Where to handle Parsing of Floating Point Number - Scanner or Parser? - parsing

I'm in the process of designing a small domain specific language.
As scanner/parser generators I use Flex/Bisonc++.
Now, the generated DSL-compiler frontend is capable of parsing octal, decimal and hex numbers.
The only thing remaining is the support for floating point numbers (FPN) as notated in C/C++.
There's a RegExp for the floating point number syntax at
a) I know that parsing that can be done in the scanner or/and in the parser,
but I don't know what's best - in terms of performance and efficiency.
b) One additional constraint is, that I want to avoid touching each character of the input more than once, i.e. I want to avoid using STL or other string-to-float conversion functions
by implementing an on-the-fly conversion during the parsing process.
Is that possible?

It is perfectly feasible, and normally sensible, to have the scanner (flex code) recognize and convert the floating point numbers, just as it should be recognizing and converting the integers. If you've written the integer recognition code in the grammar (bison code) rather than the scanner, then maybe you write the floating-point recognition there too, but it is not the way it is normally done. You will probably need to use a more sophisticated (read 'complex') data type for the token types; read up on %union.


Why would I use a lexer and not directly parse code?

I am trying to create a simple programming language from scratch (interpreter) but I wonder why I should use a lexer.
For me, it looks like it would be easier to create a parser that directly parses the code. what am I overlooking?
I think you'll agree that most languages (likely including the one you are implementing) have conceptual tokens:
operators, e.g * (usually multiply), '(', ')', ;
keywords, e.g., "IF", "GOTO"
identifiers, e.g. FOO, count, ...
numbers, e.g. 0, -527.23E-41
comments, e.g., /* this text is ignored in your file */
whitespace, e.g., sequences of blanks, tabs and newlines, that are ignored
As a practical matter, it takes a specific chunk of code to scan for/collect the characters that make each individual token. You'll need such a code chunk for each type of token your language has.
If you write a parser without a lexer, at each point where your parser is trying to decide what comes next, you'll have to have ALL the code that recognize the tokens that might occur at that point in the parse. At the next parser point, you'll need all the code to recognize the tokens that are possible there. This gives you an immense amount of code duplication; how many times do you want the code for blanks to occur in your parser?
If you think that's not a good way, the obvious cure to is remove all the duplication: place the code for each token in a subroutine for that token, and at each parser place, call the subroutines for the tokens. At this point, in some sense, you already have a lexer: an isolated collection of code to recognize tokens. You can code perfectly fine recursive descent parsers this way.
The next thing you'll discover is that you call the token subroutines for many of the tokens at each parser point. Even that seems like a lot of work and duplication. So, replace all the calls with a single "GetNextToken" call, that itself invokes the token recognizing code for all tokens, and returns a enum that identifies the specific token encountered. Now your parser starts to look reasonable: at each parser point, it makes one call on GetNextToken, and then branches on enum returned. This is basically the interface that people have standardized on as a "lexer".
One thing you will discover is the token-lexers sometimes have trouble with overlaps; keywords and identifiers usually have this trouble. It is actually easier to merge all the token recognizers into a single finite state machine, which can then distinguish the tokens more easily. This also turns out to be spectacularly fast when processing the programming language source text. Your toy language may never parse more than 100 lines, but real compilers process millions of lines of code a day, and most of that time is spent doing token recognition ("lexing") esp. white space suppression.
You can code this state machine by hand. This isn't hard, but it is rather tedious. Or, you can use a tool like FLEX to do it for you, that's just a matter of convenience. As the number of different kinds of tokens in your language grows, the FLEX solution gets more and more attractive.
TLDR: Your parser is easier to write, and less bulky, if you use a lexer. In addition, if you compile the individual lexemes into a state machine (by hand or using a "lexer generator"), it will run faster and that's important.
Well, for intelligently simplified programing language you can get away without either lexer or parser :-) Not kidding. Look up Forth. You can start with tags here on SO (gforth is GNU's) and then go to the Standard's site which has pointers to a few interpreters, sites and its Glossary.
Then you can check out Win32Forth and that should keep you busy for quite a while :-)
Interpreter also compiles (when you invoke words that switch system to compilation context). All without a distinct parser. Lookahead is actually lookbehind :-) - not kidding. It rarely absorbs one following word (== lookahead is max 1). The "words" (aka tokens) are at the same time keywords and variable names and they all live in a Dictionary. There's a whole online book at that site (plus pdf).
Control structures are also just words (they compile a few addresses and jumps on the fly).
You can find old Journals there as well, covering a wide spectrum from machine code generation to object oriented extensions. Yes still without parser - believe it or not.
There used to be more sophisticated (commercial) Forth systems which were reducing words to machine call instructions with immediate addressing (makes the engine run 2-4 times faster) but even plain interpreters were always considered to be fast. One is apparently still active - SwiftForth, but don't expect any freebies there.
There's one Forth on GitHub CiForth which is quite spartanic but has builds and releases for Win, Linux and Mac, 32 and 64 so you can just download and run. Claims to have a 16-bit build as well :-) For embedded systems I suppose.

