How to dynamically construct attribute names in Sunspot searchable block - ruby-on-rails

My search includes the ability to scope a query by a price range, the day of the week, and a guest count.
However, the price is different on each day of the week, and the price changes (not linearly) by the number of guests. The best way I can think of to index the data is to create a different field for each day/guest combo, e.g.,
searchable do
integer :price_sunday_2_guests do
price(:sunday, 2)
integer :price_sunday_3_guests do
price(:sunday, 3)
integer :price_monday_2_guests do
price(:monday, 2)
# and so on...
Obviously, I don't want to type all that in. I want to construct those attributes in the searchable blocks. More like:
searchable do
Date::DAYNAMES.each do |day_name|
day = DateTime.strptime(day_name, '%A')
(guests_min..guests_max).each do |guests|
sym = (day_name.downcase + '_' + guests.to_s + 'guests_price_abs_max').to_sym
integer sym do
price(day_name, guests)
But I get the following exception:
NoMethodError: undefined method `guests_min' for #<Sunspot::DSL::Fields:0x000001080bdcf0>
It does not complain about the constant Date::DAYNAMES.
It seems that Sunspot tries to interpret any method token as a field. Which, I suppose would even make sense if I understood it better.
So, my question, is there a smart way for me to do this? Do I need to just hardcode a range and let my price method return an empty value? Is there some mechanism available in the searchable block I'm not aware of?


How to compare objects in array RUBY

How to compare objects with the same parameter in ruby? How to define elsif part?
def compare
array_of_items =
if array_of_items.uniq.size == array_of_items.size #array has only uniq vlaues - it's not possible to duplicate object - good!
#the comparision of objects with the same object_id by other param (i.e. date_of_lease param). The part I can not formulate
errors.add('It is not possible to purchase many times one item with the same values')
You can use Enumerable#group_by, e.g.
elsif #items.group_by(&:date_of_lease).count == array_of_items.size
As far as I understand, I guess you want to compare two objects with same object_id.
same_objects = { | element |
if array_of_items.count(element.object_id) > 1 do
# Duplicate object
I don't know how about other Ruby implementations, but in MRI Object#object_id returns unique (integer representation of the object in memory) value for every object. If you try to redefine it, you will get the warning:
class Object
def object_id
#=> warning: redefining `object_id' may cause serious problems
First of all, since this is tagged as rails, isn't this the type of thing you can solve with a built in validation?
validates_uniqueness_of :date_of_lease, scope: :object_id
I don't know know about your implementation, but if you used the primary key of your database you might not even need that scope.
Otherwise, assuming you have overriden ruby object_id so two objects can have the same ids (¿?) I can only think of something complex like:
def compare
duplicate_items = #items.group_by(&:object_id).select { |k,v| v.size > 1}
if duplicate_items.keys.empty?
elsif{|k,v| v.group_by(&:date_of_lease).count != v.count}.empty?
# There are no duplicate object ids that also have duplicate
# dates of lease between themselves
errors.add('It is not possible to purchase many times one item with the same values')
Check that you have to handle the case where there are different object ids with the same date of lease in the same items array that has duplicates, that should be valid. For example : Item id 1, date 12, Item id 1, date 13, item id 2, date 12 Should be valid.

How does one get the "next" record from database sorted by a specific attribute without loading all the records?

