I am using Jbehave as my BDD framework. I am looking for a way to auto generate candidate step method stubs from the text scenarios like
Given there is a flight
And there is a customer
When the customer books the flight
Then the customer is shown on the manifest
to Java like this:
<#> Given("there is a flight")
<a#> Pending
public void thereIsAFlight() {
<#> Given("there is a customer") // note 'Given', even though story line is 'And'
<#> Pending
public void thereIsACustomer() {
<#> When("the customer books the flight")
<#> Pending
public void theCustomerBooksTheFlight() {
<#> Then("the customer is shown on the flight manifest")
<#> Pending
public void thenTheCustomerIsShownOnTheFlightManifest() {
Does JBehave provide it as an implicit functionality or people use some IDE plugin ? I'll highly appreciate any help here.
When you run JBehave it traces all steps that haven't found a matching binding code and dumps corresponding stub implementations as well, quite similar to what you wrote.
This output is available on the console but also in the HTML reports (should you have them turned on).
Copy them and place them into your steps class(es).
If you're asking to have JBehave automatically write the stub implementations into the .java files, then I highly doubt that there exists such a feature - it would be difficult to know which steps class & file to use. (Next to SCM integration problems and so forth.)
i use IntelliJBehave: https://github.com/kumaraman21/IntelliJBehave/wiki
it will not generate method automatically, but it does let you some useful abilities such as: syntax highlighting, navigation from steps to methods, error highlighting and more.
I'm now building an application in MVC5. Data of different corporations are stored in the same database and people access them under the control of "[Authorize(...)]" and some other costumed filters. With the growing of controllers and actions, I'm more and more worried about the security, for example: is there any actions without authorization or with wrong authorization?
So the question is: Is there any
1. Report views in Visual Studio (might not designed to do the work)
2. Third part tools
3. Something else
that give a clear map of authorization of all controllers/actions? This is a critical work and I think there should be some solutions rather than check through all those code files.
I like to use FluentSecurity because of this. From their docs:
Ignoring missing configurations
By default FluentSecurity will throw an exception if a missing
configuration is encountered for a controller action. If you don't
want FluentSecurity to handle security for all controllers you can
tell it to ignore missing configurations. You can do this by adding
configuration.IgnoreMissingConfiguration(); to your configuration
It puts security configurations in a single file, makes them unit testable, and is generally useful. There is a small learning curve to figuring out how to bootstrap it and get it set up. You can install it and get going quickly using nuget.
Besides this, there arent really any tools that I know of that can do the reporting that you are asking about... unless you want to write a battery of unit tests against each actionmethod:
public class AccountControllerTests {
public void Verify_ChangePassword_Method_Is_Decorated_With_Authorize_Attribute() {
var controller = new AccountController();
var type = controller.GetType();
var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("ChangePassword", new Type[] { typeof(ChangePasswordModel) });
var attributes = methodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AuthorizeAttribute), true);
Assert.IsTrue(attributes.Any(), "No AuthorizeAttribute found on ChangePassword(ChangePasswordModel model) method");
I am creating an ASP.NET MVC app attempting to avoid the Fat Controller smell. I am doing this by making controller methods simply send lightweight commands to a command bus, which then get picked up by command handlers. The command handlers enact the commands on the domain model, which in turn creates state-change events that are persisted.
I am doing this to try and get away from the CRUD model of "get X from repository, change it and put it back", remove all domain-specific knowledge from the web application and to allow the intent of the user to be communicated directly to the domain model.
So, let's say a Contact aggregate is composed as follows (I have omitted all but one of the setter methods for brevity).
public class Contact {
private Address _homeAddress;
public Address HomeAddress {
get { return _homeAddress; }
set {
if(newHomeAddress.Equals(_homeAddress)) return;
_homeAddress = newHomeAddress;
AddEvent(new HomeAddressChanged(Id, _homeAddress));
public Address WorkAddress { get; set; }
public PhoneNumber PhoneNumber { get; set; }
public EmailAddress EmailAddress { get; set; }
The command handler that enacts a change of HomeAddress would look like so.
public class ChangeHomeAddressCommandHandler : IHandleCommand<ChangeHomeAddressCommand>
private IRepository<Contact> _repo;
public ChangeHomeAddressCommandHandler(IRepository<Contact> repo)
_repo = repo;
public void Execute(ChangeHomeAddressCommand command)
var toEdit = _repo.One(command.Id);
toEdit.HomeAddress = command.NewHomeAddress;
My trouble is that the form that the user submits needs to allow editing of a WHOLE CONTACT i.e. all of its associated addresses, phone numbers &c) which means that there needs to be a command and a handler for each and every property state change.