Designing a Language Lexer

I'm currently in the process of creating a programming language. I've laid out my entire design and am in progress of creating the Lexer for it. I have created numerous lexers and lexer generators in the past, but have never come to adopt the "standard", if one exists.
Is there a specific way a lexer should be created to maximise capability to use it with as many parsers as possible?
Because the way I design mine, they look like the following:
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!");
Is this the way Lexer's should be made? Also as a side-note, what should my next step be after creating a Lexer? I don't really want to use something such as ANTLR or Lex+Yacc or Flex+Bison, etc. I'm doing it from scratch.
If you don't want to use a parser generator [Note 1], then it is absolutely up to you how your lexer provides information to your parser.
Even if you do use a parser generator, there are many details which are going to be project-dependent. Sometimes it is convenient for the lexer to call the parser with each token; other times is is easier if the parser calls the lexer; in some cases, you'll want to have a driver which interacts separately with each component. And clearly, the precise datatype(s) of your tokens will vary from project to project, which can have an impact on how you communicate as well.
Personally, I would avoid use of global variables (as in the original yacc/lex protocol), but that's a general style issue.
Most lexers work in streaming mode, rather than tokenizing the entire input and then handing the vector of tokens to some higher power. Tokenizing one token at a time has a number of advantages, particularly if the tokenization is context-dependent, and, let's face it, almost all languages have some impurity somewhere in their syntax. But, again, that's entirely up to you.
Good luck with your project.
Do you also forgo the use of compilers and write all your code from scratch in assembler or even binary?
Is there a specific way a lexer should be created to maximise capability to use it with as many parsers as possible?
In the lexers I've looked at, the canonical API is pretty minimal. It's basically:
Token readNextToken();
The lexer maintains a reference to the source text and its internal pointers into where it is currently looking. Then, every time you call that, it scans and returns the next token.
The Token type usually has:
A "type" enum for which kind of token it is: string, operator, identifier, etc. There are usually special kinds for "EOF", meaning a special terminator token that is produced after the end of the input, and "ERROR" for the rare cases where a syntax error comes from the lexical grammar. This is mainly just unterminated string literals or totally unknown characters in the source.
The source text of the token.
Sometimes literals are converted to their proper value representation during lexing in which case you'll have that value too. So a number token would have "123" as text but also have the numeric value 123. Or you can do that during parsing/compilation.
Location within the source file of the token. This is for error reporting. Usually 1-based line and column, but can also just be start and end byte offsets. The latter is a little faster to produce and can be converted to line and column lazily if needed.
Depending on your grammar, you may need to be able to rewind the lexer too.

