get the current [controller] for webAPI -

I have a dotnet web API application, I want to use the current controller name on multiple places. Right now I have:
I want to instead of having color everywhere I want to use the current controller name.
// ColorController.cs (How it is now)
namespace Application.Api.Controllers
[Authorize(Roles = "color:read")]
public class ColorController : ControllerBase
[Authorize(Roles = "color:write")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromBody] Color model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest("An error occured during saving color");
// ColorController.cs (What I want)
namespace Application.Api.Controllers
[Authorize(Roles = "[controller]:read")]
public class ColorController : ControllerBase
[Authorize(Roles = "[controller]:write")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Save([FromBody] Color model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
catch (Exception ex)
return BadRequest("An error occured during saving [controller]");
What is the best way to replace the [controller] statically when compiling the controller. Is this even possible?

You may use a property returning Controller name.
private string ControllerName1
return nameof(ColorController).Replace("Controller", "");
private string ControllerName2
return this.ControllerContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerName;
public ColorController()
ControllerName1 can be used everywhere in your controller but ControllerName2 is not eligible to use in constructor. You can use them within Actions since ActionDescriptor is created after constructor method called. As for using referance type in Attribute, it is not possible as far as i know. You need to use a value type here that you cannot replace/refactor that part of your code.


does razor page have onLoad method?

I know there is get and post method in razor page but what if you want you load some code soon as page is loads up? do I use a constructor method?
public async Task<IActionResult> OnGetAsync()
return Page();
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync(){
return Page();
Do you mean you want to use depedency injection?If so,you can try to use a constructor method.Firstly,you need to register a service in Program.cs,and then use a constructor in your pagemodel.
public interface ICommentService
string Test();
public class CommentService : ICommentService
public string Test()
return "Test";
public class TestdModel : PageModel
private readonly ICommentService _commentService;
public TestdModel (ICommentService commentService)
_commentService = commentService;
Then you can use _commentService in your pagemodel.