Here's the situation:
I have an Event model and I want to add prev / next buttons to a view to get the next event, but sorted by the event start datetime, not the ID/created_at.
So the events are created in the order that start, so I can compare IDs or get the next highest ID or anything like that. E.g. Event ID 2 starts before Event ID 3. So should return Event ID 2.
At first I was passing the start datetime as a param and getting the next one, but this failed when there were 2 events with the same start. The param start datetime doesn't include microseconds, so what would happen is something like this:
order("start > ?",current_start).first
would keep returning the same event over and over because current_start wouldn't include microseconds, so the current event would technically be > than current_start by 0.000000124 seconds or something like that.
The way I got to work for everything was with a concern like this:
module PrevNext
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
def next(id)
find_by(id: chron_ids[current_index(id)+1])
def prev(id)
find_by(id: chron_ids[current_index(id)-1])
def chron_ids
#chron_ids ||= order("#{order_by_attr} ASC").ids
def current_index(id)
def order_by_attr
#order_by_attr ||= 'created_at'
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
include PrevNext
def self.order_by_attr
#order_by_attr ||= "start_datetime"
I know pulling all the IDs into an array is bad and dumb* but i don't know how to
Get a list of the records in the order I want
Jump to a specific record in that list (current event)
and then get the next record
...all in one ActiveRecord query. (Using Rails 4 w/ PostgreSQL)
*This table will likely never have more than 10k records, so it's not catastrophically bad and dumb.
The best I could manage was to pull out only the IDs in order and then memoize them.
Ideally, i'd like to do this by just passing the Event ID, rather than a start date params, since it's passed via GET param, so the less URL encoding and decoding the better.
There has to be a better way to do this. I posted it on Reddit as well, but the only suggested response didn't actually work.
Reddit Link
Any help or insight is appreciated. Thanks!
You can get the next n records by using the SQL OFFSET keyword:
china = Country.order(:population).first
india = City.order(:population).offset(1).take
# SELECT * FROM countries ORDER BY population LIMIT 1 OFFSET 1
Which is how pagination for example often is done:
#countries = Country.order(:population).limit(50)
#countries = scope.offset( params[:page].to_i * 50 ) if params[:page]
Another way to do this is by using would be query cursors. However ActiveRecord does not support this and it building a generally reusable solution would be quite a task and may not be very useful in the end.

Is there any rails/ruby functions that I can use to reset a hash lookup table every 24 hours or at a specific date?

Ok so I have an app that allows users to pull App Store data, specifically top free top paid etc. The various attributes are quite limited, but users can filter by category and country. So obviously this leads to a lot of repeated queries, now normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I also use this data with google api which has a credits system. So What I want to do is save these results in my database if the results are unique. I have this all set up and fine but my only hang up is how I determine if a query has been made before, so my solution is to make a hashtable that stores all queries that have been made before and if not NULL(nil) then I call the api to fetch the data then create a new record.
Issue is the App Store refreshes every day or so(not exactly sure the schedule but will look it up later). I would like to have this Hashtable reference function refresh or reset itself to all NULL at this interval.
What would be the most efficient or simple way to start a refresh for this? Additionally I am kinda new to rails, so where should I place this function? In the helper modules? Controller?
ok so here is my HashTable helper module
module MapsHelper
queryHistoryLookUp = {}
i = 0
31.times do |i|
queryTableLookup.merge!(i =>[] )
def queryTableLookup(asciiNum, queryString)
if queryTableLookup[asciiNum % 31].size == 0
queryTableLookup[asciiNum % 31].push(queryString)
a = queryTableLookup[asciiNum % 31].size
arrayOfQueries = queryTableLookup[asciiNum % 31]
a.times do |i|
if arrayOfQueries[i] == queryString
return true
return false
def queryHash(query)
asciSum = 0
query.each_char do |i|
asciSum += i.sum
queryTableLookup(asciSum, query)
additionally I am kinda new to rails, can I interact with these functions using Javascript, since on the client side I create the string query.
In my opinion, your best bet would be to use the Rails cache system. It provides a method of caching data, with an optional expires_in time.
From the docs:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.get_api_data(key)
Rails.cache.fetch("my_model/api_data:#{key}", expires_in: 12.hours) do
In your hash (which I think it could exist in a class variable) you can store both the query and the last access datetime:
Suppose you have a hash as class variable to the Foo class with name cache and that the query variable is your current query that you want to check.
if Foo.cache[query].nil? || ( - Foo.cache[query].last_fetch).to_i > 0
results = your_method_to_fetch_data_for(query)
Foo.cache[query] = {:results => results, :last_fetch =>}
results = Foo.cache[query][:results]

