How to interrupt component from loading in its constructor? - delphi

I would like to add to my component the conditional state when the component cannot be loaded and inform its user (developer) that this component cannot be loaded in design time and target user at runtime (safely somehow, if possible).
How can I prevent the component from loading in its constructor and how to display message (exception) from constructor safely at design time and at runtime ?
constructor TSomeComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
if csDesigning in ComponentState then
if SomeIncompatibleCondition then
// how to display message (exception) about the wrong
// condition and interrupt the loading of the component ?
// is it possible to do the same at runtime ?
Thank you

Raise an exception, eg:
constructor TSomeComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
if SomeIncompatibleCondition then
raise Exception.Create('Incompatible condition detected!');

One approach:
Property CreatedOK: boolean read fCreatedOK;
constructor TSomeComponent.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
fCreatedOK := ThereIsAnIncompatibleCondition;
Then, the programmer creates the object by:
MyObject := TSomeComponent.Create(Self);
if (NOT MyObject.CreatedOK) then
... deal with it...
We prefer this because it avoids lots of exception code, which can be cumbersome, and a hassle when debugging. (That's another topic though!)
Another approach we use is if the constructor has a lot of work, move the work to another method that the user has to call after constructing. This also has the advantage of letting us pass many values to the object easily.
constructor Create...
function InitAfterCreate:boolean;
The caller does:
MyObject := TSomeComponent.Create
if (NOT MyObject.InitAfterCreate) then
... deal with it ...
or, if you're using InitAfterCreate to pass values, you'd define it as
function InitAfterCreate( Value1: Integer, etc.):boolean
Then InitAfterCreate can examine the state of the object and return a result.
One weakness of these approaches is that the programmer has to remember to call the InitAfterCreate or check MyObject.CreatedOk. To protect against them failing to do so, you can put some Asserts in the beginning of some other methods of your object like:
procedure TForm.FormShow
Assert(fCreatedOK, "Programmer failed to check creation result.")
In all cases, one challenge is to not terminate the Create leaving the object half-created, in an indeterminate state, which might make it hard for your destructor to know how much to destroy.


Derived TClientdataset; defining an always-run OnAfterPost

I'm deriving from TClientdataset and trying to define an 'always run' AfterPost event. I have tried assign my AfterPost event at the constructor, but the derived component does not seem to pick it up
TMyClientDataset = class(TClientDataset)
FInserting: Boolean; //set to True at the MyOnNewRecord event
property FuserAfterPost: TDataSetNotifyEvent;
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent);
constructor TMyClientDataset.Create(AOwner: TComponent)
if Assigned(AfterPost) then
FuserAfterPost := AfterPost;
Afterpost := MyAfterPost;
procedure TMyClientDataset.MyAfterPost(Dataset: TDataset);
If Assigned(FuserAfterPost) then
FInserting := False;
What I'm trying to do: On new record, set Finserting := True; On after post, run the user supplied OnAfterPost and set FInserting := False; But the MyAfterpost event won't even run. I'm assuming the constructor is not the right place to do AfterPost := MyAfterPost;? Where should it go?
There's no good place for what you want to do. Because a user of the component may attach a handler or nil to the event handler anytime while the program is running, not just at design time. May detach an existing handler too. Then your code will not run.
For this reason, VCL employs a two step call to event handlers. First is a virtual procedure which, generally, does nothing more than to call a possible event handler. In your case, this is DoAfterPost.
TMyClientDataset = class(TClientDataset)
procedure DoAfterPost; override;
procedure TMyClientDataset.DoAfterPost;
FInserting := False;
For a case when no such opportunity exists, there would be no chance but properly document and hope for the user of the component reads and complies with it. Overriding Loaded would be the right place to backup an existing design-time attached handler.
Sertac's answer is excellent guidance on this type of problem. And yes it does answer the question you asked, but it's missing something.
It seems to me that you have an XY problem, and failed to ask the correct question. There is no need for you to try to manually track FInserting. Delphi already does this. Take a look at TDataSet.State and TDataSetState.
Basically your FInserting is equivalent to State = dsInsert.
Although, as you have pointed out, your FInserting flag is True in OnAfterPost (which makes it misleading, and on that basis is technically a bug).