dependency injection - convert ninject di to lightinject di

How do I convert the following Ninject DI to the equivalent for LightInject DI? I'm having issues with getting to the right syntax.
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.Migrations.Configuration>());
On my original question, I didn't include this, but this (also posted as comment to this post) was the not working code I attempted to make it work:
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.Migrations.Configuration>());
container.Register<AuthenticationService, SamAuthenticationService>();
container.Register<IUserAccountQuery, DefaultUserAccountRepository>(new PerRequestLifeTime());
container.Register<IUserAccountRepository, DefaultUserAccountRepository>(new PerRequestLifeTime());
The error message (without the stack trace) given was this:
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: Unresolved dependency [Target Type: BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.DefaultUserAccountRepository], [Parameter: ctx(BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase)], [Requested dependency: ServiceType:BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Ef.DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, ServiceName:]
Source Error:
An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.
*If anyone wants to see the stack trace too - * just ask, and I'll post it in a reply to this question.
The constructor for DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase (as was in a sample project, my project used the dll provided through nuget, and the constructor wasn't available, but I'm pretty sure they're more than likely the same in both cases (seeing as how it comes from the same source...) is:
public class DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase : MembershipRebootDbContext<RelationalUserAccount>
public DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase()
: base()
public DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase(string nameOrConnectionString)
: base(nameOrConnectionString)
public DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase(string nameOrConnectionString, string schemaName)
: base(nameOrConnectionString, schemaName)
This is the constructor (as was in the same aforementioned sample project) for the DefaultUserAccountRepository:
public class DefaultUserAccountRepository
: DbContextUserAccountRepository<DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase, RelationalUserAccount>,
public DefaultUserAccountRepository(DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase ctx)
: base(ctx)
IUserAccountRepository<RelationalUserAccount> This { get { return (IUserAccountRepository<RelationalUserAccount>)this; } }
public new UserAccount Create()
return This.Create();
public void Add(UserAccount item)
public void Remove(UserAccount item)
public void Update(UserAccount item)
public new UserAccount GetByID(System.Guid id)
return This.GetByID(id);
public new UserAccount GetByUsername(string username)
return This.GetByUsername(username);
UserAccount IUserAccountRepository<UserAccount>.GetByUsername(string tenant, string username)
return This.GetByUsername(tenant, username);
public new UserAccount GetByEmail(string tenant, string email)
return This.GetByEmail(tenant, email);
public new UserAccount GetByMobilePhone(string tenant, string phone)
return This.GetByMobilePhone(tenant, phone);
public new UserAccount GetByVerificationKey(string key)
return This.GetByVerificationKey(key);
public new UserAccount GetByLinkedAccount(string tenant, string provider, string id)
return This.GetByLinkedAccount(tenant, provider, id);
public new UserAccount GetByCertificate(string tenant, string thumbprint)
return This.GetByCertificate(tenant, thumbprint);
And this is the controller in my project:
namespace brockallen_MembershipReboot.Controllers
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using BrockAllen.MembershipReboot;
using BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.Mvc.Areas.UserAccount.Models;
public class UserAccountController : Controller
UserAccountService _userAccountService;
AuthenticationService _authService;
public UserAccountController(AuthenticationService authService)
_userAccountService = authService.UserAccountService;
_authService = authService;
// GET: /UserAccount/
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult Login()
return View(new LoginInputModel());
public ActionResult Login(LoginInputModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
/*BrockAllen.MembershipReboot.*/UserAccount account;
if (_userAccountService.AuthenticateWithUsernameOrEmail(model.Username, model.Password, out account))
_authService.SignIn(account, model.RememberMe);
_authService.SignIn(account, model.RememberMe);
/*if (account.RequiresTwoFactorAuthCodeToSignIn())
return RedirectToAction("TwoFactorAuthCodeLogin");
if (account.RequiresTwoFactorCertificateToSignIn())
return RedirectToAction("CertificateLogin");
if (_userAccountService.IsPasswordExpired(account))
return RedirectToAction("Index", "ChangePassword");
if (Url.IsLocalUrl(model.ReturnUrl))
return Redirect(model.ReturnUrl);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
ModelState.AddModelError("", "Invalid Username or Password");
return View(model);
public ActionResult Register()
return View(new RegisterInputModel());
public ActionResult Register(RegisterInputModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var account = _userAccountService.CreateAccount(model.Username, model.Password, model.Email);
ViewData["RequireAccountVerification"] = _userAccountService.Configuration.RequireAccountVerification;
return View("Success", model);
catch (ValidationException ex)
ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
return View(model);
The constructor for AuthenicationService is:
public abstract class AuthenticationService : AuthenticationService<UserAccount>
public new UserAccountService UserAccountService
get { return (UserAccountService)base.UserAccountService; }
set { base.UserAccountService = value; }
public AuthenticationService(UserAccountService userService)
: this(userService, null)
public AuthenticationService(UserAccountService userService, ClaimsAuthenticationManager claimsAuthenticationManager)
: base(userService, claimsAuthenticationManager)
By default, LightInject does not resolve concrete classes without registering them, while NInject does.
For example, NInject can resolve DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase without registering it, while LightInject cannot by default. Take a look at this.
In any way, to fix your issue, make sure that you register your concrete classes (that are needed as dependencies in other classes). Here is an example:
I am assuming here that some class has a dependency on the concrete class DefaultMembershipRebootDatabase. If you have other concrete class dependencies, make sure that you also register them.
You should use the PerScopeLifetime rather than the PerRequestLifetime. PerRequestLifetime represents a transient lifetime that tracks disposable instances and disposes them when the scope ends. PerScopeLifetime ensures the same instance within a scope which in this case means the same instance within a web request.

How do I pass variables to a custom ActionFilter in ASP.NET MVC app

I have a controller in my MVC app for which I'm trying to log details using a custom ActionFilterAttribute, by using the onResultExecuted method.
I read this tutorial to understand and write my own action filter. The question is how do I pass variables from the controller to the action filter?
I want to get the input variables with which a controller is called. Say, the username/user ID.
If (in some situations) an exception is thrown by any controller method, I would want to log the error too.
The controller -
public class myController : ApiController {
public string Get(string x, int y) { .. }
public string somemethod { .. }
The action filter -
public class MyActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute {
public override void onActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext) {
I hope I have explained the problem here. Apologies if I'm missing out some basic objects here, I'm totally new to this.
Approach - 1
Action Filter
public class MyActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
Action Method
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.ControllerVariable = "12";
return View();
If you pay attention to the screenshot, you can see the ViewBag information
Approach - 2
Action Filter
public class MyActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
//Your Properties in Action Filter
public string Property1 { get; set; }
public string Property2 { get; set; }
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
Action Method
[MyActionFilter(Property1 = "Value1", Property2 = "Value2")]
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
I suggest another approach, and it is passing parameters to Action Filter as constractor.
public ActionResult NewUser()
// some code
Then in the ActionFilter:
public class PermissionCheck : ActionFilterAttribute
public Permissions Permission { get; set; }
public PermissionCheck(Permissions permission)
Permission = permission;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
if (/*user doesn't have that permission*/)
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult
new RouteValueDictionary
new {
controller = "User",
action = "AccessDeny",
error = "You don't have permission to do this action"
Which Permissions is an ENUM like:
enum Permissions {NewUser, Edit, Delete, Update, ...}