Getting the name of Ruby method for a literal hash query

In a rails application, I have a number of attributes for a model called Record. I want to design a method that when called on an attribute, returns the name of the attribute (which is essentially a method on the Record object). This name is then passed to an Hash, which returns a number (for the sake of this example, say the number is a percentage which is then multiplied by the original attribute value to get a new value).
For example, say my Record has four attributes: teachers, students, principals, and parents. The method would then look like the following:
def name
**something here**
and the corresponding new_value method and PRECENTAGE hash would look like this:
def new_value
"teachers" => 0.40,
"students" => 0.53,
"principals" => 0.21,
"parents" => 0.87
Then, to execute this whole thing, I would do Record.students.new_value, which would return new number of students according to the percentage obtained in the hash.
I know that to get the name of a method that is currently executing, you can do something like this: (found on
def this_method
but that won't work for me, because I need the name of the previously executed method.
If you have any suggestions as to an alternative approach to accomplishing my goal, I'd be happy to try something else.
Ryan, I'm struggling to understand your question, but I think this is what you want, for record.teachers_percent, for example:
["teachers", "students", "principals", "parents"].each do |attrib|
Record.class_eval <<-RUBY
def #{attrib}_percent
#{attrib} * PERCENTAGE[#{attrib.inspect}]
Although this is probably a cleaner solution, giving record.percent(:teachers) or record.percent("teachers"):
class Record
def percent(attrib)
self.send(attrib) * PERCENTAGE[attrib.to_s]

Using a duration field in a Rails model

I'm looking for the best way to use a duration field in a Rails model. I would like the format to be HH:MM:SS (ex: 01:30:23). The database in use is sqlite locally and Postgres in production.
I would also like to work with this field so I can take a look at all of the objects in the field and come up with the total time of all objects in that model and end up with something like:
30 records totaling 45 hours, 25 minutes, and 34 seconds.
So what would work best for?
Field type for the migration
Form field for the CRUD forms (hour, minute, second drop downs?)
Least expensive method to generate the total duration of all records in the model
Store as integers in your database (number of seconds, probably).
Your entry form will depend on the exact use case. Dropdowns are painful; better to use small text fields for duration in hours + minutes + seconds.
Simply run a SUM query over the duration column to produce a grand total. If you use integers, this is easy and fast.
Use a helper to display the duration in your views. You can easily convert a duration as integer of seconds to ActiveSupport::Duration by using 123.seconds (replace 123 with the integer from the database). Use inspect on the resulting Duration for nice formatting. (It is not perfect. You may want to write something yourself.)
In your model, you'll probably want attribute readers and writers that return/take ActiveSupport::Duration objects, rather than integers. Simply define duration=(new_duration) and duration, which internally call read_attribute / write_attribute with integer arguments.
In Rails 5, you can use ActiveRecord::Attributes to store ActiveSupport::Durations as ISO8601 strings. The advantage of using ActiveSupport::Duration over integers is that you can use them for date/time calculations right out of the box. You can do things like + 1.month and it's always correct.
Here's how:
Add config/initializers/duration_type.rb
class DurationType < ActiveRecord::Type::String
def cast(value)
return value if value.blank? || value.is_a?(ActiveSupport::Duration)
def serialize(duration)
duration ? duration.iso8601 : nil
ActiveRecord::Type.register(:duration, DurationType)
create_table :somethings do |t|
t.string :duration
class Something < ApplicationRecord
attribute :duration, :duration
something =
something.duration = 1.year # 1 year
something.duration = nil
something.duration = "P2M3D" # 2 months, 3 days (ISO8601 string) + something.duration # calculation is always correct
I tried using ActiveSupport::Duration but had trouble getting the output to be clear.
You may like ruby-duration, an immutable type that represents some amount of time with accuracy in seconds. It has lots of tests and a Mongoid model field type.
I wanted to also easily parse human duration strings so I went with Chronic Duration. Here's an example of adding it to a model that has a time_spent in seconds field.
class Completion < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :task
belongs_to :user
def time_spent_text
ChronicDuration.output time_spent
def time_spent_text= text
self.time_spent = ChronicDuration.parse text
logger.debug "time_spent: '#{self.time_spent_text}' for text '#{text}'"
I've wrote a some stub to support and use PostgreSQL's interval type as ActiveRecord::Duration.
See this gist (you can use it as initializer in Rails 4.1):
Also I've opened pull requests to the Rails there:
