Designing a Language Lexer - parsing

I'm currently in the process of creating a programming language. I've laid out my entire design and am in progress of creating the Lexer for it. I have created numerous lexers and lexer generators in the past, but have never come to adopt the "standard", if one exists.
Is there a specific way a lexer should be created to maximise capability to use it with as many parsers as possible?
Because the way I design mine, they look like the following:
int main() {
printf("Hello, World!");
Is this the way Lexer's should be made? Also as a side-note, what should my next step be after creating a Lexer? I don't really want to use something such as ANTLR or Lex+Yacc or Flex+Bison, etc. I'm doing it from scratch.

If you don't want to use a parser generator [Note 1], then it is absolutely up to you how your lexer provides information to your parser.
Even if you do use a parser generator, there are many details which are going to be project-dependent. Sometimes it is convenient for the lexer to call the parser with each token; other times is is easier if the parser calls the lexer; in some cases, you'll want to have a driver which interacts separately with each component. And clearly, the precise datatype(s) of your tokens will vary from project to project, which can have an impact on how you communicate as well.
Personally, I would avoid use of global variables (as in the original yacc/lex protocol), but that's a general style issue.
Most lexers work in streaming mode, rather than tokenizing the entire input and then handing the vector of tokens to some higher power. Tokenizing one token at a time has a number of advantages, particularly if the tokenization is context-dependent, and, let's face it, almost all languages have some impurity somewhere in their syntax. But, again, that's entirely up to you.
Good luck with your project.
Do you also forgo the use of compilers and write all your code from scratch in assembler or even binary?

Is there a specific way a lexer should be created to maximise capability to use it with as many parsers as possible?
In the lexers I've looked at, the canonical API is pretty minimal. It's basically:
Token readNextToken();
The lexer maintains a reference to the source text and its internal pointers into where it is currently looking. Then, every time you call that, it scans and returns the next token.
The Token type usually has:
A "type" enum for which kind of token it is: string, operator, identifier, etc. There are usually special kinds for "EOF", meaning a special terminator token that is produced after the end of the input, and "ERROR" for the rare cases where a syntax error comes from the lexical grammar. This is mainly just unterminated string literals or totally unknown characters in the source.
The source text of the token.
Sometimes literals are converted to their proper value representation during lexing in which case you'll have that value too. So a number token would have "123" as text but also have the numeric value 123. Or you can do that during parsing/compilation.
Location within the source file of the token. This is for error reporting. Usually 1-based line and column, but can also just be start and end byte offsets. The latter is a little faster to produce and can be converted to line and column lazily if needed.
Depending on your grammar, you may need to be able to rewind the lexer too.


Why would I use a lexer and not directly parse code?

