Render from AJAX request - ruby-on-rails

I am making a simple Ajax request and trying to render it, but I just dont figure out how.
This is the form:
<%= form_tag(root_path, :method => "post",:id =>"formid", :remote => true) do %>
<%= label_tag(:number1, "El que quiero") %>
<%= text_field_tag :quiero, nil, :class => 'drug_autocomplete' %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :number1 %>
<%= label_tag(:number1, "El modelo que tengo") %>
<%= text_field_tag :tengo, nil, :class => 'drug_autocomplete' %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :number2 %>
<%= label_tag(:size1, "Talla de el que tengo") %>
<%= text_field_tag :size1%>
<%= submit_tag("Do it!",:id =>"submit_but") %>
<% end %>
This is pretty much the controller
def index
size1 = params[:size1]
number1 = params[:number1]
number2 = params[:number2]
quiero = params[:quiero]
tengo = params[:tengo]
if (item1 and item2)
#itemsok = Contribution.where("first_item_id = ?","second_item_id = ?","second_item_grade = ?",size1)
Ok, so when I push the button to send, I can see that the consult in the database is being made, when I write correct values it returns it and all works perfectly.
What I dont know how to do is to render the items from the query.
In the view I have a table where I want to fill the information in...
I've already done it without AJAX, and it is like this.
<%if not #itemsok.nil?
#itemsok.each do |searches|
<td style="width:100px;"><%= searches.first_item.description %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:30px;"><%= searches.first_item_grade %> </td>
<td style="width:150px;"><%= searches.second_item.description %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:30px;"><%= searches.second_item_grade %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:18px;">Show </td>
Ok, so it takes the variable in the controller, and if is not nill, it renders the data (wich in a normal request, I can access reloading the page)
How can I render the items from my query?
Any hint would be very appreciated.
Thank you.


how to set multiple default form values on submission in rails?

attendance table that takes has attribute status, date,recuritment_id, and project_site_id .
project_site has one_to_many association with attendance
recuritmenthas one_to_many association with attendance.
i am taking attribute from recruitment table when attribute status is joined in attendance#form view.
<% (1..(Time.days_in_month #project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%m").to_i)).each do |date| %>
here #project_site.attendance_month contains the attendance month value. based on month i calculate number of days column along with name from recuritmnet table.
here is view-
holydays master contains corresponding month holyday's date and in view it auto match date and prints "H",
All input default selected as P. there is final submission_button that chnages boolean attribute. now on final submission i want to push all default selected P into attendance table.
def new
if #project_site.submission_status == false
#attendance =
#date = HolydayCalendar.all
#recruitment = Recruitment.all.where(current_status: "2")
redirect_to project_site_attendances_path
from.html.erb (attendance controller view)
<th class="attendance-emp-name">Emp. Name</th>
<% (1..(Time.days_in_month #project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%m").to_i)).each do |date| %>
<th class="text-center"><%= date %></th>
<% end %>
<% #recruitment.where(location: #project_site.site_id).each do |recruitment| %>
<td class="attendance-emp-name"><%= %></td>
<% (1..(Time.days_in_month #project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%m").to_i)).each do |date| %>
<%= form_with(model: attendance, :html => {:id => 'attendance-form-validation'}, url:[#project_site, #attendance], local: true) do |f| %>
<% if HolydayCalendar.find_by(date: (#project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%Y-%m")+"-"+date.to_s), total_site_id: #project_site.site_id)%>
<td class="holyday text-center"><%= "H" %></td>
<% elsif recruitment.attendances.find_by(attendance_date: (#project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%Y-%m")+"-"+date.to_s)) == nil %>
<%= :status, [['P', 1], ['A', 2], ['L', 4], ['WE', 5], ['CO', 6]], {}, { onchange: 'this.form.submit()', class: 'attendance-select-input' } %>
<% else %>
<% attendance_value = recruitment.attendances.find_by(attendance_date: (#project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%Y-%m")+"-"+date.to_s)) %>
<%if attendance_value.status == 1 %>
<td class="presant text-center"><%="P" %></td>
<% elsif attendance_value.status == 2 %>
<td class="absent text-center"><%="A" %></td>
<%elsif attendance_value.status == 3 %>
<td class="holyday text-center"><%="H" %></td>
<%elsif attendance_value.status == 4 %>
<td class="leave text-center"><%= "L" %></td>
<%elsif attendance_value.status == 5 %>
<td class="weekend text-center"><%= "WE" %></td>
<%elsif attendance_value.status == 6 %>
<td class="compoff text-center"><%= "CO" %></td>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.hidden_field :attendance_date, value: (#project_site.attendance_month.strftime("%Y-%m")+"-"+date.to_s)%>
<%=f.hidden_field :recruitment_id, value:>
<%=f.hidden_field :project_site_id, value:>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if #project_site.submission_status == true %>
<div class="text-center">
<%= link_to "Submit Attendance", set_submission_status_project_site_path(#project_site), method: :put, data: { confirm: 'Make Sure you marked all attendance before submission' }, :class=>"button primary disabled" %>
<% else %>
<div class="text-center">
<%= link_to "Submit Attendance", set_submission_status_project_site_path(#project_site), method: :put, data: { confirm: 'Make Sure you marked all attendance before submission' }, :class=>"button primary" %>
<% end %>
def set_submission_status
#project_site = ProjectSite.find(params[:id])
#project_site.update(submission_status: true)
It's a little unclear what your question is, but I gather it has to do with your form sending back an array op options.
If you want your html form to return an array of information, then you need to indicate it in your html using the name = "attendance[]" syntax, notice the square brackets.
Check out this article on the subject