Parsing special cases

If I understand correctly, parsing turns a sequence of symbols into a tree. My question is, is it possible to use some standard procedure (LR, LL, PEG, ..?) to parse the following two examples or is it necessary to write a specialized parser by hand?
Python source code, i.e. the whitespace-indented blocks
I think I read somewhere that the parser keeps track of the number of leading spaces, and pretends to replace them with curly brackets to delimitate the blocks. Is it fundamentally required because the standard parsing techniques are not powerful enough or is it for performance reasons?
PNG image format, where a block starts with a header and block size, after which there is the content of the block
The content could contain bytes which resemble some header so it is necessary to "know" that the next x bytes are not to be "parsed", i.e. they should be skipped. How to express this, say, with PEG? In other words, the "closing bracket" is represented by the length of the content.
Neither of the examples in the question are context-free, so strictly speaking they cannot be parsed with context-free grammars. But in practical terms, they are both pretty easy to parse.
The python algorithm is well-described in the Python reference manual (although you need to read that in context.) What's described there is a pre-processing step in which whitespace at the beginning of a line is systematically replaced with INDENT and DEDENT tokens.
To clarify: It's not really a preprocessing step, and it's important to observe that it happens after implicit and explicit line joining. (There are previous sections in the reference manual which describe these procedures.) In particular, lines are implicitly joined inside parentheses, braces and brackets, so the process is intertwined with parsing.
In practical terms, both the line-joining and indentation algorithms can be accomplished programmatically; typically, these would be done inside a custom scanner (tokenizer) which maintains both a stack of parentheses and indent levels. The token stream can then be parsed with normal context-free algorithms, but the tokenizer -- although it might use regular expressions -- needs context-sensitive logic (counting spaces, for example). [Note 1]
Similarly, formats which contain explicit sizes (such as most serialization formats, including PNG files, Google protobufs, and HTTP chunked encoding) are not context-free, but are obviously easy to tokenize since the tokenizer simply has to read the length and then read that many bytes.
There are a variety of context-sensitive formalisms, and these definitely have their uses, but in practical parsing the most common strategy is to use a Turing-equivalent formalism (such as any programming language, possibly augmented with a scanner-generator like flex) for the tokenizer and a context-free formalism for the parser. [Note 2]
It may not be immediately obvious that Python indenting is not context-free, since context-free grammars can accept some categories of agreement. For example, {ωω-1 | ω∈Σ*} (the language of all even-length palindromes) is context-free, as is {anbn}.
However, these examples can't be extended, because the only count-agreement possible in a context-free language is bracketing. So while palindromes are context-free (you can implement the check with a single stack), the apparently very similar {ωω | ω∈Σ*} is not, and neither is {anbncn}
One such formalism is back-references in "regular" expressions, which might be available in some PEG implementation. Back-references allow the expression of a variety of context-sensitive languages, but do not allow the expression of all context-free languages. Unfortunately, regular expressions with back-references really suck in practice, because the problem of determining whether a string matches a regex with back-references is NP complete. You might find this question on a sister SE site interesting. (And you might want to reformulate your question in a way that could be asked on that site, http://cs.stackexchange.com.)
As a practical matter, almost all parser construction requires some clever hacks around the edges to overcome the limitations of the parsing machinery.
Pure context free parsers can't do Python; all the parser technologies you have listed are weaker than pure-context free, so they can't do it either. A hack in the lexer to keep track of indentation, and generate INDENT/DEDENT tokens, turns the indenting problem into explicit "parentheses", which are easily handled by context-free parsers.
Most binary files can't be processed either, as they usually contain, somewhere, a list of length N, where N is provided before the list body is encountered (this is kind of the example you gave). Again, you can get around this, with a more complicated hack; something must keep a stack of nested list lengths, and the parser has to signal when it moves from one list element to the next. The top-most length counter gets decremented, and the parser gets back a signal "reduce" or "shift". Other more complex linked structures are generally pretty hard to parse this way. Getting the parser to cooperate this way isn't always easy.