I am trying to create a simple programming language from scratch (interpreter) but I wonder why I should use a lexer.
For me, it looks like it would be easier to create a parser that directly parses the code. what am I overlooking?
I think you'll agree that most languages (likely including the one you are implementing) have conceptual tokens:
operators, e.g * (usually multiply), '(', ')', ;
keywords, e.g., "IF", "GOTO"
identifiers, e.g. FOO, count, ...
numbers, e.g. 0, -527.23E-41
comments, e.g., /* this text is ignored in your file */
whitespace, e.g., sequences of blanks, tabs and newlines, that are ignored
As a practical matter, it takes a specific chunk of code to scan for/collect the characters that make each individual token. You'll need such a code chunk for each type of token your language has.
If you write a parser without a lexer, at each point where your parser is trying to decide what comes next, you'll have to have ALL the code that recognize the tokens that might occur at that point in the parse. At the next parser point, you'll need all the code to recognize the tokens that are possible there. This gives you an immense amount of code duplication; how many times do you want the code for blanks to occur in your parser?
If you think that's not a good way, the obvious cure to is remove all the duplication: place the code for each token in a subroutine for that token, and at each parser place, call the subroutines for the tokens. At this point, in some sense, you already have a lexer: an isolated collection of code to recognize tokens. You can code perfectly fine recursive descent parsers this way.
The next thing you'll discover is that you call the token subroutines for many of the tokens at each parser point. Even that seems like a lot of work and duplication. So, replace all the calls with a single "GetNextToken" call, that itself invokes the token recognizing code for all tokens, and returns a enum that identifies the specific token encountered. Now your parser starts to look reasonable: at each parser point, it makes one call on GetNextToken, and then branches on enum returned. This is basically the interface that people have standardized on as a "lexer".
One thing you will discover is the token-lexers sometimes have trouble with overlaps; keywords and identifiers usually have this trouble. It is actually easier to merge all the token recognizers into a single finite state machine, which can then distinguish the tokens more easily. This also turns out to be spectacularly fast when processing the programming language source text. Your toy language may never parse more than 100 lines, but real compilers process millions of lines of code a day, and most of that time is spent doing token recognition ("lexing") esp. white space suppression.
You can code this state machine by hand. This isn't hard, but it is rather tedious. Or, you can use a tool like FLEX to do it for you, that's just a matter of convenience. As the number of different kinds of tokens in your language grows, the FLEX solution gets more and more attractive.
TLDR: Your parser is easier to write, and less bulky, if you use a lexer. In addition, if you compile the individual lexemes into a state machine (by hand or using a "lexer generator"), it will run faster and that's important.
Well, for intelligently simplified programing language you can get away without either lexer or parser :-) Not kidding. Look up Forth. You can start with tags here on SO (gforth is GNU's) and then go to the Standard's site which has pointers to a few interpreters, sites and its Glossary.
Then you can check out Win32Forth and that should keep you busy for quite a while :-)
Interpreter also compiles (when you invoke words that switch system to compilation context). All without a distinct parser. Lookahead is actually lookbehind :-) - not kidding. It rarely absorbs one following word (== lookahead is max 1). The "words" (aka tokens) are at the same time keywords and variable names and they all live in a Dictionary. There's a whole online book at that site (plus pdf).
Control structures are also just words (they compile a few addresses and jumps on the fly).
You can find old Journals there as well, covering a wide spectrum from machine code generation to object oriented extensions. Yes still without parser - believe it or not.
There used to be more sophisticated (commercial) Forth systems which were reducing words to machine call instructions with immediate addressing (makes the engine run 2-4 times faster) but even plain interpreters were always considered to be fast. One is apparently still active - SwiftForth, but don't expect any freebies there.
There's one Forth on GitHub CiForth which is quite spartanic but has builds and releases for Win, Linux and Mac, 32 and 64 so you can just download and run. Claims to have a 16-bit build as well :-) For embedded systems I suppose.

Which exactly part of parsing should be done by the lexical analyser?

