Is it possible to have both GET and POST asynchronous controller actions of the same name? -

Is it possible to have an AsyncController that has a GET and POST action of the same name?
public class HomeController : AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
// ...
public ActionResult IndexCompleted()
return View();
public void IndexAsync(int id)
// ...
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(int id)
return View();
When I tried this I got an error:
Lookup for method 'IndexCompleted' on controller type 'HomeController' failed because of an ambiguity between the following methods:
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult IndexCompleted() on type Web.Controllers.HomeController
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult IndexCompleted(System.Int32) on type Web.Controllers.HomeController
Is it possible to have them co-exist in any way or does every asynchronous action method have to be unique?

You can have the multiple IndexAsync methods, but only the one IndexCompleted method eg:
public class HomeController : AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
// ...
AsyncManager.Parameters["id"] = null;
// ...
public void IndexAsync(int id)
// ...
AsyncManager.Parameters["id"] = id;
// ...
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(int? id)
return View();
(Only the attributes on the MethodNameAsync methods are used by MVC, so are not required on the MethodNameCompleted methods)


Why is my attribute routing not working?

This is what my controller looks like:
public class ClientsController : Controller
private readonly IDataService _clients;
public ClientsController(IDataService dataService)
_clients = dataService;
public int Post([Bind("GivenName,FamilyName,GenderId,DateOfBirth,Id")] Client model)
// NB Implement.
return 0;
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var clients = await _clients.ReadAsync();
return Ok(clients);
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id)
var client = await _clients.ReadAsync(id);
if (client == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(client);
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
public void Delete(int id)
Yet when I request the URL /api/Clients/Get, as follows:
json = await Client.GetStringAsync("api/Clients/Get");
I get back the following exception:
AmbiguousActionException: Multiple actions matched. The following
actions matched route data and had all constraints satisfied:
Assessment.Web.Controllers.ClientsController.Index (Assessment.Web)
Assessment.Web.Controllers.ClientsController.Details (Assessment.Web)
Assessment.Web.Controllers.ClientsController.Create (Assessment.Web)
Client is an HttpClient. Please note that no GET action matched the route data, despite the same name, id.
What could be wrong here?
You are using the attributes wrong.
You have a route on the controller
which would map to api/Clients and prefix that to any action routes in the controller.
So that means that
[HttpGet("api/Client/Get")] // Matches GET api/Clients/api/Client/Get
public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
var clients = await _clients.ReadAsync();
return Ok(clients);
Matches a GET to api/Clients/api/Client/Get because of the route prefix on the controller.
Referencing Routing to Controller Actions
You need to update the attribute routes on the actions accordingly
public class ClientsController : Controller {
private readonly IDataService _clients;
public ClientsController(IDataService dataService)
_clients = dataService;
[HttpPost] //Matches POST api/Clients
public int Post([Bind("GivenName,FamilyName,GenderId,DateOfBirth,Id")] Client model) {
// NB Implement.
return 0;
[HttpGet("Get")] //Matches GET api/Clients/Get
public async Task<IActionResult> Get() {
//...code removed for brevity
[HttpGet("Get/{id:int}")] //Matches GET api/Clients/Get/5
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int id) {
//...code removed for brevity
[HttpGet("Put")] //Matches PUT api/Clients/Put
public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value) {
//...code removed for brevity
[HttpGet("Delete/{id:int}")] //Matches GET api/Clients/Delete/5
public void Delete(int id) {
The delete action should actually be refactored to a HTTP DELETE and should return a IActionResult
[HttpDelete("Delete/{id:int}")] //Matches DELETE api/Clients/Delete/5
public IActionResult Delete(int id) {
//...code removed for brevity
I Think there is a typo in the route, it should be Clients with an (s) at the end instead of Client.
instead of
Or change the call to the endpoint to :
json = await Client.GetStringAsync("api/Client/Get");

How "Don't Repeat Yourself" in methods of a Controller in ASP.NET MVC?

