWindowNibName not found.
Similarly, I have the same problem with the method showWindow.
I wonder how it is that this problem shows up when I try to convert it to an iPad app.
I've run out of ideas to check and would appreciate some assistance.
You will need to change it to the following
view2Controller = [[UIViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"View2" bundle:nil]
//If you are in a view controller use
[self presentModalViewController:view2Controller animated:YES];