Lua floating point operations

I run Lua on a CPU without dedicated floating point HW, depending on SW emulation.
From luaopt.h I can see that some macros are set to double, but it does not clearly state when floats are used and its a little hard to track it.
If my script does simple stuff like:
Would that involve a floating point operations at any level?
If no that's fine, but what is then the benefit to change macros to long?
(I tried of course but did not work....)
All numeric operations in Lua are performed (according to the default configuration) in floating point. There is no distinction made between floating point and integer, all values are simply numbers.
The actual C type used to store a Lua number is set in luaconf.h, and it is both allowed and even practical to change that to a suitable integral type. You start by changing LUA_NUMBER from double to int, long, or perhaps ptrdiff_t. Then you will find you need to tweak the related macros that control the conversions between strings and numbers. And, of course, you will likely need to eliminate most or all of the base math library since math.sin() and its friends and neighbors are not particularly useful over integers.
The result will be a Lua interpreter where all numbers are integers. The language will still allow you to type 3.14, but it will be stored as 3. Your code will likely not be completely portable to a Lua interpreter built with the standard configuration since a huge amount of Lua code casually assumes that floating point arithmetic is permitted, and remember that your compiled byte code will definitely not be compatible since byte code will store numbers as LUA_NUMBER.
There is LNUM patch (used, for example, by OpenWrt project which relies heavily on Lua for providing Web UI on hardware without FPU) that allows dual integer/floating point representation of numbers in Lua with conversions happening behind the scenes when required. With it most integer computations will be performed without resorting to FPU. Unfortunately, it's only applicable to Lua 5.1; 5.2 is not supported.

What is parsing in terms that a new programmer would understand? [closed]