Is it possible to have both GET and POST asynchronous controller actions of the same name?

Is it possible to have an AsyncController that has a GET and POST action of the same name?
public class HomeController : AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
// ...
public ActionResult IndexCompleted()
return View();
public void IndexAsync(int id)
// ...
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(int id)
return View();
When I tried this I got an error:
Lookup for method 'IndexCompleted' on controller type 'HomeController' failed because of an ambiguity between the following methods:
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult IndexCompleted() on type Web.Controllers.HomeController
System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult IndexCompleted(System.Int32) on type Web.Controllers.HomeController
Is it possible to have them co-exist in any way or does every asynchronous action method have to be unique?
You can have the multiple IndexAsync methods, but only the one IndexCompleted method eg:
public class HomeController : AsyncController
public void IndexAsync()
// ...
AsyncManager.Parameters["id"] = null;
// ...
public void IndexAsync(int id)
// ...
AsyncManager.Parameters["id"] = id;
// ...
public ActionResult IndexCompleted(int? id)
return View();
(Only the attributes on the MethodNameAsync methods are used by MVC, so are not required on the MethodNameCompleted methods)

Windsor container components not available on first controller action

I'm using a configuration within the global.asax.cs to register the components but it looks the container hasn't been initialized yet at the first http request (HomeController > Index action) and it gives me a "The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection." error.
I can't find a solution for this and is driving me mad!
Extract of my global.asax.cs:
protected void Application_Start()
private void InitializeContainer()
_container = new WindsorContainer();
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new WindsorControllerFactory(_container));
// Register context manager.
// Register specifc repository implementations (can we do this more generic?)
[...other interfaces and controllers registered...]
Controller where the exception is thrown at first http request:
public class HomeController : Controller
private ICourseRepository _courseRepository;
public HomeController(ICourseRepository courseRepository)
_courseRepository = courseRepository;
public ActionResult Index()
var courses = _courseRepository.Find(); //here is where it fails
return View(courses);
Generic interface:
public interface IRepository<T>
IQueryable<T> Find();
Generic repository:
public class MyRepository<T> : IRepository<T> where T : class
private IContextManager _contextManager;
private string _qualifiedEntitySetName;
private string _keyName;
protected ObjectContext CurrentObjectContext
get { return _contextManager.GetContext(); }
protected ObjectSet<T> ObjectSet
get { return CurrentObjectContext.CreateObjectSet<T>(); }
public MyRepository(IContextManager contextManager)
this._contextManager = contextManager;
this._qualifiedEntitySetName = string.Format("{0}.{1}"
, this.ObjectSet.EntitySet.EntityContainer.Name
, this.ObjectSet.EntitySet.Name);
this._keyName = this.ObjectSet.EntitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers.Single().Name;
public IQueryable<T> Find()
return ObjectSet;
Interface course based on generic repository:
public interface ICourseRepository : IRepository<Course>
if you use Unit Of Work pattern you will solve your problem
Check this post Unit Of Work Pattern, is very usefull
I found a way to handle with this at least momentarily. Because the problem happens on the first request, I've just added another action in my controller and redirect the index action to it. Probably not the best solution but can't spend more time on this issue!
public class HomeController : Controller
private ICourseRepository _courseRepository;
public HomeController(ICourseRepository courseRepository)
_courseRepository = courseRepository;
public ActionResult Index() // Default action in the controller, first hit
return RedirectToAction("Home");
public ActionResult Home() //The repository is available here, no exception thrown
var courses = _courseRepository.Find(); //here is where it fails
return View(courses);