Delphi raise exception in constructor

I am going to write a class and the constructor is a custom one that I have made because I need to initialize some values. This is the code I've written so far:
TCombinatorio = class(TObject)
valN, valK: integer;
result: double;
property K: integer read valK;
property N: integer read valN;
constructor Create(valN: integer; valK: integer);
constructor TCombinatorio.Create(valN: Integer; valK: Integer);
inherited Create;
Self.valN := valN;
Self.valK := valK;
if ((valN < 0) or (valK < 0)) then
raise Exception.Create('N and K must be >= 0');
Since I am going to do some math calculations, I need to avoid negative numbers.
Can I raise an exception in the constructor in that way? I am running the code in this way:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var a: TCombinatorio;
b: string;
a := TCombinatorio.Create(5,-2);
//some code
As you can see here I have wrong parameters for my constructor, since the second is negative. I also cannot understand (according with the code of my constructor) if the a.Free inside the finally is really needed because when the constructor raises the exception, the destructor is called.
I thought to include the a := TCombinatorio.Create(5,-2); inside the try-finally block to avoid the problem but I am not sure. What do you think?
Your code is absolutely fine and correct. Raising exceptions from constructors is perfectly respectable. As you know the destructor is called.
You ask about this code:
a := TCombinatorio.Create(5,-2);
//some code
You are worried that Free will be called after the object has already been destroyed. That cannot happen. If an exception is raised in the constructor then it propagates up the call stack. That happens before the try block begins and so the finally block does not execute. Indeed the assignment to a does not happen.
Moving the creation inside the try would be disastrous and is in fact an incredibly common mistake. Suppose you did that:
a := TCombinatorio.Create(5,-2);
//some code
Now if an exception is raised then Free is called but on what? The variable a is not initialized. Even if it was, which it isn't, that would still be a double free.
OK, first you can raise an exception in the constructor, and yes it does call the destructor as a consequence. The code you show is fine. But I think you misunderstand what your code does. And to put the constructor inside a try finally block would be wrong. The point I think that you are missing is that if your constructor fails the try...finally block never gets executed and so the free is not executed. You should not call free if the constructor does not succeed, which is why you should not put the constructor inside the try...finally block.
First of all I would say that you cannot avoid exceptions in constructors so it cannot be an anti-pattern. If you check Delphi source code you will find number of places where exception is raised in constructor. For example
constructor TCustomForm.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
// ... skipped some lines
if not InitInheritedComponent(Self, TForm) then
raise EResNotFound.CreateFmt(SResNotFound, [ClassName]);
The only thing you should know is that Delphi will automatically call the destructor if an exception escapes from the constructor. Actually it means that your destructor may be executed on a partially constructed object and it is your responsibility to write destructor properly. See TObject.Destroy documentation, and pay your special attention to the below quote:
Note: If an exception escapes from the constructor, the destructor is called to destroy the partially constructed object instance that
failed to initialize completely. Therefore, destructors should check
that allocated resources such as handles were actually allocated
before trying to release them, since their value might be zero.
PS In general you should assume that each line of code may raise an exception, but please do not be a paranoiac ;)
In that case I am usual add methods which check the data:
.. = class
function DataValid : boolean;
Lots of benefit:
no exception in constructor. It simple copies its parameters to in-class fields.
special destructor for partially created class not needed.
simplicity of code.