How can I access to nested fields attributes using nested_forms gem

I am using nested_forms gem in my project, nested_forms uses a partial view to render the line with my nested object attributes, here is my partial view code:
<tr class="fields">
<%= f.text_field :nombre, class: 'form-control craf' %>
concat :idtipodocumento, CrTipoDocumento.all.collect {|p| [ p.nombre, ] }, {prompt: 'Seleccione el tipo de documento'}, :class=>'form-control'
<%= f.text_field :documento, class: 'form-control', maxlength: '50' %>
<% if '' %>
<%= f.check_box :activo %>
<%= f.check_box :impresa %>
<%= f.check_box :extra %>
<% end %>
<%= f.link_to_remove raw('<i class="fa fa-minus-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>'), :class =>'btn btn-danger hidden-print' %>
And here is the code block of the view where this partial is rendering:
<fieldset id="acreditados">
<%= f.fields_for :cr_acreditados, :wrapper => false %>
So, what I want to do is evaluate if 'impresa' == false and only then render it, but if try f.impresa it says the method 'impresa' doesnt exist for f
Here is the form full code:
<%= nested_form_for(#cr_acreditacion_cliente, :validate => true) do |f| %>
<% if #cr_acreditacion_cliente.acreditaciones == nil %>
<% else %>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="AC">
<th>Acreditaciones Disponibles</th>
<th>Tipo de Acreditacion</th>
<td><%= #cr_acreditacion_cliente.cr_evento.nombre %></td>
<td><%= #cr_acreditacion_cliente.cr_cliente.nombre %></td>
<td><%= #cr_acreditacion_cliente.cr_stand.codigo %></td>
<td><%= #cr_acreditacion_cliente.acreditaciones %></td>
<p hidden id="cnt"><%= #cr_acreditacion_cliente.acreditaciones %></p>
<p id="acd">
<%= #counter = #cr_acreditacion_cliente.acreditaciones - #cr_acreditacion_cliente.cr_acreditados.count %>
<td><%= #cr_acreditacion_cliente.cr_tipocre.tipo %></td>
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover" id="DAC">
<th>Tipo de Documento</th>
<% if '' %>
<% end %>
<th class="hidden-print">Acciones</th>
<fieldset id="acreditados">
<%= f.fields_for :cr_acreditados, :wrapper => false %>
<div id="addBtn">
<% if #counter >= 1 %>
<p><%= f.link_to_add raw('<i class="fa fa-plus-circle" aria-hidden="true"></i>'), :cr_acreditados, id: 'btna', :class => 'btn btn-primary lta hidden-print', "data-target" => "#DAC" %></p>
<% else %>
<p class="text-center"><h3>No dispone de mas acreditaciones</h3></p>
<% end %>
<div class="actions text-center">
<%= f.submit "Guardar Credenciales", :class => 'btn btn-success hidden-print', data: { confirm: 'Favor verifique los datos antes de almacenarlos' }%>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Display all the data in the same page using Rails 3

I want to display all the data present in the DB in same page where my form is present.I have saved one record.Please help me to show all the data after submit in that same page.
My code are as follows.
<%= form_for :users,:url => {:action => 'create'} do |f| %>
Name: <%= f.text_field :name %>
Email: <%= f.email_field :email %>
content: <%= f.text_field :content %>
<%= f.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>
<th colspan="3"></th>
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
def create[:users])
flash[:notice]="User has created"
redirect_to :action => 'index'
flash[:alert]="User couldnot created"
render 'index'
I want to show in the same index page after submitting the form using Rails 3.Please help me.
This should work
<%= form_for :user,:url => {:action => 'create'} do |f| %>
Name: <%= f.text_field :name %>
Email: <%= f.email_field :email %>
content: <%= f.text_field :content %>
<%= f.submit 'Create' %>
<% end %>
<th colspan="3"></th>
<% #users.each do |u| %>
<td> <%=> </td>
<td> <%=> </td>
<td> <%= u.content%> </td>
<td> <%= link_to 'Show', u %> </td>
<td> <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_user_path(u) %> </td>
<td> <%= link_to 'Destroy', u, :method => :delete, :data => { :confirm => 'Are you sure?' } %> </td>
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def index
def create[:users])
flash[:notice]="User has created"
redirect_to :action => 'index'
flash[:alert]="User couldnot created"
render 'index'

getting textfield value and search result after page after click on search button in ruby on rails