within each methods of a controller , I have to execute a method.
public ActionResult Index1()
if (Foo(id, SessionManage.DataSession) )
return RedirectToAction("Page1");
return View();
public ActionResult Index2()
if (Foo(id, SessionManage.DataSession) )
return RedirectToAction("Page1");
return View();
public ActionResult Index3()
if (Foo(id, SessionManage.DataSession) )
return RedirectToAction("Page1");
return View();
public ActionResult Index4()
if (Foo(id, SessionManage.DataSession) )
return RedirectToAction("Page1");
return View();
Is there a smarter way than organize the code or I am forced to go against DRY concept?
I'd like not repeat the code for each method :
if (Foo(id, SessionManage.DataSession) )
return RedirectToAction("Page1");
Thanks to all.
Well, ASPNET has already the infrastructure for handling authorization so why not just use it?
Create a new attribute class, inherited from AuthorizeAttribute
Override the methods:
OnAuthorization: to perform your check
HandleUnauthorizedRequest: to decide whats the result view that the user will see.
Mark your controller methods with this attribute.
Your attribute may look like:
class MyCustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// Do whatever you want here, for example
//filterContext.Result = new whatever() ;
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if ( /* the request does not pass your checks */ )
throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();
And your controller code will look like:
public ActionResult Index1()
return View();
public ActionResult Index2()
return View();
public ActionResult Index3()
return View();
public ActionResult Index4()
return View();
You can also check this post for a more clear example:
You can refactor your controller like this:
public ActionResult Index1()
return AccessDeniedRedirect();
public ActionResult Index2()
return AccessDeniedRedirect();
public ActionResult Index3()
return AccessDeniedRedirect();
public ActionResult Index4()
return AccessDeniedRedirect();
private ActionResult AccessDeniedRedirect()
if (Checks(id, SessionManage.DataSession))
return RedirectToAction("AccesDiened");
return View();

How do I pass variables to a custom ActionFilter in ASP.NET MVC app

I have a controller in my MVC app for which I'm trying to log details using a custom ActionFilterAttribute, by using the onResultExecuted method.
I read this tutorial to understand and write my own action filter. The question is how do I pass variables from the controller to the action filter?
I want to get the input variables with which a controller is called. Say, the username/user ID.
If (in some situations) an exception is thrown by any controller method, I would want to log the error too.
The controller -
public class myController : ApiController {
public string Get(string x, int y) { .. }
public string somemethod { .. }
The action filter -
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void onActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext) {
I hope I have explained the problem here. Apologies if I'm missing out some basic objects here, I'm totally new to this.
Approach - 1
Action Filter
public class MyActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
Action Method
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.ControllerVariable = "12";
return View();
If you pay attention to the screenshot, you can see the ViewBag information
Approach - 2
Action Filter
public class MyActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
//Your Properties in Action Filter
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public string Property2 { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
Action Method
[MyActionFilter(Property1 = "Value1", Property2 = "Value2")]
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
I suggest another approach, and it is passing parameters to Action Filter as constractor.
public ActionResult NewUser()
// some code
Then in the ActionFilter:
public class PermissionCheck : ActionFilterAttribute
public Permissions Permission { get; set; }
public PermissionCheck(Permissions permission)
Permission = permission;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (/*user doesn't have that permission*/)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult
new RouteValueDictionary
new {
controller = "User",
action = "AccessDeny",
error = "You don't have permission to do this action"
Which Permissions is an ENUM like:
enum Permissions {NewUser, Edit, Delete, Update, ...}

How can I inherit an ASP.NET MVC controller and change only the view?