Delphi manage free memory

I am studying Delphi from Marco Cantu's book and I already have experience with OOP because I usually work with Java and PHP. To better understand what I'm reading I've made this test:
TFraction = class
number: double;
num, den: integer;
fraction: string;
function hcf(x: integer; y: integer): integer;
constructor Create(numerator: integer; denominator: integer); overload;
constructor Create(value: string); overload;
function getFraction: string;
This is a super easy class that converts a decimal number into a fraction. I'm not including the other parts of the code where I define constructors and functions since they aren't useful for my question. I am creating the object in this way.
var a: TFraction;
a := TFraction.Create(225, 35);
//The output of ^ is 45/7
From what I've learnt, I know that I have to get rid of the object once I've used it and in fact I am using the Free. In this way I free the memory and I avoid memory leaks.
By the way I see that I also have the possibility to override a destructor. I don't understand very well the behavior of the Free and the Destroy. I use the Free when I have to get rid of an object that I don't need anymore. When I override a destructor I can free the object and also make other actions?
In short, when is it good to use the Free? And when should I prefer the Destroy?
In general, the destructor is used if you need to do something during object destruction which otherwise wouldn't be done automatically. Like freeing memory that you initialize in the constructor. In your example, there is no need to override the destructor, since (presumably) you don't create anything which needs to be destroyed manually.
Also, keep in mind that Destroy is not intended to be called by you at all - neither internally or externally. Free automatically takes care of calling that for you - with a little extra work going on. Free checks if the object is nil or not, and only calls Destroy if it's not nil.
Take this for example:
TMyObject = class(TObject)
FSomeOtherObject: TSomeOtherObject;
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TMyObject.Create;
FSomeOtherObject:= TSomeOtherObject.Create;
destructor TMyObject.Destroy;
Just as an added note, the usage I see above is missing something. What if the code between Create and Free raises some exception? The procedure would exit, and it would never be free'd. So instead, you should use a try / finally block...
a := TFraction.Create(225, 35);
This would ensure that no matter what happens between try and finally, the code between finally and end will always be called.
By the way I see that I also have the possibility to override a destructor. I don't understand very well the behavior of the Free and the Destroy.
Free() calls the destructor if the object pointer is not nil.
Destroy() is the actual destructor.
I use the Free when I have to get rid of an object that I don't need anymore. When I override a destructor I can free the object and also make other actions?
Yes. The destructor is called when the object is in the process of being destroyed. Overriding the destructor is a good place to perform cleanup actions related to the object that is being destroyed.
In short, when is it good to use the Free? And when should I prefer the Destroy?
You can call Destroy() directly, but it is generally preferred to call Free() instead and let it call Destroy() for you.

Delphi Delete TNode, incompatible type TNodePtr

I have a binary tree class that is created with a root node and nodes can be added to it as needed in the code, however I am having trouble in deleting the nodes because I point to them with TNodePtr and it is an incompatible type with TNode.
At the moment I have this recursive method of deleting nodes which should work once the incompatible types is sorted. Thanks.
Destructor TTree.Destroy;
procedure FreeSubnodes(Node: TNodePtr);
if Assigned(Node.Left) then
if Assigned(Node.Right) then
Edit 04/03/2010:
The error given is this:
[Warning] SystemBuild.pas(50): Method 'Destroy' hides virtual method of base type 'TObject'
[Error] SystemBuild.pas(84): Incompatible types
Line 84 is Delete(Node);
I declared the node like this:
TNodePtr = ^TNode;
TNode = Record
And the tree like this:
TTree = Class
Function GetRoot:TNodePtr;
Constructor Create;
Destructor Destroy;
The error you see is because of a mistake I made in the answer I gave to your previous question. I wrote Delete when I should have written Dispose. I apologize. Here, then, is the correct destructor implementation:
destructor TTree.Destroy;
procedure FreeSubnodes(Node: PNode);
if Assigned(Node.Left) then
if Assigned(Node.Right) then
The error is not saying that TNodePtr is incompatible with TNode. The error just says "incompatible types" because the compiler doesn't know what type Delete is supposed to receive. It's a compiler-magic function that accepts several different parameter types, none of which is compatible with TNodePtr.
The first compiler message you see is about your Destroy method hiding the method from the base class. It's not responsible for the problem you were seeing, but you'd eventually notice a problem because your destructor would never get called. When you call Free, it will call TObject's Destroy method, not your new version. To make yours get called instead, you need to mark yours as overriding the inherited version. Then, when TObject.Free calls Destroy, control will go to your version first, and then go to the base class's version when you call inherited. Change the declaration to this:
destructor Destroy; override;
Destructor TTree.Destroy;
procedure FreeSubnodes(Node: TNodePtr);
ThisNode := Node^;
if Assigned(ThisNode.Left) then
if Assigned(ThisNode.Right) then
to dereference the pointer use Node^
use TComponent instead of Record. Record type(Pointer) is old and unsafe . TComponent is easier and more abstract. your issue similar to .