In my search page I have a textfield of zip code and when I enter Zip code in the textfield and click on search button the value of text field is loss and also search result is loss, what I do to stable textfield value of zip code and search result after click on search button. below is my view page:
<%= form_for :search, :url => { :method => :get, :action => :search } do |f| %>
<table width="100%">
<td align="center" style="vertical-align:top;" width="35%">
<td align="center">
<%= text_field_tag "tf_Zip",nil,:placeholder =>'Zip' %>
<% if !#user.nil? %>
<% #user.each do |uzr| %>
<td bgcolor="#CCDBE0" width="40%">
<%= image_tag,:alt => " " %>
<div><a style="color:blue;" href = 'profile?id=<%= %>'><%= uzr.First_Name + " " + uzr.Last_Name %></a></div>
<td bgcolor="#CCDBE0" width="60%" style="text-align:center;">
<div class='buttonblck1'><a href='searchings?id=<%= %>'>Send Request </a></div>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
and below is controller page
if ( !params[:tf_Zip].blank? or params[:tf_Zip] != "" )
#user = User.find(:all,:conditions=>['"user_Zip" = ? and "id" != ? ',params[:tf_Zip],])
Kindly suggest me, waiting for your reply.'
form_for is meant to be used with an instance of ActiveModel or ActiveRecord.
Use form_tag, if you want to create a form, that is not based on an object.
as you have not object, where the attributes are stored, you have to provide them yourself.
The value is defined in the second parameter of text_field_tag
i.e. in your controller:
#zip_search = params[:tf_Zip].presence
if #zip_search
#user = ...
and in your view:
<%= form_tag url_for( :controller => :search, :action => :search), :method => :get) do %>
<%= text_field_tag "tf_Zip", #zip_search, :placholder => 'Zip' %>
<% end %>

Render ajax query in Rails

I am tryign to render an Ajax query , but I just dont figure out how.
This is the form:
<%= form_tag(root_path, :method => "post",:id =>"formid", :remote => true) do %>
<%= label_tag(:number1, "El que quiero") %>
<%= text_field_tag :quiero, nil, :class => 'drug_autocomplete' %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :number1 %>
<%= label_tag(:number1, "El modelo que tengo") %>
<%= text_field_tag :tengo, nil, :class => 'drug_autocomplete' %>
<%= hidden_field_tag :number2 %>
<%= label_tag(:size1, "Talla de el que tengo") %>
<%= text_field_tag :size1%>
<%= submit_tag("Do it!",:id =>"submit_but") %>
<% end %>
This is pretty much the controller
def index
size1 = params[:size1]
number1 = params[:number1]
number2 = params[:number2]
quiero = params[:quiero]
tengo = params[:tengo]
if (item1 and item2)
#itemsok = Contribution.where("first_item_id = ?","second_item_id = ?","second_item_grade = ?",size1)
Ok, so when I push the button to send, I can see that the consult in the database is being made, when I write correct values it returns it and all works perfectly.
What I dont know how to do is to render the items from the query.
In the view I have a table where I want to fill the information in...
I've already done it without AJAX, and it is like this.
<%if not #itemsok.nil?
#itemsok.each do |searches|
<td style="width:100px;"><%= searches.first_item.description %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:30px;"><%= searches.first_item_grade %> </td>
<td style="width:150px;"><%= searches.second_item.description %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:30px;"><%= searches.second_item_grade %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:18px;">Show </td>
Ok, so it takes the variable in the controller, and if is not nill, it renders the data (wich in a normal request, I can access reloading the page)
How can I render the items from my query?
Any hint would be very appreciated.
Thank you.
For example, _search.html.erb
<%if not #itemsok.nil?
#itemsok.each do |searches|
<td style="width:100px;"><%= searches.first_item.description %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:30px;"><%= searches.first_item_grade %> </td>
<td style="width:150px;"><%= searches.second_item.description %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:30px;"><%= searches.second_item_grade %> </td>
<td style="width:150px; font-size:18px;">Show </td>
$('#container').html("<%= escape_javascript(render :partial => 'search/search')%>");