I have a controller that's inheriting from a base controller, and I'm wondering how I can utilize all of the logic from the base controller, but return a different view than the base controller uses.
The base controller populates a model object and passes that model object to its view, but I'm not sure how I can access that model object in the child controller so that I can pass it to the child controller's view.
A couple points. You can type your return value as ViewResult if you know that's all you're going to return. Then you can interrogate that value from the overridden implementation. More importantly, according to the MVC v1 source, calling View(object) simply sets the ViewData.Model on the controller, then constructs a ViewResult.
protected internal ViewResult View(object model) {
return View(null /* viewName */, null /* masterName */, model);
protected internal virtual ViewResult View(string viewName, string masterName, object model) {
if (model != null) {
ViewData.Model = model;
return new ViewResult {
ViewName = viewName,
MasterName = masterName,
ViewData = ViewData,
TempData = TempData
So all you need to do is call the base method and call View(string).
namespace BaseControllers
public class CoolController
public virtual ViewResult Get()
var awesomeModel = new object();
return View(awesomeModel);
public class CoolController : BaseControllers.CoolController
public override ViewResult Get()
var ignoredResult = base.Get();
// ViewData.Model now refers to awesomeModel
return View("NotGet");
Of course you waste CPU cycles constructing the ViewResult that you ignore. So instead you can do this:
public class CoolController : BaseControllers.CoolController
public override ViewResult Get()
var baseResult = base.Get();
baseResult.ViewName = "NotGet";
return baseResult;
If your base controller returns ActionResult, you'll have to cast it to ViewResult before changing the ViewName.
Sample from my app:
Base class:
public abstract class BaseTableController<T,TU> : BaseController where TU : IGenericService<T>,IModelWrapperService
protected readonly TU _service;
public BaseTableController(TU service)
_service = service;
_service.ModelWrapper = new ControllerModelStateWrapper(ModelState);
public ActionResult Index()
return View(_service.List());
public class SeverityController : BaseTableController<Severity, ISeverityService>
public SeverityController(ISeverityService service)
: base(service)
SeverityController.Index() leads to Views/Severity/Index.aspx. Just had to prepare view. Severity is one of dictionared in my bug tracking application. Every dictionary has similar logic, so I could share some code.
Based on the feedback given on this thread, I've implemented a solution like the one proposed by Antony Koch.
Instead of using an abstract method, I used a concrete, virtual GetIndex method so that I could put logic in it for the base controller.
public class SalesController : Controller
// Index view method and model
public virtual ActionResult GetIndex()
return View("Index", IndexModel);
protected TestModel IndexModel { get; set; }
public virtual ActionResult Index()
ViewData["test"] = "Set in base.";
IndexModel = new TestModel();
IndexModel.Text = "123";
return GetIndex();
public virtual ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form)
TryUpdateModel(data, form.ToValueProvider());
IndexModel = data;
return GetIndex();
// This class will need to be in a different namespace or named differently than the
// parent controller
public class SalesController : MyApp.Controllers.BaseControllers.SalesController
// Index view method and model
public override ActionResult GetIndex()
return View("ClientIndex", IndexModel);
public override ActionResult Index()
return base.Index();
public override ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form)
return base.Index(data, form);
public class BaseController : Controller {
protected BaseController() {}
public ActionResult Index()
return GetIndex();
public abstract ActionResult GetIndex(); }
public class MyController : BaseController {
public MyController() {}
public override GetIndex()
return RedirectToAction("Cakes","Pies");
Just use abstraction to call the bits you need from the sub-classes.
I ended up just putting an extra parameter on the base Controller -- viewName.
Seems to work just fine.
Am I missing any major downsides?
public class SalesController : Controller
public virtual ActionResult Index(string viewName)
ViewData["test"] = "Set in base.";
TestModel model = new TestModel();
model.Text = "123";
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName) ? View(model) : View(viewName, model);
public virtual ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form, string viewName)
TryUpdateModel(data, form.ToValueProvider());
return String.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName) ? View(data) : View(viewName, data);
public class SalesController : MyApp.Controllers.BaseControllers.SalesController
public override ActionResult Index(string viewName)
return base.Index("ClientIndex");
public override ActionResult Index(TestModel data, FormCollection form, string viewName)
return base.Index(data, form, "ClientIndex");

get the current [controller] for webAPI

I have a dotnet web API application, I want to use the current controller name on multiple places. Right now I have:
I want to instead of having color everywhere I want to use the current controller name.
// ColorController.cs (How it is now)
namespace Application.Api.Controllers
[Authorize(Roles = "color:read")]
public class ColorController : ControllerBase
[Authorize(Roles = "color:write")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromBody] Color model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest("An error occured during saving color");
// ColorController.cs (What I want)
namespace Application.Api.Controllers
[Authorize(Roles = "[controller]:read")]
public class ColorController : ControllerBase
[Authorize(Roles = "[controller]:write")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromBody] Color model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest("An error occured during saving [controller]");
What is the best way to replace the [controller] statically when compiling the controller. Is this even possible?
You may use a property returning Controller name.
private string ControllerName1
return nameof(ColorController).Replace("Controller", "");
private string ControllerName2
return this.ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerName;
public ColorController()
ControllerName1 can be used everywhere in your controller but ControllerName2 is not eligible to use in constructor. You can use them within Actions since ActionDescriptor is created after constructor method called. As for using referance type in Attribute, it is not possible as far as i know. You need to use a value type here that you cannot replace/refactor that part of your code.