Constructing an Object from a Class Reference

I have a method which constructs an object, calls an Execute method, and frees the object. The type of object is determined by a TClass descendant passed into the method.
Note this is Delphi for Win32 I am talking about, not .NET.
Edit: I should point out that this is Delphi 2006, as it has been noted in answers below that in future versions the NewInstance call may not be required. In my case, however, it is required. As such, I would imagine the answer to my question (is it safe? and does CreateForm() have a potential leak) would need to be answered on the basis that this is Delphi 2006
Edit#2: seems that the solutions given for D2007 & D2009 do in fact work for D2006. I must have picked up the "NewInstance" habit from an earlier version of Delphi...
function TPageClassFactory.TryExecute(ScrnClass: TCustomPageClass): boolean;
//TCustomPageClass = class of TCustomPage
ScrnObj: TCustomPage; //TCustomPage defines an abstract Execute() method
Result := FALSE; //default
ScrnObj := TCustomPage(ScrnClass.NewInstance); //instantiate
ScrnObj.Create(Self); //NB: Create() and Execute() are *virtual* methods
Result := TRUE;
What I want to know is whether this is safe - what will happen here if Create() raises an exception?
Looking at a similar example, from Forms.pas.TApplication.CreateForm(), a different approach has been taken to exception handling (I've cut out the irrelevant bits below):
procedure TApplication.CreateForm(InstanceClass: TComponentClass; var Reference);
Instance: TComponent;
Instance := TComponent(InstanceClass.NewInstance);
TComponent(Reference) := Instance;
TComponent(Reference) := nil;
In the Forms.pas method, does this mean that memory is leaked when an exception occurs in the Create() method? My understanding was that InstanceClass.NewInstance allocated memory, thus in this case the memory is not being deallocated/released/freed?
You should put the create out of the try finally block.
But a better solution is:
TMyClass = class ()
constructor Create(...); virtual;
function Execute: Boolean; virtual;
TMyClassClass = class of TMyClass;
procedure CreateExecute(const AClass: TMyClassClass): Boolean;
theclass : TMyClass;
theclass := AClass.Create;
Result := theclass.Execute;
There have been a few questions raised in comments that I'd like to clarify.
First is the continued myth that the constructor needs to be virtual. It does not. Consider this example:
TBase = class
constructor Create(x: Integer);
TDerived = class(TBase)
field: string;
TMetaclass = class of TBase;
instance: TBase;
desiredClass: TMetaclass;
desiredClass := TDerived;
instance := desiredClass.Create(23);
Assert(instance.ClassName = 'TDerived');
Assert(instance is TDerived);
Assert(instance.field = '');
The created object will be a full-fledged instance of class TDerived. Enough memory will have been allocated to hold the string field, which didn't exist in the base class.
There are two conditions that must be true before you'll need a virtual constructor:
The constructor will be called virtually. That is, you'll have a variable of the base-class metaclass type, and it will hold a value of a derived class, and you will call a constructor on that variable. That's demonstrated in the code above. If all your constructor calls are directly on the class names themselves (i.e., TDerived.Create(23)), then there's nothing to be gained from virtual methods.
A subclass of the base class will need to override the constructor to provide class-specific initialization. If all descendants use the same construction, and only vary in other methods, ten there's no need to make the constructor virtual.
What's important to realize here is that those two rules are no different from the factors that determine when the make any other method virtual. Constructors aren't special in that regard.
The constructor knows which class to construct based not on the class where the constructor was defined, but on the class the constructor was called on, and that class is always passed as a hidden first parameter for every constructor call.