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I am a college student getting my Computer Science degree. A lot of my fellow students really haven't done a lot of programming. They've done their class assignments, but let's be honest here those questions don't really teach you how to program.
I have had several other students ask me questions about how to parse things, and I'm never quite sure how to explain it to them. Is it best to start just going line by line looking for substrings, or just give them the more complicated lecture about using proper lexical analysis, etc. to create tokens, use BNF, and all of that other stuff? They never quite understand it when I try to explain it.
What's the best approach to explain this without confusing them or discouraging them from actually trying.
I'd explain parsing as the process of turning some kind of data into another kind of data.
In practice, for me this is almost always turning a string, or binary data, into a data structure inside my Program.
For example, turning
":Nick!User#Host PRIVMSG #channel :Hello!"
into (C)
struct irc_line {
char *nick;
char *user;
char *host;
char *command;
char **arguments;
char *message;
} sample = { "Nick", "User", "Host", "PRIVMSG", { "#channel" }, "Hello!" }
Parsing is the process of analyzing text made of a sequence of tokens to determine its grammatical structure with respect to a given (more or less) formal grammar.
The parser then builds a data structure based on the tokens. This data structure can then be used by a compiler, interpreter or translator to create an executable program or library.
(source: wikimedia.org)
If I gave you an english sentence, and asked you to break down the sentence into its parts of speech (nouns, verbs, etc.), you would be parsing the sentence.
That's the simplest explanation of parsing I can think of.
That said, parsing is a non-trivial computational problem. You have to start with simple examples, and work your way up to the more complex.
What is parsing?
In computer science, parsing is the process of analysing text to determine if it belongs to a specific language or not (i.e. is syntactically valid for that language's grammar). It is an informal name for the syntactic analysis process.
For example, suppose the language a^n b^n (which means same number of characters A followed by the same number of characters B). A parser for that language would accept AABB input and reject the AAAB input. That is what a parser does.
In addition, during this process a data structure could be created for further processing. In my previous example, it could, for instance, to store the AA and BB in two separate stacks.
Anything that happens after it, like giving meaning to AA or BB, or transform it in something else, is not parsing. Giving meaning to parts of an input sequence of tokens is called semantic analysis.
What isn't parsing?
Parsing is not transform one thing into another. Transforming A into B, is, in essence, what a compiler does. Compiling takes several steps, parsing is only one of them.
Parsing is not extracting meaning from a text. That is semantic analysis, a step of the compiling process.
What is the simplest way to understand it?
I think the best way for understanding the parsing concept is to begin with the simpler concepts. The simplest one in language processing subject is the finite automaton. It is a formalism to parsing regular languages, such as regular expressions.
It is very simple, you have an input, a set of states and a set of transitions. Consider the following language built over the alphabet { A, B }, L = { w | w starts with 'AA' or 'BB' as substring }. The automaton below represents a possible parser for that language whose all valid words starts with 'AA' or 'BB'.
It is a very simple parser for that language. You start at (q0), the initial state, then you read a symbol from the input, if it is A then you move to (q1) state, otherwise (it is a B, remember the remember the alphabet is only A and B) you move to (q2) state and so on. If you reach (qf) state, then the input was accepted.
As it is visual, you only need a pencil and a piece of paper to explain what a parser is to anyone, including a child. I think the simplicity is what makes the automata the most suitable way to teaching language processing concepts, such as parsing.
Finally, being a Computer Science student, you will study such concepts in-deep at theoretical computer science classes such as Formal Languages and Theory of Computation.
Have them try to write a program that can evaluate arbitrary simple arithmetic expressions. This is a simple problem to understand but as you start getting deeper into it a lot of basic parsing starts to make sense.
Parsing is about READING data in one format, so that you can use it to your needs.
I think you need to teach them to think like this. So, this is the simplest way I can think of to explain parsing for someone new to this concept.
Generally, we try to parse data one line at a time because generally it is easier for humans to think this way, dividing and conquering, and also easier to code.
We call field to every minimum undivisible data. Name is field, Age is another field, and Surname is another field. For example.
In a line, we can have various fields. In order to distinguish them, we can delimit fields by separators or by the maximum length assign to each field.
For example:
By separating fields by comma
Or by space (Name can have 20 letters max, age up to 3 digits, Jones up to 20 letters)
Paul 020Jones
Any of the before set of fields is called a record.
To separate between a delimited field record we need to delimit record. A dot will be enough (though you know you can apply CR/LF).
A list could be:
or with CR/LF
You can say them to list 10 nba (or nlf) players they like. Then, they should type them according to a format. Then make a program to parse it and display each record. One group, can make list in a comma-separated format and a program to parse a list in a fixed size format, and viceversa.
Parsing to me is breaking down something into meaningful parts... using a definable or predefined known, common set of part "definitions".
For programming languages there would be keyword parts, usable punctuation sequences...
For pumpkin pie it might be something like the crust, filling and toppings.
For written languages there might be what a word is, a sentence, what a verb is...
For spoken languages it might be tone, volume, mood, implication, emotion, context
Syntax analysis (as well as common sense after all) would tell if what your are parsing is a pumpkinpie or a programming language. Does it have crust? well maybe it's pumpkin pudding or perhaps a spoken language !
One thing to note about parsing stuff is there are usually many ways to break things into parts.
For example you could break up a pumpkin pie by cutting it from the center to the edge or from the bottom to the top or with a scoop to get the filling out or by using a sledge hammer or eating it.
And how you parse things would determine if doing something with those parts will be easy or hard.
In the "computer languages" world, there are common ways to parse text source code. These common methods (algorithims) have titles or names. Search the Internet for common methods/names for ways to parse languages. Wikipedia can help in this regard.
In linguistics, to divide language into small components that can be analyzed. For example, parsing this sentence would involve dividing it into words and phrases and identifying the type of each component (e.g.,verb, adjective, or noun).
Parsing is a very important part of many computer science disciplines. For example, compilers must parse source code to be able to translate it into object code. Likewise, any application that processes complex commands must be able to parse the commands. This includes virtually all end-user applications.
Parsing is often divided into lexical analysis and semantic parsing. Lexical analysis concentrates on dividing strings into components, called tokens, based on punctuationand other keys. Semantic parsing then attempts to determine the meaning of the string.
Simple explanation: Parsing is breaking a block of data into smaller pieces (tokens) by following a set of rules (using delimiters for example),
so that this data could be processes piece by piece (managed, analysed, interpreted, transmitted, ets).
Examples: Many applications (like Spreadsheet programs) use CSV (Comma Separated Values) file format to import and export data. CSV format makes it possible for the applications to process this data with a help of a special parser.
Web browsers have special parsers for HTML and CSS files. JSON parsers exist. All special file formats must have some parsers designed specifically for them.