Each one of these handlers needs to load the aggregate, make the changes and then commit the changes. So even if you don't change all the properties, the command handler still has to load and build the Contact aggregate four times, which is unnecessarily expensive.
I have considered some options...
A "macro" command (called maybe EditContactCommand) into which instances of each possible sub-command (i.e. the individual ChangeHomeAddressCommand) can be added. The macro command loads the aggregate and passes it through the sub-commands and commits changes on dispose.
Making the UI more "task focussed". Instead of the Edit page being a structured collection of textboxes to gather input, use labels accompanied by a "Change" button which invokes a modal dialog. When the modal dialog is OK'd, make an AJAX post back to the controller which in turns buses a command. Or indeed, build smaller pages which only expose certain facets of the Contact aggregate. You only ever change what has actually changed, and changes can happen without a big "Save"-style commit. (I'm not sure whether the users would wear this because they seem to like their sea of textboxes!)
I'd be grateful for any advice, experience and wisdom. Thanks.
The problem might be that you're trying hard to un-CRUDify an application that is (as far as we can tell from that little code) very CRUDish in nature.
No matter how you try to bend your commands to make them look less like CRUD, they won't make any sense if they don't describe a domain reality -- it only adds more unnecessary complexity. Changing an email address might be a command of its own right if it triggers a whole process of re-sending a validation email and so on, but not if it just modifies the email field.
I think there's nothing wrong with commands that modify an entire entity, as long as they are valid domain operations/events explored with your domain expert and there's not 100% of them. Applications are rarely purely CRUD, but when they are, DDD is certainly not the best approach to choose.
You might be already painting yourself in a corner. I'm missing the user's intent. Why is the home address being changed? Did the user make a typo or did the contact really move? If it's the latter, you might need to send an email - if it's the former, probably not.
Let scenario's drive you to discovering the user's intent.
My previous question made me think again about layers, repository, dependency injection and architectural stuff like this.
My architecture now looks like this:
I am using EF code first, so I just made POCO classes, and context. That creates db and model.
Level higher are business layer classes (Providers). I am using different provider for each domain... like MemberProvider, RoleProvider, TaskProvider etc. and I am making new instance of my DbContext in each of these providers.
Then I instantiate these providers in my controllers, get data and send them to Views.
My initial architecture included repository, which I got rid of because I was told that it just adds complexity, so why I don't just use EF only. I wanted to did that.. working with EF directly from controllers, but I have to write tests and it was a bit complicate with real database. I had to fake - mock data somehow. So I made an interface for each provider and made fake providers with hardcoded data in lists. And with this I got back to something, where I am not sure how to proceed correctly.
These things starts to be overcomplicated too quickly... many approaches and "pattterns"... it creates just too much noise and useless code.
Is there any SIMPLE and testable architecture for creating and ASP.NET MVC3 application with Entity Framework?
If you want to use TDD (or any other testing approach with high test coverage) and EF together you must write integration or end-to-end tests. The problem here is that any approach with mocking either context or repository just creates test which can test your upper layer logic (which uses those mocks) but not your application.
Simple example:
Let's define generic repository:
public interface IGenericRepository<TEntity>
IQueryable<TEntity> GetQuery();
And lets write some business method:
public IEnumerable<MyEntity> DoSomethingImportant()
var data = MyEntityRepo.GetQuery().Select((e, i) => e);
Now if you mock the repository you will use Linq-To-Objects and you will have a green test but if you run the application with Linq-To-Entities you will get an exception because select overload with indexes is not supported in L2E.
This was simple example but same can happen with using methods in queries and other common mistakes. Moreover this also affects methods like Add, Update, Delete usually exposed on repository. If you don't write a mock which will exactly simulate behavior of EF context and referential integrity you will not test your implementation.
Another part of story are problems with Lazy loading which can also hardly be detected with unit tests against mocks.
Because of that you should also introduce integration or end-to-end tests which will work against real database using real EF context ane L2E. Btw. using end-to-end tests is required to use TDD correctly. For writing end-to-end tests in ASP.NET MVC you can WatiN and possibly also SpecFlow for BDD but this will really add a lot of work but you will have your application really tested. If you want to read more about TDD I recommend this book (the only disadvantage is that examples are in Java).