Does there exist a formal definition of the purpose, or at a clear best practice of usage, of lexical analysis (lexer) during/before parsing?
I know that the purpose of a lexer is to transform a stream of characters to a stream of tokens, but can't it happen that in some (context-free) languages the intended notion of a "token" could nonetheless depend on the context and "tokens" could be hard to identify without complete parsing?
There seems to be nothing obviously wrong with having a lexer that transforms every input character into a token and lets the parser do the rest. But would it be acceptable to have a lexer that differentiates, for example, between a "unary minus" and a usual binary minus, instead of leaving this to the parser?
Are there any precise rules to follow when deciding what shall be done by the lexer and what shall be left to the parser?
Does there exist a formal definition of the purpose [of a lexical analyzer]?
No. Lexical analyzers are part of the world of practical programming, for which formal models are useful but not definitive. A program which purports to do something should do that thing, of course, but "lexically analyze my programming language" is not a sufficiently precise requirements statement.
… or a clear best practice of usage
As above, the lexical analyzer should do what it purports to do. It should also not attempt to do anything else. Code duplication should be avoided. Ideally, the code should be verifiable.
These best practices motivate the use of a mature and well-document scanner framework whose input language doubles as a description of the lexical grammar being analyzed. However, practical considerations based on the idiosyncracies of particular programming languages normally result in deviations from this ideal.
There seems to be nothing obviously wrong with having a lexer that transforms every input character into a token…
In that case, the lexical analyzer would be redundant; the parser could simply use the input stream as is. This is called "scannerless parsing", and it has its advocates. I'm not one of them, so I won't enter into a discussion of pros and cons. If you're interested, you could start with the Wikipedia article and follow its links. If this style fits your problem domain, go for it.
can't it happen that in some (context-free) languages the intended notion of a "token" could nonetheless depend on the context?
Sure. A classic example is found in EcmaScript regular expression "literals", which need to be lexically analyzed with a completely different scanner. EcmaScript 6 also defines string template literals, which require a separate scanning environment. This could motivate scannerless processing, but it can also be implemented with an LR(1) parser with lexical feedback, in which the reduce action of particular marker non-terminals causes a switch to a different scanner.
But would it be acceptable to have a lexer that differentiates, for example, between a "unary minus" and a usual binary minus, instead of leaving this to the parser?
Anything is acceptable if it works, but that particular example strikes me as not particular useful. LR (and even LL) expression parsers do not require any aid from the lexical scanner to show the context of a minus sign. (Naïve operator precedence grammars do require such assistance, but a more carefully thought out op-prec architecture wouldn't. However, the existence of LALR parser generators more or less obviates the need for op-prec parsers.)
Generally speaking, for the lexer to be able to identify syntactic context, it needs to duplicate the analysis being done by the parser, thus violating one of the basic best practices of code development ("don't duplicate functionality"). Nonetheless, it can occasionally be useful, so I wouldn't go so far as to advocate an absolute ban. For example, many parsers for yacc/bison-like production rules compensate for the fact that a naïve grammar is LALR(2) by specially marking ID tokens which are immediately followed by a colon.
Another example, again drawn from EcmaScript, is efficient handling of automatic semicolon insertion (ASI), which can be done using a lookup table whose keys are 2-tuples of consecutive tokens. Similarly, Python's whitespace-aware syntax is conveniently handled by assistance from the lexical scanner, which must be able to understand when indentation is relevant (not inside parentheses or braces, for example).