Second is the issue of whether NewInstance should be called in place of or in addition to the constructor. I think other comments have already established that it has nothing to do with compatibility with older Delphi versions. All versions have supported calling constructors on class references without the need for NewInstace. Rather, the confusion comes from looking at TApplication.CreateForm and treating it as an example of how things should be done. That's a mistake.
CreateForm calls NewInstance before calling the constructor because CreateForm's primary reason for existence is to ensure that the global form variable that the IDE declares is valid during the form's own event handlers, including OnCreate, which runs as part of the constructor. If the CreateForm method had done the usual construction pattern, then the global form variable would not yet have had a valid value. Here's what you might have expected to see:
TComponent(Reference) := InstanceClass.Create(Application);
Simple and obvious, but that won't work. Reference won't get assigned a value until after the constructor returns, which is long after the form has triggered some events. If you follow good programming practice and never refer to that variable from within the form class itself, then you'll never notice. But if you follow the documentation's instructions, which are written for an inexperienced audience, then you will refer to the global form variable from within the form's own methods, so the CreateForm method does what it can to make sure it's assigned in time.
To do that, it uses a two-step construction technique. First, allocate memory and assign the reference to the global variable:
Instance := TComponent(InstanceClass.NewInstance);
TComponent(Reference) := Instance;
Next, call the constructor on the instance, passing the TApplication object as the owner:
It's my opinion that CreateForm should be called exactly once in any program. I'd prefer zero times, but it has the side effect of defining Application.MainForm, which is important for other aspects of a Delphi program.
Third is the notion that it's unusual for an object to call a constructor on itself.
In fact, this happens all the time. Every time you call an inherited constructor, you're calling a constructor on an object that already exists. The inherited constructor is not allocating a new object. Likewise, the VCL has some examples of non-inherited calls of constructors. TCustomForm.Create delegates much of its construction tasks to its CreateNew constructor.
Re your question about memory being leaked when Create() raises an exception: You should try it out for yourself. I just did on Delphi 2007, and with your code FastMM4 shows an error dialog about the attempt to call a virtual method on an already freed object, namely Destroy(). So the exception in Create will already lead to the destructor being called and the memory being freed, so your code is actually wrong. Stick to the idiom used in the answer by Gamecat, and everything should work.
I just tried on Delphi 4, and the behaviour is the same. Test code:
TCrashComp = class(TComponent)
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TCrashComp.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
inherited Create(AOwner);
raise Exception.Create('foo');
destructor TCrashComp.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
C: TComponent;
C := TComponent(TCrashComp.NewInstance);
C.Tag := 42;
With FastMM4 the Free in the finally block gives the same error, because C has been freed already. On application shutdown the exception and the exception string are reported as memory leaks, though. This is however not a problem with the code, but with the runtime.
Didn't fully remember how it was in old delphi versions but apparently this should work in all based on other replies.
Note, Create has been calling Destroy on fail for as long as I can remember. It shouldn't be after I think.
Code would be:
procedure TPageClassFactory.TryExecute(ScrnClass: TCustomPageClass);
ScrnObj: TCustomPage;
ScrnObj := ScrnClass.Create(Self); // Exception here calls the destructor
ScrnObj.Execute; // Exception here means you need to free manually
FreeAndNil(ScrnObj); // Be free!
I removed the result returned by the original function as it can never be false, only "unassigned" (exception) or true. You could after all get an exception before you assign result to false. ;)