Integration tests make sense if you don't use generic repository and you hide your queries in some class which will not expose IQueryable but returns directly data.
public interface IMyEntityRepository
MyEntity GetById(int id);
MyEntity GetByName(string name);
Now you can just write integration test to test implementation of this repository because queries are hidden in this class and not exposed to upper layers. But this type of repository is somehow considered as old implementation used with stored procedures. You will lose a lot of ORM features with this implementation or you will have to do a lot of additional work - for example add specification pattern to be able to define query in upper layer.
In ASP.NET MVC you can partially replace end-to-end tests with integration tests on controller level.
Edit based on comment:
I don't say that you need unit tests, integration tests and end-to-end tests. I say that making tested applications require much more effort. The amount and types of needed tests is dependent on the complexity of your application, expected future of the application, your skills and skills of other team members.
Small straighforward projects can be created without tests at all (ok, it is not a good idea but we all did it and at the end it worked) but once a project passes some treshold you can find that introducing new features or maintaining the project is very hard because you are never sure if it breaks something which already worked - that is called regression. The best defence against regression is good set of automated tests.
Unit tests help you to test method. Such tests should ideally cover all execution paths in the method. These tests should be very short and easy to write - to complicated part can be to set up dependencies (mocks, faktes, stubs).
Integration tests help you to test functionality accross multiple layers and usually accross multiple processes (application, database). You don't need to have them for everything, it is more about experience to select where they are helpful.
End-to-end tests are something like validation of use case / user story / feature. They should cover whole flow of the requirement.
It is not needed to test a feture multiple times - if you know that the feature is tested in end-to-end test you don't need to write integration test for the same code. Also if you know that method has only single execution path which is covered by integration test you don't need to write unit test for it. This works much better with TDD approach where you start with a big test (end-to-end or integration) and go deeper to unit tests.
Depending on your developement approach you don't have to start with multiple types of test from beginning but you can introduce them later as your application will become more complex. The exception is TDD/BDD where you should start to use at least end-to-end and unit tests before you even write single line of other code.
So you are asking the wrong question. The question is not what is simpler? The question is what will help you at the end and what complexity fits your application? If you want to have easily unit tested application and business logic you should wrap EF code to some other classes which can be mocked. But in the same time you must introduce other type of tests to ensure that EF code works.
I can't say you what approach will fit your environment / project / team / etc. But I can explain example from my past project:
I worked on the project for about 5-6 months with two collegues. The project was based on ASP.NET MVC 2 + jQuery + EFv4 and it was developed in incremental and iterative way. It had a lot of complicated business logic and a lot of complicated database queries. We started with generic repositories and high code coverage with unit tests + integration tests to validate mapping (simple tests for inserting, deleting, updating and selecting entity). After few months we found that our approach doesn't work. We had more then 1.200 unit tests, code coverage about 60% (that is not very good) and a lot of regression problems. Changing anything in EF model could introduce unexpected problems in parts which were not touched for several weeks. We found that we are missing integration tests or end-to-end tests for our application logic. The same conclusion was made on a parallel team worked on another project and using integration tests was considered as recommendation for new projects.
Does using repository pattern add complexity? In your scenario I don't think so. It makes TDD easier and your code more manageable. Try to use a Generic repository pattern for more separation and cleaner code.
If you want to find out more about TDD and design patterns in Entity Framework, take a look at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ff714955.aspx
However it seems like you're looking for an approach to mock test Entity Framework. One solution would be using a virtual seed method to generate data on database initialization. Take a look at Seed section at: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/adonet/archive/2010/09/02/ef-feature-ctp4-dbcontext-and-databases.aspx
Also you can use some mocking frameworks. The most famous ones I know are:
Rhino Mocks
Typemock (Commercial)
To see a more complete list of .NET mocking frameworks, check out: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37359/what-c-mocking-framework-to-use
Another approach would be to use an in-memory database provider like SQLite. Study more at Is there an in-memory provider for Entity Framework?
Finally, here are some good links about unit testing Entity Framework (Some links refer to Entity Framework 4.0. But you'll get the idea.):
What is the way to go to fake my database layer in a unit test?