Good practice to parse data in a custom format

I'm writing a program that takes in input a straight play in a custom format and then performs some analysis on it (like number of lines and words for each character). It's just for fun, and a pretext for learning cool stuff.
The first step in that process is writing a parser for that format. It goes :
###Act I
##Scene 1
CHARACTER 1. Line 1, he's saying some stuff.
#Comment, stage direction
CHARACTER 2, doing some stuff. Line 2, she's saying some stuff too.
It's quite a simple format. I read extensively about basic parser stuff like CFG, so I am now ready to get some work done.
I have written my grammar in EBNF and started playing with flex/bison but it raises some questions :
Is flex/bison too much for such a simple parser ? Should I just write it myself as described here : Is there an alternative for flex/bison that is usable on 8-bit embedded systems? ?
What is good practice regarding the respective tasks of the tokenizer and the parser itself ? There is never a single solution, and for such a simple language they often overlap. This is especially true for flex/bison, where flex can perform some intense stuff with regex matching. For example, should "#" be a token ? Should "####" be a token too ? Should I create types that carry semantic information so I can directly identify for example a character ? Or should I just process it with flex the simplest way then let the grammar defined in bison decide what is what ?
With flex/bison, does it makes sense to perform the analysis while parsing or is it more elegant to parse first, then operate on the file again with some other tool ?
This got me really confused. I am looking for an elegant, perhaps simple solution. Any guideline ?
By the way, about the programing language, I don't care much. For now I am using C because of flex/bison but feel free to advise me on anything more practical as long as it is a widely used language.
It's very difficult to answer those questions without knowing what your parsing expectations are. That is, an example of a few lines of text does not provide a clear understanding of what the intended parse is; what the lexical and syntactic units are; what relationships you would like to extract; and so on.
However, a rough guess might be that you intend to produce a nested parse, where ##{i} indicates the nesting level (inversely), with i≥1, since a single # is not structural. That violates one principle of language design ("don't make the user count things which the computer could count more accurately"), which might suggest a structure more like:
#play {
#act {
#scene {
#location: Elsinore. A platform before the castle.
#direction: FRANCISCO at his post. Enter to him BERNARDO
BERNARDO: Who's there?
FRANCISCO: Nay, answer me: stand, and unfold yourself.
BERNARDO: Long live the king!
FRANCISCO: Bernardo?
or even something XML-like. But that would be a different language :)
The problem with parsing either of these with a classic scanner/parser combination is that the lexical structure is inconsistent; the first token on a line is special, but most of the file consists of unparsed text. That will almost inevitably lead to spreading syntactic information between the scanner and the parser, because the scanner needs to know the syntactic context in order to decide whether or not it is scanning raw text.
You might be able to avoid that issue. For example, you might require that a continuation line start with whitespace, so that every line not otherwise marked with #'s starts with the name of a character. That would be more reliable than recognizing a dialogue line just because it starts with the name of a character and a period, since it is quite possible for a character's name to be used in dialogue, even at the end of a sentence (which consequently might be the first word in a continuation line.)
If you do intend for dialogue lines to be distinguished by the fact that they start with a character name and some punctuation then you will definitely have to give the scanner access to the character list (as a sort of symbol table), which is a well-known but not particularly respected hack.
Consider the above a reflection about your second question ("What are the roles of the scanner and the parser?"), which does not qualify as an answer but hopefully is at least food for thought. As to your other questions, and recognizing that all of this is opinionated:
Is flex/bison too much for such a simple parser ? Should I just write it myself...
The fact that flex and bison are (potentially) more powerful than necessary to parse a particular language is a red herring. C is more powerful than necessary to write a factorial function -- you could easily do it in assembler -- but writing a factorial function is a good exercise in learning C. Similarly, if you want to learn how to write parsers, it's a good idea to start with a simple language; obviously, that's not going to exercise every option in the parser/scanner generators, but it will get you started. The question really is whether the language you're designing is appropriate for this style of parsing, not whether it is too simple.
With flex/bison, does it makes sense to perform the analysis while parsing or is it more elegant to parse first, then operate on the file again with some other tool?
Either can be elegant, or disastrous; elegance has more to do with how you structure your thinking about the problem at hand. Having said that, it is often better to build a semantic structure (commonly referred to as an AST -- abstract syntax tree) during the parse phase and then analyse that structure using other functions.
Rescanning the input file is very unlikely to be either elegant or effective.

