IOS: install .ipa - ios

I created an adhoc version of my app (.ipa) and I sent it to a my friend; now he hasn't his mac, can he install .ipa without macbook (with iTunes) on his iPad? or .ipa is possible to install only through iTunes with a mac?

You can install with the itunes for Windows.
If not use the "over the air" distribution. You'll provide an online link and he will install it directly in his phone. Search the web, there are many tutorials.

If you are interested in OTA installs, I would check out TestFlight, they are free and honestly fantastic.
Your friend can install the app using iTunes on Windows, but you will still need to make sure his UDID is added to the provisioning profile you built the app under. Otherwise it will fail on his end for code signing issues. TestFlight is good for making sure these are resolved before publishing. Otherwise you can put the .ipa file on dropbox for your friend to download.

An Easiest Way to Install .ipa file to iDevice listed below.
Make sure your device UDID is registered in Developer account.
Select Generic Device as Target and go for Archive to Generate .ipa file. (Hope you know the process of generating .ipa file for development)
Once your .ipa file is ready then connect your iPhone or iPad to MacBook and select Device and Simulator in X-Code Window option.
Enable "Connect Via Network" Option in the Popped Up Window.
Click on to the + Symbol button which is located at below Installed Application List Section.
enter image description here
Select .ipa file which was earlier generated and saved at some location of your MacBook.
enter image description here
It will take few seconds to get your application installed on your device and will also appear in "Installed Application List" with build number.
INFO: you can do this with connecting the iDevice to your system or if your iDevice in same Network (only if, you have enabled Connect Via Network to the device).


Xamarin Deploying iOS App Ad Hoc Failing to Install

I am trying to deploy an iOS app Ad Hoc to an iPhone for beta testing. I've been developing the app on Windows VS, I have a Macbook air with all the necessary software (Xcode, VS, etc), and I have paired to it with VS on my Windows machine. I have also followed the following steps:
Created an Apple Developer account
Created an App ID with the bundle identifier as the same exact one as the one in info.plist
Created a signing certificate using my Macbook Air, downloaded it, and installed it into XCode
Created a provisioning profile with the App ID and the certificate, and made sure to include the device that I want to load the app onto.
Made sure everything above was set to "distribution" and "ad hoc" as needed.
Set Bundle Signing in my iOS project properties to Manual Provisioning, and selected the Signing Identity and Provisioning Profile to the ones that I created for this deployment.
Set the build to Release and the target to Remote Device
Ensured that the deployment target in info.plist was set to the highest available, which is 15.4, though my iPhone is at 15.6 (could this be the problem?)
Set the IPA Packaging Options to "Build iTunes Package Archive (IPA)"
Set "Include iTunesArtwork images and the iTunesMetadata.plist" to true in the same area
Successfully built the iOS project and produced a .ipa file
After all that, I've been trying to get the .ipa onto my phone, which is definitely the device I added to the provisioning profile.
I've tried two methods to do this, and both have failed:
Connecting my phone to my Windows machine and opening iTunes. Dragging the .ipa file onto the device. The app shows up on my phone, but when I try to open it, I get this error:
"This app could not be installed because its integrity could not be verified". Though it should have been.. The device is linked to the provisioning profile that was used to create the darn thing.
Connected my phone to my Macbook Air and accessed the device through XCode > Window > Devices and Simulators. I emailed myself the .ipa file and downloaded it onto the machine (the Microsoft docs explicitly state that emailing the .ipa should work just fine). In the "Intalled apps" section of the device, I clicked the little '+' and then pointed it to the downloaded .ipa. After a few seconds, it pops up an alert window that says "Unable to install *.iOS".
Other things I have tried since this has been a problem:
Recreating the above steps by re-registering my device, creating new certificates, downloading, installing, all that business.
Messing with the deployment target version.
Jumping out from behind the couch and startling it to make it do what it's supposed to.
I swear I'm done with Xamarin forever after this problem is solved, but all the headaches I've experienced have made me think twice about whether to even bother with .NET Maui haha thanks for any help you can provide
Firstly, the error This app could not be installed because its integrity could not be verified" may be caused by the proper certificate or the test devices are not visible in 'Devices' (UDIDs added) in found two simialr issues, you can refer to them: link1, link2.
Secondly, have you follow this docs on how to generate the IPA file?