What I do is I use a simple ISession and EFSession object, witch are easy to mock in my controller, easy to access with Linq and strongly typed. Inject with DI using Ninject.
public interface ISession : IDisposable
void CommitChanges();
void Delete<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new();
void Delete<T>(T item) where T : class, new();
void DeleteAll<T>() where T : class, new();
T Single<T>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new();
IQueryable<T> All<T>() where T : class, new();
void Add<T>(T item) where T : class, new();
void Add<T>(IEnumerable<T> items) where T : class, new();
void Update<T>(T item) where T : class, new();
public class EFSession : ISession
DbContext _context;
public EFSession(DbContext context)
_context = context;
public void CommitChanges()
public void Delete<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new()
var query = All<T>().Where(expression);
foreach (var item in query)
public void Delete<T>(T item) where T : class, new()
public void DeleteAll<T>() where T : class, new()
var query = All<T>();
foreach (var item in query)
public void Dispose()
public T Single<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, bool>> expression) where T : class, new()
return All<T>().FirstOrDefault(expression);
public IQueryable<T> All<T>() where T : class, new()
return _context.Set<T>().AsQueryable<T>();
public void Add<T>(T item) where T : class, new()
public void Add<T>(IEnumerable<T> items) where T : class, new()
foreach (var item in items)
/// <summary>
/// Do not use this since we use EF4, just call CommitChanges() it does not do anything
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
/// <param name="item"></param>
public void Update<T>(T item) where T : class, new()
//nothing needed here
If I want to switch from EF4 to let's say MongoDB, I only have to make a MongoSession that implement ISession...
I was having the same problem deciding on the general design of my MVC application. This CodePlex project by Shiju Varghese was alot of help. It is done in ASP.net MVC3, EF CodeFirst and also utilizes a service layer and a repository layer as well. Dependency injection is done using Unity. It is simple and very easy to follow. It is also backed by some 4 very nice blog posts. Its worth checking out. And, don't give up on the repository..yet.
I am working on an asp.net mvc application and writing my unit tests BDD style.
But when I am writing tests for my controllers, I usually have two Methods with the same name. One without parameters for get requests and one with for posts. Does anybody have a good naming convention here to distinguish between the two?
I can think of:
Any opinions?
I use the following format which works very well for me:
public class Log_in_with_parameters_should
public void Return_the_log_in_view() {}
public class Log_in_without_parameters_should
public void Return_the_log_in_view_when_the_authentication_failed() {}
public void Redirect_to_the_profile_when_the_authentication_passed() {}
I think this is a perfect example of why rigid naming conventions for unit tests are unattractive.
Your proposed scheme will only work when you have two method overloads: one with and one without parameters. It doesn't extend to the scenario where you have more than one overload with different parameters.
Personally I prefer a much looser naming convention that can be summarized as
This gives me the flexibility to name my tests
I must admit that I rarely read the name of the test anyway. Instead, I read the specification of what it does (i.e. the test code). The name is just not that important to me.
One option, which I don't particularly like, is to give the controller actions different names, but to then rename them using the ActionName attribute:
public ActionResult Login() {
// ... code ...
return View();
public ActionResult LoginPost(... some params ...) {
// ... more code ...
return View();
This essentially substitutes one problem (unit test naming) with another problem (harder to read controller code). Nevertheless, you might find this pattern appealing since it does solve the stated problem.
I use a similar naming convention to the one in your question i.e. method_scenario_expected
I think you should elaborate more on the "scenario" part - if you're passing parameters - let the reader know what is speacial about them.
Keep in mind that naming your tests this way is more "TDD oreinted" and no BDD - BDD tests names should be about rules and "behaviors:.
If you feel that the current naming convention does not hwlp the code readability - feel free to experiment around and find what works for you.
I may not be answering your question, but I want to share what I do.
I don't follow specific naming convention, but I try to give names which explains what test method is trying to test. Some cases where I need more explanation I add description [Test("This test evaluates how many questions were answered by specific user")].
One thing to make sure is the tests are more readable and quickly understandable.
I was reading Steven Sanderson's book Pro ASP.NET MVC Framework and he suggests using a repository pattern:
public interface IProductsRepository
IQueryable<Product> Products { get; }
void SaveProduct(Product product);
He accesses the products repository directly from his Controllers, but since I will have both a web page and web service, I wanted to have add a "Service Layer" that would be called by the Controllers and the web services:
public class ProductService
private IProductsRepository productsRepsitory;
public ProductService(IProductsRepository productsRepository)
this.productsRepsitory = productsRepository;
public Product GetProductById(int id)
return (from p in productsRepsitory.Products
where p.ProductID == id
select p).First();
// more methods
This seems all fine, but my problem is that I can't use his SaveProduct(Product product) because:
1) I want to only allow certain fields to be changed in the Product table
2) I want to keep an audit log of each change made to each field of the Product table, so I would have to have methods for each field that I allow to be updated.