Partial parsing with flex/antlr

I encountered a problem while doing my student research project. I'm an electrical engineering student, but my project has somewhat to do with theoretical computer science: I need to parse a lot of pascal sourcecode-files for typedefinitions and constants and visualize all occurrences. The typedefinitions are spread recursively over various files, i.e. there is type a = byte in file x, in file y, there is a record (struct) b, that contains type a and then there is even a type c in file z that is an array of type b.
My idea so far was to learn about compiler construction, since the compiler has to resolve all typedefinitions and break them down to the elemental types.
So, I've read about compiler construction in two books (one of which is even written by the pascal inventor), but I'm lacking so many basics of theoretical computer science that it took me one week alone to work my way halfway through. What I've learned so far is that for achieving my goal, lexer and parser should be sufficient. Since this software is only a really smart part of the whole project, I can't spend so much time with it, so I started experimenting with flex and later with antlr.
My hope was, that parsing for typedefinitions only was such an easy task, that I could manage to do it with only using a scanner and let it do some parser's work: The pascal-files consist of 5 main-parts, each one being optional: A header with comments, a const-section, a type-section, a var-section and (in least cases) a code-section. Each section has a start-identifier but no clear end-identifier. So I started searching for the start of the type- and const-section (TYPE, CONST), discarding everything else. In flex, this is fairly easy, because it allows "start conditions". They can be used as various states like "INITIAL", "TYPE-SECTION", "CONST-SECTION" and "COMMENT" with different rules for each state. I wanted to get back a string from the scanner with following syntax " = ". There was one thing that made this task difficult: Some type contain comments like in this example: AuEingangsBool_t {PCMON} = MAX_AuEingangsFeld;. The scanner can not extract such type-definition with a regular expression.
My next step was to do it properly with scanner AND parser, so I searched for a parsergenerator and found antlr. Since I write the tool in C# anyway, I decided to use its scannergenerator, too, so that I do not have to communicate between different programs. Now I encountered following Problem: AFAIK, antlr does not support "start conditions" as flex do. That means, I have to scan the whole file (okay, comments still get discarded) and get a lot of unneccessary (and wrong) tokens. Because I don't use rules for the whole pascal grammar, the scanner would identify most keywords of the pascal syntax as user-identifiers and the parser would nag about all those series of tokens, that do not fit to type- and constant-defintions
Now, finally my question(s): Can anyone of you tell me, which approach leads anywhere for my project? Is there a possibility to scan only parts of the source-files with antlr? Or do I have to connect flex with antlr for that purpose? Can I tell antlr's parser to ignore every token that is not in the const- or type-section? Are those tools too powerful for my task and should I write own routines instead?
You'd be better off to find a compiler for Pascal, and simply modify to report the information you want. Presumably there is such a compiler for your Pascal, and often the source code for such compilers is available.
Otherwise you essentially need to build a parser. Building lexer, and then hacking around with the resulting lexemes, is essentially building a bad parser by ad hoc methods. ANTLR is a good way to go; you can define the lexemes (including means to pick up and ignore comments) pretty easily, especially for older dialects of Pascal. You'll need good BNF rules for the type information that you want, and translate those rules to the parser generator. What you can do to minimize work, is to cheat on rules for the parts of the language you don't care about. For instance, you could write an accurate subgrammar for assignment statements. Since you don't care about them, you can write a sloppy subgrammar that treats assignment statements as anything that begins with an identifier, is followed by arbitrary other tokens, and ends with semicolon. This kind of a grammar is called an "island grammar"; it is only accurate where it needs to be accurate.
I don't know about the recursive bit. Is there a reason you can't just process each file separately? The answer may depend on what information you want to know about each type declaration, and if you go deep enough, you may need a symbol table as well as an island parser. Parser generators offer you no help for this.
First, there can be type and const blocks within other blocks (procedures, in later Delphi versions also classes).
Moreover, I'm not entirely sure that you can actually simply scan for a const token, and then start parsing. Const is also used for other purposes in most common (Borland) Pascal dialects. Some keywords can be reused in a different context, and if you don't parse the global blockstructure, and only look for const and type in specific places you will erroneously start parsing there.
A base problem of course is the comments. Scanners cut out comments as early as possible, and don't regard them further. You probably have to setup the scanner so that comments are attached to the adjacent tokens as field (associate with token before or save them up till a certain token follows).
As far antlr vs flex, no clue. The only parsergenerator I have some minor experience in parsing Pascal with is Coco/R (a parsergenerator popular by Wirthians), but in general I (and many pascalians) prefer handcoded.

How can a lexer extract a token in ambiguous languages?