Is it possible to OTA install an iOS App that is signed with FREE Apple Dev Account

Note that I'm aware of these posts:
How to create IOS .IPA file and share it, using FREE Apple ID?
How to create ipa in xcode 6 without Apple Developer account?
I don't want to send the app to anybody for testing (not knowing their UUID).
My situation is this
I have the .ipa file. Can generate it using 'xcodebuild' command or by drag&drop the archive's .app file into iTunes
this .ipa is codesigned with my free AppleID
the provisioning profile, generated by XCode contains 3 device UUID
What I'd like to know: why I can't install this .ipa file to the device which UUID is presented in the provisioning profile.
If I try to install it using iTunes it starts to install, but after the progress bar (progress circle to be exact :P) on my device completes, the app icon just disappears and iTunes is stuck in the syncing process. No error message is shown.
I also tried to install it using diawi and got the error message "Unable to Download App". Although it shows me that my device's UUID is in the app's provisioning profile.
No, I believe the free account only allows you to build and install directly on the device with a development build. Also, those builds' provisioning profile expires after 7 days, so the OTA builds wouldn't last very long anyway.
If you want more details of why the install is failing, you should look at the device console during the installation. It will give you more details on the exact reason for the failure.

OTA Installation: Install IPA on device for testing

I have generated a debug IPA using Codenameone build server, that I would like to test.
The file is hosted online example URL below:
If I download the file above from my iOS device. I have no way of installing it (iOS only gives me options to share the IPA file). What are the additional steps that I need to do to be able to download and install the file on my iOS device?
one way to install ipa is upload ipa on below url then allowd adhoc devices can install this ipa from the url.
You can drag drop ipa file in iTunes and install that on your device as well.
1. Drag-and-drop IPA file into 'Apps' tab of iTunes BEFORE you connect the device.
2. Connect your device.
3. Select your device on iTunes.
4. Select 'Apps' tab.
5. Click Install button in front of app.
I may have missed something in your post, but if you are using the Codename One build servers you can install your .ipa directly from there. On your iOS device, browse to, click on the "Successful Build" message and then click on 'Install On Device".
You can install your app using
Click on the Enter App Details button
Upload your .IPA by clicking the cloud icon beside "IPA URL"
Optionally add a name, icon and your email address.
Press "Send Installation Link"
You will see a QR code, that you can scan using your iPhone, or click the link in your email from your iPhone.
Use with no limitations
No build expiry
No size limited
No storage limit
Complete project management
I have found this tool very useful as compare to others, all others limiting me if build size exceeds 50mb or 100mb, or link expires very soon etc.

Change mobile provision of IPA file

I have an IPA file generated with XCode with 3 devices embedded in his mobile provision file. I've added 2 additional devices on the mobile provision on apple developer web. Is there any way to install the IPA file on these new devices without regenerating the IPA file on XCode?(or at least, without using a Mac).
The devices has iOS 9.2. It seems with iOS 7 the mobile provision file installs easily, but with 9.2 devices it can't be possible to install the mobile provision file, even with diawi service.
I'm using Standard program Ad-hoc distribution. With this program i can distribute until 100 devices.
There is no possibility to run the app without add the devices to your developer account. You need to add first and then generate another IPA . This is the possibility by my experience. Thanks!
One standard way could be you can upload your IPA file to iTunes connect and Test it using Test flight app (Create internal user for that) the will receive email through which the can install IPA and you will not required to add new device id's hope this will help.

How do I take an IPA file and have it install remotely on an iOS device?

The 'traditional' way to install an IPA file is via iTunes.
Its nice the way Test Flight and other tools allow doing this remotely, by downloading from an install link on the web or email.
I tried adding an IPA file to a remote server, and downloading, but Safari informed me "I don't know what to do with this file" (or words to that effect).
Assuming the UDID of the target device is in the provisioning profile, how can I have the file remotely installed on a device.
The search term you're looking for is "over the air" distribution. Try the guide here
Enterprise distribution Over The Air
In a nutshell, these are the steps:
in Xcode, use the Product->Archive command to archive your project.
select the archive in the Organizer window and click the Distribute button
choose Ad Hoc/Enterprise deployment
when filling in the fields in the wizard, be sure to enter the URL where the application will be located correctly
once you've saved the signed app, put the app and the accompanying property list up on your server at the URL you indicated
create a web page or e-mail that includes a link to the property list
on a device, tap the link to install the app