My initial plan was to have a method in ProductService like this:
public void ChangeProductName(Product product, string newProductName);
Which then calls IProductsRepository.SaveProduct(Product)
But there are a few problems I see with this:
1) Isn't it not very "OO" to pass in the Product object like this? However, I can't see how this code could go in the Product class since it should just be a dumb data object. I could see adding validation to a partial class, but not this.
2) How do I ensure that no one changed any other fields other than Product before I persist the change?
I'm basically torn because I can't put the auditing/update code in Product and the ProductService class' update methods just seem unnatural (However, GetProductById seems perfectly natural to me).
I think I'd still have these problems even if I didn't have the auditing requirement. Either way I want to limit what fields can be changed in one class rather than duplicating the logic in both the web site and the web services.
Is my design pattern just bad in the first place or can I somehow make this work in a clean way?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
I split the repository into two interfaces, one for reading and one for writing.
The reading implements IDisposeable, and reuses the same data-context for its lifetime. It returns the entity objects produced by linq to SQL. For example, it might look like:
interface Reader : IDisposeable
IQueryable<Product> Products;
IQueryable<Order> Orders;
IQueryable<Customer> Customers;
The iQueryable is important so I get the delayed evaluation goodness of linq2sql. This is easy to implement with a DataContext, and easy enough to fake. Note that when I use this interface I never use the autogenerated fields for related rows (ie, no fair using order.Products directly, calls must join on the appropriate ID columns). This is a limitation I don't mind living with considering how much easier it makes faking read repository for unit tests.
The writing one uses a separate datacontext per write operation, so it does not implement IDisposeable. It does NOT take entity objects as input or out- it takes the specific fields needed for each write operation.
When I write test code, I can substitute the readable interface with a fake implementation that uses a bunch of List<>s which I populate manually. I use mocks for the write interface. This has worked like a charm so far.
Don't get in a habit of passing the entity objects around, they're bound to the datacontext's lifetime and it leads to unfortunate coupling between your repository and its clients.
To address your need for the auditing/logging of changes, just today I put the finishing touches on a system I'll suggest for your consideration. The idea is to serialize (easily done if you are using LTS entity objects and through the magic of the DataContractSerializer) the "before" and "after" state of your object, then save these to a logging table.
My logging table has columns for the date, username, a foreign key to the affected entity, and title/quick summary of the action, such as "Product was updated". There is also a single column for storing the change itself, which is a general-purpose field for storing a mini-XML representation of the "before and after" state. For example, here's what I'm logging:
<Deleted><Product ... /></Deleted>
<Inserted><Product ... /></Inserted>
Here is the general purpose "serializer" I used:
public string SerializeObject(object obj)
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb546184.aspx :
Type t = obj.GetType();
DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(t);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings();
settings.OmitXmlDeclaration = true;
XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb, settings);
dcs.WriteObject(writer, obj);
string xml = sb.ToString();
return xml;
Then, when updating (can also be used for logging inserts/deletes), grab the state before you do your model-binding, then again afterwards. Shove into an XML wrapper and log it! (or I suppose you could use two columns in your logging table for these, although my XML approach allows me to attach any other information that might be helpful).
Furthermore, if you want to only allow certain fields to be updated, you'll be able to do this with either a "whitelist/blacklist" in your controller's action method, or you could create a "ViewModel" to hand in to your controller, which could have the restrictions placed upon it that you desire. You could also look into the many partial methods and hooks that your LTS entity classes should have on them, which would allow you to detect changes to fields that you don't want.
Good luck! -Mike
For kicks, here is how I deserialize an entity (as I mentioned in my comment), for viewing its state at some later point in history: (After I've extracted it from the log entry's wrapper)
public Account DeserializeAccount(string xmlString)
MemoryStream s = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(xmlString));
DataContractSerializer dcs = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Product));
Product product = (Product)dcs.ReadObject(s);
return product;
I would also recommend reading Chapter 13, "LINQ in every layer" in the book "LINQ in Action". It pretty much addresses exactly what I've been struggling with -- how to work LINQ into a 3-tier design. I'm leaning towards not using LINQ at all now after reading that chapter.