I wish to understand how does a parser work. I learnt about the LL, LR(0), LR(1) parts, how to build, NFA, DFA, parse tables, etc.
Now the problem is, i know that a lexer should extract tokens only on the parser demand in some situation, when it's not possible to extract all the tokens in one separated pass. I don't exactly understand this kind of situation, so i'm open to any explanation about this.
The question now is, how should a lexer does its job ? should it base its recognition on the current "contexts", the current non-terminals supposed to be parsed ? is it something totally different ?
What about the GLR parsing : is it another case where a lexer could try different terminals, or is it only a syntactic business ?
I would also want to understand what it's related to, for example is it related to the kind of parsing technique (LL, LR, etc) or only the grammar ?
Thanks a lot
The simple answer is that lexeme extraction has to be done in context. What one might consider be lexemes in the language may vary considerably in different parts of the language. For example, in COBOL, the data declaration section has 'PIC' strings and location-sensitive level numbers 01-99 that do not appear in the procedure section.
The lexer thus to somehow know what part of the language is being processed, to know what lexemes to collect. This is often handled by having lexing states which each process some subset of the entire language set of lexemes (often with considerable overlap in the subset; e.g., identifiers tend to be pretty similar in my experience). These states form a high level finite state machine, with transitions between them when phase changing lexemes are encountered, e.g., the keywords that indicate entry into the data declaration or procedure section of the COBOL program. Modern languages like Java and C# minimize the need for this but most other languages I've encountered really need this kind of help in the lexer.
So-called "scannerless" parsers (you are thinking "GLR") work by getting rid of the lexer entirely; now there's no need for the lexer to produce lexemes, and no need to track lexical states :-} Such parsers work by simply writing the grammar down the level of individual characters; typically you find grammar rules that are the exact equivalent of what you'd write for a lexeme description. The question is then, why doesn't such a parser get confused as to which "lexeme" to produce? This is where the GLR part is useful. GLR parsers are happy to process many possible interpretations of the input ("locally ambiguous parses") as long as the choice gets eventually resolved. So what really happens in the case of "ambiguous tokens" is the the grammar rules for both "tokens" produce nonterminals for their respectives "lexemes", and the GLR parser continues to parse until one of the parsing paths dies out or the parser terminates with an ambiguous parse.
My company builds lots of parsers for languages. We use GLR parsers because they are very nice for handling complex languages; write the context-free grammar and you have a parser. We use lexical-state based lexeme extractors with the usual regular-expression specification of lexemes and lexical-state-transitions triggered by certain lexemes. We could arguably build scannerless GLR parsers (by making our lexers produce single characters as tokens :) but we find the efficiency of the state-based lexers to be worth the extra trouble.
As practical extensions, our lexers actually use push-down-stack automata for the high level state machine rather than mere finite state machines. This helps when one has high level FSA whose substates are identical, and where it is helpful for the lexer to manage nested structures (e.g, match parentheses) to manage a mode switch (e.g., when the parentheses all been matched).
A unique feature of our lexers: we also do a little tiny bit of what scannerless parsers do: sometimes when a keyword is recognized, our lexers will inject both a keyword and an identifier into the parser (simulates a scannerless parser with a grammar rule for each). The parser will of course only accept what it wants "in context" and simply throw away the wrong alternative. This gives us an easy to handle "keywords in context otherwise interpreted as identifiers", which occurs in many, many languages.
Ideally, the tokens themselves should be unambiguous; you should always be able to tokenise an input stream without the parser doing any additional work.
This isn't always so simple, so you have some tools to help you out:
Start conditions
A lexer action can change the scanner's start condition, meaning it can activate different sets of rules.
A typical example of this is string literal lexing; when you parse a string literal, the rules for tokenising usually become completely different to the language containing them. This is an example of an exclusive start condition.
You can separate ambiguous lexings if you can identify two separate start conditions for them and ensure the lexer enters them appropriately, given some preceding context.
Lexical tie-ins
This is a fancy name for carrying state in the lexer, and modifying it in the parser. If a certain action in your parser gets executed, it modifies some state in the lexer, which results in lexer actions returning different tokens. This should be avoided when necessary, because it makes your lexer and parser both more difficult to reason about, and makes some things (like GLR parsers) impossible.
The upside is that you can do things that would require significant grammar changes with relatively minor impact on the code; you can use information from the parse to influence the behaviour of the lexer, which in turn can come some way to solving your problem of what you see as an "ambiguous" grammar.
Logic, reasoning
It's probable that it is possible to lex it in one parse, and the above tools should come second to thinking about how you should be tokenising the input and trying to convert that into the language of lexical analysis. :)
The fact is, your input is comprised of tokens—whether you like it or not!—and all you need to do is find a way to make a program understand the rules you already know.
