iOS Base64 Lib that prevents CRLF - ios

I'm having troubles decoding/encoding a base64 string because of the CRLF on it.
I've tried this lib Base64.h and this one NSData+Base64.h but both do not handle well the CRLF.
Anyone had this problem before?
Anyone has an advice on how to avoid these CRLF? I think Android's Java lib is replacing this with a '0', am I correct?
public static final int CRLF = 4;

Base64 encodes 64 characters, namely 'A-Za-z0-9+/' with a possible trailing '=' to indicate a non mod 3 length. CR+LF may be used as a line separator, generally decode each line separately.
See Wikipedia Base64 for more information on CR+LF variants.
decoded is:
"FA FA 9B 88 FE EC DE 87 BB FE 9B 89 F2 FD 9A DD F3 98 9D FD EF 9A 96 A9"
The last character is not 0.


Repetitive regular expression in Lua

I need to find a pattern of 6 pairs of hexadecimal numbers (without 0x), eg.
"00 5a 4f 23 aa 89"
This pattern works for me, but the question is if there any way to simplify it?
Lua patterns do not support limiting quantifiers and many more features that regular expressions support (hence, Lua patterns are not even regular expressions).
You can build the pattern dynamically since you know how many times you need to repeat a part of a pattern:
local text = '00 5a 4f 23 aa 89'
local answer = text:match('[%da-f][%da-f]'..('%s[%da-f][%da-f]'):rep(5) )
print (answer)
-- => 00 5a 4f 23 aa 89
See the Lua demo.
The '[%da-f][%da-f]'..('%s[%da-f][%da-f]'):rep(5) can be further shortened with %x hex char shorthand:
Lua supports %x for hexadecimal digits, so you can replace all every [%da-f] with %x:
Lua doesn't support specific quantifiers {n}. If it did, you could make it quite a lot shorter.
Also you can use a "One or more" with the Plus-Sign to shorten up...
print(('Your MAC is: 00 5a 4f 23 aa 89'):match('%x+%s%x+%s%x+%s%x+%s%x+%s%x+'))
-- Tested in Lua 5.1 up to 5.4
It is described under "Pattern Item:" in...
final solution:
local text = '00 5a 4f 23 aa 89'
local pattern = '%x%x'..('%s%x%x'):rep(5)
local answer = text:match(pattern)
print (answer)

Ruby Write Hex String To Binary File By Keeping Hex Values

I want to generate random bytes in Ruby, but I also want to insert some constant values into specific positions of the random bytes.
random_hex_string = SecureRandom.hex (length)
So I generate random hex bytes and insert my hex values there. The problem is that I have now a string not a byte array. So when I print it:"file.txt", 'w+b') do |f|
It - not surprisingly - converts the hex string into binary then writes it. So my hex values are not kept. To be more clear, when I write my hex string to the file, and then I want to see the same hex values when I hex dump the file. How can I do this?
You can turn it into a single element array and pack it as hex. For instance, when I run your code:
require 'securerandom'
length = 2 ** 6
random_hex_string = SecureRandom.hex (length)
puts random_hex_string"file.txt", 'w+b') do |file|
file.write([random_hex_string].pack('H*')) # see also 'h'
I get the output
and then running
$ hexdump file.txt
0000000 01 02 99 e8 4e 9e 45 41 d0 8c b8 00 46 2b 6f 36
0000010 a8 7f f1 18 d6 29 13 68 e9 6e 89 07 59 8a 2d fd
0000020 40 90 65 8f ea 1d ab 6e d4 60 ab 51 2d dc 54 52
0000030 23 29 f6 b4 dd d2 87 e4 30 2e f6 03 ce 60 e8 5e
0000040 63 15 91
Unless, I'm mistaken, it matches up perfectly with the output from the script.
I've never messed with Array#pack before, and haven't done much with hex, but this seems to be giving the results you require, so should be a step in the right direction at least.
Why ask for hex when you don't actually want hex? Just do this:
random_bytes = SecureRandom.random_bytes(length)
random_bytes.insert(0, "\x01\x02")
random_bytes.insert(15, "\x36")

What Characters Are These?

I have some Chinese text in my MYSQL database. And when I export, I am getting random strings of gibberish despite outputting as UTF-8. I can't figure out the problem because I don't know what this character set is called. Can someone help identify what this string of random characters below is?
It's the string \u7f19\u4e91\u70e7\u997c (缙云烧饼) encoded in UTF-8 (as the bytes E7 BC 99 E4 BA 91 E7 83 A7 E9 A5 BC) but misinterpreted as Windows-1252.

Addressing memory data in 32 bit protected mode with nasm

So my book says i can define a table of words like so:
table: dw "13,37,99,99"
and that i can snatch values from the table by incrementing the index into the address of the table like so:
mov ax, [table+2] ; should give me 37
but instead it places 0x2c33 in ax rather than 0x3337
is this because of a difference in system architecture? maybe because the book is for 386 and i'm running 686?
0x2C is a comma , and 0x33 is the character 3, and they appear at positions 2 and 3 in your string, as expected. (I'm a little confused as to what you were expecting, since you first say "should give me 37" and later say "rather than 0x3337".)
You have defined a string constant when I suspect that you didn't mean to. The following:
dw "13,37,99,99"
Will produce the following output:
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B
31 33 2C 33 37 2C 39 39 2C 39 39 00
Why? Because:
31 is the ASCII code for '1'
33 is the ASCII code for '3'
2C is the ASCII code for ','
39 is the ASCII code for '9'
NASM also null-terminates your string by putting 0 byte at the end (If you don't want your strings to be null-terminated use single quotes instead, '13,37,99,99')
Take into account that ax holds two bytes and it should be fairly clear why ax contains 0x2C33.
I suspect what you wanted was more along the lines of this (no quotes and we use db to indicate we are declaring byte-sized data instead of dw that declares word-sized data):
db 13,37,99,99
This would still give you 0x6363 (ax holds two bytes / conversion of 99, 99 to hex). Not sure where you got 0x3337 from.
I recommend that you install yourself a hex editor and have an experiment inspecting the output from NASM.

Convert DeDe constant to valid declaration or other interface extraction tool?

I am using DeDe to create an API (Interface) I can compile to. (Strictly legit: while we wait for the vendor to deliver a D2010 version in two months, we can at least get our app compiling...)
We'll stub out all methods.
Dede emits constant declarations like these:
00: ÿÿÿÿ....LEADIMGL|FF FF FF FF 0D 00 00 00 4C 45 41 44 49 4D 47 4C|
10: IST32. |49 53 54 33 32 00|;
0: ÿÿÿÿ....DICM.|FF FF FF FF 04 00 00 00 44 49 43 4D 00|;
How would I convert these into a compilable statement?
In theory, I don't care about the actual values, since I doubt they're use anywhere, but I'd like to get their size correct. Are these integers, LongInts or ???
Any other hints on using DeDe would be welcome.
Those are strings. The first four bytes are the reference count, which for string literals is always -1 ($ffffffff). The next four bytes are the character count. Then comes the characters an a null terminator.
LTIMGLISTCLASS = 'LEADIMGLIST32'; // 13 = $0D characters
DS_PREFIX = 'DICM'; // 4 = $04 characters
You don't have to "doubt" whether those constants are used anywhere. You can confirm it empirically. Compile your project without those constants. If it compiles, then they're not used.
If your project doesn't compile, then those constants must be used somewhere in your code. Based on the context, you can provide your own declarations. If the constant is used like a string, then declare a string; if it's used like an integer, then declare an integer.
Another option is to load your project in a version of Delphi that's compatible with the DCUs you have. Use code completion to make the IDE display the constant and its type.
